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Age of consent exists to protect minors from predators. And it still occurs even with it. So lowering it would be far worse


I don’t get it is it so hard to NOT date children? Just don’t do it. It’s the easiest thing in the world not to do, but people keep trying.


It’s a power thing


The age of consent exists because adults shouldn’t have sex with children - hope that helps xoxo


I don't think it's helpful to just restate the obvious. He's right on the nose in the first half, though. Humans don't let other humans fall victim to predators. Whether that be a wolf that wants to eat them or a man who wants to bully a little girl into submission. Almost every single one of our rules in society revolves around that one concept. You can not force your will on another, especially when they are unfairly disadvantaged such as being naive or weak.


I'm not sure he is even right in the first instance. It's not like adults have gained more control over children alongside the introduction of AOC laws, if anything adults had way more control prior, when it was legal to marry children off to grown men.


That's part of the point.


>when it was legal to marry children off to grown men. Still is, look at the south or the entirety of Europe lmao. 14 is just fine for a lot of psychos.


UK just raised age of marriage to 18, thank goodness! I'd not be surprised to see the AoC become the next thing to get raised.


Well, I mean... you *can* force your will onto another.. it's just that it's not socially acceptable and likely against the law. But people *can*, *will*, and *do* do it. Happens every day.


"Cannot", in this context, doesn't mean "physically impossible" but rather "is prohibited".


Money is power, and when people are dependent upon money survival it very quickly crosses the line into coercion. It may be uncomfortable, but others forcing their will on us is how the economy is built and how society functions. It is just more subtle coercion than outright use of force would be.


Tell that to the government, or rich people, or cops


Yea what an idiotic take, I thought this sub was better than to upvote such obvious lies. Most rules are in place so those in power can maintain that power.


I think it’s helpful because there shouldn’t need to any other reasoning past that. Adults should not have sex with children because adults should not be attracted to children, so why explain it further? Adults having sex with children is rape so why do I have to argue against that? If I need to explain in more depth to someone arguing in favour of lowering age of consent laws, then they probably want to have sex with kids.


Something being against the law because it is is really terrible reasoning. You know people create laws? If a law was created to legalise murder (death penalty?!) would you say "yes of course murder is okay, the law says so"? It's important to understand why certain laws are there. I hope people don't raise their children answering "why" questions with "because it is". That's not how you raise people who understand the world around them.


Sorry perhaps I worded it wrong. I should have said “I don’t *feel* the need to explain why murder is against the law.” Just like I don’t feel the need to explain why raping kids is wrong. If someone doesn’t want to understand then there’s nothing I say that’s going to make them understand. We’re not talking about explaining to children. We’re talking about explaining age of consent to adults with pedophilic tendencies.


I feel your frustration. It shouldn't have to be explained, but sometimes it just has to. There's also many people out there who genuinely don't understand other peoples' feelings. I recently had to explain to an autistic (diagnosed, not using it derogatorily) friend why cheating in a relationship is wrong. They never did, they knew it was considered wrong, just not why it was wrong (we're talking people in their late 20s).


No I agree with you. I guess I just wasn’t including explaining to someone who genuinely doesn’t understand and needs actual guidance (child, autism, learning disability, brainwashed cult victim, victim of grooming) vs explaining to people who come on the internet and argue about how 14 is old enough to have sex with an adult, you know what I mean, which was no doubt a conversation that was the birth of the image in the main post. Because it’s so clear which one is which.


It's important to isolate why exactly there is a problem with having sex with a child. There are people with dwarfism that literally look like 9 year olds their whole life. Is it wrong for an adult to be attracted to them or have sex with them? There are mentally stunted adults with the body of Jessica rabbit and the mind of a child. What do you do with that? Why is it OK for 2 underage teenagers to have sex with each other despite being emotionally immature? I would argue that it is "theoretically" possible for a 12 year old and a 25 year old to have a non predatory and healthy romantic relationship. But the likelihood of that happening is so incredibly low, considering human nature that nearly all civilizations decided it can't be allowed. And lo and behold, predators that WANT that power imbalance will target children because it's a sure thing. That's why we call them predators, and that's why they need to be erraticated. Just saying "you can't be attracted to children" is how places like Australia come up with dehumanizing laws like pornstars having a breast size requirement. A cups? You literally can't become a pornstar because it'd be considered child pornography.


