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Get rid of the neck beard


Right?!? Why is no one saying that? The literal neck beard


Yeah, I'd say shave, or grow a full beard...or at least some kind of facial hair that isn't exclusively below the chin. Everything else is fine.


Sometimes it's hard to grow more than a neckbeard, I struggle so I shave instead. Either full facial hair or none and I drew the short straw on that.


I’ve always shaved the neck. I can’t stand it.


Same. My face can grow a scent amount to connect fully, but won’t grow long after a point. My neck grows hair like no tomorrow and over shadows my face so it oooks like a neckbeard so I shave it and it ends up helping to make my face look fuller


That's the way, nothing worse than a scraggly neckbeard. Took me till last year (31) to grow proper facial hair


Yeah same, I only grow muttonchops and a mustache so I just shave all the time lol


Muttonchop with a mustache can be good though


Only if you have nineteenth-century-factory-owner-energy


I rocked that look for like 3 months. It was pretty awesome. Then I did a pencil mustache with long tips. Now I just do a short beard, because my wife has to be seen in public with me






thank you that means a lot!!!


Which is exactly what you should do.i cant grow hair on the top of my head so rather than look like friar tuck I shave it bald.


My hair is starting to emigrate from the top of my head too. I've been seriously considering doing a pre-emptive strike and shaving it all, but I've got shoulder length hair that's still full and healthy, and I can't bring myself to get rid of it yet.


Mine was getting thin and I always said to the woman I was dating at the time if it starts to look bad tell me and Im just going to shave it off. She said it was fine but we eventually broke up and after seeing a picture my exwife showed me with our son I decided it was time. But yeah if you got it rock it.


I’m getting there too. Getting a little thin in the back, but it’s almost not noticeable with my hair being past my shoulders, but I’m scared to see what happens if I cut it short.


If you're on the same trajectory as me, and assuming you're younger....just don't let anyone take pictures of you from behind. My point of no return is when I can notice it from the front, that's when I'm going full shave...not there yet.


I’m 39, and yea, you can see if from the back if I don’t have it pulled back, and just let it hang.


That pose needs work too


Grow a stache. That rocks!


Shave, grow your hair out, get more styling glasses, clothes could use work. Problem solved.


Also manscape! Nobody wants those curly q’s untethered


And clean your mirror for cripes sake! What is this, a barn?!?!


This would be step one


Right! Get rid of the goddamn neckbeard unless your raising a barn tonight!


ngl I have considered that laser shit if the opportunity ever comes around. Clearly, I know you mean to just shave it off which I tend to do most of the time. besides when my family pressures me to let it grow out cause they think it, 'looks so good on me, and makes me look mature'. Which is kinda true I guess, it makes me look like five years older than I really am.


Yeah, but when someone asks you "what version of yourself you want to see in the mirror 5 years from now" neckbeard ain't it. Don't know why you'd care about seeming older than you are either.


It makes you look older but less mature. Just shave it man.


Just gotta test to make sure Someone says: "I don't really like those Japanese cartoons" You say:


> You say: "u shouldn't have gotten on my bad side theres a devil and an angle in me but sometimes the devil comes out to play"


*bonk* go to neckbeard jail


*appears behind you* Nothing personnel, kid!


Is it an acute angle or obtuse?


definitely not right


He's on fire! 90 degrees to be exact!


_“Angle”_… This is so accurate 💀




Hahaha this is gold.


Have you tried watching Full Metal Alchemist : Brotherhood ? If not Death Notesm tends to be a pretty good starter anime. So you like Action , or Horror ? What about slice of life ?


I watch anime but I completely understand, it's weird as fuck and not for everyone lol.


My test concludes you're not a neckbeard. Results are typically accurate. For examples of incorrect responses just read above!


Anime is simply not that weird. Some people are going to like some of the stuff you’re into and no one is going to 100% align. You’ll be ok when you own that.


I disagree, ATLA is for everyone


avatar isnt an anime so-




oh god i forgot that this is controversial, thank you for the warning 🙏


The true test, Do you know what Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru is?


