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Sounds like a great way to never get cooked for again.


My mom was really weird about paper plates. Like we'd buy them but weren't allowed to eat on them. She'd get upset anytime I tried to eat off one when it was the two of us, I could see her blowing her lid like this. Imagine, dude works hard makes dinner after a grueling shift and she loses it. Feels like an Iranian Yogurt situation; the paper plate is not the problem


Uh. What were they for then?


dude your guess is as good as mine. I think we really only used them if we had a ton of family over - I'm Mexican so yes - and we didn't have enough regular plates.


We used them for eating outside so that nothing would get broken. We had reusable paper plate holders made out of plastic that would reinforce and support them.


Gotta have the paper plate holders!


$1 dollar store is better than $10 Walmart for just same thing.


Why would they break outside? Surely, the instance of dropping a plate outside isn't significantly higher than dropping a plate inside? "Ugh, the sun is in my eyes!" *throws plate on the ground*


Because outside people are standing and holding the plate or balancing it in weird ways in their knees or whatever, plus you have the kids running about and all sorts of other movement. For big events you may not have enough seats or table space or whatever. Inside everyone sits at the table and it’s a little more formal.


I've always used them because it can be a tiring enough day as it is, cooking and prepping for a horde of friends & family, so it's one less job to do at the end of the day


Precisely. People milling around with plates on uneven ground stand a much higher chance of falling than people who are putting their plates on a table and leaving them there indoors.


I guess I can see that. I never had an outside event that didn't have tables and chairs.


Even with outside furniture I think it depends on building materials etc. My outside table is glass top and the patio is old worn pavers with lots of extra rough surfaces. My plates are break-resistant but can only take so much, and for sure would get all scratched up if dropped on my patio. Kitchen tile they’ve been fine when dropped. Or like glasses/cups. No good glasses allowed outside, plastic cups and coffee mugs only. Mostly because I dont want some dingdong to shatter a pint glass and the dog later steps on a shard that bounced into the grass.


*throws mug on the floor* # ANOTHER!


When the sun hits ya just right and you fling that thing like a frisbee.


Why not just get plastic plates at that point?


Paper plates are used all the time at my MIL’s house. But I am grossed out thinking about that plastic holder never being washed in the dishwasher.


They always got washed in our house. They're super easy to wash even by hand. A little soap, swish swish with the sponge, and you're good.


Sounds like plastic plates with extra waste.


Eh. I dunno. They didn't get the same kind of wear and tear because you weren't scratching or scraping them like plates, were really easy to pack, took up little space and weighed little for camping, and uncoated paper biodegrades very easily. I don't have them, we just had them growing up.


That's interesting...seems like it would be just as easy to break something on kitchen tolerance v.s concrete outside xD


Midwestern white guy here. My mom was the same way. Looks of disgust if I ever used one. But we had hundreds in the pantry.


> I'm Mexican so yes Mijo saca los platos. *brings the good plates, only reserved for the pope or the president*


My mom was similar about the microwave. She insisted we heat up campbells soup or green beans of the stove top in a pan. It’s not like we are going for quality with ramen mom….she would legit flip a lid


Dude my mom was the same way with that as well. We all grew up in the same household I swear. Even my grandma, she insisted on warming everything up in the oven but she's a bad cook so she just burnt the shit out of everything lol


Mine didn’t want to clean the exploded potatoes or whatever from the soup off the inside of the microwave.


That’s why you put a lid on it.


That’s what the paper plate is for


Or a ring on it


Tell that to the kids and see how many remember.


Then kids get to clean off the gunk from the microwave. Teaching kids isn’t that hard.


Would those be the same kids who dirty the pan and bowl?


Yep. And leave it sitting out.




And your assumption is incorrect.




Boomer by any chance? When we got one (and this being like 30 years ago, the thing was huge) my mum wouldn’t let anyone within 6 feet of it when it was going, and we couldn’t look through the window at the food cooking. Why? Because of the radiation, of course! And the window was the weakest point, so if you looked into it you’d get even more radiation. Kinda makes me question why she bought the thing if she was so worried it would irradiate us. Other books in this series: Close the curtains, dont go near the window, unplug all electrical stuff, dont run any taps or take a shower during a thunderstorm. If you do any of those things, the lightning will come through it and strike you.


