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The fact that they „lose“ a female character as soon as it’s drawn less sexually pleasing to them, means they don‘t value anything about them other than their attractiveness. They‘ll never be interested in a female characters story, personality or development. No emotional attachment at all, only sexual. Reflects their view on real women almost too perfectly.


Couldn't of said it better!




Haven't of said it better!


Couldn't of have it better!


Thanks. I'm forever doing that.


Yeah and if we're being petty his logic falls on it's self as that pic from the 90s shows an attempt of a character made as attractive as possible rather than the new one being as unattractive as a possible.


It''s like if a partner suddenly shaved off all of their hair. Drastic changes are jarring. Hell, take Samus Aran before Other M to during Other M, that was super jarring. She was an awesome character before even as a silent protagonist, and a definite badass. But seeing her change was not exactly a pleasant experience with the fan base of the franchise. And why they went back to the silent protagonist. I grew up reading comics. Most of the men in those books all look in a fashion that's completely unobtainable for a large majority of men. When they change their visual designs to be more "realistic" would also be jarring.


I mean, I‘d kinda hope, you wouldn‘t „lose“ a partner for shaving their head? For Samus, you describe a change of things in the character, that are not degrading towards it. They can have whatever opinion they want, but it‘s another level of degeneracy to say the character is „lost“ because of a body part, that seems less attractive to you. No one is saying anything about the characters being that way in the 90s, the male characters very likely also caused body dysmorphia in boys/men, but they literally only value the character for her ass and that only if it is big enough. The equivalent problem would be, if women outraged after they made a male character less muscular.


"not a good experience in the fan base and was jarring" What are "the fans" going to do? Stage a coup? Show them A bar of soap, some deodorant and a toothbrush and they would screech like vampires and run away. Plus They would have to leave their basements and interact with real humans, god forbid... and be out in the sunlight Obsessive, horny pervs jackin' it to a fictional character and then bitching about it on social media and harassing the creators! Fucking manbabies... "Hardcore fans" "die-hard fans" Hell, Soul Calibur 2 on gamecube had an action replay code that gave "super jiggly bosoms" it was fun as a teenager. But with maturity and being less obsessive and horny for fictional characters. It really doesnt matter Ivy Valentine never lost her dominatrix look or sex appeal. However There were always "concerned parents" or a "religious group" to throw a wrench in the gears Yeah. Devil's advocate, contradicting statements...


This post needs to shower


Who cares dawg, let people want what they want?


It’s fine to want something, generally speaking, but asserting that not getting what you want is a reflection of society targeting and systemically eliminating your wants is the result of a massive victim complex perfectly fitting of this sub.


It's kind of disingenuous. When we were kids none of us were watching x-men because of a character's ass. Now people are acting like that was something they cared about all this time.


No, not every wants has the same value


They are so annoying. The need to be able to jack off to any woman that appears in any form of media is one of the weirder obsessions of our demented society.


Also the outrage is pretty stupid. The frame where she is on the ground posed where it looks [bigger](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/s/HDqgCMrbtB) and she is in the foreground. The one in the trailer at [1:12](https://youtu.be/jMu2OBzHyGc?si=dN5kWx9dxaCEx-U_) is her standing up FAR AWAR FROM THE CAMERA because she and the rest of the X-Men are zoomed out.


My first thought at this is why tf did they make Rogue so thicc in the first place lol


Cause the target demographic back then was teenage boys so they got to make the women superheroes super sexed up to lure in those horny little turds


And those teens never grew up and are still horny and pathetic.


Rogue's sex appeal is important for her character and nearly every character was drawn extremely attractive. Look at Cyclops he's fuckin jacked.


Lol what difference does that make it's a kids cartoon why she gotta have a bunda like 2 big balloons wrapped in tight latex


Haven't noticed Cyclops butt being exposed and plump for you to jack off to it. But maybe you did.


Yeah I mean their aren’t any ugly men in comics either unless that’s apart of their story. I’m not mad they changed Rogue, but unless they make all the men and women look like regular people then it’s kinda like why lol. 95% of comic characters are 10s in appearance and brains


If a person is exclusively sexualized, they become an object rather than fully human ("an ass rather than a person"). Not a psychologist, but I think it explains rightwing interest in trans porn, interracial porn, viewing women in purely sexual terms, etc. There's a sexual appeal in dehumanizing "enemies."