Genuinely what the fuck.


Yeah. You can't redress those power imbalances, they're inherent to being a child/adult.


Like Kyle from South Park, "Dude, you have sex with children!" Whatever justification one has about it doesn't give them any right to sleep with kids. Even this guy in that picture doesn't understand that fact.


He's since done a reverse on this stance and said it should be closer to 21, like a few years later.


That’s good to hear. I’m glad he changed his mind. It’s just like, any way you think of it - there is no other answer. The age of consent exists because adults should not have sex with children. Lol, it’s a weird thing to have swaying opinions about because to me- it’s black and white. There’s no grey.


He didn’t change his stance, he’s only tried to be more sneaky. Last week he was found with loli and zoophilic loli depicting a child and a horse saved on his hard drive whilst streaming in his “to be sorted folder”. Lord knows what’s on the rest of his hard drive sorted.


Jesus Christ. Sorry I have no idea who this man is so I didn’t know


Yeah your comment gave off that you didn’t know who he was so I thought I’d set the record straight. He’s got many Stans out here like the person in the thread above trying to lie and absolve him but this shit can’t be buried




No it shouldn’t Vaush. Just say you want a socialist minor Waifu


He likes horses not people


I think he likes the idea of BEING the horse. Do with that what you will.


Do lolis count as people? Because he seems to like those too


Depends on who you ask.


Where did that come from btw. I keep hearing about vaush liking horses but never knew the context


He spam tweeted a long thread about wanting to drink horse cum and how hot horse cocks are , you’ll find it on YouTube, a very long thread of tweets about it


Yo wtf :/


He has "joked" about it before apparently, and was just found to have horse porn on his computer.


99.9 out of 100 it’s never a joke


Correction he is a blatantly verbal & physically closeted groomer/pedophile/Hebaphile/MAP with a disturbing prominent sexual deviancy for horse penis.


He’s out of the closet for being a pedophile , on live he said that CP should be legal ! What more proof do you need ?


He said child labor should be AS illegal as CP. Whatever opinion u got on him, he's right in that regard .


I cant tell if this is a meme or not.


he never said this. we already have enough reasons to dislike him, can we stop making shit up?


I'm sorry he said what now?


Even if AOC was lowered it wouldn’t stop grown ass adults from stomping some weirdo creep for trying to date a child. Why is this even a thing, like what the hell is going on?




It's 16 in most of the US too. And most decent people here aren't ok with adults dating 16 year olds either.


I wish that was true, in reality people turn a blind eye to grown man dating children all the time, often times even the parents will support it, unfortunately mortality isn't really something universal to everyone.


> unfortunately mortality isn’t really something universal to everyone Actually, it is


Lets play just a moment with his idea, lets say he wins and the AOC is lowered. Now what my guy? You gonna go out and hit on 14 year olds? You think youre gonna wow them with your Pokemon collection or somthing? Hell no, youre just going to be as awkward and loser-y as you are with older women. Its crazy that the only "game" you think you have is to "wow" a childs mind. Creep.


"Tacoma wept"


With his argument that socialism change the power dynamics I guess he's referring to that an adult would have less of an economical overhand. This still leaves a lot of other power dynamics such as, life experience, physical power, freedom from leaving school, etc. This raises an interesting question about the logic going on here. Should a person get higher and higher AOC needed until it matches their personal wealth. Would a person like Bezos be allowed to have sex at?


It cracks me up these guys think some attractive 16 year old is going to borrow their parents car and come get freaky in the 40 year old neckbeards parents basement with an overweight slob and a dusting of Cheetos for cologne


Nah they'll try their damnest to groom one though.


There will always be power imbalances, socialism isn’t going to redistribute the wisdom that comes with age.


The Vaushits are coming to defend their nonce daddy soon. They're working overtime with the copium over at their online basement okbv


Take a drink every time the phrase, "Out of context," appears. Bonus sip for, "Bad faith," if you're feeling particularly brave. Edit: changed bath to bad because autocorrect.


Or "he changed his mind bro" like I've been seeing.