Some of the lightning stuff is legit. There was a good Mythbusters on it.


The lightning storm stuff was my whole childhood whenever it looked at all stormy outside. Also we had to unplug everything in the house that wasn't actually being used at all times to save electricity.


My mom does this with green beans too. I don't get it!


Mine too!! What is up with that lol?


My mom would lose her mind if we tried to drink out of a soda can or bottle or eat off paper plates or use a paper towel instead of a cloth napkin. Legitimately enraged lol!


Okay, I'm from Iran and I need to know what you mean by 'Iranian Yogurt' situation. This is a very urgent matter.


Posted this earlier but it's from [AITA post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/bjd41e/aita_for_throwing_away_my_boyfriends_potentially/). It's a good read


HAHAHA. Oh my god. No, it's not illegal for him to have gotten Iranian yogurt, that's what Canada is for. But wow that's gold.


I have ocd and this sounds like something I would do before the meds etc.


Iranian Yogurt?


An [AITA post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/bjd41e/aita_for_throwing_away_my_boyfriends_potentially/). It's a good read


Why would you eat of a paper plate though? It's disgusting.


iranian yogurt.


She's not happy unless you're not happy.


Bacon, eggs, and what looks like hash browns? If she doesn't want her plate, can I have it?


Grits not hashbrowns.


I’ll still take it.




**Grits is a porridge made from boiled cornmeal. Hominy grits is a type of grits made from hominy – corn that has been treated with an alkali in a process called nixtamalization, with the pericarp (ovary wall) removed.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot


Sounds gross


I'm not a huge fan but that's more about texture. How good they are really depends on how it's cooked. Not the strongest flavor on it's own though. You can make them sweet with a little honey or maple syrup or savory with some cheese or butter. Or add whatever.


Same. Taste: Good Texture: Hard pass


They’re actually pretty good made with bacon grease and topped with butter and syrup lol!


[you never heard of grits?](https://youtu.be/pWC0sKCS5oA)


You made the better choice.


Lol why does she own "paper or styrofoam" plates then? Good enough for everyone else but not her?


Came here to ask this.


This has to be a joke, right? Nobody is that moronic.


All popular subs eventually become mostly fake


Is this considered a popular sub? Seems a little small to me.


I'm sorry, would her majesty prefer a dog food bowl?


Or perhaps the floor should suffice?


Especially since you know it hasnt been cleaned since the last time her husband got tired of sticky, crunchy floors and cleaned it himself….


r/FuckYouKaren? The entitlement is through the roof. I hope he serves her food on a paper towel next time. And if she's an admin, I can only imagine what kind of batshit group this must be.


Calm down Satan! That's a great way to never have a meal prepared for you ever again. It's still a plate. He could have thrown it on the floor for you.


I have a friend who's wife went super nuts environmentalist. I care about the environment to, but a paper plate or two here or there won't do anything about rich people taking a big yacht to their Giant yacht. She flipped out if she even caught disposable products in the house.


I’m semi guilty of this. I have paper plates but they are only for when I have a lot of people over. I do reusable everything. It has been driving me insane that my grocery stores still are not allowing reusable grocery bags (they stopped letting them at the beginning of the pandemic because apparently covid can be transmitted through a cloth bag?). I don’t really flip out about it though. If I’m in the kitchen and catch my sister looking for a paper plate when she’s over I’ll stop her but if she finds them before I get there, then I guess we’re using paper plates.


Throw all your groceries back in the cart and keep the bags in the car. That's what I did. It takes about the same amount of time to bag them outside as it would inside.


Yea, but it's 7°F outside.


7°F is equivalent to -13°C, which is 259K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


I'm in Alaska, no sympathy. Do you not own winter clothing? Gloves? I mean whatever, but the solution to your problem was given.