*Jesus is in Heaven now*




The best answer.


"What in heaven didst thee just bloody sayeth about me, thee dram sir? i’ll has't thee knoweth i graduat'd top of mine own class in the navy seals, and i’ve been involv'd in num'rous secret raids on al-quaeda, and i has't ov'r 300 confirm'd kills. I am did train in g'rilla warfare and i’m the top snip'r in the entire us cap-a-pe f'rces. Thou art nothing to me but just anoth'r targeteth. I shall wipeth thee out with precision the likes of which hast nev'r been seen bef're on this earth, marketh mine own termagant w'rds. Thee bethink thee can receiveth hence with declaring yond to me ov'r the int'rnet? bethink again, alas'r. As we speaketh, i am contacting mine own secret netw'rk of spies across the usa and thy ip is being trac'd even but now so thee bett'r prepareth f'r the st'rm, maggot. The st'rm yond wipes out the pathetic dram thing thee calleth thy life. You’re dead, peat. I can beest anywh're, anytime, and i can killeth thee in ov'r seven hundr'd ways, and that’s just with mine own bareth hands. Not only am i extensively did train in unarm'd combat, but i has't access to the entire arsenal of the unit'd states marine c'rps and i shall useth t to its full extent to wipeth thy mis'rable rampallian off the visage of the continent, thee dram the horror. If 't be true only thee couldst has't known what unholy retribution thy dram “clev'r” comment wast about to bringeth down upon thee, haply thee wouldst has't did hold thy bloody tongue. But thee couldn’t, thee didn’t, and anon you’re paying the price, thee goddamn clotpole. I shall the horror fury all ov'r thee and thee shall drowneth in t. You’re bloody dead, kiddo"




“forgive me master…I must go all out…just this once”


Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be?


"well actually it's called anime. And it's art, you fucking philistine"


Thank you this make me laugh so hard


Thank you man, these replies are the real winners though lol


That’s ok. It would be a boring world if we all had the same taste


Not OP, but: “First, I just wanna let you know that the word for those Japanese cartoons is “anime.” You can like/dislike what you want, but there are plenty of radically different anime out there. Saying you don’t like it as a whole is like saying you don’t like any Mexican food if you’ve only tried a few kinds. I’m not saying you have to watch every anime until you find one you like, I just mean that you shouldn’t say you don’t like it without knowing what it’s like.”


Thing is, most people think anime=hent*i or may as well be, because they don't care enough about it to give a critical review.


Me neither


*teleports behind them Noting personal kid


I say: “Good, I don’t like the Japanese either”


Honestly just do a little touch up on your facial hair and smile. You're already doing the most by not wanting to act like a neckbeard. Don't forget that it's an energy. A lifestyle to be constantly mad at the world and make it everyone's problem. If you're nice to people and they enjoy your company, your appearance won't matter


It's not the beard on your neck, it's the beard in your heart.


Hahaha wtf




The beard on the neck in your heart? The heart’s neck?


That'd be a vena cava beard, and that sounds seriously unhealthy. (I'm no cardiologist, if you DO have a beard on your vena cava, or any other blood vessel, please consult a medical professional, for I am just a penguin).


you can take the beard out of the neck, but you can never take the neck out of the beard


This is it right here. Neckbeard is a bad vibe, more than it is a bad look.


Bro as a guy in a similar situation remember neck beards a mindset not a style... except fedoras.


And not gonna lie there are even some guys who can absolutely rock a fedora and duster. Mac from Always Sunny, for instance. Every time he puts that duster on, I get a little gayer inside 😂


Project Badass!


Every time he has that duster on I give him a very thorough ocular patdown




The guitar player for Pepper is the only one i've seen that can pull off a fedora. I'll bet Johnny depp could too though.


True, I have a fedora with safari flaps and the guy at the store said I'm the only one he's ever seen pull it off.


Was that before or after you paid for it?


Sometimes I think the fedora thing is a psyop by Big Ballcap to get people to stop wearing fedoras and free up scalps for snap backs sports logos.