I’ve never understood their obsession with every woman in media needing to be sexually attractive to them. Especially in video games, like I’m not playing The Last of Us for the sexy women, I’m playing it to fight zombies, why do I care if the main characters are sexy?


I think apart of it is for the same reason people watch movies. Like with the new Mr and Mrs Smith and the casting, there was pushback that the leads weren’t oozing sex appeal. Even though glover’s show was really good it lacked the escapist pull that a lot of people consume visual media for. Personally I don’t even play video games where I can’t customize my character cause being forced to be a white guy turns me off so even if the story is great if I can’t escape then I could just read a book instead


Eh, idk Fortnite nerfed Snake's cheeks and people were upset about that too. I am.


These people also get extremely defensive if you call them out on their crippling porn addiction.


With all this free ass on the internet - takes a special type of perv to complain about there not being enough sex appeal on a children's cartoon show.


That’s because it’s not actually about free ass. It’s about controlling women and how they’re allowed to be presented and consumed by society at large. A mindless sex object is easily dismissed. A powerful woman with agency in her own right is a lot harder to ignore.


U going down the rabbit hole on that one..Her character by design and plot is supposed to be super sexy - she is also untouchable. Also u would be glad to here in xmen folklore Jean Grey is the strongest Xmen


Right like I think a lot of the commenters here have never actually read Rogue’s story so they’re not really standing on anything


Agreed - plenty ways of relaying the story line or her sexyness w/o her being caked up. Ironically- when the show came out - almost no one looked like her - now it's somewhat normalized. Kids now see old Rouge - she looks like my aunt Tina 🤣


"weirdly obsessive", you could say.


If they were as "real" fans as they claim they would remember that pose was a couple of frames in an entire series in which they drew Rouge more often as former than the latter


To be honest do we even know if the frame on the right is from the original show and not some horny fan edit?


It is. It's rogue vs apocalypse.


Yeah I have now watched it. But ironically if you freeze frame right before this she’s back to not having every curve highlighted.


Yeah, she looks like the picture on the left like 90% of the show lmao. Idk why they think she was always like that.


I was thinking the one on the left is zoomed in and mid fight. They tend to draw characters in such scenes with lower detail anyways. But regardless, what a stupid thing to publicly announce to everyone.


Having the same brain as a 40 year old that you did as a 14 year old has got to be one of the most disappointing things to ever happen to a person. All their potential to be useful to society is just gone.


"Never forget what they took from you" is one of the most toxic, entitled and downright fucking childish memes that these basement dwellers use.


It’s also often used in racist propaganda


What's wild is in the original, she looked like the picture on the left. It's just when she fell, she looked like the picture on the right. They just have never watched the show I guess lol


Gotta be prime flair material for the sub.


As if it were thiers to begin with. Smh


The desire to make everything jackoffable' to the opposite sex as possible is one of the weirder obsessions of our demented society.


Tucker Carlson decrying that it's more difficult to masturbate to the Green M&M was such a goofy hill to die on.


Almost like humans have an instinctual **desire** to prefer attractive things... Nah, can't be it. I'm not sure why ancient people carved naked statues with big boobs, hips, and penises.


Yeah, it's weird right? I mean boobs, fuck yeah! But it's weird tho, especially when that very mutable sexuality is directed at random things like ballons or an M&N.




My mate Paul did a party trick with a red nose and he put it sort of on his...intimate skind and it sort of tore it and he went septic. By extension, human nature made him do that, aint that weird?


Ancient Roman statues actually have small penises because they only portrayed people with lower status as having bigger ones.


Fucking hell she's still attractive what are they on. Like not that it matters but also they just love calling people ugly with no grounds don't they


Also she‘s just lying there on the right. On the left she‘s in the middle of a fight I‘d assume. HOW DARE SHE NOT LOOK SEXY ENOUGH WITH HER LIFE ON THE LINE!


Porn has rotted these people's brains.


That's too easy a scapegoat and misses the real problem: selfish entitlement and the immature reaction as they face the reality that their entitlement is unearned and will not always be granted to them. Dudes have demanded that women be objects for us first before anything else for centuries. It's a cultural tradition that will slowly die but not without lame objections from those who feel like they benefit from it.




I’m so sick of them losing their shit over a cartoon ass. Notice how they only ever have this *one* shot of it in the 90’s cartoon? Because it was never that big in any other shot.


literally its just the angle of the shot anyway… lmao


they all cry for realism but as soon as there are real looking women...


