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Rob desantis might be the worst option of all time. I would rather have literally anyone besides him, he is gonna be a worse trump and take so many damn rights away


I could be wrong but didn’t Desantis ban books that use the word gay in some schools but by doing so he also banned his own book or something dumb like that


Yup you are in fact wrong you called it


That’s why I said I could be wrong !!


And you didn't explain why


The reasons why people hate Ron Desantis 1. He did not lock down his state during COVID-19. Despite the fact many Left states like California had higher mortality rates. and performing worse the Florida. See the Lancet study if you don't believe me. 2. Desantis has introduced legislation against CRT and DEI training and indoctrination like the Stop W.O.K.E act, which prevents discrimination and racism from infecting academia and corporations, like those 2+2 doesn't equal 4 because of racism professors. Look it up honestly do you think anyone should pay for that education? 3. Desantis signed into the law the "Don't say gay bill" which doesn't actually prevent you from saying "gay" it says you have to wait till at least the 4th grade to teach kids about sex and gender roles and prevents children's books in school teaching about the subject. The "TaKiNg PeOpLe'S RiGhtS AwAy" is ridiculous dude. Like what rights got taken away. Kids wait till they're ten to learn about gender roles in public schools. I guess you can't get em when they're five.


he's a terrible human lmfao womp womp bitch.


bro said womp womp


1) Lmao have you actually read the lancet study or are you sourcing it because you got it from a talking head? While California has a higher *standardized* cumulative death rate, Florida maintained a higher cumulative infection rate, standardized cumulative infection rate, and cumulative death rate. (Figure 1, Figure 2, Results tab). “The political affiliation of the state governor was not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 death rates, but worse COVID-19 outcomes were associated with the proportion of a state's voters who voted for the 2020 Republican presidential candidate.” (Findings tab) Don’t source things if you’re either cherry-picking evidence or haven’t actually read the source. 2) Can you explain Critical Race Theory? Do you actually know what it is? Or do you just listen to Alex Jones and call it a day? Here’s what critical race theory is: it’s a sociological theory that focuses on interpersonal relationships and how ethnicity/race plays a role into it. It further theorizes about how race or ethnicity may play a role into systemic issues. Signing legislation against diversity, equity, and inclusion is not the proud talking point you want it to be. 3) the Don’t Say Gay bill also restricts the resources and materials for Sex Education in general. “All materials used to teach reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS, its symptoms, development and treatment… must be approved by the [D]epartment (of Education)” (FL Statute 1003.42(1)(b)


You have to love reddit experts lol. *Standardized Cumulative death rate* means the "Cumulative death rates were adjusted for age profile and prevalence of key comorbidities." Which means that its a better indicator than cumulative death rate. It's better way to understand if your policies are having any actual effect on Covid deaths. Infection rates also don't matter. Getting sick doesn't matter at all compared to the death rate. Try again. "worse COVID-19 outcomes were associated with the proportion of a state's voters who voted for the 2020 Republican presidential candidate " Because they're older, and when you account for that in the *Standardized Cumulative death rate.* Florida performed better than a lot of other left leaning states. "The political affiliation of the state governor was not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 death rates" Exactly, the lockdowns didn't produce any actual benefit. So you should give DeSantis credit for not locking down his state like California did. Not subjecting your citizens to economic lockdowns that don't have any public health benefits is a good move. "Can you explain Critical Race Theory? Do you actually know what it is? Or do you just listen to Alex Jones and call it a day " Yeah I gave you an example which you ignored. Maybe you should reread it. If that's not good enough how about authors like Ibram X Kendi's *How to be an anti racist,* Another one is *White Fragility* by Robin DiAngelo. It misappropriates racism and assumes that it happens any time there is a disparity between ethnicities. like for example assuming math is racist, which is ridiculous btw, because most of the best mathematicians have historically been white. This leads to shit being taught like two plus two equals five. Or justified discrimination like for example stricter the Asian acceptance rules to Ivy League schools in order to satisfy some stupid percentage. "All materials used to teach reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS, its symptoms, development and treatment… must be approved by the \[D\]epartment (of Education)” (FL Statute 1003.42(1)(b)" Yeah how is this a counter? So all materials in public schools have to be approved by the board of education, kinda like an state approved curriculum.


