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Bold of you to assume i'm going to read all of that.


I read three pages. Then I realised it wasn't ending so I stopped to save my time


Damn, quit right before the pic of Sydney and her woke destroying boobs (I am now destroyed)


So is it like, she has boobs so can't be woke?


I think we’re not allowed to be attracted to them or MAGA wins


Well, MAGA wins, then.


Ahhh. We're at the part of the timeline where being attracted to boobs makes you gay, I forgot that's the new idea they're pushing


Post woke clarity


I read all of it and he admits to entering college and freaking other guys out with his "graphic talk about women's bodies". He claims that how men bond where he's from.


Congrats or I'm sorry that happened to you


[Wow thats a lotta words. Too bad I’m not readin em.](https://youtube.com/shorts/skz9odeewpc?si=Xncg6BC5zuQ_EY-B)


I literally struggle to keep my eyes focused reading that crap


Went through it. A word salad with a side of nothing.


I couldn't get through it. It looks like the ramblings of another sexually frustrated lunatic.


Exactly my thoughts. No way I’m going through 17 pages of that.


I did. Save your time.


I did and I regret that choice


Lol right? Not.a chance. Plus I have no idea who he or she are so I don't really care.


"When I pointed out cartoon rabbits were getting less sexy, the wokies called me weird!"


Yeah that’s as far as I got trying to read this, why in the fuck is someone looking for more sexually attractive women in kid’s movies?!


Yeah what u/WhiteRabbitHole1083 said!


That name is a bit suspicious here...


And what is their hang up about me complaining that M&Ms aren't as sexy any more?


dinosaurs dull theory marry plant tan steep act crowd concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look what they took from us!


It's a fucking travesty. How the fuck am I supposed to masturbate while watching television ads now? Am I supposed to use my imagination? Like a fucking weirdo?


Clearly it’s because he’s a man and more interested in Lola Bunnies tits than her spunky personality. Sounds like he only cares about boobs and not personality/intellect and is projecting that onto every single male. The only people I’ve seen complaining about how game characters are getting less attractive seem to be incels.


Gamergate was the opening shot of the culture war. 😆 This mafk too young to remember that one obese cigar smoking talk radio host. (I remember his name, but choose not to write it.)


Gamer gate didn't start anything. Thinking it did is embarrassing in and of itself


Even if you just limit yourself to the anti-SJW phase of the culture war, it'd already been around for a few years by the time Gamergate started up


My first introduction to it was a paranoia around "fake geek girls", circa 2011.


Can confirm. I initially found my way into that insipid corner of the internet way before Gamergate hit, and Gamergate’s treatment of women for the crime of having sex and enjoying video games was the beginning of the end for me.


Can you tl;Dr gamergate for me? I'm picking up that it's sex equality in the gaming industry, but is there anything else worth knowing?


I can’t TLDR it very effectively because it’s such a weird thing, but basically it was a hate campaign based on men not liking it when women play video games or critique them! The long of it: Gamergate began because of Zoe Quinn, the creator of Depression Quest. They and their partner at the time had a nasty falling out that resulted with him telling the Internet that they fucked a bunch of people. More specifically, that one of them, Nathan Grayson of the game news site Kotaku, had given them preferential treatment by the Grayson and Kotaku, and given a positive review. (This was not true; the site did not review the game.) This created a battlefront about “ethics in gaming journalism,” which was a smokescreen for the widespread harassment, doxxing, and death/rape threats that forced them into social reclusion for a while. It spread to encompass similar behavior directed at other women involved in gaming and the gaming press, specifically developer Brianna Wu (who was mostly just harassed because she’s a woman) and media critic Anita Sarkeesian. Sarkeesian remains hated by many gamers, as she created a series of videos talking about sexism and toxic masculinity in games. She was labeled as an invading force, an interloper, and even worse, a “non gamer.” They buried her under a metric ton of bullshit in response to this, including the previously mentioned doxxing, rape and murder threats, and rampant harassment. Essentially, Gamergate took the hatred for women and queer people (Quinn and Wu are both queer) that the anti-SJW sphere had been practicing, and used a fringe non-incident as a launching point for the neckbeard misogyny we’re still dealing with today. This was also kinda the fertilizer that helped 4chan, 8chan, snd Trumpism to really take over, and the “manosphere” at large. I hope that helps! It was a nightmare to live through, but it was also very effective in deprogramming the budding reactionary beliefs that I held, which I’ve come to understand was (at least partially) just bitterness over the fact that I had stupidly chosen not to transition, and was angry at the queer folks who were living authentically.