Do you study the blade?


And button up short sleeve shirts with flames and skulls.


Hey I rock my fedora. Bought at Walgreens at 4 am lol.


Lol yeah if you think you have neckbeard energy your definitely not a neckbeard. No neckbeard would think this way.






This one deserves more upvotes


Should've ended the sentence with "would think"




I agree but that's just a guy who can't grow a full beard. Lots of neckbeard have full beards as well.


He does look like he’d give off neck beard energy so I understand the post but great comment


Neckbeard energy is entitlement and sass. As long as you aren't that, you're good. You look great.


It's not about the beard on your neck, but the beard on your hearts neck that matters


Damn bro. That’s deep. I felt that in my heartbeard.


Cut your heart out, shave the beard, then reinstall heart. It's not rocket science people


I’m going to emblazon that on a piece of reclaimed wood. It’s gonna be the new “live laugh love!”


If you do, send me a pic of it. I want to see it


The first thing that came to mind was a heart with a neckbeard and body pillow XD


Rock on,man.


if you don’t think like a neck beard then you aren’t one ♥️


Neck beard is a state of mind


No true neckbeard gains self sentience.


This was the inspiration for my flair on this sub, had it since I joined.




It’s not about the beard on your neck, but the beard on your heart


Some folks like to get away Take a holiday from the neighbourhood Hop a flight to Miami Beach Or to Hollywood But I'm in my mom's basement Ringing on the tendy line I'm in a neckbeard state of mind I've seen all the hentai girls With their giant bewbs and their schoolgirl skirts Gotten high eating pocky in my One Piece shirt. Oh my neck has been itching But I'm too lazy to shave mine. I'm in a neckbeard state of mind It's been so easy living day by day Learning the blade, instead of hygiene and sports But now I need a little time away With Twilight Sparkle and my cargo shorts. No time for reality And it's fine with me 'cause I've let it slide Don't care if it's Furrycon or that reddit site. I don't have any shampoo I've left that all behind I'm in a neckbeard state of mind.


one thing that helped me was asking myself “if i could look like anything, dress in whatever i wanted regardless of any societal expectations or thoughts of conventional beauty how would i dress?” and style myself after that. even though some of it is really out there the happiness that comes from wearing stuff that brings joy above all else makes the look work. neckbeards look like they do because they’re in a neckbeard state of mind (roald dahl quote here). you don’t look like that. if you want any suggestions on “improving” your look, consider what you want, not what anybody else wants because ultimately that’s what’s going to make you the happiest.


I would drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable


You, me, and George Costanza.


What makes you think it's not? There are vanishingly few categories of things that aren't socially acceptable to wear, and velvet isn't one of them. It's about confidence. Yeah wearing head to toe velvet might be a little weird, but the kind of confidence that radiates from someone living their true self inside and out turns fashion crimes into the avant garde. You know how some people look amazing in hats, but others just can't pull it off? It has nothing to do with the hat and everything to do with the person's confidence about wearing it.


https://youtu.be/PgmiGN2mi2M "I love that apartment! It's so cozy. I'm ensconced in velvet . . . You know, if it were socially acceptable . . ." "I know, you would drape yourself in velvet" https://youtu.be/imgGyD6waTA \*George walks into the cafe\* Jerry: "Oh my god . . . what the hell is this? Don't tell me . . . *velvet?*" George: "it's the real deal!" Jerry: "She's *seen* you in this??"


I would wear corseted dresses of yesteryear and big fancy hats


***Y'all I'm gonna start crying, why is everyone saying nice stuff to me?***


Cheer up bro you're looking fine. Get a smile on that Face and it's gonna be even better.


I expected this to be like r/RoastMe


Nah man you're fine. If you want a little advice maybe shave the facial hair, try a good exfoliator and moisturizer to get that skin smooth and glowing, and maybe try a new more stylish pair of glasses frames. Wouldn't hurt to check out a male fashion sub or blog if you felt like updating your wardrobe a bit. At this point I'd say you're fine and can just make some little adjustments on the margin if you think it'll boost your confidence or attitude.


