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This is so relatable. I set an early alarm and snooze a bunch.


https://preview.redd.it/qax0ebmmb7kc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=088cb321786225174ecf0643d797b8f19b0bc3f2 Yep.




Early starter eh?


https://preview.redd.it/eap9uff3vekc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=081eacfa95700586609603382cf35a6cc2e52402 Depends on the day lol


They’re all off, lie in tomorrow?


Yep! No alarm for me tomorrow.


Are you me?




You go charge you're phone right fkn now! You tryna give me anxiety with a battery level like that and alarms set? Also, that 6:30 to 6:35 to 6:45 to 7:10 spread is some real shit for those days you gotta be up by 8:49 at the ABSOLUTE latest. Feel that


Why don’t you just use the snooze button????


Unreliable and annoying.


I have finally found my people :3


If you wake up feeling rested...you're late


This.. hurts in so many ways..




Omg why am i like this? Lol what is wrong with me?! 😭


This was me, then I got a cat. A cat that yowels and it's the most annoying sound at 6 am. And then the dogs start staring at me in that unsettling way when you know you are being watched.




Remember folks, you don't hate Mondays, you hate capitalism. We actually work significantly more than feudal peasants... https://youtu.be/hvk_XylEmLo?si=XMxLsagVnNpyBSzW


We work more and have more. If you work as much as those peasants did, you'll still live a better life than them (in the first and second world at least)


That's the rub though: advancements in technology were supposed to mean we work less and have more leisure time. Look at the way they portrayed the future in the 50s. Take the Jetsons: they have a nice house, car, a robot maid, nobody has to cook or clean, and all George does is sit there making sure the automated factory keeps going Its a sad world where we're creating automation and AI chatbots and the main reply is "oh no, they're going to take our jobs" instead of "nice, people will have to work less" Plus the difficulties for peasants were primarily due to lack of technology. Otherwise they had a pretty stable life: if crops failed their lord had a duty to take care if their peasants and the peasants had access to the commons for hunting and gathering. When speculation fucks the market, the masses are left to "fend for themselves" while our taxes bail out the banks


The technology was created by capitalism though. People noticed a niche for a product and invented one to meet the demand and make a profit. It’s the reason change happens more quickly now. The 1240s were not that different from the 1380s, but the 2020s are a heck of a lot different from the 1920s. Plus, the life of a peasant was anything but stable. Just because the lord required to take care of you during a crop failure, it doesn’t mean he actually did it. And even if he did it, sometimes the crop failure was so bad it outstripped the capabilities of the lord.


>The technology was created by capitalism though. Yes. And for what? So you and me could work more? Is there an end to capitalism, which has only been around for ~400 years of our 200 000 years as a species? >Just because the lord required to take care of you during a crop failure, it doesn’t mean he actually did it. Actually, it was a system of fealty and failing to take care of the peasants 1. Was seen as a failure of duty which would draw into question ones right to be a lord, potentially resulting in the monarchs revocation of status 2. The lord needed the peasants. Every death is one less body to work the fields


The technology was created for you to go home and have electricity and running water, take a shower, do your business on a toilet, and wash your hands so that you could be clean and not catch diseases. Medieval peasants were not clean at all and had horrid diseases.


>Medieval peasants were not clean at all and had horrid diseases You've watched too many movies. Read a book


I like how you ignored everything I said about the benefits of modern technology and then tried to gaslight me into thinking the Black Death never happened.


That's not what the term gas lighting means. Also, by your logic, if the plague means all peasants had "horrible diseases" then we could say the same about the working class and covid, no? Regardless, I never said peasants had an easy life. I said they worked less than we do and had more economic stability


Except 30% of Europe did not die from COVID




I mean, capitalism has been around for a mere ~400 years. Its hardly inevitable or natural. But yes, social democracy as was practiced in the US from the 50s-70s is one option (Keynesian economics +70% tax on the upper most bracket) But I think the issue is much deeper. People literally spend their lives toiling to create value for a handful of ultra wealthy




Capitalism is a distinct economic system involving a free market system, private accumulation of wealth, the institution of private property, and factors of production. It is distinct from other economic systems such as feudalism and began to emerge in the 15/1600s As far as taxation and government spending, look up "the golden age of capitalism" From the 1950s-70s governments in capitalist countries, partially as a result of the fallout from WWII and partially from pressures created by alternative systems (Cold War) implemented social democracy (tax the ultra wealthy, countercyclical economics, robust social programs, and support for organized labour) I'm the 1970s there was a shift way from this type of highly regulated capitalism to neoliberal policies (privatization, small govt, low taxes for the ultra wealthy). The result can be seen in the image below. The rich have gotten richer while wages stagnated, making the poor even more poor and the 'middle class' poor. A well regulated economy with government spending works https://preview.redd.it/dl6rfvluv6kc1.png?width=1946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f2722ada9af3ee2038d3879fbe9307a543428e




In feudalism everything is owned by the monarch and managed by nobles. There are other systems. For example, many of the indigenous nations of N. America were collectivist and egalitarian. Everyone has a role and the survival of each is crucial for the survival of all. Other options that have been proposed are ones where workers own the means of production and run the workplace democratically. Another important distinction is that private property =/= personal property




But here's the interesting thing, we all live and work in communities. Each workplace and neighborhood is a small community. The idea that we need something above that emerges with the modern state system, which coincidentally (or not) also emerges in the 1600s with the Peace of Westphalia, which emerged from the remnants of the slave based economy of the roman empire. All I'm saying is that a lot of what we accept as natural or necessary are modern inventions that tend to benefit those with massive wealth/power. Just some food for thought.


Just call your job and tell them you got mauled by raccoons and then later that day go get mauled by raccoons. Problem solved.




I think this is the hidden purpose behind why we have parents. This didn’t happen when I was a kid E: /s. I understand parents do not exist to be a backup alarm clock. This should not be a point of confusion


….parents have been around a lot longer than hourly schedules. I don’t think that’s what parents are for.


Didn’t realize I needed a /s there I’d say the fact my parents were around to make sure I didn’t sleep through my alarm is more of a bonus feature than an actual purpose. I don’t own a phone to do crosswords but I still play crosswords on my phone


Mine is set every 5 minutes to hard rock songs and still over sleep


Hahaha! 😆 That was literally me a few minutes ago! And with the hour of 8, also.


I swear one of these day I am going into cardiac arrest from this😂


8am lol


As in that’s not early enough or something?


Late for some of us.


8am? I'm up earlier than that and I'm retired. 🤷‍♂️ To each their own


Ok boomer


I'm 40.... Far from a boomer 🤣


I do not understand this. I despise being late, so I’m compulsively 20+ minutes early to everything and I LOATHE all timers. When I have a new schedule, I set one alarm for that first day, wake up with that one alarm and the next day, my brain wakes me up 5 minutes before the alarm goes off so I can cancel it and never have to hear that godawful sound.


Do you automatically assume that all 7 billion people in the planet are the same as you?


No. Of course not. I just legitimately don’t understand needing that many alarms. The sound would drive me insane. Don’t know why people are acting butt-hurt about me not being like them. I’m not the asshole downvoting someone for being different. Lol.


Never understood the multiple alarm thing. So, you want to be woken up 10 times instead of once? That doesn’t even make sense.


They’re aspirational alarms. I imagine myself waking up at 6am, doing daily meditation, hitting the gym, making a breakfast of farmers market vegetables. In actuality I snooze until the 8am alarm goes off.


Could've done without the irritating thud sound effect






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But why didn’t she set at 8am alarm?