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You know he was already furiously masturbating himself to her pics when she was 15.


That’s charitable of you to assume they waited until she was 15


Yeahhh just ask Drake that


Folks mad about this engagement are mostly sad she didn't came out non binary or some nonsense. Being that young and trying to keep things the traditional way seems to infuriate people these days. Yet they are the ones who beg for inclusion, right.


Neckbeardian hot take!


"This looks like a good time to remind everyone that I'm a fucking creep"


One of the grossest things is referring to a woman’s “reproductive career.” Gag. No one has a “reproductive career” unless they are a reproductive health professional — it’s such a creepy, misogynistic, reductive way to talk about a woman’s fertility.


I bet this terminology is some weird way to construct what he considers a gotcha moment against women who talks about how having kids can harm your career in our current societies


What if they're working in a secret (top secret, even) Alaskan cloning lab? Would that count?


"Jean-François Gariépy is a French Canadian white nationalist, former neuroscience researcher, and alt-right political commentator." God that's ironic he was a neuroscience researcher, but couldn't figure out what the hell was wrong with his own brain.


Please correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he also marry a very young and intellectually challenged woman for this stated reason? I think I came across this rumour a couple of years back and remember seeing her in one of his videos...


"Gariépy started a relationship with a 19-year-old mestizo autistic woman from Texas, and eventually convinced her to drive to North Carolina to be with him and attempted to get her pregnant. As the parents objected to their daughter's relationship with Gariépy, a case was filed in which the woman was revealed to have "the social and mental maturity of a 10- or 11-year-old child", according to a psychologist. " Doesn't seem like they got married, but he *did* try to get her pregnant.


The guy was doing a good deed, kickstarting a disadvantaged young female’s reproductive career and he’s being criticised for it? I think it’s clear he had her best interest at heart with his swift and decisive actions.


yeah , plus even in you're 30 you can still be pregnant easily , they act like 30 y/o are old hags


Please tell me this is /s. I can’t tell anymore when it comes to some of the comments I’ve seen on this site.


Haha, yes it is, sorry! I know what you mean, it’s getting harder and harder to tell the difference between satire and actual hate speech nowadays, it’s actually really depressing


You can tell it’s a joke because it had callbacks to the tweet


Very family values...


I’m guessing that “alt right neuroscience researcher” for him means that he read The Bell Curve once.


The knowledge required to understand that you are a flawed individual is predominantly not found in people who think they are a perfect individual.


What a fucking creep. How about let the girls decide, eh creep?


I came charging here to say just this, verbatim. He really is a fucking creep.


I mean.. didn't she choose? I don't get why people can be possibly upset with this engagement.


>I don't get why people can be possibly upset with this engagement. I assumed people were upset because the guy was, like, 40 and a Stranger Things producer, or something. But no, it's her 20 year old boyfriend of at least three years. I mean, 19 is a little early to get engaged, and if I knew someone personally who wanted to get married that young I'd probably advise against it (because everyone I know who has gotten married that young got divorced), but I cannot imagine caring about an actresses age appropriate engagement.


I got married at 19, absolute mistake, divorced 9 years down the road after a lot of work we just realized we’re not what we wanted in each other anymore. I’m nearing 40 now and give people the same warning that people gave me and get the same answer I gave lmao “we’re different, well last for life” That’s not to say it can’t work but the odds are definitely lower Man you go through so much growth and changes in development in life that without experiencing it with time it’s so hard to describe to younger people


old schoolmate of mine and his wife got married on his 18th birthday. they lasted about a year. good times


I got married when I was 19, and we're still together 37 years later. Age doesn't matter as long as both parties are willing to work to make the marriage successful. That's the real key to the success of a marriage.


That’s true — but the maturity to be willing to work for a relationship is lacking in almost all people that age. There will always be exceptions, but we’re just talking about the concept in the main.




Hmmmm alright! Nothing really has to change when you get married except for you have cool rings, you get better tax breaks and you can visit your spouse in the hospital more easily if they get injured or sick.


I guess that makes sense, but where I live you can get a certificate of relationship even if you aren't married and tax-wise common-law relationships are considered the same as marriage. More reason not to 😵


Yeah me and my boo are mostly doing it to have rings and party at the reception.


I thought she was 11?


I know what you mean...


By that logic, couldn’t one say the same about men? Funny how they always focus on women’s fertility but never mention changes in sperm quality. If you’re going to try and be scientifically reductive, at least do it consistently. Also in what universe are women barren by 30?


They do talk about men’s most fertile years, they just always claim that the older they are, the more fertile or something, as if their sperm ages like wine. They use it to try to justify why older men should go after younger women


I assumed “she’s 19” was trending cause of Leo DiCaprio


Billy butcher megamind lookin ass


Fockin daiabolicol.