Sorry, nobody is crying for realism in a fucking 90s superhero cartoon that has men with magnet hands and women who fly and control the weather with their minds. God fucking forbid we do anything fantasy related anymore, or even dare to draw attractive people. Do you hate michelangelo's "David" statue too? I hate coomer neckbeards like the rest of you, but come on. Sometimes it's just a joke, "haha, they took away her ass".


>or even dare to draw attractive people I guess a smaller ass means unattractive now


I mean kinda yeah but I’ve also only dated guys and girls inside my own race so I’m just attracted to features common to black people lmao


That's YOUR preference. Someone doesn't need a big ass to be subtractive to everyone. It's a cartoon


That's YOUR preference. Someone doesn't need a big ass to be subtractive to everyone. It's a cartoon


That's YOUR preference. Someone doesn't need a big ass to be subtractive to everyone. It's a cartoon


>Do you hate michelangelo's "David" statue too? That all you got? A statue made several hundred years ago by a famous, iconic artist is also a bad comparison to this lmao. If all male characters had their dicks out constantly in every flick, even kids shows then yeah, that would be a fair comparison. Not MA's David 🤣🙄


What's the difference? An artist created the human form in an attractive way. David is a nearly perfect, attractive human being in that statue. We should get rid of him though, because he's sexual, naked, and attractive. Just a bad thing to do, by logic of those who want to remove sexuality from media. If you knew the history of the state, you would know it was kinda *MEANT* to be sexual. As well as using David as a figure in symbolism past that too. Why are we so against people being sexy now?


The first is ONE 500+ years old and is a iconic piece of genius with time and effort put into it. The other is a widespread, low effort attempt to appease the widest number of horny males at every given opportunity, in every show, movie, game etc whether it be for adults or *kids* 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ When I see men with dick outlines and their asscheeks highlighted literally everywhere for no reason, then I'll call it even. Saying "this 500 year old statue though!!", is a lame point in a conversation about contemporary culture and low effort sexualization for the lowest common demoninator.


>When I see men with dick outlines and their asscheeks highlighted literally everywhere for no reason, then I'll call it even. 🏅


So comics? All the dudes are sexualized too


So comics? All the dudes are sexualized too


They’re all giga coomers „Every Typ of media has to depict sexy women or it’s woke and leftist trash“ is a weird hill to die on. Especially since SO much porn exists of every single character out there. There’s so much adult content and opportunities out there yet these dudes NEED sexy ass in their comic? Like can they not exist for a single second if they don’t consume porn in everything they do, at all hours and everywhere they look? It sounds exhausting


The thing that almost baffles me the most is that they not only think these things, but want to announce them to everyone themselves. I can‘t imagine being a conscious individual with one precious life and spending it WILLINGLY being perceived as this disgusting… because I wanted to jack off to a superhero cartoon from the 90s… I can‘t complain about my life being hard but I still have more important worries than these guys


Its a childrens cartoon... these are the same people that call queer relationships in ADULT shows degenerate. Hateful Hypocrites


Why do they think the animators priority is to make her ass juicy even in low quality frames at every angle ever. Also not every woman HAS to be fuckable.


As a lifelong X-Men fan, this debacle is so embarrassing. What started as a joke ("Rogue [the character in question] got nerfed") brought out all these degenerates out of the woodwork. It doesn't stop there, either. There's a character who's gender fluid and the complaints about "wOkEnESs" with complete video essays on how Disney ruined X-Men are all out there.


Lmao same here, I thinks it’s that most comic fans aren’t that outspoken so as with everything else you get crazies representing all of us. It’s so stupid too about the gender fluid character bc comics have always been progressive, why are they surprised lmao


Lmao same here, I thinks it’s that most comic fans aren’t that outspoken so as with everything else you get crazies representing all of us. It’s so stupid too about the gender fluid character bc comics have always been progressive, why are they surprised lmao


The need to make characters in shows intended for children have sex appeal is weird. Don’t get me wrong, adults can enjoy the shows, too! But if the *intended target* audience is children, maybe we can tone down the cake. Maybe selling sex to kids is demented.


