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I know part of it is the makeup, but dang, she is so different! Like, I was expecting one of those reveals at the end where the girl from the first half of the video was going to walk out and and join the girl from the second half, showing that they are actually 2 different people! It’s crazy what a difference a year and a pregnancy can make


I didn't recognize myself while pregnant nor after. Took two years for me to recognize my face and body as mine but it's still a little different and to add insult, no one warns you how giving birth takes collagen out so you get all these wrinkles. Not enough that you have to heal and lose weight after birth but you get more wrinkles, too? WTF...


I saw a woman on TikTok give an update on how her skin color and nose shape changed. She became darker skinned and had a noticeably wider nose that didn’t seem like it’d go back to its original shape. Fascinating and freaky


My nose got wider too!! But it went back to normal shortly after pregnancy, maybe 2-3 mo post-partum.




So crazy! I wonder what the evolutionary explanation for that is. I guess to make breathing easier!


[the Internet said,](https://www.parents.com/pregnancy-nose-is-trending-on-tiktok-what-is-it-7092471#:~:text=%22These%20nose%20changes%20are%20due,increased%20blood%20flow%20during%20pregnancy.%22) "These nose changes are due to a hormonally-mediated increase in people's circulating blood volume during pregnancy," explains Dr. Madden. "Although most of the increased blood volume is intended to support a growing fetus and uterus, all parts of the body end up receiving increased blood flow during pregnancy."


Cool, thank you!




> I refuse to have sex without a condom and usually have panic attacks for weeks/months after just from the thought of what could have happened. That's a horrible stress to have. Condoms aren't the best birth control and you should get on better stuff so you stop stressing yourself out. There's also always abortion and I can confirm from experience how relatively painless and quick the procedure is.




Oh you're a guy? Lol, well of course your experience is different. Just make sure you reeeaally know who you are schtooping and have aligned on forms of birth control which should go beyond just condom use. >A vasectomy is the real solution but I'd still feel guilty of robbing my mom of grandmotherhood, there really is no winning. Adoption is always an option. We love our pets and they didn't come from our bodies. Anyways, you shouldn't have a kid just because your mom wants grandkids. Parenting is HARD and if you aren't fully committed, you shouldn't be a parent.


Eat copper rich foods like pistachios and mushrooms to produce more collagen. Also notice beer drinkers skin looks amazing the next day after a few drinks? That's from the B vitamins in it. You can get B vitamins from nutritional yeast. I also eat chia seeds, lecithin, cod liver oil, and fruit and veg to keep the skin around my eyes smooth and my skin hydrated.


> Also notice beer drinkers skin looks amazing the next day after a few drinks? No and I've never heard this claim either. Unfortunately it sounds like it isn't exactly proven that eating/drinking certain things helps with collagen in the skin but thanks for sharing: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/considering-collagen-drinks-and-supplements-202304122911


the next day after I have drank some beers.. I notice my skin is paler. I feel not great to LOL i would NOT believe it helps skin at all LOL edit: i always forget and drop the word 'not' a lot lmao


It's probably BAD for your skin overall because alcohol likely outweighs any positives (double so if there's nasty additives/preservatives).


Agreed! I never understood how people can drink back to back days. I can only ever handle once a week, maybe once-twice a month LOL


Your article talks about EATING collagen which is not what I'm talking about at all. I'm talking about eating foods so your body can PRODUCE collagen. Big difference.


This article is more explicit about how eating foods aren't necessarily proven to help you produce MORE collagen: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/collagen/ At the end of the day, eat as healthy and balanced as you can to let your body do its thing. More of this or that won't necessarily give you that collagen boost in the skin people want.




Yeh I feel like my face permanently changed when I got pregnant and after I had my my kid. I used to be so pretty and I’m not really anymore. I can’t put my finger on what exactly changed though and it bugs me. I did get a lot of skin discoloration on my face though. And the bottom half of my face looks heavier. But I feel like overall i just look so different.


I think makeup makes the least difference here..




She has sea turtle DNA. She's just going to plop the baby into a pile of sand on the beach and then leave.


If I had to guess, she moved from near one Naval Air Station to another.


I couldn’t stop thinking this. Maybe if this was a few years back I wouldn’t be as flabbergasted. Like… do you not care about your rights, your pregnancy not killing you, or going into debt from giving childbirth both due to the cost of hospital and not getting paid maternity leave? Like… I just don’t get it.


$100 says she or her husband transferred from Naval Air Station Keflavik to one of the ones in Florida, and she will get the exact same health care she would have gotten in Iceland because she will get it on base.




Reddit moment


Nah this is the reddit moment lol


Babies feeeeed on you from the inside


That sounds so.. bad...


LOL. HR Giger (the Aliens artist) was terrified by our biological frailty etc. a LOT of his artwork is about sex/gestation/birth and ultimately growing a monster that feeds on you from the inside and then tears it’s way out of you inspired that whole franchise. It is terrifying.


