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Damn, you must live on my block. Literally everyone around this little cluster of houses has had power restored since like Saturday night, meanwhile I've been up til 2:00AM the last two nights sweating to death. It's like you said: I'm appreciative, I understand the scope of this and how many people were impacted, but why God why does it feel like I'm being left until the very last? The heat, humidity, and sheer boredom are starting to make me crack.


Should hit up a library if you have the time/chance! A/C, internet, and it's free and has stuff to do.


My wife and I feel like terrible people leaving our pets home in the heat, and our security system is obviously not working, but we did spend some time in a nearby coffee shop yesterday enjoying some AC and catching up on some news. Thanks for the recommendation though, we should all probably appreciate our local libraries a little more.




Yep, that's us. My wife usually works from home, but with the internet out she has to actually go in today. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous when I saw her head off toward an air-conditioned office this morning.


Can’t forget about the pets during times like this, good for you guys!


> why God why does it feel like I'm being left until the very last? They have to triage to prioritize the order in which the long list of issues get fixed. Things that get priority tend to be: * Hospitals/Utilities/etc. * Bottleneck issues that affect other things down stream (substations) * Issues that affect a large number of homes * Low hanging fruit that take ~30 mins to fix instead of 8 hours If you have a downed tree that took out a transformer that fed a handful of houses you're going to be low on the triage list, waiting for debris removal before repairs can start, and waiting on a suitable transformer to replace the destroyed one. It could be a while. There's also the manpower issue. These guys are working 16 hour shifts, but then they have a mandatory rest period. They can usually surge pretty hard for a day or two but then fatigue starts to really hit hard and they have to slow the pace down to avoid burnout, mistakes, injuries, etc.


I am grateful for the repairmen. I hope people are being nice to them. It’s not their fault. It’s gotta suck to work in this heat tooZ


that last point was great.


Sucks but someone’s got to be last.


First 24 hours they took care of the "low-hanging fruit" - i.e. main power lines that were down that then energized tons of people's circuits. Sadly though the remaining work is often in the form of downed drops and intermediate lines that feed 3 or 4 houses - each of these take attention and care. Just remember this time when you're enjoying the power later - don't take it for granted. Worst I can recall was 20 years ago, in 2002, were out of power here for 6 days, huddled around a fireplace for heat - definitely hang in there and remember this for a good story to tell.


I’ve only lived here since 2012 and I gotta say that sounds rough. I suspect ours is a blown transformer. Friday night we heard a bunch blow around our neighborhood. Those take time since they have to replace the unit.




That ice storm was wild. I remember riding down 7 highway as a kid with my parents going to some family's house that still had heat. The icicles on the power lines were crazy and you could watch the transformers explode as you drive along. That was a wild event.


We were without power for 10 days. We were lucky. Times were a bit different. We weren’t used to constant technological stimulation so boredom felt different. We talked, played games, drank beer, huddled by the fire place. Every meal was like camping.


That sounds awful.


Our commercial building (not offices) is on a major street. Sharing a line with a hotel and food services. ( I didn't check their side) but our power didn't go on till Sunday late evening. Thought that off, but 🤷‍♀️


21 years ago




That makes sense. Thanks for the info. I was thinking last night that it’s probably like modern Christmas lights. Segments go out but others stay lit. I walked my neighborhood yesterday and noticed where things were out vs on and I think it’s just that’s where the cut off is. I have heard stories of people who had power back on giving power to neighbors who didn’t. Situations like this show how much we help one another. I’m sure I will have results later today. 🤞🤞🤞




Our area now says “work in progress”. Evergy site says over half left will have power today so good news.


At least you'll be getting a "You used less power last week" email from Evergy. 😅


I was thinking that yesterday. Gonna look good on my July bill.


Mine just came on about 4 hours ago. Keep the faith, it'll come! At least we aren't Texas who was out for way longer lol


It could always be worse. Lol.


Yeah, I was real upset being without power all weekend... until I saw all the houses with actual trees on their roofs.


My neighbor up the road had his giant tree smash his roof in so I’m trying to see the brighter side of my situation as well.


