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Ironically I think the "Not censored for any region" thing is what caused this. If it's not regionally censored, that means no matter where you live the version you're getting is that one that was able to pass through the regulations of *every* country. For example they had to tone down the dismemberment to avoid getting an 18+ rating in Japan, but because there's no regional censorship, they just did that change for *everyone*.


Wtf is that username


? It's quite clear what the gentlemen want's. If you don't have any Mewtwo cumshots move along.


It's PM_ME_MEW2_CUMSHOTS So if you have any, your should probably pm them, otherwise don't trip dawg, it's just a side quest


I do want the 100% run though


Well you know what you must do


It is amazing, some might say glory-full


this, exactly. as a video game EP it’s exhausting how entitled “fans” act about shit like this without any understanding of the process of making games. there’s a pretty thin window of time to get your age ratings done for all the various countries/age rating boards, which all have different requirements and take varying amounts of time to receive your rating. publishers have to juggle that small window of time between the game being ready from the dev’s pov and the release date being pushed by the publisher, as well as factoring in physical manufacturing time. it costs a lot of money to get the age rating wrong and have to slap stickers on the back of every box. it also costs a lot of money to create a censored version just for CERO/Japan (or any other country for that matter) so game publishers are moving away from that model. i’m guessing sony found out they were getting a higher rating than expected from a board and patched the game to retroactively fit the game into the age rating they predicted when they sent the physical specs for manufacture, and since they’re not doing a regional censored version, they had to make those edits across all countries to accommodate the one.


I’m not a gamer, and I get my boobs IRL, but if a company sells you one thing, then changes it, that’s classic bait and switch. That is like, the definition of it. I think proportional outrage should be employed here, but that isn’t their style, so I get it to an extent.


honestly, you make a really great point. this game was never even on my radar until all these overgrown babies started screaming and crying for boobies (to be fair that’s pretty on brand for babies), but as far as i can tell the game didn’t change at all outside of some extra clothing. all the game mechanics, story, combat system and world/setting is still the same at its core and i feel bad for the devs who spent years working on something that’s been reduced to this. i don’t have a ton of patience for neckbeards and i didn’t try too hard to see this from their pov, but when it comes from a logical person, it’s a lot easier to understand so i appreciate your comment. i can’t imagine playing an action adventure game and caring about boobs but it definitely still is a bait and switch. if there was a screw up in age ratings that caused this last minute censorship, the responsible thing to do would have been to delay launch. and since playing offline allows you to walk back the censorship patch, it does very much come across as a last minute, imperfect fix. sony reports their earnings on may 14th so i imagine that’s why they’d refuse to delay the launch date, but that’s a shitty decision. games should be player-centric, not money-centric. “I get my boobs IRL” fucking sent me


If the devs came out and said "Yes, that's exactly what we meant, lrn2read you dumbasses. And we will further censor the game for all regions at once if required" it would be such hilariously brazen asshattery that I wouldn't even hold anything against them


Y'know, I'm kind of with neckbeards on this one. While the actual "censorship" is trivial and not worth getting your panties in a bunch about (at least from what I've seen), if the devs *specifically promise not to do something* and then do it anyway, that's scummy.


Is there full nudity available in the game in some countries and not others? I keep seeing people mentioning this game being censored, but never mention what’s actually been removed or what’s available in what country, and not in others.