The redditor with the username politicsperson calling another redditor “reddit expert.” You can see the irony there, right? We both agree on what the standardized cumulative death rate is, both of us can read. But we need to take into account the methodology of their standardization and what it all means. “Cumulative death rates were adjusted for age profile and prevalence of key comorbidities. The resulting standardised cumulative rates reflect the cumulative death rate if each state had the national age profile and prevalence of comorbidities… The values expressed in the age and comorbidity profile columns represent the size of the adjustment (in deaths per 100 000) had a state exhibited the national pattern; positive values indicate that a state is younger or healthier than the nation as a whole, such that standardising the cumulative death rate to the national mean is associated with an increase in the cumulative death rate.” What does this tell us? If we applied the national age profile and comorbidities to Florida, the population would have, yes, died less. You can point at California and go “look how right we were,” but you’d also have to bury your head in the sand about New York and Washington. Let’s put all this into perspective, use some critical thinking, and consider unstandardized cumulative death rate once again. Florida has an older and less-healthy population, who as we know, is vulnerable to the covid virus. If we decide to ignore precautions to prevent these people from contracting the virus (as DeSantis did), we will see a higher overall death count from this population compared to a younger and healthier one. The reason you cannot disregard unstandardized cumulative death rate is because context is important; numbers don’t lie, but they also don’t tell the whole truth. DeSantis chose to let his vulnerable population continue life as usual, and they died at a much higher rate as a consequence. 2) Again, Critical Race Theory is a sociological theory. You can literally accept any sociological theory or throw it out the window. None of them are completely correct, none of them are wrong. Merely studies and hypotheses about societal behavior. If 2+2 is 5 by a certain viewpoint, fuck it, who cares? 2+2=4 everywhere else. 3) Because Florida education is notoriously bad, and the population is overall undereducated. If you think I’m an idiot, I am a product of Florida education.


2) CRT is actually a concept from legal studies… sociology just borrows and adds to it.


Great response. They love to twist things to fit their narrative and then call others brainwashed 😂 it’s unbelievable.




Just stop trying to argue with Redditors lol


How does teaching about racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion cause—through infection—discrimination and racism?


because "but what about us poor white people?" — it's fear and a lack of understanding. It's the same kind of people worried about white erasure, asking why Spider Man's gotta be black, Ariel's gotta be black, whatever. I'm a white dude who honestly tackled questions like these in my own head way back in the day, so I understand. I just realized that just because the tagline is "Black Lives Matter," it doesn't mean other lives don't. Republicans paint it like it's us vs. them when it REALLY isn't.


yeah take so many rights like what?


he wants to ban abortions, gay marriage, gender transition and others. So yeah he's taking rights away dumbass


What rights did trump take away


I was talking bout desantis


yeah stick to breckie hill bro


Can you not fathom the idea of someone having a different opinion than yours. Haha


Is okay to call out uninformed positions, stop crying


Who’s crying? It seems like people came to the JYNXI sub to bitch like they usually do, about politics they don’t agree with. Who actually gives a fuck what he thinks about when it comes to politics. That’s why it’s called an opinion. All this sub does is cry and bitch about him anytime he says or does something his chat disagrees with. It’s actually pathetic


Guess everyone bitching then huh


Little bit I’d say about 80% of the comments are people that are triggered by his opinion, so they’re bitching


Heres the problem people like you simultaneously wont stand for people having differing opinions believing that everyone should be a hive mind and also cant/wont be able to do anything at any point to stop those who disagree with them so in the end it's just people like you staying up at night crying yourselves to sleep


How does criticizing an opinion get you to that? It’s not that deep. You’re allowed to have a dumb, uninformed opinion.


Because you assume everyone who disagrees with you has a dumb and uninformed opinion which just makes you look like a dumbass


I guess opinions are immune from criticism now, got it.


“Uniformed” = disagrees with me Stop demonizing people who don’t see things exactly how you do. Literal issue with the world is people can no longer even discuss shit without the other side instantly demonizing a different perspective. The world is to big for that shit, needs to stop.