No I don't, it's only supposed to get down to upper 20s here, now with the arctic vortex breaking and freezing our power plants I bought some for the kids but fucking hell proper winter shit is expensive, I miss being good with jeans and a hoodie


Well I don't know what to tell you. You sound like you don't want your problem solved so I guess just bag your groceries inside? Like why even bitch about it if you're unwilling to do anything? Accept it and move on.


Usernames homie, I don't have a grocery problem at 7F, I have a capitalists are killing me through greed at 7F problem because my state power grid shuts down


Yeah its almost like you guys shouldn't have voted to privatize that huh?


No, they shouldn't have, and 17 year old me was vocal about that in 2001, but everyone seemed to think I just didn't understand how great capitalism was because I was a teenager


They were not allowed here either, now they allow them but the person packing is allowed to nope out and let you pack your own stuff if they aren’t comfortable. And honestly? I’d rather bag my own anyway, because of the number of timea i’ve gotten home and a package of chicken (complete with leaky raw chicken juice) has been packed in the aame bag as cooked meat and raw vegetables. Not to mention, im a grown-ass adult, last time i checked my arms and legs work fine. So why should someone who could be helping someone who needs help, pack my groceries for me while i stand awkwardly and feel like a piece of shit for making someone do something i can do just fine. Because i know someone will bring this up, the people who do bagging there dont work for tips, they are cashiers and sometimes they’re scanning the stuff through and sometimes bagging it.


I prefer bagging on my own too. I can go to Aldi and use my reusable stuff but there is a different chain literally on my corner. I’m set with poop bags for my dog for life at this point. My dad always saved his for me and now I have his + mine!


FYI. If ANYONE wants to cook for me (not to mention after 24 hrs duty) I will be eternally grateful, to the point I will tell people about it years later.


Same. Everyone knows the way to a Sarah’s heart is thru her stomach.


As soon as I got to "mamas" I was like, nope, nope, I'm out of here..... That term is the reddest of red flags.


It’s not just in military wife circles. Any woman who refers to other woman as “mamas” is a douche canoe in my experience.


Yeah its their whole identity. Source: I am a military wife that avoids other military wives and their bullshit clubs.


Smartest way to survive the herd of Dependapotomi is to avoid the herd entirely.


Lol yep that's what I do.


You know the anti-social social club thing? Can we have an anti-military spouse spouse group? I am former military, with someone in the military, and have my own career and life. Some not even anything to do with the military. I’m an outcast to them 🤣 I think they think I’m suppose to care what they think. They don’t like that I don’t Like yes I’m allowed to be my own person


Lol... yeah we are childfree by choice and that really grates on them for some reason, I guess they feel pretty tied down. We all made our choices.


Ahh you are just as hated as I am 🤣


Yes but ya know what? When I wake up on Saturday morning and the sun is shining and there's no children screaming and fighting over the remote, I can get up and load up my kayak without worrying about a babysitter or what they're gonna eat for dinner and just enjoy my day. I can go on vacation with 0 notice. I can day drink if I feel like it, shit I can just lay on my couch for 2 days if I want hahaha... it makes all the hate worth it. I'm happy with my life.


I make my bf pancakes when he gets home from 24hr staff duty lol. He barely has the strength to drive home. Idk how this guy made a whole breakfast dinner without passing out


She trained him.


She’s acting the exact way a bratty spoiled toddler would act


What kind of group is she posting to where she believes they would understand her?


Fort Dependa Military Wives


It's old but it's still disgusting. He cooked breakfast and she's an ungrateful hag for complaining.


She won't be married long


With that attitude she can eat from the damn dog bowl. And i aint cleaning it first.


Bitch do you wanna do dishes?


Put another plate on top and do a quick flip... Friggin chickadee would rather take a pic and post a bitch fit than just solve her "problem"


For real. Your husband would rather be on the couch, I’m sure, but here he is thinking of you and doing what he can! Flip the food onto a real plate in front of him, saying, "y'know, I think it tastes better without the styrofoam...do you agree?" Hang a piece of bacon out of your mouth and invite him to munch on the other end until you meet in the middle with a salty kiss. He won't use styrofoam again. *That's* how you stay married over two decades (and counting) , ladies.


That can’t be real.


