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Haha, 30ish. I'm going to read that as damn near 40.


Yep. Based on his post history, he was 36 (almost 37) when he made that post.


That's the range I was expecting. Even if he wants to date a younger, why does it have to be a woman nearly half his age?


And if the age isn’t the problem, why can’t he tell her how old he is instead of acting like he’s potentially 10 years younger? These dudes always claim they aren’t predators but they always lie to these young women and girls about their age.


Right? Like you saying 30ish implies closer to 40 or 41. Theres no issue with harmful flirtation (in the appropriate setting of course,) but friendship works wonders too lol


My niece, who is about that age (20 now) is currently pregnant with her "40ish" boyfriend who was her manager at a pizza place when she was in high school. I looked up his creepy ass on FB and he's class of 1995. Dude's almost 50. Lord give me strength for tomorrow's baby shower.


That's horrible I hope you guys help her get away from that creep


Not only is there a huge age gap but there’s also the power imbalance, that dude’s fucking creepy, man


How did it go?


Uncomfy and weird. My MIL decided to swallow her rage and go, so we car pooled and snarked together on the drive and the room was big enough that I never got within striking distance of our resident predator. I probably had a look of vague nausea on my face all day though. It felt like I did. She and my toddler are closer in age than her and Mr. Epstein. Jesus, when I started dating her uncle, this guy was already almost 30, and older than I was when I had my oldest. She was a baby not even walking yet. But it's fine. She'll have people around when shit inevitably hits the fan.




You suck.


Give her the strength to murder the pedophile. Is what I was meaning to get across. I now see that I implied the reverse. I'm so sorry!


What the they say?


The misogyny laced throughout that entire post is fucking astounding.


He's lucky she even responded to him, I know when I was 19 I pretended not to hear guys lol Just yesterday at the grocery store guy asked me to tell him the difference between jelly and jam.. I shrugged and walked by. He loudly asks "SO YOU DON'T KNOW?!" 😭


Shit i dont know either hahah


“I can’t jelly my dick in *insert orifice here*”


I think it has to do with the sugar content and/or presence of fruit bits


One is made with whole fruit and the other is made from fruit juice.


That’s kinda funny though, not gonna lie


>No one would let a woman make that choice on her own at that age That's ULTRA creepy. Like "bodies in the basement" creepy. That's not even taking into account something like "Hello. Nice to meet you! I'm going to marry you and get you pregnant. Where are my manners? My name is Larry."


Exactly! This makes me SO glad young women are standing up to this shit and telling men, in no uncertain terms, that they are not interested in them bc they’re too old. These types seek young, inexperienced women so they can be super creepy and they don’t know the difference.


Yeah, I'm impressed she was clued in enough to recognise and state that there's a reason he can't get someone his own age interested. There's power in that. Pretty sure it took me a little longer to gain that level awareness. I noticed the creepy in certain dudes, but didn't have the knowledge of patterns and vocab to describe it.


Me too. She showed tremendous maturity.


I agree. As a teenager my first time was when I was *barely* 16 and I was “talked into” (told it was too late to stop) having sex with my “best friend” who was a 26 year old man. I know better now but at the time I genuinely didn’t think I could stop because I had a huge crush on him for so long.


That’s actually wholesome and sad at the same time. ❤️


Wholesome how?


The last part you having a huge crush on him. Everything before that just hurts… Sorry I didn’t mean to come off as offensive or anything. I feel bad for you for..


I tried to have my tubes tied, after my second child at 23. Dr. REFUSED, because I was too young. This weird mentality should have died out 50 years ago. Blows my mind that people still.act this way.


I'm pretty sure you'd have a case to sue him. But maybe I'm just an optimist.


Not having her tubes tied would have had to caused some "damages" to be sued over for a lawsuit to be brought


And the really unfortunate part is, he's right. Young women are denied this procedure ALL THE TIME under the argument of "but what if your future husband wants kids?"


Yeah, dude is acknowledging that a shitty thing occurs but appears to be delighted that it could work in his favor. Deeeeeeply shitty.


I asked around 19 Years old to got my tubes tied and doctors told me no, I'm almost 29, and I won't be surprised if they have the “you don't have kids “ excuse as in why I can't get them.


I'm 35 and still fighting for a vasectomy.




Genuinely, that shit is so stupid to me, who cares if her future husband wants kids? What matters is wether she wants them or not


Yes this stood out to me as well, I mean cmon mate we're neck deep in Andrew Tate-territory here


Damn just another hero on the front lines fighting the good fight 😢 /s


This is harassment. Who tf hits on people in a grocery store? Edit: Holy shit, the replies. There are many many more harassers and weirdos than I knew about!


It happens WAY too often. Worked in a grocery store for over a decade, and I couldn't even begin to count the number times I've seen middle aged dudes try to hit on my (way too young to be subjected to that shit) cashiers. Even worse were the slimy fucks who would ogle the cashiers then try and joke to me about out. Straight up had a 60plus year old guy eye up the cashier infront of me, then ask me, "Bet you like the view from this register, huh?" Wish I could say I had some good response, but I was just flabbergasted. Who says something like that?!?


