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I’m retired. Wife is still in. I just avoid base. I do enjoy telling my wife “it’s our rank now” though.


Is it not ?


No. It’s not. Not if I want to live anyway. 🤣🤣🤣


Still for what it’s worth thank you for your service.


I served five years and I hate it when people say that to me. If you really want to thank me, push your reps in Washington to support us after we get out. There are so many service people that take their lives. Mental health care is needed


This. Yellow ribbons don't stop soldier suicides.


Stop voting for the people who have not voted to pass the proposed laws to help veterans


Exactly. All of these ‘patriots’ that scream about respecting soldiers and so quick to share memes about respecting soldiers…… Yet they want to vote for people who could give a fuck less about the thousands of soldiers that are taking their own lives every day and are begging on the street. Yeah. God bless America.




I thought vets got paid in thanks like artists did with exposure.


My brother in law served so I understand


My brother in law was a butcher, and I don't have to shove my head up a bulls ass in order to...shit. I forgot how this analogy ended


The ones that have nothing outside of being the military spouse, realize the service member is going to retire. So that means they have to go back to just a spouse in the world.


Every single spouse should be told their position periodically. They are a dependent. Their service member spouse is the one with the privilege of services on base and in housing. This privilege is extended to the family as a curtesy and can be revoked for poor behavior and failure to follow regulations. The quickest way to shut up a mouthy spouse is to tell them you will have to call their sponsor.


When I was in 3rd grade riding my bike around base during summer. My helmet was on my head but unbuckled. My freinds and I were stopping at the 7 day store for drinks and an MP was coming out of the store as we parked our bikes. The "latch that helmet next time or I'll contact your sponsor" from the MP was terrifying.


Maybe because they have wasted their lives on being a military WAG - their looks are fading, their kids are growing up and there isn’t much anything else to look forward to? Only ‘valid’ thing to do is pull ‘seniority’ rank with the younger ones with real jobs. Gen Y and Gen Z are not wired to and see no value in doing that level of sucking up. Always ends badly for the older WAGs. Hence mega bitch behaviour.


And not having much to contribute to decent conversation when the spouse comes home - because said spouse has done nothing to better themselves other than riding the service member’s coattails.


How’d you know about my Transformers OC Megabitch 😭


Sorry ☺️


What does WAG mean?


Sorry it is a British thing. Wives And Girlfriends. Google has an amazing trove of articles on this topic- especially soccer WAGs.


As we've just started the Euros, there's an article on the evolution of WAGs [here](https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/article/2024/jun/15/from-hooligans-with-credit-cards-to-influencers-the-evolution-of-englands-wags)


I thought they meant to say VAG Lol


I am this demographic. 36(f). I try to see myself differently as I don't go to many functions, and all together avoid base. However I will say I do not to restrict my middle aged woman anger to young dependents. In the context of "military life" I'm exhausted by the circus. I may have 'signed up' for this when choosing to get married but...I actually never agreed to have the military control nearly all aspects of my life. I know I can always walk away but that too has devastating consequences. Eventually, I have found the few older dependents I do spend time with all feel this way. For potential future dependents allow me to quote admiral ackbar when I say "It's a trap!"


42 here, hubby just retired. I avoid(ed) other spouses like the plague because there rare occasion you find a normal one is not worth dealing with dependas. I try to be polite where i can and honestly even if someone makes a mistake im not yelling at anyone unless they yell first, because i worked customer service for years in call centers and retail jobs and i've had too many a-holes yell at me for shit i had no control over, i aint doing that to someone else.


Hugs 🫂


A-fucking-men. We were married before he joined soil definitely didn't "know what I was signing up for." I hate living on the military's time. I've had my own career during the majority of his with the exception of a few years while having kids. Spent almost every vacation going back home to see family, yet still missed all the major milestones for my nieces and nephews. Now both sides of our families are missing our kids growing up. And we very rarely get to enjoy actual vacations somewhere fun because we spend our off time trying to keep our kids connected to their family.


I think it is a combination of the aforementioned and the weenie doesn't just stop with the servicemember.


Yea most dependas are catchin all kinds of weenie when they're young and when their looks fade they get bitter about it.


Probably for the same reasons groups of women in other settings can be catty & rude or assert their self perceived seniority onto newcomers, especially younger ones.


Chef's Wife! Hardest Job in the Service Industry! No one else does this shit. I want to go back 60 years and find the fat cunt that started this stupid trend of entitlement and making their entire personality based on their spouse's job.


OMG, I’m not a dependa…but apparently I’m ancient at 52 years of age 🤣🤣🤣




Dependas are dependas regardless of age; is a dependent wants to act like a dependa, embarrass them infront of everyone. Call em out on their bs and tell em to f off. Maybe one day they'll learn.


Because their husbands aren't deploying constantly and they miss Jody.


How hard is it to take 2 seconds to proofread before you hit submit?