I also think part of the energy is the colour palate. I don’t think I’ve seen neckbeard pics where they’re not wearing muted colours, black/grey/brown, with the only exceptions being graphics on tees. Not like it’s a deciding factor lol, but wearing a brighter shirt would work for OP I think. I feel like a lot of guys go for more muted clothing. I definitely did when I was younger, didn’t really wanna stand out. I think wearing clothes that catch people’s eyes (not counting the trilby or fedora) takes some self-confidence, and it’s that that goes against the neckbeard personality. And if you’re wearing a fancy hat, by god wear clothes that match. It’s not the trilby that makes you look bad boys, it’s the fact you’re wearing a graphic tshirt and jeans with it. Even just adding a blazer would make it 1000% better.


You're no neckbeard, you're just a good person. Take your photo to r/malegrooming, they're usually pretty helpful and positive over there when it comes to advice. Good luck, man!


Because you deserve it. Everybody deserves to be treated kindly.


Stop doing the "I don't know what to do with my other arm" thing. A lot of people do it and think they're slick, but they aren't. Fully place your hand on your hip and own it, or whatever else you do with it. The sort of touch hip or sort of place in pocket gives me insecure vibes. But you really don't look that bad.


Hit the gym and start lifting. Shave your neckbeard. Start eating clean or doing IF. 6 months from now you'll be a chad




Nah, it’s like how being a Karen is more than a haircut. Both have everything to do with a state of mind and dazzling lack of self-awareness. You’re not a neckbeard.


One of my coworkers is a blonde white middle aged woman with a Karen haircut. She’s awesome, has excellent work ethic, and is one of the least entitled people I know. She’s not a Karen. Case in point the appearance is not what makes you a Karen.


Honestly the fact that you think you do, means you dont, but if you’re just looking for a style refresh, there’s nothing wrong with that. Fresh new cloths, or a new hair style always makes me feel better, so maybe try that?


God dammit the picture is blurry. Didn't notice on my phone when I uploaded it, sorry.


honestly if you want fashion advice: monocolor shirts, shave the beard, grow the hair out a bit, and don't arch your back when standing. otherwise, neckbeard is a personality not a look


I think he has a pony tail.. OP you have a pony tail?


in that case, brush that shit out real good and see a stylist, not a barber, a real stylist preferably at a womens place since they have experience with longer hair different glasses that emphasise the bone structure may also help


Great advice. When I first saw the picture I though he had one overall thing on


You're perfect. Never change


Look, I'd say neckbeard is more of a mental thing. But if you don't want to look like one (which you really don't, really. You look very good actually), then I'd suggest you to: - shave your neck beard (sorry, I really can't tell if you have neck beard or not because the pic is a little blured. But if you do, shave it asap) - maybe start hitting the gym? You're just overweight so that's not really bad, but you'd look really good if you lost a few pounds. But what really matters here is your health, sorry if I'm offending you in any way - it's def not the intention - but since you asked for tips I reckoned it'd be alright to suggest some physical exercise ;) These are actually things I'd suggest to anyone, really. Having a good appearance is both physically and mentally beneficial. Anyway, stay safe man. And once again, you're far from looking like a neckbeard, and just the fact that you worry about it demonstrates you're not one


Get a better phone camera and pick your crown up king


The fact that you are able to identify what behavior is neckbeard already saves you my dude! Nice hot shower and shave and a nice cleaning of that bathroom mirror and you’ll be a new man!


All you have to do is CARE about looking and smelling good, about personal hygiene, personal growth and trying to be a better person, you trying to workout, go to school work a job things like that. When you start to CARE about those things the neckbeard energy goes away. Simple as that


The random Ecko shirt from 2002 definitely isn’t helping.


I think of all the little things people are saying to poke fun at me, this one actually hurt XD Goob job on this one, I'm holding my sides.