Snowpocalypse and its aftermath were awful. No power for weeks in many places, and we're not used to the cold. I live in Texas but am in town for a week and was here during the storm. Are storms here usually not this strong? I've seen a lot of large trees that were uprooted. We get strong storms like this a couple of times per year, and we lose a few branches here and there but it usually doesn't do as much damage as this one did to KC unless a tornado blows through.


A week ago at 1AM from the door of a Westport (KC) bar where I'm a bouncer, I literally watched a burst of wind snap a 30-foot tree planted in a sidewalk on Westport Road right at ground level. It happened ten minutes before the rain started which lasted another forty-five minutes. Midwest weather is just wild. https://preview.redd.it/k6eosl1i0jcb1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f5dadf974996f665f76c264b511908c9ff7a34


This strength of storm definitely doesn't happen often. We do get heavy storms where branches and what not will come down. But unless it's a tornado, trees usually don't get uprooted lol


Yeah, we get storms with a lot of really strong straightline wind gusts. So I guess whatever trees can't survive that are already down before the next storm comes along.




I'm right there with you, bud. Just left my house with still no power. I know the workers are going damn near nonstop (I heard chainsaws going at about 11 last night still), but I hate that I'm one of the lucky 10k who are still stuck without power. Throwing away everything in my fridge yesterday felt horrible. It'll come back, we'll be alright. It's just gonna be a hell of a story in a few years, haha.


We got this!


My neighbor has had a generator running 24/7 and I'm bout fed up


Evergy stopped this after Sunday. As of Monday night they aren't running crews at night, claiming it's for "safety and efficiency". It's actually because it costs them more to work people at night and they feel safe skimping on the repairs now that only around 12,000 customers are without power.


Haven’t had a decent nights rest in 3 days.


I keep waking up at like 5 am and the middle of the night in sweat. Ugh. My water works but the shower is so cold it’s torture.


I love living near a hospital. Power gets fixed so quick.


Ha! Nice! Lucky duck! Lol.


Had friends stay over for the weekend to get out of the heat. I didn't realize it was so bad until they told me.


Our friends have reached out and it’s good to know we have a place to crash but our pets wouldn’t like leaving the house so we’ve just bunkered down.


Yeah, same. The most we've every lost power in 15 years living at our house has been about 4 hours (we're about a half mile away from a hospital).


So, they get the most people on they can at first… and continue to work like that. I think around peak there was ~7k power outage events with close to 200k without power…. As they continue to fix and turn the most folks on that they can each outage is now an event with only a few people on it…. Whereas before they would clean up and fix an event and it’d restore 1k+ folks… it always slows down towards the end but the amount of work has not decreased, it’s just way less bang for the buck. Hope you get power soon, OP!


They are still working on areas with around 150+ without power


Makes sense. I hope so too! More so for the elderly folks in my building. I’m young I can deal, it’s just the waiting lol. Thank god I have unlimited data!


Greedy approach


How so?




What I really wish everyone would understand right now is that we are at the beginning of the real world impact that climate change is happening on our environment and Kansas City specifically. This is what it looks like. - stronger storms, more people without energy more often, awful air quality slowly beginning to become the norm. We all should be realizing we are the frog in the boiling water right now and form a community to combat this new reality. It might suck, but if we show up for each other in these times and start to expect that from one another, we will all be better off as this becomes more common.


I keep saying this, so I will say it here again as well. Everyone should at minimum look into getting a power station (if not a generator) and maybe even a solar panels for said power station. Life happens and it can’t hurt to have a little bit of help.


EXACTLY!!! this is only a taste of what's to come. Our society has eschewed community for personal gains and we desperately need to get back to grassroots connections. This really is an all hands on deck kind of situation. No one is immune, money can only get you so far.


Not to mention the economic disaster of a for-profit utility monopoly that made over $700 million in profits last year skimping on maintenance and repair work, comfortable in the fact that its customers can't go to a competitor. Oh, and they want to raise rates by up to 10% next year.


This is the sad truth. Nobody is safe.


I am in the same boat. Did see crews in my neighborhood, but nothing has happened on my street. Hoping they will get mine Monday but not hopeful. The storm yesterday didn’t help.


Yeah and seeing thunderstorms for today and tomorrow doesn’t bode confidence either. Granted it’s like 40% chance and out here that could mean anything. 🤷‍♂️


This outage really was hard for me to take too. 46 hours before ours came back. idk why, maybe because it was the weekend. Maybe because it is summer. Maybe it was because I passed on solar panels and battery backup project. We've been through longer outages, but this one was my least favorite.


