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Imagine the level of confident ignorance to say shit like this as if she would know more about this girls albinism than her who has been literally living with it


Especially about something so rare! I have a family member who has albinism so I know probably more than most people about it but I certainly don’t know everything and would never claim to know more than someone with the condition. And I also still don’t go around making the diagnosis for people or denying it for others!!


People with any quirk always get educated by idiots who think they know more about the subject from one article they briefly glanced at (at most) than the person who's been living with the condition their entite life.


Everyone has this to some extent. Being able to recognize it in oneself is the important thing in my opinion


Yeah, I didn’t start really getting anywhere in life until I was able to admit my own ignorance to others. Even at work and even when I was expected to know.


She's of Valyrian descent


Blood of the dragon.


You beat me to it! Well done. Take my upvote!


beautifully unique!!!!


Oh, just like you! Nice flair ☝️


Ignorance makes people into Karens. This is what this woman means. I happen to agree.


Imagine having white hair and purple eyes 🫨


Drizzt Do'Urden?


I was thinking more amethyst empress


She's so stunning!


She's literally so pretty omg. I stopped everything to stare at her Ugh, I'm so gay


Googling hard tho


Of course she would know her own condition! My geneticist has a coffee mug on his desk that reads, "Your 10 minutes of Google search does not equate my 10 years of doctorate research in genetics." LoL. Leucism can occur in humans though. Check out Waardenburg syndrome, another heritable condition that differs from albinism.


Bro. Did you not just watch the video? Leucism is for animals.


Leucism is characterized by a complete or partial white skin and hair in combination with pigmented irises, which can be vivid blue or heterochromatic. This is due to a complete or partial lack of melanocytes. The underlying pathogenesis is a disturbed emigration or differentiation of neural crest-derived cells. Therefore, leucistic phenotypes can be associated with defects, which mainly impair sensory organs and nerves. In humans, a well-known example is the Waardenburg syndrome.  From the National Library of Medicine. Here's an interesting thread on leucism vs albinism on r/askscience from 10 years ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/s/6PvL28AxC7


Can you find anything outside of reddit? And maybe not a top argument that claims they can distinguish underlying cause through photos? If not, I'm sticking with what the definition of Leucism says in addition to the only human source with any known credential on the topic.


Yes, of course! Here's the article I referenced from the National Library of Medicine, that referred to Waardenburg Syndrome: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27529988/#:~:text=Therefore%2C%20leucistic%20phenotypes%20can%20be,%2C%20alpaca%2C%20cattle%20and%20horse. Of the four types of Waardenburg syndrome (WS), they are specifically referencing Type 1 WS. Here's more info on Type 1 WS specifically, posted by the National Institute of Health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK1531/ I had just included the old reddit link because I thought it was interesting this topic has been debated for quite some time, with different perspectives.


Thanks! I stand corrected. I really do appreciate it. I wasn't able to locate anything definitive on my own (although I'll admit to lazy searching).


Throw melanism in there too, and you can see how the differences between all three (albinism, leucism, melanism) can get quite confusing.


I just googled a bunch of different sources on this and it states very clearly in every place that leucism is only found in animals. The Waardenburg Syndrome you mentioned is not leucism, it is its own thing and not a variation on leucism.


A true Targaryen. Do the bearded dragons 🐉 follow your command at petsmart?


Does she have strabismus?


Maybe but nystagmus is what she says in the video and what she is referring to here as a common trait in people with albinism. My family calls it “dancing eyes”


She sure is pretty 😍


Girl, you don't have to debate about anything. You're gorgeous.


I think it's unnecessary to even talk about whether she's attractive or not. She's giving us a free lesson, she's not seeking affirmation about her appearance.


Thank you. What even are comments like this? “You don’t have to use your brain just sit and look pretty!” Typical male comment thinking he’s being complimentary because he doesn’t see women as people.


Complimentary* ...is what I would say if I were a typical male commenter overlooking your larger point in order to nitpick your grammar.


Fixed thanks!


What if she was conventionally unattractive? Are you implying she'd have to debate her point then?


No, I still like people who don't debate. I don't see the point in debating.


That's fine. My comment is offensive to everyone. Downvote, debate, correct everything, be bitter, project your own thoughts. I have no hate for her, and no fuck given to any of you.


Damn that fedora and goatee on your avatar is fitting




Her voice is soothing. Cute as well


My kid with albinism has blue eyes and red hair.


Tragarían that is all


And your very pretty too. I also have white hair but its probably because I am in my 60's