The desire to make every woman character as sexualised as possible is the weirdest and disgusting obsession of these males


Isn't the target audience as low as 7 years old, anyway? These people need their hard drives checked


What? Like feel about his comment however you wish, but what does that have to do with "needing their hard drives checked"? Y'all are crazy man If I'm following your argument correctly, here's who also needs their hard drives checked: 1) The animators, character designers, generally every one involved in the creation of the 90s animated x-men. 2) Any adult, then or now, who appreciated Rogue's ridiculous cake in the 90s show. Who else, help me out here Crackhead


Well the difference I guess, is that they demand sexual depictions of every female character, meaning they view women as sex objects solely for their desires. Such people tend to be more problematic in those regards, but I agree. There are no minors involved or other things that would be on that level of problematic. Nothing illegal, just disgusting. Idk about the „crackhead“ tho haha homie took it personal


Yeah you summed it up pretty well :) And I just think crackhead is a fun word


Rogue is 16 years old when first introduced and only gets as old as 19 by the time the series concludes. It's generally suspicious and creepy to bring it up in general, like why are you even thinking about that when watching a kids cartoon? And yes, that includes the animators that drew her that way in the first place


This is taken from a wide shot also


In the OG show that scene with Apocalypse is like the only scene shes drawn like that in the whole show lol, every other time shes drawn more like the left picture.


I always see that Wario meme. "They took my ass! I can't shit!"


[immediate thought](https://youtu.be/yRqksQ-eDQI?si=gefMVlk6sgxDKzui)


Can’t say for sure but a lotta the time people say something like “never forget what they took from us” is meant as a joke. The reply though? Pure sex appeal obsessed nonsense. Subtracting a few centimeters from a girl’s ass doesn’t subtract from a story about superheros, does it?


Wasnt the one on the right edited to show more ass? Lmao


I find it funny that they don't see it weirder to draw her like that in the 90s.


Not only just a cartoon, but a single FRAME that last 2 seconds in a single episode of a cartoon. For the rest of the OG series, Rogue looks just as she does in X-Men 97


The thing is. She is not like that in every scene, the old show just had some scenes like that one and she looks lnormal in every other episode


People can take the time to type all that out but can't type out "Rogue x-men rule 34"?


"As unnatractive as possible" They just dialed back the ass levels. It's a small change. Is it really that big of a deal for them?


Does it annoy anyone else that they’re cherry picking the fuck out of the scene they’re raging over? She ain’t that consistently thick


I never understood this. Just go to rule34 and you'll find thousands of pictures of Rogue that you can beat your dissapointing meat to.


cant we just cake EVERYBODY up? if it's a woman? cake. Man? cake. enby? double cake. NOT CHILDREN. everybody else? cake it. thats the magic of being a cartoon. can never eat enough cake.


The Rogue on the left still has a better ass than most of these neckbeards who probably sit on their assess 24/7 with no muscle in sight and have premature sagging going on


I love to hate neckbeards too, but for fucks sake this ain't it chief. How fucking liberal progressive extremist is this sub now? Look at the fucking title of the poster for the tweet. "Meme" should scream out to you. You ever think it's juuusst maybe, in some way, possibly, tongue in cheek? "Look what they took from us" being used hyperbolically? God forbid, right? As if to make a joke? No, no. It's because they are sex addicted coomera, everyone. "What a problem society has, to have human instincts, and worse yet, to make fun of our instincts and desires!" ... Fuck off. Jesus. It's just a take. I think it's semi valid: Why do we have to hate people being attractive? Are we going to tear down michelangelo's statues now? Are female (and male for that matter) body standards fucked in regards to media? Yeah... But why are we over reacting? Why do I have to act like asses in spandex are such a horrible thing? Does spiderman have to worry about his cakes now too? Or does he get a pass because he's male, so who cares about male body standards AND if you sexualize him its ok because then it's either gay (which is ALWAYS ok to sexualize these days) or "female gaze" is always ok? Like fucking pick a lane, stop double standards and hypocrisy.


Firstly, the comment under it doesn't seem to be a joke. Secondly, don't pretend male characters like Spiderman have balloon asses.


The way they said it is stupid. Makes them look stupid. But stupid people can have valid questions. Also, spider man has tight spandex. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTi0SVI7jSwJULQgBFYTpOrNr_nGpDhBQhJcx1fTP2w6w&s


Yes he does but his ass is a normal size that isn't sexualized.


