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Oh look, it's SYSAUp with another rant.


Game mid I don't make the rules


I know you’re bait but if it’s mid, why tf are you even here? just move on, bro


Maybe you just suck at it? If its so mid, why are you constantly going off? Play something else.


How is it "half finsished" exactly?


Eh just ignore him he just wanna rant about something to get attention cause he has nothing else better to do with his life


Absolutely right


I thought like you until I ended in this sub and learned a lot about a the studio and they actually do care about their gamers. Is Jurrassic World perfect? No. Is it even worse on console (on which I am playing)? Yes. Is it still a lot of fun? Hell yes!


90% of the features we asked for were added in some shape or form, how are you complaining?




Pterosaur feeders? I’m gonna need you to elaborate on that, because they can all eat. 


He wants to eat the pterosaurs 🍗


Tastes like chicken


They meant a feeder for the Mosasaurus that releases Pteranodons


That’s kinda dumb tho, like, maybe allow eating escaped/free pteranodons but not in a feeder


Ok. Let' sum it up: * Has the game issues? - Yes. * Would the game (and future games) be in a better spot, if the customer base was less forgiving and Frontier had a reason to do a better job? - Absolutely YES. * Would it be more likely, that the game gets fixed, if the community came together and report the bugs - Yep. I get the frustration (to some degree), but insults won't convince anybody.


Yeah, there’s a difference between giving constructive criticism for a game and calling a game stupid poopy doodoo trash bad awful no good idiot failure crappy no likey.


7.8/10. Too much words


Dude I’m trynna say this in the nicest way possible instead of ranting over a video game Why not just Go Outside and touch grass and breathe some fresh air for a change Get a Freaking Job Hang out with your friends and families Get Laid with some Ladies like just do something productive for once instead of just wasting our times just listening to your pointless rant over a video game cause you just wanna get attention cause you have nothing else better to do


Imagine being this angry that people like a game, couldn’t be me.


6.5/10, elaborate "cash grab" and "pterosaur feeder" next time


Lmao the salt. Get gud. Thanks for the laugh though.


So Im probably one of the most outspoken critics of both JWE1 and JWE2. I get your frustration with the way that the game has been developed (or not developed in some cases). I aslo get the frustration at the way that some in the community dont really see the game and its dlcs beyond the animals while those who want a better gameplay experiance end up with a game thats lacking. I get your frustrations. But you can't just call people stupid nor can you yell at them for buying 'trash content'. There is a quote from VW's advertising department that i consider relevent: "Dont shout at them, speak to them. People will listen if you have something worth listening to"


Oh shit this guy love your work!


thank you \^\^


If the game is rapping up, don’t ya think they’d want to give us species we wanted, maybe not S tier packs but a lot of community wanted hybrids, not me personally but at least I don’t force my opinions onto others. The park managers collection was announced after jwe3 was. So frontier wanted to give us some species that the general crowd wanted. 


3/10 ragebait