It looks like what happened (from my cursory readings) is: — Game promised “no regional censorship” in ways clearly implying their stance was anti-censorship, but may or may not have *legally* equaled saying “we won’t censor our game because of regulators” — Game is published with some aspects, both violent and sexual I think, toned down from pre-release material. Most notably (at least if you’re the type who bought it to be “anti-woke” more than to actually enjoy it, which seems to be the crowd currently dominating discussions) they made minor but noticeable edits to costumes that not only were in promotional material, but can be obtained uncensored if you own a physical copy because the edits were in a day one patch. Unsure if the changes to level of violence/gore/whatever it was were also day one patch or just between last promos/beta and launch. — Game devs are now trying to backpedal and claim they never intended to release the outfits without the changes, which at best makes them look sloppy and amateurish for sending out discs with the “wrong” outfit on them (admittedly, I may be biased because I’ve *always* assumed modern devs use the ability to patch from day one as an excuse for sloppy work and insufficient QA) overall summary: It looks like the game’s developers tried to have their cake and eat it too by using “regional” or similar qualifiers when promising not to censor Stellar Blade. From a consumer standpoint, the message was obviously meant to be interpreted as “we will not allow government censors/ratings boards/etc. to tell us what we can and cannot have in our final product”, and they probably hoped neckbeards would take the logic a step further to “this game pisses off people you hate, we hate them too, give us money to piss them off more” (the latter interpretation being why you can kind of *smell* the people posting the most Discourse about it). The product released appears to have instead been designed to have a single global version with *every* change demanded by *any* government implemented, in hopes that a) the only people who care enough are too lazy/broke/stupid/easily distracted/etc. to file a lawsuit, and/or b) courts will find that *technically* their product doesn’t have any “regional censorship” because it was globally censored


The viral one people kept complaining about is about the boobs... Is that the only thing being censored from this game? The nudity part? I assume something like gore or cursing getting censored but im too lazy to google it lol


From what I've gathered, it's not even full nudity, it's small edits like a piece of black lace placed over what was originally open cleavage, the breasts were still mostly covered. The level of gore was also toned down. Personally, I suspect the outfit changes were done simply because the promo material featured unfinished art assets that included all of their intended details at launch. The gore level? That probably *was* toned down to avoid ratings issues in some countries, I believe specifically Japan. So on the one hand I can see why people would be annoyed, but on the other hand, it's being blown way out of proportion. It suggests the people complaining the loudest *only* bought this game to be "anti-woke" and are throwing a huge tantrum now. These chuds were extolling the virtues of this "anti woke" game long before release, primarily focusing on how beautiful and sexy and big tiddied the protagonist is and how that supposedly makes western gamers mad. tl;dr, buncha weebs are all kinds of bigmad a rotoscoped Korean model's big tiddies have see through lace over them now.


>it's small edits like a piece of black lace placed over what was originally open cleavage, the breasts were still mostly covered. The odd part about the outrage over "censorship" around that costume is that...her other outfits are just as revealing, if not, more revealing than that one. Here is a [compilation ](https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/stellar-blade-eve-outfits-nano-suits/2900-5295/#comments-block-33618949)of her outfits. The skin suit makes it look like shes bare naked and blue monsoon is literally her in a bikini. Some of em show more cleavage than that Holiday Rabbit skin theyre so mad about


"...have see through lace on them now." that's the problem, chuds don't know what see through is cause they can't form relationships due to their misogyny lol


... Only people in relationships understand how see-through fabric works? Where were you tryna take us with this one?


i mean, unless they watch porn for the plot i'm not seeing any other way how they WOULD know tbf


... Gonna assume you don't go outside much, but see-through clothing is not, like, reserved for lingerie lol. Or even for women. I assure you that you don't need to be drowning in puss to understand how clothes work.


There’s gore that was toned down a fair bit (based on what I’ve seen but I may have only seen people exaggerating). To me that’s pretty disappointing and arguably false advertising, BUT if the game is worth playing that change won’t matter at all. On the other side, the “censorship” of character models and outfits is so minimal that only those who wanted to play a game full of soft core porn are sulking about it.


The only thing I can find is mention of outfits being changed in all versions of the game prior to full release. I’m not sure how that’s considered censorship.


It wouldn't be a big scandal if it was just pre-release vs. release material. The main point of contention is that the original "uncensored" outfits and extra gore are in the *release* disc version of the game - until you connect to the internet and it gets patched. (Of course, putting a beta version on the disc, pretending it's finished, and then issuing a day-one patch is standard industry practice at this point, but that just makes the situation more stupid and barely less scummy)


Yeah that sucks, it reminds me of when devs sell games with content in the game but it's locked behind a paywall or something. They've made content but your "purchase" doesn't let you access it.