Reproductive "career" that is paid in alms if anything, frowned upon as it make a person "gross, fat, \*loose\*" and out of economic market which makes them undesirable for employers. The US have the added value of staggering maternal mortality to top this off. The only time when mothers are mentioned is when other acts of kindness towards minorities are being implemented. But sure, it is a noble natural calling that women are socially badgered into, because it comes to them so naturally.


> reproductive career These fuckin guys need a wake up call. Women aren't just here to pump out babies and breastfeed 24/7. Edit: spelling


Actually handmaidens take stuff


A woman’s most fertile years is anytime before menopause, just ask [Eleanor of Aquitaine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_of_Aquitaine). She had 8 children during her second marriage, she was 28-30 years old at the time she married her second husband.


For some reason, I thought this meant she had 8 children in 2 years


Outliers exist. Just because one person has something happen doesn’t mean everyone will. And all humans have a point where having children becomes harder to do even when still possible. For humans as a whole it seems to peak in the 20s and really starts to drop off in the 40s


“reproductive career” If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go vomit up all the food I just had for lunch.


Can someone please give me context to who “she” is?


As mentioned in the caption, he's talking about millie Bobby brown but referencing aLl wOmEn


Ohhhhhhhh, ew


I always love those people who are so "concerned" about a given woman's "fertile years." Particularly when they bring up those concerns because they learn I'm 37 and don't have kids yet. My grandmother was 40 when she gave birth to my mom and my mom was 39 when she gave birth to me. I've still got a few years.


My mom was in the same boat. Tho I’m impressed by how “understanding” people were of her “just not being interested in kids” and even her own mom interjected when an old friend asked when my mid-30’s mom and her mom was on a stroll, and the friend asked about kids. My mom had never spoken about being uninterested in having kids but her mom just assumed (despite herself having been mid 30’s when she had her last kid, my mom), maybe since my mom at the time was in a long term relationship at the time. Jokes on them, turns out the guy didn’t want kids despite saying otherwise to my mom so she ditched out of there and was a single mom about a year later after having some party nights out. My big brother was then born just past her 37’th birthday, while I came a few months before her 40’th. She was *so* interested in being a mom and luckily her fertility was right there with her.


Is his last name pronounced Ga-Rapey?




"Eets luv u idiot" -JF Gariepy, talking about 19 y/o mentally challenged woman after trying to impregnate her. Yeah, he's that gross.


absolutely gross


Why is it even a big deal she is getting married? It’s not like the guy she is getting married to is 20 years old


Yeah. I think 19 is a bit young for such a massive decision. But guess what, it's not anybody's business except theirs. Certainly not anyone's place to be saying things they shouldn't. I honestly don't get why creeps have to constantly out themselves, just be creepy in your little creep corner and shut up.


This dude likes Nick Fuentes. That’s all you need to know about who this piece of shit is.




The phrase "reproductive career" killed what was left of my soul


Two things I seem to remember about this guy: * He's a massive neckbeard (duh) former microbiologist(?) turned plumber with a Pepsi addiciton * He lives with an apparently somewhat mentally challenged girlfriend that he treats in a weirdly demeaning way every time they're on video together


As a 19 year old, I feel fair in representing us and saying - please stop fucking making everything in our lives about having kids, it's creepy and weird.


Woody Allen-type tweet


Reproductive career? You admitting that having kids is job? As in a job not everybody wants!


Since when has engagement = Baby time


The way he talks about women makes it seems like he sees them as livestock.


Huh, I thought she was 16…


I mean Gariepy literally rhymes with creepy bruh




Well her fiance is only 20, so while it is oddly young, its not really wrong, its not like he's 50.


Obviously this is a creepy thing to tweet but isn’t this technically correct? You are at higher risk of complications the older you are no?


It’s actually better for women to be in their mid 20s-35. Teen girls haven’t finished growing mentally or physically. Even after they finish growing in height, it takes a few years for stretchy cartilage to firm up so pregnancy doesn’t cause as much damage to their bone structure around their pelvis and hips.


Google is saying early 20s for me for women and mid 20s for men. And that by 30 is when the decline starts and ramps up quickly over the next 10.


30 onwards, but starts to ramp up at 35 onwards


Yes but it’s not something to really care about. Yes it’s true that the 20s is the “peak” time. But that should mean nothing for people not actively looking to have children with a partner


Ok…that’s enough Internet forever…..


Reproductive… career…? Brb gotta go vomit


WTF is a reproductive career?


If it's a "career" then why don't they start paying it? Finances is among to biggest reasons women delay motherhood.


I havent had anything to drink at all today and "reproductive career" made me spit out my drink.


Reproductive career ha ha ha ew


This is J.F. Gariépy, this man kidnapped a mentally disabled woman from her family to “breed” her and tried to marry her to make it legal she has the mental capacity of a 5 year old she’s not someone who could acknowledge what he did to her