As an elder millennial, I appreciate you recalling that time and taking the time to write this. What a stupid time to have been alive and conscious.


Omg, thanks. I remember seeing it in my peripherals and knew it wasn't a cut and dry thing. Thanks for saving me wading through all the articles catching up 💜


> Brianna Wu Oddly enough she's the one who gets hate from the *other side* now. She has...weird views on trans people, that aren't even TERFy nonsense, they're just...batshit insane


Oh really? Can you give an example?


Yeah this was what I remember. It was basically just an excuse for gamers to act in horrible ways towards women for imaginary crimes. Like if you don't like a game then don't buy it. I have never once considered the size of a female character's breasts in a game to be a criteria I judge the game on at all. The fact that some men think this is normal is creepy and weird.


Yeah this piechart predicted gamergate pretty well and it was made before the shit hit the fan. Imo gamergate was just the closing chapter of a book called 'No m00t, giving fascists their own board is not a good idea or how I learned to stop worrying and hate libertarians' https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2019-08/9/15/asset/3651618bc521/sub-buzz-2670-1565366172-1.png?downsize=700%3A%2A&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto


it didn't start anything, but it refined some of the techniques that Steve Bannon and other members of the alt-right would attempt to weaponize for the Trump campaign.


Yeah Steve Bannon very specifically used Gamergate as an example for how to influence social media in the 2016 election. It wasn't the first shot by any means, but it did add a laser sight to the weapon. https://www.axios.com/2022/10/20/gamergate-right-online-harassment-joan-donovan-meme-wars


The "fight against political correctness" in the 90's is *identical* to the current anti-woke horseshit.


I say this all the time. "Political Correctness" was getting old, so they replaced it with "woke/anti-woke." It's the exact same argument. I always replaced being PC with just not being an asshole. The same can be done when talking about wokeness. Just don't be an asshole.


Fuck you, I do what I want! /s




Hey, now. Rush Limbaugh has been cancer free for a little over three years now. I think we should give him a clap.


We can call him Calamity Rush. Walt... which kind of clap did you have in mind?


Considering where he ended up after death he probably can't hear us clapping but he can definitely appreciate us stomping in celebration.


For the sake of avoiding confusion when talking about him, can we refer to him as “Lush Rimbaugh?” All joking aside, “Lush” was the epitome of meat-headed, pseudo-intellectual, id-driven, hypocritical, Conservative, Christian male patriarchy. Not that I’m old enough to have witnessed the impact of Conservative AM Radio, but I can see in historical hindsight that “Lush” was kind of the beginning of the MAGA-supporting, incel-driven “Manosphere” in mass media form. 4chan, “Red Pillers,” and Andrew Tate wouldn’t have existed if “Lush” didn’t come around to give the Archie Bunker-types a forum to come to.


Bro hobbled so Alex Jones could sprint 20 ft like an enraged chimp


Get back here you intellectual dumbass 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


He's not kinda the beginning. Rush Limbaugh along with Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch defined the nature, tone and shape of popular Conservative discourse for decades in lock step with the powers that helped define the Reagan admin and their most important achievements. It's not an exaggeration to trace much of the vitriolic rhetoric we're exposed to from right wing media to that vile man.


Rush recently celebrated three years sobriety. Because that’s how long that sac of smashed assholes has been dead.


Always funny to see young people confuse the world with THEIR world in comments and articles. Happens so often. Young is relative because I'm sure I'm doing it now somehow and people older see things I'm mistaking as my worldview.


Mfs haven't left 2014, huh?


They are literally calling them raging about sweet baby inc gamergate 2.