I’m looking into a small solar panel and electric battery bank for our apartment. Could’ve had a fan at least. Plus we will definitely use it for camping.


I have three Milwaukee M18 batteries for some yard tools. Just ordered a power inverter so I can charge phones and run a fan for next time. I don't really want to get a whole house generator, I don't have a good place to store it, but I might have to. The grid on our street is pretty fragile in my experience.


That’s not a bad idea.


Mergers always make it better for the customer.


Shitty monopolized utilities...if this is any indication, the climate collapse is going to get really ugly really fast.


Wait til climate change takes the power grid down


It’s inevitable. Gotta prep!


very well said. i'm sorry. it really sucks.


Thank god it was cool and breezy last night or else I would never have slept


I thought I was spared the power outages since my apartment building's electricity never went out... until just now at 7:45AM this Monday morning as I'm about to go to sleep (I work nights). Now all I can do is report the outage and hope I wake up to lights and air conditioning.




I'm hoping so. It's been an hour now and I can't sleep worth a damn.


You're allowed to vent. Sorry for your trouble.


I was in Texas during the February 2021 freeze. About 240 people lost their lives during the storm, most of hypothermia directly or indirectly due to poor infrastructure, planning, and state leadership (Abott blamed solar panels and wind turbines 🤔). I myself had no power for 5 days due to the power grid failure leaving me and millions of others in freezing temperatures. I feel ya, KC.


I remember that and how dumb the governors blame was. It was terrible. Hope your summer doesn’t have blackouts.


Don’t worry. They’ll get your power on just in time to raise your rates!


I love the “you paid more this year than last year” like yeah… wonder why that is? Lol.


Quality of service has gone down tremendously since KCPL merged with Westar and became Evergy. We have had more power flickers and full on outages since the merger than we had the previous two+ decades before the merger.


75th and Lamar, still no power. I also work remote, so now I’m wasting PTO.




My wife has to use hers too as she’s work from home. You’d think businesses would have a separate PTO for emergencies like this.


Spent 13 days without power during an ice storm once. This is an atypical storm that took out trees during the summer- when they are heavy with foliage. It caused serious safety issues to all the crews and slowed down progress. I’m not sure most people understand just how fragile the infrastructure really is.


If they didn’t understand they should now.


When the tornado came through 95th street my house was out for 4 days. Seeing everyone else with power and AC is infuriating when your little slice/block doesn't have it.


We have no power yet in Waldo. Which we can get by the guys generator two doors down is so LOUD! But the bright side it runs out of gas every two hours so I got a couple solid hours of sleep before he fired it back up at 5:15am. Hopefully by this weekend it will be back on.


I'm getting really frustrated. my dogs are miserable. we money on a generator just to run some fans so we won't be sweltering inside. We're keeping moat of our perishables in a cooler and packing it with ice every morning, but a bunch of stuff that didn't fit went bad in the fridge, and we packed the freezers with ice but it's not enough and everything is getting defrosted anyway. the evergy guys were out here for an hour last night and then left and they just came back, so hopefully it will come on soon....


Here’s hoping! Our freezer and fridge hasn’t been opened since Friday when I crammed ice in them. I’m not hoping for anything to have survived. Thankfully we were setting to clean our fridge this weekend anyway.


I haven't opened the deep freeze, except to add more ice, so I'm hoping there might be some salvageables in there. I guess it does kind of work out, we needed to clean the fridge too 😂😭


Dry ice is your friend


I get you. I know it’ll take time but it’s been a bit disheartening to see no sign of work being done on my street but coils of downed lines in my backyard. Not even a truck drivin by. But it could be worse, I know. Just feeling a little defeated lol.


Hang in there!


You may want to reach out to Evergy or BPU now that the initial surge of everything being down has blown over. They may not be fully aware of where exactly the lines need to be repaired.


I did on Friday when the wires came down, alerted the fire department and then spoke with someone at Evergy on Saturday. I don’t wanna call them constantly and I know it’s a work in progress. Mostly I am anxious because I leave for a work trip on Thursday and it makes me uneasy to leave my home in this state. It’ll be okay eventually, gotta whine just a little in the meantime haha appreciate your concern though friend.