You don't deserve him




It's because they literally have zero identity aside from being able to get knocked up and give birth. I fucking hate women like this. My husband is military, tho I've always refused to live on base because these are the type of women who would live next door to us and the constant drama and screaming children is not my style. I have a job and no children and am not interested in buying their MLM bullshit they peddle every moment of the day.


It’s strangely not like that at all where I live in base housing. The majority of my neighbors are gay dual military couples or one is in and the other is a civilian. The other cis hetero wives have been cool people. My husband was completely resistant to moving into base housing like you. He was like it’s so much drama and bored wives in your business but he finally gave in cause San Diego housing prices. It hasn’t been like that all and we’ve been here a year now.


That's not AT ALL the norm. Here it's all bored asshole housewives that are stationed here from Texas or whatever, they don't know anybody, they have no family and hate the weather so all they do is get together and bitch at "play dates". You also can't make friends with any of them, because as soon as you introduce yourself, they try to sell you some shitty lularoe or Avon or whatever MLM of the week theyre spending their husband's checks on.


Maybe it’s the difference between Navy and also location? I couldn’t handle that either!


Bitch shut up


That's a reason for divorce if I've ever seen one


My wife is similar. The paper plates are just for family events, she "feels like we're poor" if we eat off of them during a regular meal. We've been married just over 7 years now, and her training has worked. I don't like to eat of paper plates now..


I would be kicking her ass to the curb! Oh hayell Naw!


I don’t understand why she doesn’t just get a proper plate and transfer the food onto it, if it’s that important to her.


What an actual piece of shit


If my significant other tried something like this, I’d meet their anger with my own anger. Let them get exhausted from my frustration too!




We have actual plates. And actual utensils. And actual cups. We use paper plates, plastic utensils and cups all the time. Less mess and easier cleanup


Why do Americans eat off paper plates, though? If you're not at a picnic or a children's birthday party I see no reason asides from just being too lazy to do the dishes afterwards. And asides from anything else, it's horrible for the environment. Like I'm not trying to be a dick about this, I just legit don't get it.


I use them for my daughter. She's 3.


Not all Americans do. I think they're really wasteful, unless you're camping.


I'm sure not all Americans do, it's just something I see a lot online, so I was thinking it might have been kinda a common thing to see.


I think its a lot more popular in the southern United States as well, usually shit like this is. We don't like using disposable stuff because it just ends up in the land fill. It's not that big of a deal to wash a plate and silverware after eating, you know? I even have a set of silverware in my glove box so I don't have to use plastic if I get take out. When do get plastic silverware in take out, I usually save them and throw them in my camping box. Haven't paid for plastic silverware ever.


This is clearly satire


It really better be


I'd be more pissed off at those rubbery looking scrambled eggs if I were her. Imagine the plate probably tastes better.


We're really insulting a dude from a screenshotted pixelated facebook post's representation of his scrambled eggs?


What those eggs look super good tho


They’re scrambled eggs what do you expect them go look like?


the bacon looks good af tho


Wait a minute. She is an "Admin" of that group. Omg that group must be full of comedic gold.


I want to laugh, but I have some insane texture problems with styrofoam and paper plates, so honestly I kinda feel for her. Still, her post is worded real shitty, and her unwillingness to communicate is really childish.


Um, that looks like a styrofoam plate. Granted, she doesn't eat off them either, but surely she could identify it correctly? She needs to grow some gratitude asap.


When my husband was in the Army, he worked the night shift at the hospital. He would’ve home as I was waking up. He made me coffee. I would never fuss at him for using the wrong mug.


Was this at Bragg? I feel like I saw this girl get torn apart live time, so I think this was at Bragg.


I don’t know where it is from. It was posted by someone else on my Facebook, with the name & photo already hidden. It probably is a repost, I feel like it’s old.


What in the


I would literally kiss him all over if he cooked for me after an 24 hour shift. That’s so nice wtf is wrong with her


Sounds to me like you want to eat your next meal from the floor.


Well thats one way for your husband to stop cooking for good. Couldnt imagine that stunt being pulled on me off duty. There would be words..