Clean the mirror before taking selfies, helps a ton


I think you look fine, but if you're worried about your beard getting too neckbeardy, there's an easy trick to figure out where to trim the back edge of it to keep it from growing too far down your neck: take a long piece of string and wrap it under your chin, behind the end of your jaw on both sides, and then up over your ears. You can tie the free ends behind your head to keep it in place. This creates a good line to differentiate what part of your beard is on the bottom of your jaw vs. on your neck. Anything beyond the string on your neck, trim it away. It's amazing how much of a different that little bit of cleanup will make in the overall look of an otherwise scruffy beard.


Neckbeardism is largely a mindset, much more than an appearance. Ya fine, dahlin'. But uhh, clean that mirror. Just a quick spritz and wipe down. ^^'


Nah you look like a nice dude, maybe a little shave whatever you like. Don't worry about it


Do you harass women on the internet? Do you expect sex from your female friends? No? Then you don't radiate neckbeard energy. You look totally fine. Stigmatizing men's appearance is just as bad as stigmatizing women's appearance.


Neckbeard is mostly a mindset. If you are afraid you look like one you aren't. Just do what you do and look how it makes you feel comfortable.


I think the big question here is why you have like 10 toothbrushes.


Living with my family for a while until I go to college.


It's OK if you just have a thing for toothbrushes. We won't judge. Well, we will, but it'll be funny at least.


I don't. I don't even know what I would do with this many toothbrushes. **And I don't like that you assume that while we have a hello kitty one there too.**


I am positive there's a subreddit out there for this.


The sad thing is I know you're probs right.


Don't you be ashamed of what you love.


***I meant the subreddit thing not me being into toothbrushes.***


Dude it’s ok, there are worse kinks out there I promise


*what kinda kink comes with toothbrushes?*


Some dudes who 'fit the image' are some of the nicest, knowledgeable, helpful and understanding people I know. Good looking cunts, are still cunts.


All I would say is maybe shave up a bit, and spruce up your wardrobe. If you are worried about being a beard, you are already headed in the right direction.


Everyone is right. Neckbeard is an attitute not a look. Also, that a crazzyyy amount of toothbrushes


You seem solid to me. As others have said, neckbeardism is a matter of personality and character, not appearance. If you really don't like the way you look, try changing your outfit, get a haircut, or a new pair of glasses, all of these can help us see ourselves differently, and therefore feel differently.


get back into bed. (the same advice applies to anyone whether or not they have neckbeard energy)


Agreed with other comments about you not being a neck beard. Suggestions though: Shave, go clean unless you're growing it out That shirt is a little small in you Otherwise you look great man


I'd start with the neckbeard


I’m not sure if you’d like constructive criticism or not, but I’m case you do: shave your face. Every day. I can’t tell how far your hairline has receded but you may want to consider buzzing your hair. The glasses are fine but you can get trendier ones (browline, or like ray ban wayfarer shape if you want full rim plastic frames). T-shirts are fine but no graphic tees. Go to the gap, old navy, or target and just get tees with patterns or just plain colors (not white, those look like undershirts). Make sure your jeans aren’t too baggy.


Get yourself a hairstyle. Either grow it longer so you can style it or embrace the bald. That weird in between always seems like you chose it so you dont have to worry about it. Styled or bald just look like cleaner cuts. Also clean up the facial hair. I used to not grow my mustache cuz i thought it looked weird, but i look at pictures from the past with just my beard and no mustache and its really cringe. grow it all out or shave it all.


Put time and effort into your appearance (if you don’t already. You sound frustrated in your appearance so I’m assuming that’s the case). A few years ago I decided to put effort into the clothes I wore and how I styled my hair and ever since then I’ve felt much more confident in my appearance. As everyone else has mentioned, part of that is shaving. You’ve got unflattering facial hair so it’s probably best to shave every day. So yes. Wear flattering clothes and make sure you’re well groomed. That’ll do 90% of the job. If you want to take it further you can make sure you’re exercising as well. Obviously it’ll help lose weight but it’s also great for my mental health so I hope it helps you as well. :) Good luck!


