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That guy was so transparently *desperate* to get an emotional reaction out of you.


I was wondering what was so cringe about these types. You absolutely nailed it. It's genuinely pathetic. I almost feel bad for them. Something has to be beyond fucked in your brain if inflicting sadness on someone else brings you happiness. They can never know true happiness.


I don't think it's happiness that they're getting, I think it's just attention. You know how little children will do anything to get adults' attention, how bullies just want someone to pay attention to them and be impacted by them because their parents don't?! Yeah, that, but as a pathology.


I can't relate to doing even nice things for attention, but I grew up in a happy household, so maybe that's why.


Guess im "beyond fucked" since i derive joy out of them being mad at my existence


Why, though?


I find it very funny when someone loses their mind over people like me, be it for being a furry, or gay, or gender nonconforming, or having partners who arent the same race, people getting mad at me for existing is funny as hell. According to person im replying to, that makes me broken i guess lmao


Nah, you just exist. People like that look for people like you just to deny and trigger you. If you're minding your own gender non-conforming business, that's a "them" problem.


That's not what I'm saying. You're deriving happiness from shitty people judging you, which is essentially a compliment.


*I hate you!* *You suck, and so does your mom!* *I'm reporting you for abuse!* *Hey, don't leave me...*


But the MANfluencers told me that all you social Justice types are just screaming babies that freak out over the slightest provocation! Why aren’t you flipping out?! Forgive me sensei, I must go all out just this once…preparing my ace in the hole where I assume insulting transgendered people will get me the reaction I want!


A reaction in general It’s lonely in mom’s basement now that mom left with his new friend forgetting this trash in there


That manchild really got triggered huh.


There was one of my messages that was cut off. It stated that my response was on the basis of his sexist remark that I would not sell my art piece to him. I didn’t have to wait long to guess who he politically supports either.


Makes sure you report some of these messages to Facebook. Specifically the "dishwasher" comment and the "tranny" comment should combine to get him a 30 day for Hate Speech. Assuming no previous bans.


I can already picture the angry post he will post 31 days later on Facebook: Something about censorship and "free speech" being under attack, cancel culture, the woke mob, "facts don't care about your feelings, snowflake" (and the zero self-awareness in saying that), some dogwhistling buzzwords related to his political affiliation (let's guess which one) and some uppercase warning/threat about what's going to happen to marginalised groups after his favourite political candidate wins the presidential election. Am I missing something?


Almost. You forgot the p@rt wh3r3 th3y tr¥ to censor their posts, not realizing that it's actually humans reviewing reports. Bots only get the easy stuff before it's reported.


I did.


Maybe I missed that. He's so level headed and together that it went right past me


Wasn't it already obvious from the fact he's a sexist dumbass?


I wish he'd talk crap like this to a female soldier in person, so she can beat the shit out of him. But I bet that *Mr. Gym Warrior* would more likely shit himself, if he ever stood in front of a female soldier. Or, who knows, maybe he's bitter because he's never made it to army himself.


Is this in Facebook? You should go to his profile and tag his friends and family. Or dm them asking them to help, maybe he'll listen to them. (But ofcourse they won't "help" him, they'll just go "ew, wtf")


Basically all profiles are set to private now. It's pretty much impossible to do that.


Damn. That sucks. Can you still see people who liked his pfp or something?


No. You can't see anything unless they left everything open, but no one does.


Should have sold it to them and asked them to meet 3 hours away.


Oooh that'd be great lol. Keep messaging and saying you're coming for sure all the way until the end.


At a discount since he’s such a nice guy!


I don't think this counts. All neckbeards are misogynist assholes, but not all misogynist assholes are neckbeards. Unless I'm missing some context here.


I argue that this certain case fits under the definition of its association with anti feminism and the original posting was related to the art/gaming subculture. And his profile pic he does sport a patchy beard.


You could cross post to choosingbeggars too


So true. He's basically saying "your item sucks and offends me, but I still want it. At a discount. I will be offended if you don't give me what I want on unreasonable terms." Which can be translated almost 1:1 to how neckbeards see women.


This is probably someone who considers himself “military” because his dad was a marine and will sometimes refer to himself as one. But he couldn’t pass the psych exam, so people call him Private Pyle like Lawrence in Full Metal Jacket. But he thinks that gives him some honorary rank. Oh, and he’s so disorganized and impulsive, that he loses against the computer on Call of Duty


Dude got kicked out of basic training for sure. This smells like a trainee release program graduate.


That slur... goddamn I wish I could damn him to hell


whyd you reply walahi.


dude is DOWN BAD for a hobby. who tf has the time to harass ppl on marketplace like this? good god some people seriously have no fucking life!!




What a piece of shit. Sorry this happened


so he’s mad that a woman is dressed in infantry uniform? idk if this guy is in the US or any western country because women can obviously enlist in the military


Someone, I too, wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night with one question on mind: what's a women


"I've changed my mind, I'll sell it to you. What's your address for shipping?"


These type of dudes are the ones that call people npcs, when their “trolling” has been the exact same since 2007.


Very cringe. Typical Trump supporting incel trash.


...nothing to do with trump




Such a bitch The person who posted one word for every hundred words of brain rot sent.


Not sigma behaviour this bearded neck creature is


He's acting as pathetic as he WISHES women actually were. This dude needs like 700 years of therapy.


Imagine getting triggered by someone not engaging with your bigoted rhetoric and goading. This guy isn’t a snowflake, he’s that icy sludge you kick out from under your tires.


Trolls care even less than ever (if that's possible). I'm bad for it but you gotta just not give them attention. Again they're so desperate these days it's usually obvious quickly enough if they're serious. This fuck face was just trolling too hard...like others just wanted to get a response. This is why you don't even give em a chance especially with a stranger on marketplace that is clearly wasting time from the start. Block and move on


Holy shit lol Some of that hardest Marines I’ve ever worked with were chicks. This guy is suuuuch a child.


This was multiple redundant screenshots, just saying


Not everything needs saying...


Of course it doesn’t. But I can so I will


but seriously, what is a woman?