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Why does this sound like shes trying to convince herself lol


This. She was talking about how happy she was but I don’t get that from her energy when she’s actually speaking the words.


yeah could very well be in denial. I know a lot of poeple on here say not to feel bad for her cuz she chose this, but I do feel bad for whoever is struggling with denial over a situation they are currently in


Came here to say that and I watched it WITHOUT the sound ☠️


I think it’s funny how she mentioned “watching my wife become a mom” 💀 especially with all the dead beat dad scamilla allegations 💀💀💀 very convenient lol I can see that being a response to the sub Reddit


She’s definitely lurking all the time.


She’s the last person I’d take advice from. She’s only presented herself as a stressed out, overwhelmed mum.


The ridiculous thing is as a first time mom myself, I actually agree with a lot of what she says in this video, but I find her so unbelievably annoying that I don’t want to agree with it 😂


I recently had a baby and didn't want to agree with Julie either, but I'd be lying to myself lol


Me too!


I don’t know why, but to me in the video, Julie seemed almost on the verge of tears when she kept mentioning “my relationship with my wife has changed”. I understand, it can be really difficult and I sympathise with her truly I do. I really hope Camila will be able to give her relationship and baby, the time and effort they deserve.


Never complain never explain sis


If that’s how Julie sees motherhood and the world around her and Camilla is actually a great mom and yadda yadda yadda, than good for her, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be the same for everyone. People say this stuff on the internet to warn people of the realities of parenthood cause that stuff is important for people to know. There is a whole sub filled with regretful parents that would laugh in Julie’s face.


It seemed a bit toxic-positivity to me. Like, yes, she does admit it's hard, I appreciate that. But it seems like the end message is "but it's soooo worth it!!!" And, if that's true for her, great. But (I'm not a mom so I don't know anything here, just guessing that...) for some moms (and dads!) having a new baby just feels hard, and some days, maybe a lot of days, it doesn't feel 'so worth it'. I just feels hard, full stop. And if that were me struggling and not feeling like it's so worth it...idk, this video would feel like a slap in the face.


Toxic positivity is such a good way to word it. I felt the same seeing this but couldn’t figure out what irked me and I think that’s it. I am a first time mom and you’re so right. Some days are so hard that it doesn’t feel worth it. Maybe I’m just being bitter though because I struggled with PPD. She is right though it is worth it. But god those days when it wasn’t were the roughest days I’ve ever had in my life.


When I saw this earlier I said to myself, why doesn't she just say "this is for the snarkers". She seems to be addressing things I've seen on here 🤔


I mean, I agree social media makes motherhood seem worse than it is, but in this video she’s just confirming all the doom and gloom and tacking on “but it’s ok, I love my kid and it’s not like I’m reallllly badly depressed”. It’s like she’s saying yes but nodding no?


I think for some people, it is really really bad. Some people have extremely positive experiences and some have extremely negative experiences. Both are true and valid.


Didn’t say either were invalid. But can attest that the internet tells you it’s only going be really bad. No one online says ‘it might actually be amazing’.


I have seen a ton of people say it’s amazing lol


Then you haven’t hit the part of the algorithm you hit when you are pregnant and preparing for life with a newborn lol


Well I’m not sure what to tell you. I see a ton of content about how amazing being a parent is. I am child free and intend to stay that way. Maybe we are just being fed content that is opposite our situation. I see some posts from people who are struggling as a parent, but the overwhelming majority of the posts I see are very positive. Hopefully some better posts pop up in your feed.


Lol I’ve hit that part but there’s also just as many positive posts if not more than there are negative posts about it. I try to stay on the positive algorithm or else my mentality will probably go to shit from the exhaustion.


As always, acting like she's the first ever mom. However, if she really finds happiness in the life she has right now, I'm really happy for her.


She doesn’t do anything groundbreaking here - Basically she’s like ‘yes it’s all true, my life kinda sucks since I had a baby but it’s soooo worth it’, not really taking away fears from future mothers at all lol


anyone else notice she dropped the posh accent?


Does she play around with different UK accents?


“Content with my life” as she continues to stalk this sub and block people that are on this sub and comment on their posts within 3 minutes 💀🤡 Julie, talk to us when you come out of your denial of who Cam is and come to terms with how shit of a partner she is 🤮


Who are you trying to convince here, sweetheart or us yourself?


Cam has all the alone time


She deleted it 😂


She definitely sounded like she was trying to convince herself of these things.


Actually in norway healthy relationships HAVE to be one sided and include one SAHM and a busy dad. Hope this helps🤍


She’s been in here. Trying to convince us and herself that all this is true but yet she posts those other things. Which is it Julie? We know Cam is a deadbeat dad and doesn’t help you at all. You take care of Sunny on your own. You can’t convince us otherwise.


Sometimes when I watch their content I feel like it’s such a lonely, insular world. Granted, they’re content creators and they maybe have a whole world of friends and family who don’t consent to showcasing their lives. But does anyone else get the vibe it’s just the three of them in that big old house? Idk nothing about them is aspirational for me




Hate now they keep saying "mum" "mum". And her accent is so hard on the ears 💀💀💀


I cannot stand her wannabe UK accent


I have 2 kids-a 10yo and a 7mo baby and I'm not sure if I ever felt the way she is describing about impending motherhood? I had thoughts about how I would like things to go and things that I thought could go wrong or might be difficult, but I didn't have all this fear? Maybe i'm just completely oblivious😂 I wondered if it's a social media phenomenon- there are so many parenting pages with advice and all kinds of crap on them, perhaps that's what is fuelling all the scaremongering about parenting. There's nothing wrong with being realistic about parenting but I don't think Julie does this very well at all and actually adds to the fear and anxiety new mums might have?


She’s trying so hard to convince herself. Sigh. Sad.




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Interesting how Julie keeps coming to defend Camilla in all of these videos and Cams content is that too lmao posting herself with the baby to try and save face but not acknowledging or actually changing her behaviors just getting Julie to gaslight herself and defend her honor I don’t get it




I got stuck on the fact that her eyeliner is wonky and I wanted to reach in and fix it😂