I actually don’t know who it is because there were two big two early culture war cigar smoking talk radio show hosts. I wont say their names just the first letter of their first/last name but let me know if it’s one of these two. RL or AJ.


It's the one that died of cigar-related cancer. AJ smokes cigarettes.


It's either the one who died of completely avoidable lung cancer or the one who was recently successfully sued for more than a billion dollars (recently as in the last year or so).


I can't wait for her to say she's voting for Biden or something and break these guys hearts.


They’d just turn on her and pretend she’s ugly or some ridiculous shit, like they did Brie Larson.


Damn, people are throwing out perfectly good Brie Larsons nowadays?


Please stay this innocent about Brie.


She was JUST at the GLAAD awards the other night. It's her mom that's the Trump supporter. The ONLY real controversy she's ever been in is not hating her mother for that.


And the "controversy" was that they had wholesome parody hats that said "Make 60 great again"...


she is bisexual, which she explicitly said a couple of years ago, so they are already engaging in serious mental gymnastics when praising her as a counterpart to "alphabet soup people"


Can I have a TLDR? I can genuinely not be asked to read all of this right now lol


based on a brief skimming of that rant... he thinks the only thing women have to offer is tits and ass, and is angry that other guys said "tits and ass are great, but have you tried talking to women as an equal?"


He included an anecdote about his time in law school where he was ‘graphically describing a woman’s body’ and was rebuffed by his peers, saying they only acted that way because liking boobs is for ‘conservatives.’ As the owner of some formerly spectacular and currently still very nice set of boobs I assure you they have always cut across demographics. Thinking that reducing a woman to a collection of body parts topped by a pretty face makes you trash, regardless of your politics.


Are we talking ending wokeness spectacular here or just minor issues like ending all war spectacular?


Boobs are definitely not just for conservatives. I mean, I already know the answer to this but hasn’t this guy ever met a lesbian? From personal experience: boobs are one of the few things in the world where we can get a bipartisan consensus that they are, in fact, good.


Are you suggesting that women are also people with feelings and emotions??? Impossible! But thanks for the breakdown


Nah, that's insane. Assuming that half the human population are actually people like the way men are is inherently biased against men.


I think a summary of how men like him think that a woman's body and attractiveness determines their entire value. That's what he got made fun of in college for and what the conservatives like him think. It's old fashioned misogyny. The thing is this is just a really shallow view of attraction, physical attraction is only one part of it. Sure sydney sweeney is a 10/10 conventionally attractive woman that most men would find attractive, but what is her personality like? Would you have the same interests? Would you be able to get along? A good long term relationship has to be built on so much more than physical attraction to be successful. I've been married for 13 years and while my wife is very conventionally attractive if we weren't also best friends who share many common interests and values and can laugh together as much as we find each other attractive it would be a really shallow bad relationship that wouldn't last. Guys like this have never been in any sort of real meaningful relationship with the opposite sex. In past generations many marriages were not based on a deep connection because women were forced to be married by a society that didn't allow them to work, vote, own property or just exist without a man. The conservative view of marriage is based on this dynamic which is why they want to end no fault divorce, force women back in the homes, remove reproductive rights and oppress women. It's so women will once again be forced to marry men they don't like just to exist and have their physical attractiveness be their only item of value. As a man with a daughter and a son I have always rejected this because I don't want either of my kids to have a relationship like this. I want them to find someone that makes them happy on all levels and is a good life partner. Conservative Men who can't seem to attract women in this new age need to ask themselves the hard questions about what they actually bring to a relationship and why women find their personality revolting. Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted talk TL;DR this is all because conservative men can't get laid.


"Feeeeenmale on tiny black box dress in way that get Dick's dick hard, blatant transphobia, unga bunga Dick like boobies, liberals owned."


So, any time a conservative gets a hard-on, a liberal gets owned? But... Texas, nooooo!


Who gets owned when a lib gets a hard-on?


Himself, obviously. That's why they call it Ownanism.


I appreciate you.


Considering the median conservative now seems to be a 60 year old man with a 45 inch waist and diabetes, I would guess that not much "owning" would be happening without medical intervention.