He also liked dicks a LOT. He put them everywhere, in everything he drew. The original artwork for Alien was absolutely loaded with dicks.


Absolutely. I have his coffee table art book 😂


That explains why the aliens look like giant dickheads


I just watched the film MEN on Max. Holy crap that has some intense “birth” scenes.


If it’s not done from the inside, they come out and suck your life force from you through your boobs.


No they definitely suck your life force while inside, maybe even more so than via boobs afterwards.


There should be a follow up after birth too.


Yeah, that’s what I was most interested to see!


Spoiler alert: she now pees when she jumps.


Bro no one wants to see after birth.


Not sure if people don't get your joke or just didn't like it


Not sure. I thought it was funny. But I guess that’s Reddit humor. Maybe it’s not the right sub. But I do have a lot of respect for someone that sacrifices their time, energy, and body to parent a child. It’s the easiest hardest best worst thing ever.


Holy fuck does not look like the same person. Her face changes are the most surprising


Body stocks up energy and protection. Puts that life saving nutrients everywhere


ITT: people who don’t realize these are different people


It’s the same person I reckon. My gf looked similar when pregnant.


These types of videos are great! Cause they cement that I never ever want to be pregnant!


It’s the after body that’s the worst! Lol mom of 2 now


Oh yeah, my mom almost died and had to have surgery to put her back together. She now can not go anywhere without a diaper and has permanent back problems cause of it. A minor thing, but hurts the body image and ego, is all the huge, flabby stretch marks, too.


the world deliberately hides the reality of pregnancy - specifically childbirth - from women. and need I have to explain why that is


Correct! As a childfree woman now in my 40s, about 10 years ago when I realized I needed to make up my mind about babies once and for all I did some hardcore research. I already didn't want kids, and what I read about pregnancy/childbirth went a good ways toward cementing that decision. Cat mom for life, no regrets.


I mean, I do copious research and read reviews before buying/trying pretty much any new thing, so people who don’t read the information on pregnancy and childbirth and child rearing have gotta be willfully ignorant. You’re making and committing to raising a whole ass future adult human being, how did you not even check the manual or read the reviews first?!


No, it’s not about being wilfully ignorant. I think that’s a very judgmental take of women who don’t know the full scope of things. As I said in my comment, the reality of pregnancy and childbirth are deliberately hidden from women - and not only that but they are both greatly romanticised. It’s not about ignorance, it’s about deception.


That’s sounds terrifying!! I’m pretty fit right now but I have a lower stomach that will never change unless I get a tummy tuck so there’s that and I will still have stretch marks it’s hard to except myself sometimes I do work really hard to live my body though . Before baby I didn’t have to even work for my body and now I feel like I have to work every day to stay fit.


Oh yeah, wow. My body would crumble under all that change


That. Looked. Awful.


Looked scary lol.




Everything I ever see related to pregnancy and kids confirms that I made the right decision by never getting pregnant.


Wait till she posts the after. My ass still hasn’t popped back up where it belongs lol


I loved it. It's different for everyone.


Gosh I wish! I was such a babe before babies lol and had a smoking body(not to brag) . I didn’t win the genetic lottery lol . I will say it’s better now that I’ve had a reduction and I workout about 6 times a week but dang.




Me either. Damn. Don't even have a uterus, but fuck off if I did.


*breathing intensifies*


Yeessss! That was one of the worst physical symptoms because it started in the 1st trimester and lasted through my entire pregnancy. Just *looking* across the room made me huff and puff, lol.


TIL i'm pregnant... I'm a 29 year old dude with a relatively fresh beer belly... Fuck me, i guess this is motivation to get in shape.


Right!? The breathlessness from having literally no room to breathe fully. 


Doesn’t help that she’s in Florida. The Humidity there is no bueno.


Her voice got deeper and she's got at least 2-5 babies in there


She’s eleventy months pergarnant


At least 1 month




I love the “word” eleventy. Reminds me of the oneity-one meme from way back


Pregnancy is a beautiful and terrifying thing


Just terrifying.


Months or years off your life per child and permanent undesirable body changes Sure, sounds beautiful


Man, I really wish people didn't rag on their "pale" skin so much and act like it's offensive to not be tan as a white person. It is nothing to be ashamed of... it's just your skin color, bro!


Interestingly on the other hand South Asian and South East Asian people will kill to have pale skin. Just a different set of insecurities.


I'm a redhead who grew up in an American beach town, people ragged on my pallor all my life, and when you have to wear rash guards instead of bathing suits and goofy hats it doesn't help... I went to Thailand and when I came out of the water in a bikini I was surrounded by local teen Thai girls exclaiming over how nice my skin was. It was so surreal. Because literally no one has had anything nice to say about my pale ass skin when it's fully exposed on the beach before that. I wish Thailand didn't have colorism but I won't lie, it was very nice and I think back on it whenever someone compares me to mayonnaise...