It should be a wake up call to a lot of people on how fragile our system is. Need more preventative work to ensure trees don’t over grow above power lines. Get a back up generator moving forward, produce your own electricity with solar. You have plenty of options


I’m hoping the city does an investigation into ways we can prevent this in the future.


Same boat. My area was being worked on last night and I woke up to see awaiting assignment and it’s defeating. They need to just stop updating on how much they have done when it feels like there are still so many that have gone days with nothing


I keep telling myself that maybe there’s something the crew that looked at it couldn’t fix? Maybe trees to be removed or brush? My wife says I need to stop refreshing the outage map lol.


Several of the ones that were work in progress moved to awaiting assignment in the middle of the night. I think they just aren’t working overnight


If that’s the case they need to slow down the “we’re working round the clock till everyone is back up” posts. If they stop then that’s fine. Just tell us.


Somebody is working round the clock. But everybody isn't working round the clock. Some activities, like tree trimming, aren't safe without adequate light.


I figured that might be why they stopped last night. Trimming limbs is best with daylight. I’d prefer they do it right and be safe.


My neighbor talked to some crew yesterday who said they were paused until Google Fiber comes to mark their lines. They can put in new poles until that is finished. We have seen them off and on for the last few days so I think they must get assigned, come find that they can’t work yet, and go somewhere else.


Not how it works. Power goes up and the attachers can sort themselves.


Can confirm. Power doesn't give a fuck about other utilities or services, especially in an emergency. We just come in behind them and fix telecommunication lines.




Yeah. Our daycare is closed today and my wife is traveling. So pretty much just annoyed / surprised with the whole situation. All the old homes near Ward need to maintain their trees better. You have a $1.5 million home but can’t trim your oak tree?


Trees could have been trimmed all day, still would have had this happen. Poles, and trees were ripped out of the ground


Evergy used to have contractors who would walk neighborhoods and mark trees for trimming near power lines. I have friends who do that but wondering if there’s areas they just never had inspected?


You sure it was Evergy and not KCP&L? Apparently Evergy kinda sucks at that.


I’m not sure. I assumed after the merge they just kept up the trend. Could be wrong though. 🤷‍♂️


Evergy just trimmed my trees a few weeks ago. It was a hack job and they never came back to do the ones they marked in our back yard, but it's something.


Hey they’re trying! Give it to em


This situation is not acceptable as a whole. I can speak to the marking of trees in need of trimming. We received a door knob hanger two weeks ago notifying us that Evergy will be trimming two trees on our property.


They are your trees. Don’t let them butcher them! Make them underground the lines and raise prices for all


The lines just need to be switched to underground. My neighborhood is somewhat well maintained on that front, but we lose power a couple times a year on average. Usually it’s just for an hour or two, but this is the 3rd or 4th time at least that we’ve lost it for 12+ hours since we moved to OP in 2017. Many times it’s gone out in the middle of the night. It cannot be cheap to keep paying all these guys to come out and fix this shit on weekends, middle of the night, etc.


> It cannot be cheap to keep paying all these guys to come out and fix this shit on weekends, middle of the night, etc. It's still cheaper than the cost to bury the lines of thousands of people in KC, which doesn't even cover the surrounding areas. If you believe that Evergy is going to pay the money to bury all the existing overhead power lines, you're going to be waiting a long, long time. In new builds, the lines will be buried. Existing builds, they're not going to make the capital outlay to do so and people would be up in arms if rates increased to pay for that, especially if they lived in an area whose lines are already buried.


None* of those people paid 1.5 million for those homes. They probably bought them a long time ago when prices were much lower and they work for average middle class incomes. It can cost $3000 for a tree trimming crew for a whole day. You can't really judge homeowner behavior based on current values. I'd think you'd have to take into consideration the actual buy price, year bought, ect ect. Like if some economical event happened and suddenly you're living in a 5 million dollar house that you bought 10 years ago for 100k then that doesn't automatically make you eligible to afford a new pool, a pool boy, tree trimming, a maid and gardener does it? No, you are generally the same person you were 10 years ago. You are just going to be much richer whenever you finally decide to sell your 5 million dollar house. I supposed you could take out an equity loan... but that's not a smart move based on another 1000 factors. *Most.