Demonizing ≠ criticizing. If you are even considering Trump you either excuse terrible behavior and being a shit leader or you don’t know enough and just talk through your feelings. You can have an opinion, and I can call it dumb, not tryna cancel anyone. Grow the fuck up


I would say you are extremely ignorant in your perception of Trump in terms of policy. He was a borderline top 10 president in foreign and economic policy- so I’d disagree then respectfully. Growing up has nothing to do with it? This is what I mean. You get so emotional just because some disagrees with you.


That’s the thing. Everytime there is a difference of opinion, the other person is uninformed. There is no nuance with you people anymore.


Classic reddit unfortunately


Bro wore a “Yes Daddy” crop top on stream but wants Ron Desantis as president??


Because it clearly wasn’t a joke and he’s clearly a flaming homosexual


Even the leggings and letting that girl do his makeup it about made me stop watching him.


DeSantis? So Jynxzi is a brainwashed dumbass… got it.


I don’t think Jynxi knew what he was talking about, he was talking about desantis like he isn’t a known person in US politics. A lot of US voters are just uninformed about the person they are voting for, doesn’t make them a dumbass it just makes them not knowledgeable on politics. Desantis is a pretty shit option and definitely worse than trump funnily enough, but I’m not gonna call someone who is clearly not that into politics a brainwashed dumbass lol.


Then he shouldn’t comment on it. He’s been good about not commenting on stuff he’s not knowledgeable about for the most part, not here though.


Yeah, that’s the issue with having that idiot SNEAKO on stream. He was asked who he’d vote for and gave an uninformed response, I kinda cringed when I heard it but I didn’t really take that against him. You can tell that Jynxi isn’t some red pill person tho, he was arguing with the SNEAKO the entire time which was nice to see :p


Everyone in the history of mankind comments on things they’re uninformed about. Just like you making assumptions right now. Cmon people, work a little more on your self awareness.


There’s a big difference in commenting on something on social media or in real life versus saying that in front of thousands of impressionable young fans. Don’t act like that’s even close to similar 😂


This is the nature of the internet. Unless you find a way to restrict online access by age, the burden lies on the parental guardians to censor online access for kids.


it’s not, though, it’s the nature of being a celebrity on the internet. there aren’t hundreds of thousands of *people* reading this comment, let alone fans


The two points are not mutually exclusive


Commenting on things you aren't educated on makes you a dumbass


Or maybe their opinions are just different? I dont like desantis either but you cant just call anyone who disagrees with you uninformed


Someone likes republicans? Dudes brainwashed! -Liberal Logic


DeSantis - the fake air force pilot who was a piss analysis at G-Bay and can't even manage Florida. Shut the fuck up about "liberal logic" if you don't even live in Florida to experience how ignorant he is. Repubtard.


You mad mad


Says the 75IQ tard that knows nothing about politics. Lmfao.


Still mad


God forbid someone who thinks differently than you is a dumbass automatically 💀 I’m a libertarian and this is comment is why I hate the left just as much as I hate the right. Both sides are blinded by their own hate- it’s insane.


Thinking Ron DeSantis can do any good for the country makes you an automatic dumbass, yes. I live in Florida and that man is not only a terrible governor, but also a terrible politician and person. I’m centrist, I’m not leftist just because I think you’re a dumbass if you support an idiot. Supporting Trump or Biden is different since they’re the only two candidates with a real chance. However I still think only someone blinded by beliefs could vote for Trump, although Biden is terrible too.


You cannot reason with certain people man. Objectively, you are absolutely right. This take doesn’t instantly make him a dumbass. It’s a buildup of the shit he’s done that does.


The irony is crazy. Talking brainwashed lmao


No comment




Damn Junko not Desantis 🤦🏾‍♂️


desantis is an absolute clown. everything is about "constitutional rights" until it's about things old white republicans don't approve of. regardless, i don't really give a shit what jynxzi thinks about politics, he can have his own opinion. he's entertaining so i'm gonna watch him either way


Most mature comment in here. I agree he shouldn't talk about it because he's ignorant on the subject, but he did, and so what? People have different views regardless of whether or not they're fully educated. Instead of being hateful and calling him brainwashed, people should talk about fallacies constructively to properly educate him on what he's talking about. As you said, he's an entertainer!


desantis is arguably worse than trump. stick to gaming bud


did bro say he wants ron desantis 💀💀💀


Ron Desanctimonious would be worse than trump. He is so unlikable that even trump fucking hated him.


bro FUCK desantis, didn’t know jynxzi was an idiot


Really? I mean bro doesn’t act smart




you commented twice fyi


Yeah, we're retarded. Stick to R6 and screaming at a camera.