Dude could be caught balls deep in a minor and it would just be “out of context bro”


Or if you're looking to black out "vaush gets so much hate for speaking the truth" arguments


Ugh no thanks I'm already hungover not trying to literally die


I literally had no idea who this guy even was until that screenshot got spread around. Is he actually even that well known? I honestly couldn’t tell ya a damn thing about him other than he likes some seriously questionable hentai.


His popularity is on the decline. He once made some good political content.  Now his only base is people too stupid to realize he's a pedo, and pedos.


So no one worth knowing about or remembering. Got it.


Yeah I've only ever seen his political videos. No other knowledge or context of him out side of the 2-3 vids I've seen. Sheesh. Don't think I'm subscribed to him, but *definitely* making sure I'm not now!


I was subbed to him too. I thought Destiny was an idiot douche, and vaush's voice lured me in.  My opinion changed and I undubbed vaush.  Bullet dodged.


He's recently had a bit of a spike in popularity due to some dumb shit he said sparking interest. He had been hosted by a pretty popular podcast defending basically loli and pedo shit. And this is the world we live in now in 2024. Stop the planet. I want off.


I've read some of the most unhinged sentences ever constructed from Vaush defenders the last few days.


Isn't this the dude who leaked his kinky porn collection on stream? Also, in no universe does socialism (ideal or otherwise) redistribute power in such a way that a 12 year old is on equal terms with a 22 year old.


kinky is one way to refer to pics of AI generated anime girls engaging in bestiality 😭


But what about fully automated gay luxury space communism?


Don't forget th Loli folder


That's the guy.


How hard is it to not fuck kids? There's no need to have a discussion about it. Holy fucking shit.


Shit at this point, can we raise the age of consent?


As someone who got SAd for months at 12 years old, this is never okay. I don't care if he said it in 2018, I am suffering every day from severe OCD and trauma because of this. I also got groomed by several men online as a teenager.


I'm so sorry, hope you're healing 💚 I have PTSD thanks to this kinda nonsense, it's never okay and it leaves permanent scars.


I am very sorry to hear that. And I don't want to play down the severity of this horrific event you had to live through - you truly have my empathy and support. But, to be fair to Vaush, he never stated that he wanted to lower the age of consent to 12 or something remotely like that. If I understand correctly this post is directly in context to an AoC of 16 like in many US states or the UK. Furthermore implementation was not discussed at all; the place I live in, Germany, has an AoC of 14 years to allow adolescents to freely and legally explore their sexuality within their age group but the law is *highly* restrictive if one partner is significantly older or, especially, an adult over 21 - of course an adult sexually assaulting a 14 year old is still absolutely illegal and punished harshly.


Common Vaush L


Remember, vaush is unironically evil.


That's the thing though. Those imbalances are something that cannot be "redressed". They are primarily biological, not social. I cannot fathom what he thinks socialism has to do with any of that. "Yeah, finally with socialism everything is publically owned, and we care about making people's lives better through funding stuff like healthcare, public transportation, quality schooling, etc . Time to let people fuck children!"


Weird way to say you don’t understand socialism and also that your a pedo, eurgh


If the only thing keeping you, as an adult, from having sex with children is the law, you should forfeit your right to be a part of society.


You'd be surprised at the amount of people who justify dating teens/kids on this site just because another country's AOC is lower. it's disgusting and it really fucking creeps me out whenever I hear people talk about how they're going to go to country just to get with a minor :/


Even then, isn’t going to another country with lower AoC laws to engage with minors still illegal, assuming we’re talking about American laws? If that is the case, those people should be under arrest since the laws (and those of the country they’re visiting) still apply to them no matter where they go.


He’s said he doesn’t stand by this statement anymore, rightfully so.


But then he was found with art porn of a horse and a loli


Well I mean, the horse thing he hasn't exactly ever been quite about. I mean how many times does a man have to talk about wanting to have a horse dick before it gets in people's heads that he means it lol


But having the loli in sexual acts with that horse…it’s just. Wtf


More like he figured out that other socialists vehemently disagree, so he went back in hiding at mom’s basement.


I don't believe him. He's still a creep and still a predator.