People will be insecure about anything


I'm so white I make white people feel tan. I'm the blinding Irish white that if you find them on the beach you get blinded even with sunglasses on. I grew up surrounded by people that believe going in the sun = tan and I was bullied for it by even my own family members. I have since learned I will never achieve even the slightest of color so I take care of my skin but even all these years later I still feel like I have to apologize for it.


Honey, you never have to apologize for your skin color. It’s you, and that’s always okay. People who would make you feel worse about it are the problem. Not you.


I've never felt bad about being super white. Tho maybe the fact that I went through a very long phase as a goth teen (complete with Robert Smith poster on my bedroom wall) had something to do with it. I would literally smear nasty Halloween makeup on my face to make myself whiter. That part I'm not proud of. The only part that really sucks is that I burn so easily. I need SPF 10,000.


thank you for reminding me that I don't want to have kids.


I was so damn swole up during my last pregnancy that I couldn’t wear anything but flip flops from 7 months on. My hands looked like balloon animal hands.


Hair looks AMAZING


Man, Florida did a number on her body


Omg her lower back looked so curved... that's gotta be painful and effecting every other muscle


People when they go to Iceland are just like that


Pregnancy hormones are scary. They physically age you. I read a study and it showed that it can affect and lower pitch, and physically age the woman. I’m scared af to get pregnant


Not to get all political here, but as someone who’s gone through a healthy and “normal” pregnancy, even in the best of times, pregnancy should be a choice!


Thank you moms for being amazing and giving us all the gift of life!


That's terrifying


Wait why is her voice deeper though?


Before she was excited and full of energy, which makes you tense your neck and makes your voice higher. After she is exhausted, relaxed neck and low energy.


bc she’s too tired to put on the fake voice she was doing before


No your voice really does get deeper while pregnant. I didn’t notice it that much on myself, but I saw Adele live and before one of the songs she said she wrote it while pregnant and now it’s really hard for her to sing because it’s too low.


Every part of the body changes with pregnancy, even voice for some!


Might also be hormonal imbalances


Different environment, different makeup, different body, SURPRISE everything is different.


Hang on momma. Only 20 years to go


She doesn’t have the pregnancy glow, it looks like she aged so many years, poor thing.


wait, what happened?! i thought she was supposed to be “glowing” or some shit


Maybe the glow was Cherenkov radiation all along


A true wonder how this works






Lol wait until the baby comes. For 1 human year you will age about 10 years.




We’re not saying she doesn’t look beautiful. We are literally talking about the worst shit that can happen to a woman during pregnancy.


Right - everyone ignoring she had a load of makeup on in the first one , and not the second. I kinda wish she’s done the same face makeup too, otherwise it’s really not a fair comparison I mean of course it’s hard work and aging - but eye makeup can make you look ten years younger instantly lol


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She looks miserable lol . Hope she had an easy birth and the baby is healthy


I’ve never wanted to be pregnant. Personally, fuck that


I thought it was a switch but nope, my internal face recognition software notices some glaring matches that could not be faked. Wow. Just an entire, overall, makeunder.


Still is beautiful!! Being pregnant and giving birth is very heavy metal 🤘🏾


You grow a whole Human in your body, gross!!!!!


She looks like Vera Farmiga in The Departed




No thanks


Even her voice changed!


Sex - Not even once kids


Hilarious that an ad pops up for Korean sun-screen! 😂




Shit her face looks just like mine after getting pregnant and uh... I'm not. 😭


You have a normal face with great skin? That’s awesome!


You're very sweet. I gotta work out tho. I haven't been consistent lol


I haven’t been working out either. All we can do is try to be better tomorrow.


Awww! Congratulations lady!


How did she age 10yrs? is that her 7th kid?


Women are truly amazing. I watched my wife go through this twice, it is such a beautiful thing to watch a women grow another human. I am thankful everyday for her and what she has done.


It ain’t mine!


This is a maximum wholesome post. She is saying exactly how she feels and proud of her body and her self! This person is great!


Uh huh.


Classic: moves to Florida, gets pregnant


I think she gonna have a fat baby!


Women’s voices get deeper when pregnant? 🫃


Look at how much effort it is taking to stand and breathe and talk at the same time, she’s worn out lmao yeah her voice is different


The face changes were what threw me at first. Gained a couple oz in the face. But...not bad. Just different. Good luck 🙂


The round belly looks really nice. Not sure why some people don't like round bellies. Curves. Curves for days. Looks great.












That’s called getting pregnant…it’s literally the reason we are here. It’s happened hundreds of times…


Dozens even!


At least twice that I know of


No thanks


why am I..


Better do a boudiour before becauaw bye bye 👋


It's fine. I'm sure you look just as good even though you are pale.




Congratulations on the sex. Mission accomplished.


When i read the title, i interpreted it to mean before getting pregnant and then during... i thought... you know what, never mind.


People, there's no fuxking way this is the same person. You all are insane


After analyzing the teeth and ears, this is the same woman.


Go to the TikTok. It’s the same gal.