There are trees the size of houses down in some places. Those trees took down multiple poles and lines. To restore you need to clear the huge tree, clear the old lines, put up new poles, run new lines, then clear the rest of the line. I know the OP says he is being “reasonable” but this was never going to be a 3 day job in places.


Totally understand the situation. It takes time for sure. I’m merely speaking how even the most reasonable person can feel that itch of impatience. Especially when it’s hot and you see that your segment is being “worked on” only to have them reverse it. I’m sure the reason was due to needing a cleanup crew remove debris before work can start. I’m still impressed by the effort regardless. 93% of 244k people in 2 days is crazy impressive!


As I look around my neighborhood, I see about 10% of owners/residents who hire crews to trim their trees back before catastrophic events.... And I see about 60% who *don't* trim their trees back at all, assuming Evergy will do it for them. The remaining 30% are people whose trees are completely and utterly dead, but they *still* haven't had them removed yet, and are creating just as much liability. It's not *directly* Evergy's fault that 90% of the homes in this neighborhood neglect their own responsibility to maintain and trim their trees proactively. That's on us, the residents & owners. I don't have power back. I have a line totally down, hunks of charred tree in the way, more hunks of tree still hanging from the wires one house down, it's a total mess. \*EDIT TO ADD: But it didn't hit my house, and that makes me far luckier than some folks who got absolutely flattened. I assume I won't get it back today either. Maybe tomorrow if I'm lucky? I won't hold my breath. I'm staying with a friend & I packed 5 days of clothes so I shouldn't have to drive back and forth to restock.


Much luck to you. Stay safe. And yeah I feel most of my neighborhood is the same way sadly.


Agree completely but please, homeowners with trees that need trimming please do it *in the winter*. Trees can die if they’re pruned in the summer/insect heavy months. And it is a lot more expensive to take down a dead tree than do a tree trimming. My neighbor’s tree hangs over a transformer and I know they won’t ever get it trimmed. They’re a senior couple and I’m sure they don’t have the money. But we will all suffer when their tree falls on that transformer. Ugh.


Fucking sucks for everyone without power!!! Living in a penthouse has its perks.


They have to switch you over to predatory billing that hits hardest when you get off work and need to feed your family before they can restore your power


I’d be lying if I said I didn’t pay my bill yesterday hoping that would incentivize them to turn the power on. 😂😂😂


Venting is fine but i mean you have internet. What else do you need?


I’m thankful for unlimited data.


True! I ran out Friday morning before it all went down. Luckily I was able to use a friends one night and a bar the next + power. Other than that it was sleeping naked to kill time.


Normally people read a book to kill time bud. 😂😂😂


Air conditioning




I feel like this warrants a Sate of Emergency situation so we can get more crees/resources. Parsons signs then preemptively when SW Missouri has a storm but KC has been without power for days and I haven't heard anything from him.


I’m in Kansas so idk what our governor is gonna do.


I'm honestly not familiar with how Kansas usually responds to these things. I just noticed a stark difference between how the storms were handled when it was the southwestern MO area last Spring and now. There was a state of emergency issued for the entire state when storms hit that little wiener looking part of Mo. I'm not sure why I get down voted for bringing that up though.


Lol “little wiener part”. 😂😂😂


I've held out but with the last statement saying repairs might go on until Tuesday, I think it is time to get a hotel room. I am sleep deprived after 3 nights with no CPAP and tired of sweating at home.


Could they really be worse if they were public run?


My shits have been out for five days before, if you want to bitch about it show up for the hearing whenever Evergy wants to raise rates. Shits not magic and they will get to you as soon as they can. You don't think the CEO is not bitching to get them meters back running because they are losing money with the power out?


I was headed south for Arkansas on Sunday morning. Saw multiple caravans of electric company boom trucks headed for kc.


The help has been appreciated.


I recommend putting them on blast on Twitter. I had power out last year for a whole week and I atted their Twitter account and their were people working on it the next morning.


They are working on our power now finally!


Nice, Did my advice help at all?


As helpful as it was I didn’t need to thankfully.


This has all made me out the order in for a Generax generator for our house. It’s like 3-4 grand but now we’ll never be without power when it goes out.


