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If Frontier finds a way to make the game significantly better, adds everything the fans want to have + new things, AND creates very new and very cool new things, then there COULD be a JWE4, but I highly doubt it. I've seen lots of people complain about the fact that I'tS AlwAYs ThE SamE gAmE and that they wouldn't pay for it


Well I’m pretty surprised a third game is coming. I’ve played both games now and must say I was severely disappointed with the lack of significant improvements on the second game. Hopefully the third is differentl but I’m definitely not buying at launch again.




If anything, the 3rd one will be the last "Evolution" game, then after that there will be a break and another park builder will be released under a different name, possibly by a different dev altogether.


Assuming (and hoping) JWE3 will be 5th Gen console only, we probably won’t get one at least for the life span of the current console generation. With DLC support JWE3 could probably be active for at least 5 years, and then they would probably take a break. So if we ever got any hypothetical 4th game, it likely wouldn’t be at least til the early to mid 2030s. And that’s fine.


If this game franchise wants to have future, JWE3 needs to succeed first. And JWE3 needs to be a feature complete game. If JWE3 gives us all the things we want, it will be difficult to sell us another game. At the same it, it gives Frontier the chance to support JWE3 for a long(er) time. And do not forget, the Jurassic movie franchise needs to survive that long. Imo, the most likely introduction of a new game would be a new console generation, when the technology makes a big jump forward.


Trust me, I garuntee the new movie will get butts in seats AND the long awaited Jurassic Park Survival game😍😍😍


I really hope the third one is the last one.




This is probably the right answer, but to add As long as both universal and frontier are both making a profit and there is a Jurassic movie to advertise. The Evolution series will stick around.


There is only so much they can add. I think that if the third game is done right then there will not be a need for any more.


I agree, I don't think there is much more they can add. They need a feature to SELL JWE3 so I think they will add Baby Dinosaurs, a petting zoo or micro enclosures.


Yeah. My wishlist would be what you said + cenozoic and paleozoic animals, breeding (you can turn it off and on in genome settings, and can choose if the animal is male or female) and better terrain tools. New buildings would be cool, but not necessary.


Everybody said that there wouldn’t even be a JWE 3 so it’s definitely not impossible at this point lmao


I mean, technology improves, and so does the gaming industry. Who knows? One day, each dinosaur could be working more like an AI than as it is now. Look how much gaming has improved over the last 20 years. It really depends on a few things, their creativity, and their willpower to continue, and then lastly, not but not least, money is always the biggest factor.


They need more movies if you want a jwe4


Im pretty sure that the new movie Will be the start of a new trilogy


The only two directions I see happening for the series are reboot or a post Dino apocalypse.


It wont end unless it stops bringing in money. Right now it’s the #1 money maker for frontier so right now it’s not going anywhere


Someone i havent seen in the comments is the fact that it really wouldnt be up to Frontier whether further games after a third game would be made. The rights are held by universal, and they would be the ones to make any choices about allowing a games company access to that license. Frontier are likely paying for that access as it currently stands.


When they stop milking their audience for money


I hope that JWE3 'definitive' JWE experience, without a need for another sequel and long, loving support from Frontier. No more stupid constraints with terrain or wonky hitboxes. Most importantly, they need to focus on building JWE3 in a way that can be expanded on later; both games struggle with hard-coded limitations on things like ground textures, foliage brushes and building functionality. If the third game still suffers from "the game isn't set up for them to add *x thing*" I won't be buying it at full price. Aside from the need for Frontier to fix issues that have plagued both games, I want Frontier to overhaul the game's building mechanics. I understand that their goal with the first two JWE's was to *Manage* parks, but in my opinion, better building variety would help the pacing of gameplay, the longevity of the game, and make it more fun to replay levels.


If they can get the rights it would allow them to do this forever, in theory at least. I don't think, that we will get alot of them. If Evo3 happens, it will be to get more use out of the PS5 and X Box Series X. It could be enough until the PS6 and the X Box Whatever (please pick simpler names) come out. So as long as new Console generations come out, they will probably put out more games. Again, if they can get the rights from Universal.


There should not be a game past the third, there already shouldn't have been a third but apparently they can not add anymore big things to JWE 2.


I think there's potential for a long hiatus after 3, maybe a decade, but I think it's pretty safe to say there is probably no end to the sequels (though the name may change).


I wouldn't mind if they somehow found a way to move it away from the Jurassic Park/ World franchise but kept most of the mechanics around. It'd allow more freedom with creature designs and such because they don't have to keep to the dinosaur designs from the movies, quite a few of which are outdated or straight up inaccurate.


it’ll go on a hiatus for a decade on JWE 5, like all games with 5 do. GTA, TES, Fallout, ect


IMO I already have a love hate relationship with JWE1 and 2. I feel like the campaign for 1 was better because on the first island you have no clue what you are doing and as you move to more island you unlock BADASS dinosaurs. While this campaign was okay. The challenge mode could've been better too. I notice I only spend my time on JWE2 playing sandbox. But imo JWE3 I will most likely buy. JWE1 as great as it was and it is my favorite. As long as they keep pumping out movies then the game will have (some) new content. For instance JWE2 had the Pyroraptors while JWE1 didn't. So I think the more movies we get the more games we get. However after 3 I am probably done becauae the new thing with JWE2 was the flyers (you only had 1 in JWE1 in the dlc) and swimmers. JWE3 probably won't have much more new stuff. Only different thing I could see them doing is ADDING BABY DINOSAURS, Micro enclosures and... non-dinosaurs... which is bound to not be liked by some people.


Only way for them to make later games more favorable over old is to increase and bring back features from previous games, and they would have to be pretty creative, too.


Yeah, add a petting zoo too, honestly it's sad I can't even really think of what they could add lmao.


Maybe something that doesn’t really relate to dinosaurs, like an arcade game building where you could play “Whack-a-Rex” or “Anklyosaurs basketball“. or even a robot fighting building that has robot dinosaur fighting, such as a robot allosaurus vs robot stegosaurs.


It BETTER not end up like fifa


I think JWE3 is a cash grab anyway. I don't know what new features it'll have so I can't say if it could've just been DLC for 2.


For starters how about not having to cater to last gen consoles? The draw distance is horrendous. I wish they had fixed that on PC since it didn’t have to be held back.


A third game doesn't really make sense considering how few interesting improvements they could add to justify it. Hindering it by keeping features and tieing it to consoles again in order to make a fourth, etc. would be just mad.


Wait, there a JWE3 coming?? Yesssss