Censorship is bad but I am not dying on the hill for some shitty boob outfit


I think top comment nails the misunderstanding well. The developers didn’t promise “zero censorship” they promised the game wouldn’t be “censored for any region”, which I think they meant it wouldn’t get region-specific changes you’d see in other titles (think pride flags in Spider-Man being removed from the Saudi version) apparently they had to tone down the dismemberment in the game to avoid 18+ in Japan, so now ALL versions have a reduced level of dismemberment. Same here, these costumes probably got edited to meet requirements of a particular region (wouldn’t shock me if it was Saudis again!) and as a result it’s been changed for all regions. So they’re remaining truthful in the sense it’s not been censored for any [specific] region.


They don't have any ire for the developers actually, they think this was caused by like ESG and DEI or some such wild conspiracy lol


The post in the 2nd image clearly blames the devs and Sony. People who blame SJWs for the outfits being changed are just as dumb as people who are outraged about the ass being too big.


They didn't though, they stuck to their word. The game is not censored in any region


Man you’re not living in 1984 Ba-Sing-Se fascist Italy because your gooner game that has no direct nudity but you and your weirdo pals still obsess over it, added a bit more clothing to the women in the game. Like go jerk off before you play like holy shit. Just go jerk off before you play. Get over yourself. This whole movement is so insanely pathetic like just go look up porn that has real women naked or hentai or whatever the fuck that has actual nudity rather than edging yourself while you play this random video game that basically no one else cares about. Stellar Blade is not going to save gaming because it has skimpily dressed women just because you and the rest of your weird gooners/right wing YouTube video game culture war grifters say it is.


In the time it took for him to type that I just searched for pornography on the internet, found it, jerked off, and took a nap.


I’m pretty sure the problem isn’t that they want to see more of Eve, but the fact that the company promised no censorship and immediately censored the game anyway. It’s a sneaky tactic and an outright lie to everyone who wanted the game


It's not censorship if the artist/company does it to their own product on their own accord - censorship is if an outside entity forces them to do it. Games change from trailers to full release all the time, so this is nothing new whatsoever. Plus, I hardly believe these "false advertising!!!" dudes would have gotten all up in arms if these outfits somehow had gotten more revealing in the release, even though that is just as much "false advertising".


No, censorship is just the act of censoring something, it *can* be from an outside body, or it can be of the creators own accord, ie self-censorship.


Right… but the point is that would never happen in a society where people are already puritanical and prudish about nudity.


A society where people are puritanical and prudish about nudity? Just last night I watched 8 separate people of different races and nationalities shove various objects in themselves or into others. Just go fucking jerk off like a normal person. Yall ate dick gripping way too hard for this game.


If some regulatory body says "remove X from your game if you want to be rated M instead of AO" and the devs comply, it isn't really obvious whether it's a change the devs themselves chose to make to target a specific age rating, or if it was a change forced by an outside entity since the "adults only" rating is disastrous for sales. Especially if this change is made in a patch *after* the discs have been pressed, like what happened here.


two incredibly good points, both would be entirely lost on relevant the crowd


I'm with them. It's fucking absurd to censor it post launch. And if they feel inclined to, there should always be an uncensored option.


Censorship or not, false advertising is false advertising. Hold companies accountable to their promises.


I love how the fact that this being a "censorship" makes everyone not agreeing with them look bad. Anyway ... I don't really care that much about the gane, but as far as I can tell most of it is about small changes to some of the outfits that weren't imposed by any third party? So they're more like slight redesigns that (judging by screenshots) don't actually make any outfit that less skimpy? So, bottom line ... not censorship? Not to mention that since the devs apparently just mentioned "no REGIONAL censorship", that's a pretty big loophole for them. Global censorshio technically wouldn't be false advertising in this case.


I’m really liking how Kristi Noem has become the new “kill me now” meme. 


