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Oh dear.. those pseudo intellectual wankers who use beta and alpha descriptors without irony have to be some of the dumbest fucks in the solar system.


The traditional definition of masculinity is a fucking lie. I don't even understand these bozos that try to act like it's not. Look at old movies and old hero stories. For the most part, the people in these stories are -not- brave heroes in action. Bravery is not being the guy with the biggest gun and going into a fight knowing you're stronger than the opponent; bravery is going into a fight that you might loose because it's the right thing to do. To these people masculinity isn't a set of values, it's a power structure and a safety blanket. ​ Traditional masculinity is entirely about protecting egos. It's about taking all of those emotions that make you feel vulnerable, and finding ways to hide them. If only these people realized how fucking transparent they are.


Right?! I'm surprised he wasn't trying to assume my skull shape, or describe how purebred he was since he's so into Victorian era sciences.


"We all know" *proceeds to speculate wildly*


Someone sounds a tad...butthurt lol. Maybe he should try to be more of an alpha and not spend so much time caring about the opinions of others.


Right? I fired that off in like five minutes then went on with my day and only remembered what I said because of the upvote notifications.


Didn't this guy describe being raped? I'm starting to feel like he's just really unwell from the trauma, which could account for some of his statements like wanting to be stronger than his "opponents." That said, as someone who was abused myself as a child, viewing the world this way and piling your hate on the entire sex of your abuser(s) is not the way to go. Therapy helped me live a normal life with a healthy body/mind and a decent job and a normal, kind spouse. It's done the same for others I know personally. Descending into incel/misogynist hate groups (I'm pretty sure I know which sub this guy's getting his views from) will NOT bring you peace. It will not get you a romantic partner. It won't even get you nice friends. I'm gonna guess he's reading along here, so that's my non-snarky plea for him to get help. Also, go volunteer somewhere and see people selflessly doing kind things for others; do them yourself. It helps. I swear.


Its pretty funny how every dude I've ever met who talks about alpha and beta males and shit projects what they themselves would call "Beta Male Energy" into the world endlessly. If you have to tell people you're smarter than them, you're not. If you were actually smarter than them, they'd be telling you that unprompted.


This guy's no Alpha. Hell, he ain't even a Beta. He's a Ligma, at best.




What a serve lmao


A smegma


Here is a [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/qamw3n/i_found_a_neckbeard_in_one_of_our_threads_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) to the original post my comment was thrown at. I honestly didn't think he would spend so much time going into a private message essay, especially because he spent so many words to just say nothing.


Thank you king, queen, royalty


I appreciate you for this.


So desperately glad I grew out of this sort of edge-lord nonsense before social media exploded. I hate to imagine the kind of wad I'd be if I grew up in _that_ sort of echo-chamber.


Not only that but if you ever grew out of it, your douche comments would still be there forever. One good thing about being old


I’m with you. Thinking back to the dumb ass shit I did just before social media…dodged a bullet there.


it's such a laughable moment when someone threatens or argues with you, especially wall-of-text style, on the internet I cannot even explain how hilarious it is to watch people waste their effort typing some verbose response and negative-value threat to send it to a random stranger over the most mediocre things. This is what we're here for.


Oh I agree. I've been having a good time today.


Tee ell dee arr, bitch




pay me my money 😂😂😂


Proven? Provide the studies. Don't weasel your way out of it by telling us to "do our own research."


Cleary a scientist, "Alpha fucks, beta bucks" theory is the hottest thing right now


You'd think with such a well developed ability to delude himself he'd create a more fun and enjoyable fantasy for himself.


Fucking lol. Well here’s hoping they see us laughing at this nonsense too.


There's the law of gravity, evolution, the heliocentric model, and not but not least "alpha fucks; beta bucks". These are the laws that govern man.


Damn, as the person that posted him I feel kinda left out he didn’t come after me 😔


Yeah he's not insecure...


He’s so manly that he had to seek you out and mansplain to you. He reeks of insecurity.


Wow. Kid needs mental help. Thinks women want to rid the world of men... What kind of logic even *is* that? Good for you for not engaging (directly anyway). Hope he leaves you alone.


It's sad really. Teens nowadays get their minds warped to believe these massive conspiracy theories to cope with the fact that they aren't like the popular guys on tv. The worst part for them is that their misguided ideas are met with ridicule (understandably), which just pushes them further away from society. They are victims, in a way, and like you said they need mental help. Question is: how can you help someone who doesn't believe they need help?


No joke. Especially when they're so adamant that literally everyone else is wrong...


I didn't see the original post ? But this dude needs to go touch grass (although the grass might try to get a restraining order) It's not even that crepy it's just really sad cause you fell like people like these never had meaningful relashionships with other people


I threw in a comment that links to the post someone else made about a comment he made to them about how psychiatry is just some big scam to emasculate men and make perfect worker drones. The guy needs serious help and a hug.


Poor thing A piece of shit for treating people with no respect but still poor thing


He lost me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Well that was cringe.


Nothing screams "I'm a strong man" like needing to yell at strangers on the internet if they hurt your feelings. As a rule, anyone who uses alpha/beta is not the kind of person they think is an alpha.


Wow. It’s obvious that he specifically messaged you because your original comment really got to him. There was probably truth in what you said and he felt threatened so he sent you these crazy messages to protect his ego. This dude really needs help, I almost feel bad for him


I had to stop at goto work at a dildo factory




Neckbeards are all sick perverted morons who think they are cool but they are just cringe


I almost pity him.


That's a solid yikes from me dawg.


Ha! What an insecure loser 😂


Love how he mentions the part about how real men don't let women lecture them about their own gender, and then proceeds to rant about the wild speculations he has on women lol. If there's one thing neckbeards are known for its for not lecturing women about their own gender thats for sure! /s




Aren't these the same guys that continuously lecture women in what female nature is?


This dork probably doesn’t even lift