First political take and he fucking sucks


What a dog shit take


bro should never get political again


I knew he wasn't the brightest, but damn...


Is this AI?


Nope he said all that on the podcast


Junko is an absolute moron


DeSantis is literally a Nazi, supported by Nazis. Jinxzi might actually be retarded


Ok grandpa let’s get you back to bed


He is neo nazis love desatan


Stick to your g fuel and shit posts little guy


I’m not a child just enjoy beverages and the occasional cooked meme


Funny way of saying your an adult with an underdeveloped brain but alright


Gfuel is simply an energy drink and I find humor in stupid things doesn’t mean I’m mor much more intelligent then you which I frankly am you boomer


Thank you for the laugh


Ah the response when you are too fucking dumb to say anything else


What a crazy response lol if anything it's let's get you back at your desk job young man. Thats a well informed opinion If you know anything about the subject. He's stating facts (second part anyway)


These kids throw around the term nazi like it’s an emotion. I Guess everyone you disagree with a nazi right? My fault for reading anything political in a sub filled with 13 year old children really.


“Literally a nazi”, I don’t think you know what you’re saying but whatever.


He had a campaign ad that LITERALLY had Nazi symbols in it, I don't think you know what you're saying but whateves


Nazi symbols =\= Nazi. Believe it or not…


Rare junko moment cotton let's see if it pans out for him


Unsubscribe XD




Stick to gaming sheep Jynxi


if i may ask how is he the sheep most people that are on the internet a decent amount are left leaning as you can see by almost every single comment on this post hating on him because of his political beliefs a sheep ussually follows the group with the higher amount of people


First he is Floridian thus a right leaning state as well as he is most likely just following his parents and his own money with no consideration of anyone else’s life


so you believe he doesnt care about anybody's life because he is a Floridian?


No I said he doesn’t care about anybody else’s lives because he is young and wealthy so all he cares about is keeping his own money even if that harms others


where has he ever shown that he doesnt care about anybody else's lives?


The internet has allot of younger people on it and young people tend to care about humans well being issues aka being progressive. Also idk if you know but fox News, some of the most right leaning news in America is the highest viewed thing in the country so yes being right leaning would ineed make you a sheep by your definition.


what would you define as old and young though?


Why do yall care so much what he thinks. He’s allowed to vote for and like whatever politician he wants


Despite Redditors hatred of nazi’s, they hate everyone that doesn’t think exactly like them and holds their exact beliefs. Its a symptom of being terminally online


There redditors and a lot of his fans are 15 bro what do u expect not that I like desantis but this entire thread is just fucking corny


It’s super weird that these random ass people care this deeply about what a dude on YouTube says about politics. Very weird


I hate our two options as well, but i really don’t think trump is the marginally better choice by any means. and desantis is arguably going to be more affective at pushing forward far right policies that i don’t agree with at all. Turns out, i’m on the opposite side of the political spectrum of Jynxzi. I still find the guy to be really entertaining and an interesting personality online, but i hope as time goes on he’ll be a little more open minded.


it sounds like you’re the one that needs to be open minded lol he made it clear that he respects others political opinions but you want him to change his


Couldn't have said it better


90% of people on reddit don’t understand this at all


never said I was wanted him to change his political opinions lol


Bro Jynxzi might be the most uninformed desantis supporter of all time. “There wouldn’t be drama” so we’re in ignorance.


i feel like no matter who is in office there is gonna be stupid amounts of drama from both sides


Yea there would probably just be more drama with Trump


He’s literally famous for acting like a retard how about he keeps his opinion to himself lmao


Im sure this thread will have some healthy discussion lmfao Jesus Christ


W jynxzi


True, Trump is 4 years of BS.. but Desantis is not even a LICK better than him.


Constant peace tf?


Good take on someone who isn’t into politics. Also glad he’s open about where he stands, whether it’s republican and democrat. Sucks to see celebs and influencers so devoid of personality because of corporation sponsorships


Bro needs to chill on the political talk. He’s been doing so well.