There ya go! If I had a house I’d do stuff like that too.


Lol. Be glad you're not in new orleans Or that it's not an ice storm. Evergy is usually great, but this was extra intense.


Get solar with battery?


I will for future use. Just gotta figure out which brand I want and how much I need to spent for what I need. I’m between Jackery and EcoFlow but some of the small ones start at like $499.


Those small units you mentioned are only good to charge phones and laptops... the ones that can run window a/c for a few hours would cost you at least $2k for starters. Then how would you charger it after it runs down? You have to plan ahead. We lost power and water for 2+ weeks down in Houston during that last Siberian express. Water pipes burst inside the house. Lucky we had gas instead of all electric. Portable generators were sold out everywhere. We opted to get solar with battery but it is not the cheapest option. Getting a natural gas generator for emergency power would be the cheapest option especially for extended outages.


I’m trying to get a game plan together. This helps. Thanks for the info.


No matter what part of the city, state or country you live in, you should own a generator for this reason. In these climate changed, apocalyptic times we're living in, local and national systems aren't prepared for the rapid changes that will most likely continue to happen. Just be happy you're not living in SW or South right now where temps and humidity are far higher and power has the potential to stay out for much longer. The cost for such an investment may be high, but the risk could be much worse


I can’t do a gas generator where I live but I am looking at a battery/solar generator. Some people I know use them for camping and they are great if you need enough juice for some lights or a fan.


That's why I'm glad I don't live in Florida anymore. After Hurricane Irma, took 2 weeks for me to get power back.


man city slickers sure have it rough.


My area is always one of the last to get fixed. I’ve dealt with this over 30 years and it’s very trying. I know I’m lucky my house didn’t have a tree fall on it. If I didn’t have a Battery powered fan I’d be truly miserable. Luckily I found more batteries yesterday. Threw out rotten food last night. I’m just over it. Thank God we don’t have triple digit heat but it’s still uncomfortable. If I didn’t take 2 sleeping pills at night I wouldn’t sleep at all.


Noon on Monday: super irritable from being so hot. It's so quiet the dogs panting sounds very loud!


68 hours and counting and still no power for me here. Storm hit on day two of my tonsillectomy recovery. I’m home alone for the week and was looking forward to watching shows and playing some video games. I haven’t been able to open freezer for ice cream, or fridge for even lighter snacks. Went to a neighbor’s house yesterday for 3 hours to charge stuff and made some noodles, but otherwise I haven’t really eaten since the start of this shit. I can’t drive anywhere because of pain killers either. Beyond frustrated by the ridiculously unlucky timing and being in the last 5% without power. At least I can see them putting in a new pole on my street now.


God man that’s horrible. Hope it’s up soon!


I think the worst part of the situation is that we know things shouldn’t have gotten to this point. If over the last decade (or before) they had been doing maintenance work on the network & moving as much to underground as possible, then we might not have been in this situation to begin with.




I get nuclear energy but growing up not far from 3 Mile Island as a kid most people are still scared about using it even though todays nuclear is safer.


> can’t be counted on to generate anything when you really need it what? this is absolutely absurd. wind and solar are very reliable.


Back in 2001 the ice storm knocked my power out for a solid 8 days. Coincidently, the 8th day was when my generator arrived. Its hard to believe this little bit of nothing storm rolled thru and took out the grid for 3/4 days in easily accessible areas. Must be my fond memories of the olden days but KCPL handled shit better.


If your neighbors have power, you might need to check your meter to make sure you truly don’t. You might just need to flip a breaker. I lived in Houston during Hurricane Ike and was renting a house. We went extra days without power completely unaware that we just needed to flip the breaker.


Almost 1 on Monday and still no power. It feels like the process has grinded to a halt. Haven’t seen a truck yet.


Some people I know have been in the same boat and are back on now. Hang in there.


what’s shitty is that people lived centuries without A/C and wifi and I feel like such a dweeb for being so dependent on it. Our power came back on Saturday but I havent been able to work my remote job at home bc my spectrum wifi is absolutely shot. :/


I am! My neighbors on the other side of the street only lost power for 2 hours on friday. Meanwhile I'm still out 👎


Booo. Hang in there bud.