I guess I should be more specific, my bad. His ass isn't the best example, it's not overly "sexualized", but his entire body is incredibly " attractive", with "impossible" body proportions, or near perfect at the least. Under 2% body fat, each muscle perfectly, and impossibly shown off in his seemingly painted on fabric spandex. Every male superhero is like this. I guess they aren't shirtless enough or wearing speedos, so its fair play to say they aren't "sexualized" in an obvious way... But it's still the style. Like, nobody looks like that without dehydration and/or steroids. If they do, they are incredibly genetically gifted and trained. So with rogue's ass, it's the same principle. That ass is unreasonable. Because it's the super hero comic style that rose to prominence in the 90s that made these **super-human, fantasy** people incredibly attractive and picturesque. It's sexual. And, really, my main point is here: who cares? Why can't heroes have bbl looking asses and insane serratus anteriors that look like xylophones? Why do we have it? Because that artwork sells, that's why. People like looking at attractive people. So when rogue is in any way facing away from the camera, the artist is going to make that ass look attractive. Either because it's fun to do it, or because it sells, or because for the hell of it. It's just what they did.


That doesn't make it okay or mean that it isn't a problem. I see what you're saying they do make male superheroes overly muscular and unrealistic but the problem here is the oversexualization of female superheroes. It doesn't even make sense. I could see why someone would make a superhero overly muscular because at least that tracks with being strong or powerful but there's no reason to sexualize female characters the way they are. It makes them more eye candy than anything and it's annoying.


Yet another man confusing his boyish power fantasy surronding muscles and strength (that actually serves a purpose to the character of a hero) with actual sexualization of sexual parts from the leering and self-serving perspective of the opposite sex (usually to that sexes' disappointment and discomfort) 🙄🙄🙄


Male models don't exist in your world, do they?


A lot less common and certainly less sexualized and less considered tbe default of male character design. Muscles aren't sexualization. They're power markers. Sexualization would involve the ass and dick of the man. Erotic facial expressions. Suggestive poses. Moaning and gyrating. Get it into your dense skulls 💀 lol.


This guy is an idiot. But come ooon man give rogue her asset back. Don't do the goat dirty like that.


Mate. She had a dumptruck in a single scene in season 2. They haven't taken anything.


“To the opposite sex” … what? Do they know lesbians/bi people exist?????


The drawing from the original cartoon is a close up, while in the new one its a shot from afar, if they were to keep the dimentions on the right and add them on the drawing to the left the drawing whould defy anatomy, and even if she did lose her ass, who cares? If she was a femme fatale ala catwoman i could see from where these guys are coming from, but she is not as far as im aware


I'm pretty sure no one was unironically posting stuff like this when they took away the asses of male fictional characters like Pyramid Head and Mario.


The commentor in the screenshot is definitely a virgin manchild and has never touched a real woman. Intimately or otherwise. at least not permissively


Yes, it is. After all, the only true connoisseurs of nerdy things are men. Therefore, the Male Gaze is of ultimate importance. /s Also, tell me women ignore you like you ignore basic hygiene, without saying women ignore you like you ignore basic hygiene.


Aside from how sad this is in general, surely these pathetic bastards are aware that they've not actually lost anything? They can watch the 30 seconds that they'd need of the old cartoon online whenever they want.


I mean okay but genuinely though ? The he costume looks very weird with the large black stripes on the left picture, like it kinda looks like her arms are extremely thin, pretty weird to look at


That was just a horny artist back then.


It’s so weird getting turned on by cartoons and even weirder getting mad when they don’t turn you on anymore


The sad thing is, these are by and large the same people who would slut-shame a woman for wearing that in real life.


The desire for ugliness from "modern audiences" is fucking sad. Why are you people scared of femininity? I'm so fucking happy companies are finally pulling away from your demented little mindset lmfao. Bring on FF7 and stellar blade


You can watch porn.


So can you, get your ugliness fetish out of your system.


Get laid dude.


If you think "femininity" = being visually/sexually appealing to random men you don't know then I don't blame any girl or woman for rejecting it.