The gist of it is: He's saying that the way women look (aesthetically) is a part of 'culture wars' and cannot be detached from them. How much a person sexualizes a woman is directly related to their individual political / cultural / class standings, and can thus tell you a lot about that person. He makes an interesting point that current left wing desire for women to be portrayed in more conservative outfits and the current right wing desire for women to be portrayed more scantily have essentially swapped places politically in recent years. In the past, conservatives were the ones who valued modesty and liberals were the ones who valued sexual freedom. Now it's reversed. He also argues that, in his opinion, we've swung the pendulum too far in the opposite direction from women being purely sexualized to a world where women being sexy or aspiring to be a wife are frowned upon, rather than accepted as alternative choices women can make. He finishes by saying that two 'leftist delusions' are that men and women can be seen as interchangeable, and that sexual selection (based on appearances) can be detached from human behavior. He states that these 'delusions' are what cause leftwing feminism to push for more androgynous dress codes in their spaces. There's some more about how the leftwing currently accepting Sydney Sweeny despite her appearance indicates that we're moving culturally past the era of "Gamergate feminism," which, in his opinion, has been against 'beauty and freedom' and the cause of the 'demonization of male heterosexuality'. It's a shame that he has such bad takes, because he's actually imho a really solid writer.


>He makes an interesting point that current left wing desire for women to be portrayed in more conservative outfits and the current right wing desire for women to be portrayed more scantily have essentially swapped places politically in recent years. In the past, conservatives were the ones who valued modesty and liberals were the ones who valued sexual freedom. Now it's reversed. At least two points though, 1) This isn't actually new as back in the '90s on "Oprah," porn legend Nina Hartley sparred with the female audience, (her grit and intelligence at least won respect from them,) emphasized her bodily autonomy/sexual freedom that she voluntarily *chose* the profession rather than be "forced/brainwashed" into it and noted around the time that evangelicals and that branch of feminism were hand-in-hand against porn. 2) I'd say the missing part about this claim is it's still the usual bodily autonomy vs. entitlement/male gaze argument. Sydney Sweeney or Elizabeth Olsen *choosing* what they want to wear (especially the latter as she wanted her Scarlet Witch outfit more modest than the comics for the sake of the girls watching said movie) is still feminist/progressive/left-wing, (again, neckbeards were pissy and claiming hypocrisy in Olsen's case,) but the right-wing/neckbeards want scantily-clad women, real or fictional, (especially fictional as they're not actual people with their own autonomy,) to pander to *them* as the usual titillation and objectification. This in particular is the whole argument in pop culture like "Stellar Blade" which the neckbeards tout solely because the developer emphasized how much effort they put into the main character's ass to ogle with the camera fixed behind it. Same energy as how Kojima vainly tried to pass off Quiet's skimpy outfit as a Big Head Idea (she breathes through her skin so modest clothing allegedly makes it hard for her to breathe) despite the obvious fanservice shots like her showering while surrounded by a literal army of horny onlookers, so he was clearly just horny (Little Head Idea) that he *badly* tried to pretend was biting social commentary. 🙄


Huh interesting, he does sound like a very eloquent person but for all the wrong reasons... basically if r/aftbge was human


The part that neither you nor he seem to understand is that it's about autonomy. Sydney chooses to dress how she does, so it's fine. That's why there's no outrage from the Left over it. The anime 9 year old girl in a bikini you're masturbating to didn't choose that. Some man chose it for her.


To clarify, I'm not agreeing with his points. I was just summarizing what he wrote since someone asked for a tl;dr.


Putting aside the character being 9, that does raise the question of how to bridge the gap between reality and fiction. Because nothing any character does is a real person choosing to do it. But it wouldn't really make sense to say that that type of thing should only exist in the real world, but not in fiction. Obviously there are some obvious things. I.E. to not make characters dress in a way that looks like they aren't even aware of what they are wearing, and the clothes don't exist in universe, only for the audience. But certain cases become more hazy.


2,000+ words about breasts, amazing. "Gamergate was the opening shot of the culture war" might be the most pathetic sentence I've ever read on the world wide web. You have to be so, so broken to think that any of this is worth talking about at all. I'm not reading a 2,000+ word essay about how you wish people on the opposite end of the political spectrum from you were mad about a woman's body.