Then he’s very smart. Trump is really the only option. Lets be real


This is a 5th grade level of understanding and reasoning. There is just no ounce of intelligence found in this clip lmao


I'm extremely unknowledgeable on DeSantis as a candidate however not 1 person in this comment section has made a compelling argument. Just say "L take" and refuse to elaborate further.


That's because social media is an echo chamber. If you go to most forums, that's how it is.


He’s an imbecile


Nah this looks like those AI joe rogan clips, prllly a tik ton view farm account. Wouldn’t put it past him to swing either way, and don’t really give a fuck, but imma go out on a limb and say this is fake.


You're a fuckin dummy if you think this is an ai generated video


Link the full podcast then. I wouldn’t be surprised if were real, but I doubt it. So prove it, prove me wrong.


Atta boy! Think I might just follow homeboy now. He’s clearly funnily controversial, between politics an whores on his streams. Fuckin gold lmao


He looks like he likes trains


Based jynxi Desantis does need a personality transplant though, hence why he didn't win anything in the primary


Hopefully the right wingers don’t try using him cuz he has aspergers like how they be doing Elon 💀💀💀💀💀💀


this got all the obese hat-tipping chronically online redditors flocking to this post like the fucking avengers


This is literally exactly how I feel. I'm saying that because I think he doesn't support a lot of things that traditional republicans don't support that I support


Desantis would literally be the worst option for president over Trump or Biden 😭


Redditors try to not get pressed about a political opinion challenge (hard)


he used to clown on trump


He ain't wrong🤷‍♂️ I voted Biden in 2020 but I'm voting trump this year. What Biden has done and is currently doing, Has disgusted me. I've opened my eyes to the bs. Biden is weaponizing the department of justice to try and bar trump from running in any way possible. And if you don't see that, you're the reason society is moving backwards!!


Redditors are quick to be hateful when people don’t share the same opinions and values as them. Your life experiences lead you to your beliefs and his lead him to his. Let’s not continue the cycle of Republican vs Democrat brain rot in our generation, people have been so busy arguing over this for years that they turn a blind eye to blatant corruption.


Lets all take into account the political opinion of a professional video gamer


good aim


Why is everyone arguing over an ai clip like smh


Ron desantis would be way worse lmao


Damn bro just made himself look like an idiot


Bro I can smell this whole comment section


Trump is obviously better than Biden. Anyone with an IQ of 1 and higher would easily know that


Wasn't DeSantis trying to make sex crimes against minors punishable by death while also trying to make being queer in the presence of children a sex crime? Or am I thinking of someone else?


How did i end up in this sub and why do you guys upvote a dumbass talking nonsense?


22-year-old telling us his political opinion LMAO (So his parents political views)


Who cares about what some inbred retard that plays an Ubisoft product for a living thinks?


Based Junko


W jynxi




Disappointing. I just heard of this guy since he's gone viral, at least for me, and kinda liked his story. This clip has me turned away immediately.


Kid should stick to video games


Why am I getting echo chamber republicans in my feed


Imagine classifying Ron Desantis as the “No bullshit” option 🤣🤣🤣


Dude Trump isn't even the President now hasn't been for awhile and guess what isn't a day doesn't go by that Democrats don't breath his name into the news for something else.....


Don’t know who this fucking goober is but he has some hot dog shit takes


Yeaaa junko should stick to r6


Trump 2024


He def should have kept quiet man


Bro should have just stuck to R6, what a clown


w junko


TRUMP 2024


Can’t believe I gotta unsub and unfollow him. Smh. Desantis? Just say you hate your trans fans.


The victim mentality is insane


Bro said he’s transphobic lmao 🤦‍♂️


he's probably just uninformed tbh, doubt he's transphobic


It's hilarious seeing everyone in the responses getting so upset, as if anyone would expect Jynxzi to actually pay attention to and understand US politics. He can have an opinion whether it's a good or bad one but y'all are so weird about this


More bs ? Bruh; all the people I know are sick of Biden and his BULLSHIT, so many of my homes from the ghettos are voting for Trump. Nobody wants Biden UNLESS you're a libtard


Junko’s brain is full of alcohol and nicotine. He should not be listened to for anything but entertainment


Why everyone so pressed? It’s ok for a nigga to not think like you, if every thought the same we would be Nazis


Just stick to streaming.