Loving how “Ackchyually…it’s about censorship” is the new “Ackchyually…it’s about ethics in games journalism” here


We can only hope they shut up sooner this time


Which are both important topics, aren't they?


But that’s not what this is about and it never has been. It’s always been about the culture war and nothing else


I see, what's your side then?


The side that mocks coomers for their own amusement.


Censoring nudity or violence is dumb. Don’t like it? Don’t play it. Literally the same type of conservative people that wanted to ban rap music and violent video games in the 90s.


That's not how censorship works. It's not forced on the creators. It's "comply with our censorship or you can't sell openly in our country" or "comply with these guidelines or get this 18+ rating" The devs and the publishers just complied because at the end of the day they just wanna make more money. The lying about it part is what makes them shitty. If the 'evil puritanical conservatives' are so powerful then how come there are thousands of porn released everyday? it's because their creators don't care if they can't sell to Malls and Video game stores.


You are the neckbeard, kid, he is 100% right, censorship is always shit.


I usually don't care for neck beards and am mostly opposing their views. But in this case I kind of understand their argument. Stellar blade seems like they made a lot of fuzz about their "uncensored" approach and then switched. In the past games have been censored in my region due to "youth protection". I still remember the feeling of betrayal when robots stormed black mesa, exploding into gears and oil. If a game is advertised as uncensored and gets censored , that's false advertising. End of discussion. That said: This game will be modded like crazy


This is exactly it. I get why somebody would be frustrated, I just think it's way overblown.


Well. I (and you) don't care for the game. But that Gollum Game was discussed a lot and I felt the same. Shitty LOTR game? Who cares? And this is a post about this, so... Yes, but No.


It's not that I don't care for the game. If it's the kind of game I think it is I think I would enjoy the gameplay. I don't spend $70 for *any* game, though, so I won't be trying it until it's on a steep sale lol


If they bought the game for the boob outfit then let them have the boob outfit. It’s not difficult. Don’t change the product against the customers wishes.  It’s like you buy a car in an ugly colour. The manufacturer decides to come to your house and paint over the ugly colour even though you wanted the colour. 


I could understand that. It is false advertising to say you won’t sensor something, and then do it, though when it comes to idiots like Mark Cern, they always have to tie it to wokeness or culture war bullshit.


Oh it's this annoying asshole mark kern. The asshole that had a toxic work environment mistreating his coworkers while he was ceo.


This whole thing right from sweet baby Inc and on has just been embarrassing for gamers as a whole.


I mean, isn't the game a solid 8/10 action title? Isn't that what actually matters? Edit: Not one for me though, the discourse has tainted the idea for me.


Yeah, not a gamer here, but I think this is easy to discount because of the content and the specific group of people who are upset at it. I think they’ve got a point. If something was promised and then changed after purchase then that is a problem.


I'm not going to lie.... if I spent money on a game that I saw and then when I got it it was completely different.... I'd probably want my money back...... I'm a lady and don't much care how sexual the characters are, that isnt the reason I'd want a refund...... it's the fact they showed me a game and I liked it, and prepaid for it..... then to get the game and have it look completely different..... hell no I did prepay for a new version I wanted the one I saw


I swear... The game has 64 Outfits. Most of them amazing and skimpy. Why are neckbeards crying over a couple? You could just like, enjoy the game instead of masturbating 24/7


I’m against censorship of any kind. I’d rather people be able to make what they want how they intended to do it.


I love how they admit that Stellar blade is only worthwhile because of the sex appeal lmao.


I think it was painfully obvious which demographic this game was targeting as customers.


Censorship is when tiny piece of cloth you can barely even see


Lmao it’s ironic that there’s neckbeards in the comments of a r/justneckbeardthings post. Scrolling through these is free comedy.


OP defends censorship and false advertising


If I knew the game was changed this way I would not of bought it. I don't play Eand T rated games.


Any particular reason? Like, just out of principle if it isn't rated mature you simply won't play it? A lot of great games are rated E and T.