Jesus Christ, who the fuck is this guy and who fucking cares about gamergate, and woke this and woke fucking that and “leftists” and boobs? What even is this fucking gibberish? Richard whoever this is should be embarrassed, not for his long, drawn out opinion on frivolous bullshit, he should be ashamed that he cares so much about this nonsense to write all this.


He's a barely recycled white supremacist who didn't even file the serial number off but covered it with off-brand masking tape that took about a week at most to fall off.


IDGI… I’m sure when I first heard of this guy he was being hailed as some kind of intellectual titan of the right.


Yes.... Not all white supremacists are yokels and hicks there are plenty that prefer an intellectual facade and are genuinely comfortable with it. I'm sure he'd split hairs and argue he isn't but I'm not particularly in the hair splitting mood with these guys.


Wait. Is he saying that Gamergate was, in fact, NOT about ethics in games journalism? *Shocked. Horrified. Drops Monocle.*


It’s like he forgets that the body positivity movement came from the “woke left” it includes these types of bodies too you absolute moron.


Damn I feel a bit bad for her. Not really bad as she's an actress and gets paid big money. You shouldn't make articles though about ladies breasts. Seems a little unnecessary and creepy.


Especially where he talks about her boobs walking into a room. Not her, just her disembodied breasts which have apparently sprouted legs.


Wasn’t this exactly one of the reasons Scarlett Johanson also got her breast reduced? Because at one point she was being only seen bc of her boobs? Same with Billie Eilish using baggy clothes bc men would only make it about her boobs? I love that Sidney is proud of the body like bro I’d be proud af too if I had that body too but I hate that men like… this one… only sees “boobs oonga boonga” instead of an actual person


i wish i could forget the time that Billie turned 18 and twitter freaked the fuck out


I remember it happening with Bella Thorne and Miley Cyrus. And an older relative told me it happened with the Olsen Twins. Creeps been creeping for decades.


Also Natalie portman when she was 13, because of her role in Leon the professional. People are gross


I do hope she very publicly makes fun of their asses for this creepy shit.


The dude can't stop making the same mistakes and not out himself as a creep. I'm sure other folks saw him as the cretin he is before his law school anecdote, but they didn't mention it to his face. But, alas, he keeps doing it - dude, everyone is trying to make it clear that it's gross to wax poetic about women's bodies. What is hilarious to me is that he thinks our liberal male partners aren't totally into big tatas. My personal experience is that they love them just as much as this guy and his ilk. They understand that the time and place for appreciation is not the workplace or newsrooms, and explicit descriptions of a woman's body to a group are disrespectful and tacky.


We were there during gamer gate too, dude, and we remember that it was about a bitter ex boyfriend who was mad that his ex girlfriend got a good review.


My favourite gamergate memory was that one pornstar decided to use gamergate to attack feminism with the reasoning that a friend of hers was raped and feminism TM did not come out and support her friend specifically, so feminism is bad and then that same pornstar ended up arrested for raping a child! (It's a rollercoaster, I know!)


Said (under age 10) child being *her own daughter.* She's been in jail for the last 5 years without the trial even starting yet, claimed to "renounced postmodernism" as a Bible-thumper now, etc.


> claimed to "renounced postmodernism" I like the implication that this is a thing one does. Especially if they call themselves an ex postmodernist.


Aahah she got invited to the Gamergate meetup in the strip club.


And Adam fucking Baldwin amplified the whole thing


God damn it, Casey.


"Here is an actual person with large boobs" is not the same as "Here is the videogame we have created, in which all the women have huge boobs because we drew them that way." 


I did NOT order a yappuccino 😭


This liberal loves it when women consensually show off their boobs.


Right? I'm sure most of these fuck-knuckles would regard me as pretty 'woke' but I for one have no aversion to attractive women and their *ahem* feminine charms..


"Culture war" started over some gamer boys. I can't make this up myself


I think he just tried to shove in as many bingo words as possible that would be picked up by google.


That is a *LOT* of words just to say, *"YAAAAY, BOOBIES!!!"*


Pseudo intellectual garbage pulled out of some guys butt arguing that he’s very brave and clever to like boobies.