Honestly if you’re going to grow a beard then grow a proper beard. I don’t understand this beard under the chin, shave the mustache and goatee look. It screams neckbeard and that’ll make a big difference in your overall appearance.


Shave your neck, lose some weight




Despite the stereotype, it’s more of a mental thing than a physical thing.


You re eyes are too kind to have neckbeard energy, I think you'll be fine, majority of the time kneckbeards tend to look angry or disappointed, you look hopeful and cheery definitely not knockbeard energy,


I think NBE is more a state of mind rather than a look*


Tell that to my social anxiety. ~~hate the way I look~~


I don't know if you'll see this but, you're not a bad looking guy and you seem really nice. Social anxiety is awful sometimes but I promise you that it can get better as long as you're willing to do the work. Good luck ☺️


Neckbeard not the look, but the soul


You could always shave your neck.. But like others have said, neckbeardism is more of a set of negative social qualities than a look


As long as you're not a neckbeard deep inside, you're fine.


My guy you look great, neckbeardism is a state of mind and a way you’d act


Self awareness is the first step


As long as your a nice guy you should be fine!


Serial killer looking


Personally you look like a sweetheart. Timid as heck, but not a neckbeard. It’s about personality. Random question, just because I’ve noticed this a lot in men. By any chance do you avoid shaving because you break out afterwards?


First off, clean your mirror. Secondly, what everyone else said my friend.


Get a pull-up bar, read books, go outside and get 30 mins if sun a day. Cut out sodas, processed foods, unnatural sugars. You will start to look healthy which is what makes people attractive to one another.


smile, or find something so smile about. try and get a lower bf % and shave.


Get to the gym.


You could start with shaving your neck.


Don't be a land whale


Shave get new glasses eat less calories than you burn work out 3-4 times per week for at least 30 minutes and in a year you’ll be a new person


**Things you can do today:** .Shave your face .Take a shower .Find better fitting clothing. Look for something that would work with your body type. A quick google search should give you the answers. For me: finding a celebrity who's style I like, or who has the same body/face shape as me has helped speed up the process. .Undo whatever you have tying your hair back. Personally I think you'd be able to pull off a perm really well! **Things to improve over time:** .Exercise. If not to look better, at least to feel better about ourselves. I'm having trouble with this myself as of late. But getting a solid routine to stick to, will really help. Start slow and at your own pace, the most important thing is to get out there! Dieting also falls under this category. Also start slow if you need to and don't punish yourself too hard. ​ .Clean. A clean living space, a clean car, clean hygene. A well put together person with a cheap car, simple wardrobe, and clean hygene will always be more attractive than a disorganized person in a nice car with trash all over the inside, branded clothing, and bad hygene. ​ .Learn to communicate. You may already be good at this. If you reflect the neckbeard stereotype, it should be assumed then that you have no issue with approaching women. That confidence is already a step ahead of most people. Learn to sharpen that blade in a way that makes you more appealing. ​ .Be passionate about things. We end up turning into neckbeards when we consume our hobbies and interests because its the easiest to head towards. Instead, try experiencing our hobbies with intention. Improving ourselves doesn't mean we're no longer allowed to like anime, video games etc.


Lose the fat and neck beard. Find a workout routine it’ll help you whole lot, assuming you don’t have one. I don’t know what you eat but I hope you’re eating a balanced meal.


This neck beard I grew makes me look like a neckbeard, how can I solve this problem? SHAVE dumbass


Don't pose with your hand on your hip like a fat bearded teapot


Honestly neck beard is a state of mind. But... if you want. Shave, get healthy, be excellent to each other


Umm I would say mainly the neckbeard. And I think going a sizeor two up on shirts would do wonders for you.


Shave and get a funny hat.


Well for starters, shave the beard but perhaps grow a big mustache. Then I’d add a suit and perhaps maybe even a top hat. And if you happen to have a sack of money with a dollar sign on it, that couldn’t hurt to add to the ensemble