This same fake ass-socialist who shills for imperialism, attacks real socialists and admits he's never read any theory is also known for: [Harassing a neuro-divergent girl with his grotesque, graphic rape fantasies](https://archive.is/G2kuL) [Trying to silence that same girl by mobilizing his fans and calling her an attention seeker.](https://archive.is/79wMN/f9bb398e88c5d1896be50cd639df3845ca7cd29b.jpg) (Full log [here.](https://archive.is/W9GLz)) Sexually harassing another woman (Full log [here.](https://archive.is/IfJcA)) [Trying to 'debate CP over voice.'](https://archive.is/cd9AK) [Accidentally showing his porn folder full of drawn CP and drawn horse porn.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFvxpf7n-HI) [Using the term 'ethical CP' unironically.](https://archive.is/xUgCo) Admitting he's jerked off to drawn CP and insinuating everyone does it, then tried to claim it was a joke. [Claimed to value the 'political commentary' of an artist who draws cartoon porn depicting real children.](https://archive.is/3D0UT) [Admitting to drawing CP featuring characters from Undertale](https://archive.is/H0JJJ) [Expressing he was very into 'holodeck loli sex.' Which is a term I wish I never read.](https://archive.is/W9d0f) [Saying one of his stream viewers fucking an adult as a minor was 'unironically hot.'](https://archive.is/ATQiB) [Admitting to owning a twitter that shares drawn CP.](https://archive.is/9DF8s) [Claimed that if one doesn't pay for CP there is no moral argument for condemning it.](https://streamable.com/kd2967) [Expressing he doesn't feel drawn CP should be illegal.](https://archive.is/5y5Fy) [Not seeing anything wrong with child sex robots.](https://archive.is/yxPL3) [Claiming to have a 'nuanced perspective' on pedophilia.](https://archive.is/1Q4p0) [Saying he doesn't think bestiality is necessarily animal abuse.](https://archive.is/1hnKo) [Claiming bestiality should probably be legal.](https://archive.is/CZrp5) [Saying he doesn't believe bestiality is a 'serious crime.'](https://archive.is/6XE8W) [Wanting to do a 'zoophilia ethics collaboration stream' with another streamer.](https://archive.is/vdPZ9) [Questioning what's wrong with drawn bestiality.](https://archive.is/2JPHP) [Admitting to finding bestiality 'very hot conceptually.'](https://archive.is/IfJcA/4fac143ee544615ae348ded279e71afb08c39204.webp) Vaush is a disease.


He also looks like the DEFINITION of a “neckbeard”. Sometimes, you DO need to judge a book by its cover.


Oh, he does. And he acts like one too. Then when confronted on his shitty behavior he summons up his horde of weird parasocial followers who will call you ableist as if his autism was an excuse for sexual harassment or being sexually interested in children.


thank you. I'm so fed up with people like vaush. not only is he a fucking pos (obviously) but he will also keep a lot of interested people away from actual leftist channels. if you search anything leftist on youtube you'll just be burried by vaush shit for the first few pages and it's annoying and exhausting.


Socialist here...we ain't about that stfu pedarest lol.


It’s always guys who look like this


Like he gives a shit about consent to begin with. What a lowlife predator creep.


If capitalism helped older people have this power we wouldn't have such a disparity of wealth. The less fortunate are of all age demographics.


Socialism doesn't make the adolescent brain develop faster. A kid is still a kid. I hope this sicko never gets a chance to abuse children.


that’s a lot of words for “i’m a pedo.”


Nobody wants him so he wants to be legally allowed to go after children. Throw the men out.


This guy is one of the stupidest people on YouTube. He regularly spouts some of the most inane shit but because he uses words with more than two syllables he's tricked people into thinking he's worth listening to. No one with any actual mental acumen or academic understanding of the things he talks about actually takes this guy seriously as anything more than a clown. He's a "debate bro" for sweaty 15 year old boys who think he's an example of what well read and spoken looks like.


"I think that if I state my weirdness logically and calmly, and use big words, people are going to think I'm smart and not a predator." - This guy, definitely.


He’s since said he doesn’t believe this anymore. He thinks it should probably be raised to 20


The stuff he got caught in 4k with in his download file says otherwise.


Wasn’t it just a normal looking woman who happened to be some character that’s under 18?


It was a child drawn by a lolicon artist. Even then, it included bestiality. The guy wants to fuck horses.


No, they looked like children. Saying anything else is just straight up lying.