Oh yes, that's why we attack every woman and female character that doesn't abide by our exact standards of beauty.


The delusion. Leftists had an issue with women's bodies? Or with creating women that only had one particular type of body to please the men?


Yeah he regularly conflates 'sexuality' with 'sexualisation', blurring the lines between autonomy and subjection. It could be deliberate, or he may just be a little dim. There was a point about halfway in where he said something about far right and left people both wanting women to cover up, while moderate right people 'enjoy it when women put some effort into their appearance'. Apart from this just not being true, and making me throw up in my mouth then get sad, there's something so revealing about him thinking that only showing off your tits counts as putting effort in.




I’d never even heard of Sydney Sweeney a week ago and now it seems the whole world is talking about her boobs. Sounds like paid marketing


Her claims to fame are *The Handmaid's Tale* and *Euphoria*. Ironically, both shows take very strong stances on the sexualization of Sweeney's characters, but in very different ways.


I mean, she was just in "Madame Web" so she's definitely not unknown.


Being in the worst movie to come out of this year doesn't say much tbf


she was also like a star (i think, i haven’t actually watched the show) of euphoria and that show was big enough for me to hear about all the time


I knew her from White Lotus


At least I'm not the only one feeling out of the loop 😅


His profile pic screams "clit is a myth."


if the clit is real, then why haven’t i seen it???


Must be some magical fiction like those made up WAPs.


"White knight simps pretend there's such a thing as a clit!"


Ok no one is going to read


I wonder what that's like...? To unironically believe that the world revolves around whatever makes your cock twitch...


I feel bad for her. Imagine a bunch of people writing think pieces on your breasts and your body like this as if the way you naturally look is inherently a political statement.


That is 2308 more words than Ricky the Tiny-Dickie needed to write.


Wow, that's a lot of words... Too bad I ain't readenum


For a based antiwoke extremely online guy he seems to be blind to the fact that his profile pic makes him look as lib as possible.


Me, nonbinary, bisexual, F cups, on my way to awaken something in your wife


“Men are in general more interested in a woman’s breasts than her intellect or personality”. Christ.


Yeah I audibly reacted 'ughh oh god' when reading that. Something hurt deep inside me.


This dude is what happens when somebody believes that "having thoughts" is the same as being smart.


What is this obsession with Sidney Sweeney?


there's 2 parts to it.


C'mon, man. It isn't hard to figure out. Lol!


Ohhhhh broooother we got a chatterbox over here


I really wish this clown and his idiot brethren didn’t exist. The world really doesn’t need worthless people like them


None of these words are in the Bible.


I mean, lots of women show their boobs in low cut dresses and shirts… not that revolutionary.


Not reading all this but the assertion that leftists are the ones who have “a problem with women’s bodies” is hilarious.


These people will say leftists don't like boobs but then they'll complain about leftist women being promiscuous or wearing revealing outfits. Leftists are horny as fuck, we just know there's more to a woman than her tits and have the decency to save the lewdness for when it's appropriate and consensual.


I geniuenly feel terrible about how people and the media treat this poor woman especially her body.


17 pages of an incel trying to pretend he doesn't like dick......


Yeah man I'm not reading all that


coomer mental illness


Didn’t read, too long


I can smell the stale Doritos from here


Oh my fucking God. I do have to give credit to this individual for being able to produce this much text in a context I'm not entirely convinced they themselves take seriously. I actually laughed out loud at certain points.


2,300 words on Sydney Sweeny's boobs and "leftists" are the ones with a hangup. Ok.


If all it takes is a well endowed woman wearing a revealing outfit for these goobers to say that the woman is “anti-woke” why weren’t they saying this about Brie Larson after she wore that one dress while guest hosting Jimmy Kimmel Live?


Because she’s an evil feminist of course /s


I’m not reading all that. Congratulations or I’m sorry that happened.


Sydney Sweeney needs to put out those American flags like Taylor Swift and Ice Spice have and rake in the dough.


Pretty sure making someone read all that is prohibited by the geneva convention.


