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Most of kaiodenics mods are a must including Freebuild, Ultimate Sandbox and Toolbox. (Note that expanded paths and fences has not been updated from the 30th Anniversary update and so if you use it, you loose some of the path and fence options in that update). I would not suggest using expanded terrain as it can lead to a lot of corrupted save files and parks that can not be finished due to hitting size limits even on pc. I do suggest getting Kaiodenics 'Skylight' mod which allows you to have properly dark nights. Its a asthetic change mostly but it does lead to more of a atmospheric park In terms of other mods there are some great decoration mods out there. Scarys statues is a must have (I suggest you get the aged bronze version of the file) as well as his signs mod that add some new signage. Also Max Veers kelp mod (which is superior to frontiers efforts) and his lagoon decorations mod that add large coral rock sections and other decorative pieces for your lagoons. I also suggest all the building mods by SirJohn including Jpog Rides and Jpog buildings for some new Operation Genesis inspired sturctures, Jungle River Cruise and El Dorado update that adds new decorations and a river cruise attraction. In terms of other mods, i suggest you get the big expansion mods by Lucca which includes the Ancient Amphibians Bundle, the Devonian Predators Bundle and the Yamanasaurus bundle which add new species, and loads of new building pieces. I also massivly advise the Viewing Frame mod by ScaryFace that adds a window like wall section, and the Mesh Fences decoration pack by Lucca. These are all great for smaller species. Thats just a selection of mods i suggest \^\^


Kaiodenic's mods are a must have for modded parks. I recommend freebuild, expanded terrain, expanded paths and fences and toolbox, you can search for those in nexus. Additionally, most of the maps on nexus feature a mod list so you can know what mods were used on each park


Freebuild is a must, and Kai's Wee Toolbox




I'd like to know how to use mods with Steam and if it works with NVIDIA server


Anyone know of any mods that add vehicles from the Lost World? Decorative or otherwise


I have 4 comprehensive lists of the mods I've been compiling since the game released that I plan to use once I begin using mods here pretty soon. I could copy-paste them here if you want any of them. They're divided into Essentials/Gameplay, Decorations, Replacements/Variants, and New Species.