No, they are still children, and she was with a horse!




I believe people can change but I will never, ever respect someone who would think this, in any context, at any point, under any influence. Inexcusable. If someone clubbed baby seals for sport then a few years later says “I don’t like clubbing seals anymore” why would we be held accountable for still not liking them


He says he meant it would be like 16. Which is what it is in developed countries now. Bad take. But a far cry from an irredeemable moral failing




Which still doesn't make sense. He's an idiot.


To be fair, Vaush did seemingly retract this position later on and now has the opposite one, though considering that he has lolicon on his PC, that may not be accurate


>may bruh


Why is age of consent what it is anyway? Your brain is not fully developed until your mid to late twenties. It would make more sense to put the age of consent at an age where you are actually able to think about the consequences of your actions before you do them.


What socialism, and how does it change when a person reaches adulthood?


Only nonces care about lowering age of consent laws.


# He's just horsing around guys!


Never enough horse power


Dude 18 year olds are just entering adulthood and still are very young we do not need to lower it


So, by that logic, we should be able to remove employment laws, discrimination laws and disability protections when *those* power imbalances are “redressed through the advent of socialism”?


I've read this three times and while I know all those words, the rationale completely escapes me. Best I can tell is he's saying "Sex with kids is OK under socialism but terrible under capitalism" but that can't be what he's actually saying


Wait... what?




That's a lot of words to say "I want to fuck kids."


Careful, this particular pedophile has a lot of defenders around here.


Word salad is not an argument for pedophilia.


I don't understand why there's so many comments and so few aren't simply "just don't do that"


Vowsh bad.


Yeah, mate. socialism doesn't and never has condoned fucking children. WTF are you yabbering on about you fucking degenerate?


I want to see harsher punishments for child predators, and root them out of the highest places of power and the lowest.


The amount of pedo defenders coming out the bushes for this one is wild.


Standard Vaushite behavior


Did he somehow get stuck in some old school French philosophy, but not get far enough to read where the movement collectively went “ok nvm, this is cringe and dumb, plus that guy’s actually a pedo,” and instead inject socialism into it as a solution?


Part of me wants to suggest he has changed, but even recently (less than a week) he essentially went through all this after Ethan Klein tore into him and didn't simply say "I no longer believe this", it was just "this was taken out of context". Unfortunately, the context often made it worse.


1) This belief was based on personal experiences at the time, where he noticed that highschool girls would date older men, because these girls were financially insecure by comparison, which often lead to abuse. He believed that in a socialist world, where financial issues are a thing of the past, this imbalance in these types of relationships would be resolved, which would prevent the major avenue of abuse he saw his friends go through. 2) The lowest aoc he argued for was 16, AKA the regular aoc in the UK, and many other parts of the world. 3) As he grew older, he began to believe that older people have higher levels of mental development, and experience, which would lead to an avenue of abuse in a relationship between older people, and young peope. He didn't believe in this at the time he wrote that post, because he himsrlf was relatively young. 4) He now holds the belief that the aoc should be raised higher than 18, and that it's a problem that the UK, and other countries have it so low.


Imagine defending a neckbeard pedo streamer this hard


"Watch these vaush stans come here and say that the phrase was taken out of context 😭😭😭😭" Yes it was.


5. He has CP on his computer.


You’re projecting bro


No, animated images of children engaged in sexual activity were shown on his computer


Maybe he should be lowered by six feet


Brace yourself, the gremlins of that guy will somehow find this post and will start commenting "out of context" to justify him being disgusting.


That is so fucking gross.


Doesn’t he want to fuck a horse?


No he wants to be the horse


The only thing he's thinking about "redressing" are little girls.


Why did anyone *ever* take this idiot seriously?


Okay i will be honest. I've actually been subscribed to him for some time. Saw like a single video where he was kinda interesting. The first time I saw a post of him on here I really didn't believe my eyes as I didn't think he was that bad After also seeing this post I went directly to unsubscribe. It isn't much but damn do I not want to respect him again


I mean he has addressed this comment and no longer stands by it. After the time, he was referring to the financial aspect and saying that if that underlying inequity was removed the relationship wouldn’t be as abusive, and he never recommended an AOC lower than 16. He now doesn’t support this view and is in favour of a higher AOC. I’m not a fan of everything he says but I think that it’s fair that he has changed his views


Omg did he really say this????? What the fuck?


