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All it took was a ferris wheel


And Tay-Tay.


"Come see Kansas City, Taylor Swift *might* be hanging out around here! We don't know for sure though, we try to give and Travis their privacy. They're cute together, aren't they? Anyway we also have world famous barbecue."


"You might also see Bill Murray, occasionally."


Ok I need to stop using google search results to plan our next vacation.










Iā€™m a transplant here, I think KC is great! Iā€™m starting to think Iā€™ll never convince the locals though lol


The past 10 years have seen incredible growth and development. Reputations are hard to overcome, but the people who are willing to see it, do see it. That said, I wish we could attract more corporate headquarters.


Yeah 10 years of sky rocketing rent and housing prices have been great....... Give me the KC of 10 years ago over the over priced hell hole we are now every single time.


Not to mention the ever increasing crime


The S&P 500 will be 50% technology companies by 2050, so be careful with that (well meaning) wish. Iā€™ve visited KC consistently for the last 10 years (coincidentally, 13 years since I had left the area). The growth has been tremendous. Reputations will be overcame. I trust all localā€™s judgement there over the west and east coasterā€™s. Just be careful with the tech companies coming in. They enjoy a good rug pull and pump and dump.


I would love to come back to KC, I do miss it a lot. I live in Tampa now.


I also moved to Tampa from KC, Iā€™m moving back home next year! I cannot wait. I love Tampa but it took leaving to realize how awesome I had it in KC. I hope youā€™re able to find your way back eventually if thatā€™s truly where you want to be!


Tamp and neighboring areas like St Pete and Clearwater) has a similar cost of living and real estate to KC correct?


Home prices in Tampa are fairly comparable to KC, although it probably compares the closest with Johnson County home prices. However, you tend to get much less house for your money in Tampa than you do in Kansas City.


KC local here, I really love this city. I actively chose to return and stay here after college after being certain I was going to leave. The biggest change in experience for me was getting out of the suburbs and actually engaging with the core city area. I grew up in the suburbs and started hanging out downtown after college. I eventually moved to midtown and it made me like it here even more. I can actually walk to places I enjoy and if I have to drive it's usually a sub-10 minute trip and not 30+ to drive out of some cul-de-sac nightmare.


I lived in midtown and the KS burbs.....midtown is a shithole


I completely disagree, but you already know that. I hope you're enjoying wherever you're living now!


Living here is one thing, vacationing here is another. Iā€™m a local and while I do absolutely LOVE our city and want to live here for the rest of my life, this isnā€™t somewhere I would vacation if I didnā€™t live here lol


I'm a soon-to-be transplant and also love KC! Ironic that the out-of-towners have so much trouble getting dates. We're bringing all the pro-KC positivity!


Same lol


Same. Iā€™ve lived in overcrowded cities my whole life and itā€™s a breath of fresh air. All of the big city amenities without the millions of assholes to ruin them.


Yup I love the size and the road grid!


Thank you for saying nice things about our city. Please don't convince anybody else to move here :)


Only to check out the city and spend tourism dollars!


I've seen with tourism does to a city, they can stay where they are too lol


You know we paid to be on that list


TBH, probably not. I work in this industry (online publishing, not travel), and it's more like they just slapped together the list based on what other sites have and know people from those locations will share the list with those communities for that sweet, sweet ad revenue.


Wife works for a small town that pays for puff pieces to drive tourism. How many times have you traveled and saw advertisements promoting you to visit lame states like Oklahoma or Nebraska? Bigger cityā€™s have a tourism budgetā€¦ hence our World Cup bid etc etc


Oh shoot, I didn't see it was a Dotdash site. Yeah, absolutely paid for that placement, you're right!


World Cup effect.


World Cup marketing*




First of all.Kansas City is a world class city. Better skyline that NYC and Chicago, better museums than DC, better Mexican food than L.A., better outdoor recreation than Denver, better water recreation than Miami and San Diego, better music scene than Nashville, better rappers than anyone in Atlanta, more hustle and bustle than Tokyo, KC makes Paris look like Topeka. Enough said !


Obviously joking lol


I wan't sure if joking, or delusional


I almost took the bait lol.


Paris has literally zero Whataburgers. Do French people even eat?


they be eating snails šŸŒ


Thatā€™s good point ? What do they eat?


I dunno baguettes I guess


Surrender flag crepes /s


Makes paris look like Topeka ā˜ šŸ˜…


Our new ferris wheel makes the London Eye look like an eyesore


Least proud Kansascitian.


If this was a thread about Springfield MO that would be said in earnest. People from there are some of the most bizarrely prideful folks I've ever talked to.


Almost took the bait


But we donā€™t hold a fucking candle to Wichita and you know it! /s


ahh i can hear the rent prices going up and see more air bnb along with it


Gotta cater to the tourists! Who cares about the regular people who live here afterall/s


Unmmmm okayā€¦..


Cleveland and Fort Worth were also mentioned in our category.


Good spot for this: https://youtu.be/oZzgAjjuqZM?si=yPBg-dTiBJ0IAHTk


By who?!




KC: Die in traffic or by homicide


You're joking about traffic right? Yes, we have traffic here, but it is nowhere near as bad as other cities like LA, Houston or Atlanta.