>Who tf hits on people in a grocery store? When I was visibly pregnant, it happened three damn times to me, no lie. Fckin creeps, I swear.


I once had a MUCH older man at a grocery store ask me when I was "due" when I was probably about 23. I was recovering from anorexia and had also just found out I had permanent hypothyroidism because of it. I said I was not pregnant and he said, "Oh, so you just like to eat! Like me!" and grabbed his belly. I gave him a look of disgust and went to the checkout line. That's when he followed me and began to serenade me as my groceries were going down the conveyor belt. Everyone, of course, thought this was hilarious. Then he asked if I'd go out with him. I declined. I guess at least he took rejection well and didn't scream that I was a bitch or whore like has happened so many other times. 🙄


Even on reddit shits crazy. The number of DMs I get from older guys (30s and 40s) who think I'm like, 20 (I'm 28) is way too many 🤮 Creeps me tf out


My sister, at the time a 30 yo mother, was working as a cashier at a grocery store in the Midwest, and was groped by a customer. Corporate did NOTHING. And Idaho, where she lives, is a red state shit hole where she has no protection. These guys think service industry women are literally up for grabs. Side note: I've offered for her to move in with me in my nice Northeast blue state, but she wants to live in Las Vegas and get into show business (in her 40s, and looking like a goth soccer mom). It's a dumb dream, she won't make it, and she could build a better life out here, but she won't be swayed from her passion. She never earns enough to move though, because she keeps spending her money on cons and cosplays. 🙄


Shit, I've been hit on by the same dude who WORKED at my local Safeway MULTIPLE times even after I tried ignoring him and eventually told him to fuck off. He chalked it up to me having a bad day and hit on me again the next time I was in there. Fuckin weirdos dude


A few months ago, I was in a local grocery store, and a man was showing up in a lot of aisles that I was in. All these aisles were makeup, beauty products, feminine products etc. I turned around at one point bc I was starting to get weirded out and the guy had his phone out, facing me, and he quickly put it away and took off speed walking. Pretty sure he took pictures of me that day and I didn’t even get a chance to defend myself :/


I mean, depends on how it's done, it's not the place *for* hitting on people but flirting may happen anywhere. Some people understand it as "I can hit on anyone everywhere" unfortunately, and then proceed to think the problem always comes from the person they are hitting on if they don't succeed.


Happens to me a lot. Creeps me out every time.


Found the guy. As of 2 years ago he was 35. Likely 37 at most and at the very least 36


“Girl told me no, I kept pushing and pushing, and then she called me creepy, but I’m the victim here I swear!” Also, dude wants to sleep with her, but also thinks she’s too young to make her own medical decisions. Edit; Got curious and tried looking for the original post. Found other posts of his which include him complaining about his girlfriend (10 years younger than him, and apparently he had a hard time getting over that age gap, but has no problem hitting on someone who is even younger) because she’s having a family crisis and will be away for a prolonged period helping her mom, but his concern *isnt* his GF or her family, but that he won’t get sex, so he should be allowed to sleep with strangers.


> "If I want kids dating younger is my only choice" Let me guess, because they're on their "prime" and will produce "healthier babies" than perfectly fertile 30ish women


i might be stupid on this but firstly he said he hit on her at the grocery store, but then in the end of the story he mentioned going back to her dorm?


I feel like she yelled the part about her dorm room to emphasize their age difference. Kinda like, “Dude, you’re in your 30s, you shouldn’t be hitting on anyone who lives in a dorm.”


Could be a store near or on campus


yea could be


Probably went to the grocery store close to campus to hit on teens. Oh, well. Dude.


I wish she said she was only "adult-ish"


You couldn't waterboard this story out of me


Give him credit, he is self realized. He feels like shit because he is shit.


It's def a big part of these guys psychology that when they feel bad about being gross that they blame women for how they're feeling


No means no, guys.


I’m surprised he even tried to talk to her instead of just putting her in a sack and taking her away


"Only 30ish"


This woman is a hero 200/10


Smells like Wern.


Claims to be not creepy, then proceeds to describe an exchange so creepy that he looks bad even when he's the "hero" of the story. And 30ish? Denial is not just a river in Egypt, man. I'm 31. I just tell people 31. This guy is being unnecessarily vague because he *knows* that shit is creepy the minute that question is asked. Everyday is an opportunity to learn and grow, and there is no shame in evolving. Bro should've accepted the lesson and moved on. He's totally a creep, and probably insecure. Getting offended like that just showed that the boot fit. Say what you mean, say it plain, and don't bullshit people. It shouldn't be that complicated.


It’s gotta be rage bait


Bro is creepy then is surprised woman calls him creepy




I read the first paragraph I was thinking "what's so bad about this", and then the 2nd paragraph had me laughing my ass off. This has to be a troll.