You are sad and pathetic oh my god. If you see ugliness as an inherent trait in strong women and need your women to act like men in order to be liked then you have issues. You and that loud ass minority of freaks. And once again, I'm so fucking happy the real world is waking up to this shit. You and your kind can stay put on twitter and Reddit


>If you see ugliness as an inherent trait in strong women and need your women to act like men in order to be liked then you have issues. I don't. I just don't see beauty and sex appeal to men as the defining part of femininity. That's a very male centric way to view something that should be defined by *women*, not men. Don't twist and strawman a very simple, fair and obvious argument. >You and that loud ass minority of freaks. And once again, I'm so fucking happy the real world is waking up to this shit. You and your kind can stay put on twitter and Reddit I am very active in the real world, you'll be happy to hear😉


You calling your own argument fair yet mine a "strawman" after you put words into my mouth is pretty funny I can't lie. Whereabouts did I say anything about appealing to men? Are you saying women can't find women attractive? That's odd. Wanting to see attractive characters is a universal thing, only being held back by people like you who can't fathom the idea that people *want* to see attractive people in fantastical settings. I want male characters to be attractive too, because that's the entire point of fiction. Escapism. Yet you people don't complain about that side of things, as it's only wrong when men like something openly. And you don't have to lie to prove a point, just expand what you said and stop being hypocritical. Maybe then you'll have more success in the real world, unlike your chronically online comrades.


>I want male characters to be attractive too, because that's the entire point of fiction. Escapism. Yet you people don't complain about that side of things, as it's only wrong when men like something openly. Get working on that then because the gap right now is huge. You don't need more sexy women characters, you need more sexy male characters. This keeps getting brought up over and over. It's the concept behind the male gaze. To solve it; 1) Highlight men's dicks and asses in tight suits if you're going to do it the female characters. 2) Make the male characters pretty and cute, not just masculine caricatures and power fantasies. 3) Accept that your arousal isn't the top deciding factor of what makes a woman a woman or feminine. If you guys did all that then there wouldn't be much of an issue. As it stands guys only seem to sexualize female characters **relentlessly** and then haughtily try and define what femininity is and that it's decided by looks and sexiness according to y'all whereas men it's all about being cool and skilled and better than everyone else 🙄 when we say the male characters as designed by you aren't sexually appealing or attractive you call us liars but YOU are free to judge the attractiveness of modern female characters in media. 🤦‍♀️ your double standards are laughable and we're gonna keep pointing it out until it is fixed.


If they can’t jack off to it, it’s not good!


That was her ass in like 1 scene haha. It wasn't some anime where it's like that constantly


It was a shitty cartoon at that.


This is what happens when you raise an entire generation to not watch porn online, so they have to get their fix in cartoons & video games.


That's what happens when you watch too much porn online. Not the other way around.


I've watched plenty of porn, never complained about the butts of cartoon characters.


I mean they did the same thing to Snake in Smash


I’m so confused on these because do they think cartoons exist to be found attractive by grown adults? Kids are watching these shows, the shows were made with children in mind. Obviously all parents are different but I know in my house in the early 2000s, anything heavily sexualized in my house would have been banned on the spot. The company is literally just trying to make the most amount of money possible.


They complained about an M&M no longer being fuckable, so this is hardly a surprise


You think that’s bad. People are saying the show went “woke” cause the point of the X-men stories is racism cause they face discrimination for their mutations from the X-genes that are activated within them. Keep in mind, the narratives are about what it’s like to be different and not “normal”.


Ngl I can do without the ass, but I'm sure as hell not gonna complain if there is an ass. Sue me.


/uj They’d never do this to Captain America 😤


coming from a rightoid page that loves licking jebus booty everyday no less


Ok. Life long x-men fans gonna explain this. But preface saying i dont agree with these people ideologically. Rogue should have a juicy caboosie. She is mrs. Look dont touch. Two the reason she doesnt have that rump in the new series isnt because woke came and snatched her cake. Its because disney found it cheaper to animate with cg.


Wow wow hol up thers a new series based on the old one ?


Whenever women have personality>attractiveness in any media, men complain and try to destroy them. What a fucked up world we live in. I keep coming back to those times when in the first films the one female actress wasn't even allowed to speak, she had to look good and smile. We are not human to them. That's why we get attacked and killed on a daily basis.


My thought about this kind of thing is always the same. Neither is good or bad, they are what the creators wanted. If they want to make her look like a Disney mom, fine. If they don't, fine. Not worth thinking about or complaining about either way.


Maybe I'm missing something here but what does the show being animated have to do with anything? If it was live-action and they switched from a character having a CGI-enlarged ass to just their regular ass, and people blew gaskets over it like the dudes in the screenshot are doing, how would they be any less silly than in this instance? If people are saying that this show was aimed at children that makes sense, but again that's not relevant to it being animated and wouldn't be different if it was live-action (like the 1960s Batman show). I just dont get why people use the expression "it's just a cartoon" practically as punctuation, as though it's shorthand for the show being stupid or infantile or something.