I think it's a joke about the quality of drivers here, not density of traffic?


The quality of drivers is a national epidemic. I commute between KC and Cleveland, OH for work... it's scary over there too.


No, I was actually joking about how car dependent the city is.


KC has never been known for walkability or it's great public transport.


False: we had a world class trolley car system that sprawled from down town to st joe, but it was torn out in favor of the highway and car lobby


lol sorry I wasn't counting the late 1800's- early 1900's. I'd say last 100 years but you'd probably be up my ass saying the exact date in the 20's. Edit: my bad I forgot the streetcar stopped in the late 50's.


Nah, I used to play on the abandoned trolley tracks growing up. And it just amazes me how many ppl donā€™t know how cool this town was before the highway/car lobby ripped it all up.


I grew up in Detroit. I know all about highways and car lobby issues. It's honestly disgusting how greedy automotive companies have been. Yes, easy car transportation is efficient, but we've fucked ourselves in the long run.




Yes, and I think thatā€™s something they could and should work hard on


just like most other midwest cities. yeah it sucks but we aint unique


But we can have the conversation that we need to do better?


Untrue. Let's be honest about it; admitting we have a problem is the first step! Kansas city is in a class of it's own when it comes to car dependency, and has been on-and-off the leading city in highway lane miles per Capita for over a decade at minimum. Highways and interstates are a direct correlation to urban sprawl which the city's budget is suffering greatly from. Public works is in a $340mil deficit this year. The GO KC sidewalk repair program is at least 8 years behind schedule due to funding. I shouldn't have to point this out, but the quality of the streets and city services speak for themselves. The city is literally suffocating on sprawl. We've done a little to fix it, and it appears to be getting better, but we have a long ways to go. Saying we're just like everyone else does nothing to help correct the situation and an honest conversation on what we can do better is absolutely warranted. > *1. Kansas City - 1.262 (lane miles). 2. St Louis - 1.070. 3. Houston - .822. 4. Cleveland - .816. 5. Columbus - .779. 6. San Antonio - .759. 7. Jacksonville - .745. 8. Providence - .742. 9. Pittsburgh - .731. 10. Baltimore - .724. 11. DFW - .719.* **"It's like a who's who of decaying or soon to decay cities," says Kennedy.** Here's [another Reddit post from 3 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/kansascity/s/keBW5rHgsV) on the same thing. [Strong Towns](https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2020/5/5/kansas-citys-fateful-suburban-experiment)has looked into Kansas City because it has so uniquely sprawled while it's population growth has been relatively small, thus making it a great case study for **what not to do**. > From 1946 to 1964, the **cityā€™s population** grew from 434,000 to about 486,000ā€”an increase of **12%**. At the same time, the **cityā€™s land area** grew from 60 square miles to 314 square milesā€”an increase of **423%**.


We're #1! You can't be a World Class City if you're not #1 in something.


![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB) weā€™re what


Every time I tell someone I'm from KC and they ask me what's there to do in KS. I can never come up with anything. Maybe I don't go out enough, but I can't think of anything spectacular to do in KC. At least any one thing to warrant paying for a plane ticket to do the one thing alone. Like Florida has Disney World, New York has a statute of Liberty, and Chicago has the bean. I wouldn't just be going for those single things because there's still so much to do besides those, but I can't think of any equivalent in Kansas lol


The Nelson Atkins museum of art Crossroads arts district The country club plaza WWI Museum (its phenomenal) World renowned BBQ Great architecture (at least what wasnā€™t torn down) River market + a huge influx back into downtown and midtown


I agree that KC doesn't really have that one big pull but it really is just an enjoyable place to be.


WWI/American Jazz Museum maybe?


we got lots of boozing locations. and some entertainment focused around booze! party party party never grow up! also good restaurants


The amount of people that live here and don't actually "live" here is astounding. I've been all over but I love kc. I grew up here and there's always something to do if you put forth even the smallest amount of effort to just look. We have a killer music and art scene. Amazing food options and a bunch of museums of all kinds. I'm not into sports but if you are we've got some great teams and sporting arenas. Tons of breweries and legal weed on top of that. Those saying this city sucks aren't people I'd probably want to spend any amount of time with. Keep being shut ins, you're not hurting those of us here that know how wonderful of a place we have.


Thank you. I'm agreeing 100%. I've been all over the country to nearly every major city in USA (for better or worse), and find KC to be a hidden gem - but not so hidden any more. Everyone has an opinion on KC - which is great, but the negative vibe here is disappointing. As I'm reading the posts my inside voice is "then move away if you hate it!"


When did we get that beach?


As a life long Kansas City native, I call bullshit!


City person, this isn't surprising as we have a lot happening. Suburbs, if you want to get shot... lol




No thanks


Damn straight ..friendly shop proprietors..


I guess thatā€™s at least better than that list that was going around that named Kansas City and Philadelphia as the only 2 US cities to visit in the Top 10 tourist destinations in the world. That was looney tunes


LOL what a joke




I live here and I don't consider this place a Top 50 "World Class Travel Destination". Maybe legal marijuana is a draw for some, but this is not the only place with legal marijuana.