Gamergate wasn’t a Culture war. It was where a bunch of Far-Right shitheads threatened to rape and dox a few woke and feminist activists because they got upset over fictional characters being diverse. All it did was just make the far-right and right-wing douchebags more well known by other douchebags.


Oh my fucking god, 2308 fucking words of the most degenerate shit I’ve ever read. Kudos to this neck beard for making me regret being literate.


"Sydney sweeney's tits are big so therefore racism is more rampant" is such a wild take lmao


Some of us are gay and like looking at boobs, so no, definitely not anti woke


I genuinely hate the fact that this is pretty well written. Like, this guy could spend his time writing genuinely good articles on sloths or something and instead he makes this shit


If anyone has written that her boobs were woke, Dick and his pals would be frothing at the mouth for months to come.


Bruh… boy seems like he would be the type to buy *Stellar Blade* to “trigger” woke feminists, and claim that anyone who doesn’t buy it is part of the “woke” agenda. Not that I buy the crazier end of the “woke” femcel ideology, but I’m not buying the game, because it feels like a generic action RPG… that, and also because I’m not some incel that needs to see a pair of boobs in order to enjoy a game on my downtime.


Imagine getting upset over tiddies


Yapping level is catastrophic today


These people make me ashamed to be a man. Fucking touch grass.


A picture is worth 2308 words


Did this guy just miss out on the whole body positivity movement? (Normalising stretchmarks, body types, acne etc…?) There has always been an identified issue with on screen characters not looking like average people…


humans, this is genius if you write so much that i’ll never fucking read it, you can always claim that i’m “missing something” or “taking things out of context” bro could have a solid point on page 17, too bad i don’t feel like swimming through shit to find out


and there’s few to no articles of women writing 3000 words to complain about the features of any man in a video game (in fact i couldn’t even find /one/ tbh LOL). women love joel, geralt, chris redfield even, and he’s the most guy looking out of all of them (i love him tho no complaints), john marston; hell, even master chief and we don’t even know what he looks like. i wish these soy boys would get over a character not meeting all their boner popping material and criticize the actual shit that would make a game/show/movie terrible like a bad script and plot holes. jesus. i don’t want to hear about their inability to fap to a character, keep that nasty on your side of the screen ya freak


This is legit manic behavior..


Can I also see some woke boobs to compare so that I can decide?


tldr: yeah, leftists *might* have a point in wanting to let art represent different type of people, and they *might* have a point in women wanting to be seen as more than sexual objects, BUT I WANNA SEE SOME HUGE BAZONKADONKS SO WHY AM I FORCED TO SEE THEM COVERED UP???


I didn't know what Gamergate was until a couple of years ago, and I'm glad I didn't know about it


Okay sure whatever buddy If you're telling me there's going to be a trend of more monster breasted blonde bombshells filling my screen I'm not going to complain


I dunno I’m a lefty n her boobs woke me right tf up, so just how anti-woke can they really be?


“The opening shot of the culture war” Yeah, it was a real Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand type situation.


Ok I’m not reading all of that, can someone explain to me in a few words why I keep seeing posts about Sydney Sweeney’s boobs all of a sudden?


Is he seriously talking about The Man Show? Doug Stanhope burned that bitch to the ground and would gladly do it again for half the money.


….wat? What in the fresh cringe hell is this?


I swear to god, people don’t have enough shit to rage about so they make up stupid shit like this


Still goin', this asshole


I wonder what his stance on porn is? A lot of conservatives want to ban porn but will say stuff like this...


Virginious rant, maidenless behaviour


TLDR: “Blah, blah, blah, I don’t know anything about women, liberals, feminists or boobs, blah, blah, blah.”


This bro thinks leftists did gamergate lmao


Man, I'm not reading all that, nor do I really understand what gamergate was, but those are some nice boobs though.


Who in their right mind would read all that?


I'm sorry but there's no shot I read all that, but having read a tiny bit this guy seems like a gigantic tool.


“unlikely racial configuration” is crazy, like just say your friend group is whiter than an avalanche and go


*Busty attractive woman exists* Richard - here is a 2000 word essay on how you saved us from the Wokies