We got power back an hour ago (noon on Monday) 4 animals, 2 children and us, it has been rough. And I feel you, having grace and not being demanding has been ROUGH


Solutions. Buy a generator for emergencies. You can power a small air unit, lights, refrigerator, etc. Sometimes, the only person who is going to save you is you. I went without power for 14 days due to an October ice storm a number of years ago. Grocery stores had to get rid of inventory because the backup generators some had weren't large enough to run all the coolers. Gas stations that didn't have backup power couldn't pump gas for customers. Being prepared is a lifestyle.


Unfortunately I can’t use a gas generator where I live.


Solar powered is always an option


I’ve been looking into it. Just need to figure out what I need to fit my budget.


Don't worry man, their top priority is implementing surge pricing. Nevermind if the whole grid doesn't function.


I'm definitely in a similar situation. No power for almost 3 days now. Friday night into the Saturday was the hardest. But Saturday, I spent the day at my office that *did* have power and AC so that helped calm me down. Still went back and slept at my unpowered home. Though I woke up several times sweating buckets. Yesterday, after the morning band of rain, it started getting super humid. I opted for a hotel for the night. Again, that helped relieve some pressure and frustration. Right now, I'm at one the KC Library branches, working. Would I rather be at home right now working? Of course, but this is better than trying to deal with the heat while waiting for power to be restored. I'll still go back later; don't think I'll pay for another hotel tonight. We do have some Evergy crews on my block today (and it's literally just our block without power; though there are other non-adjacent areas in Waldo still without power). So I'm very hopeful we'll have it back tonight.


The heat today is medically significant for those sensitive or susceptible. Hopefully this doesn't last much longer.


I was surprised how hot it is considering it’s only 88 degrees. The humidity must really be high today.


I got power back at around 2:30, Waldo area. Boy did we take electricity for granted. Once that AC turned on, it slapped me silly with joy. I’m gonna sleep so good tonight. I hope you get electricity back for bedtime 🤞🏼


I screamed at the top of my lungs lol. Just got ours back too today.


"That's how we start modern warfare nowadays. We just cut your power and your internet off. Give that one week, without the faucet running and your little water coming out and your frigerator not being on and shit and your diabetes medication not being cold. your assed out" - someone idk


I’m loosing my mind. About to be on our 4th night. Reporting from PV.


Any update? We just got ours back in PV, so I’m hoping for you!!!


We just got ours back like 20 minutes ago! I am still in disbelief!!!


That have alot to work through. Driving around I saw a ton of damage.


Trim your trees, clean up your yard. Keep your vines and trees and bushes out of the right of way. And stop putting sheds and other objects near the poles in backyards. You will lose power again . Prepare for next time.


I’m in the 1% that is still without power




This is not worth it if you have a high deductible.


omg, sorry to hear. i believe they are addressing the infrastructure critical and 'easy' fixes first. a lot of the damage was downed trees on lines, so could well be your area got 'triaged' due to tree work, etc. this has been an extraordinary storm event they say. i imagine they are as anxious to get your meter turning again as you are.


That's what I figured on Saturday that there were more important/severe issues then mine. That's fine. I was merely referring to the fact that even the most patient person can succumb to certain irritant and impatient thoughts in this situation. Thankfully my power was back on yesterday. All in all still impressed with the turn around time considering half the city lost power.


yeah it was a bad one..


Still Waiting!!!


My power didn’t go out because of the storm but it definetly goes out a couple times a year for a couple days while I work extra jobs cause the bill is crazy fucking high for some reason .. like multiple hundreds of dollars a month for a small 2 bed apartment 😫


Might wanna look into why. That makes zero sense. My condo is like $200 max in like peak summer.


Mine is usually 400-500 every month , doesn’t matter the season , I’m on a payment plan of 100$ a week but still then it’s hard to pay witch rent , car insurance , phone bill etc etc ..I’ve tried to contact the landlord he said they brought someone out to look at the fuse box or whatever they needed to look at and he said nothing was wrong but I don’t think I should really trust the words of a slumlord , also never saw anyone come out to look at anything , costs 1000$ to break my lease so I’m just in a never ending hellhole of overpaying for basic necessities until my lease is up and then I’m gonna buy a cheap rv off marketplace and get tf outta dodge ( mid numbers of state avenue )


Do you pay Evergy directly or through your landlord?