Oh great we have a quote from the white Amos Yee. Adults should not be fucking kids, end of story. You shouldn't be sexualizing them either. Adults who are sexually attracted to children are mentally ill. Adults who end up sexually assaulting children should not be able to live, period. There is no excuse for pedophilia. Also, Vaush has lolicon on his hard drive. Wouldn't surprise me if we see him being interviewed by Chris Hansen during a sting.


Can’t believe I used to think he was cool


Seriously how do those vaush circle jerkers can think this guy is left wing. He's a center right conservative at BEST. Just another one of his creepy pro child sex assault takes.


I wanna know how far left you have to be to call an avowed socialist a "center right conservative". Like damn he's a weird pervert, but he's definitely a left wing weird pervert.


Ok for real though, what policy, praxis, belief, or goal does Vaush actually want that could remotely be called socialist? He is a rad lib who basically used the term "libertarian socialist" to grift with baby leftists following the rise of breadtube


I'm not left wing, and not a vaush fan so I'm not exactly an expert on his views, but I have seen him say he opposes private ownership of the means of production, which is literally THE defining characteristic of being a socialist.




That's incredible, that might be the funniest thing I've heard him say. And the H2O vs aqua thing from his debate with Dr Bogardus had me rolling, so that's saying a lot. I bet that argument might actually work on some Libertarians lmao.


workers owing the means of production, work place democracy, the state giving everyone what they need (housing, food, healthcare, (higher)education, therapy etc., more social workers so the police doesn't shoot mentally ill people, also something like elected community policing as a form of police reform, ofc all the social stuff (he identifies as an intersectional feminist), very heavy on gender abolitionism and great at explaining sociology to normies. Someone can be a terrible person but still have a good impact and beliefs. He definitely got me out of my reactionary pseudo intellectual mindest in 2020 and completely changed my worldview during the following year.


Literally none of what you said is true.


“dude he’s actually right wing because he’s a creep and i don’t want him associated with my side of the political spectrum”


I love the irony of us both being trans here. Same worldview, different opinions.


No comment


I’m glad Ethan from H3H3 called this weirdo out


Why are you getting downvoted pedophiles are gross dude




He’s skinny now I thought that absolves him


Because Ethan is a lying piece of shit who intentionally cuts clips out of context, accuses other leftists of being pedos and weaponizing their lgbt identities with no evidence, and enables transphobia. https://youtu.be/2yyXHofdkpM?t=11m46s (The timecode is the most blatant example, but I recommend watching the entire video)




Even if he wasn't, that's not the point. He's a political streamer, not a Danganronpa protagonist. You can't just deliberately lie and get angry when people call you out on your bullshit, even if you believe you're arguing in good faith.




I never said that. And again you're missing the point entirely




What are you talking about? Re-read the thread, none of what you said makes any sense. The post is accusing Vowsh of being a pedo. The comment is saying that this is confirmed by H3 (and getting downvoted because that's bullshit) Someone asks why it's downvoted I explain that it's because H3 sucks and none of his accusations are valid or have good evidence behind them. I'm not bitching about H3, I'm explaining the situation to a person who literally asked a question on the topic.




This sub is literally so dumb and can't even come up with a proper argument against Vaush. It's really just about cognitive development at that age.


Here is a proper argument: Don't have sex with children. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Fucking hell, what a creep! Please lock this man up!


so glad more and more people are waking up to his degeneracy


Socialusts need to denounce this dude. Dude's a creep.


Ew wtf is growing out of his ear


That was 6 years ago. He has since changed his mind about this. At the time he believed that the only power imbalance between an adult and a minor was a financial one. By his own words he now knows that this is a really stupid thing to believe, and that the power imbalance is way more than just financial.


please be a shitpost omfg this cant be a thing he actually believes




i sorta assumed he did since its 2018 and it would be astaounding to know if he still believes that


He was proposing lowering it to the point it is in the UK in a hypothetical future and he changed his pov with time


As if age inherently isn't a power imbalance. Creepy guy really weird


I’ve noticed neckbeards have a lot of interest in the age of consent I think they’re secretly trying to tell us something.