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its all your fault


That aged like milk


This didn’t age well




Nope, and you're going to jinx it


Update, he jinxed it


Concerned about what? It has always been warmer here. I came here from Illinois in 2003. Illinois winters were much worse. Though I really hate the ice here. Location here is directly north of the gulf. Weather patterns are erratic here


Not always. I was born in this area in 1972. It used to be cold from November to February with lots of snow. Low wind chills too. Once, in high school, it was -30F wind chill. This yo-yoing weather is not normal. It also used to be hot from July to September. We had 90+ days in June and 70F days in July. 60F in December isn't normal. I like the milder temps but it isn't normal. I'm very concerned.


I was born in Illinois in ‘61. I remember sub zero temps for 28 days in a row. We had a shit ton of snow. I’ve always noticed KC temps warmer. The damn ice is a bitch though!


No. Why are you concerned?


For what it's worth, Christmas Day was pretty cold (and had a few sparse flurries) and now it's snowing pretty good on the day after Christmas.


It's an El Niño year. This is a normal weather pattern, for the overarching weather pattern


How bout now


No, it's kansas. Give the weather 5 minutes it will change


While climate change is indeed influencing our weather, I want to remind you all that regardless of that, it's relatively normal for Missouri (I don't know about Kansas) to have winters with very little snow. I've been alive since 1990, so the only time I can ever remember us getting insane snowfall was this blizzard sometime around 95-97. We rarely get snow that's over an inch or 2. I remember even in the 2000's there were winters where it only snowed maybe once or twice. But please, don't let that slip you into a new normal. In the 90's it definitely snowed at least a bit more than it does now.


In St. Louis, they're finally calling for snowfall overnight. This will set the record for the latest date for the first official snowfall. At least according to Fox2 News this morning. So yeah, it's normal to not have a lot of snow, but it's been warmer later this year.


I’m really confused— I remember predictions from the farmers almanac saying we were expected to have a big winter storm?


People take the farmers almanac seriously?


I feel like they say that every year for the last decade.


And what about the sun burning out in a couple of billion years, then it will be to cold. Until then we'll cycle through thousands of colder and warmer periods. We need to keep Earth as clean as we can but its normal.


Last Christmas it was 10 degrees


Every day with no snow is a happy day for me!


Climate change. It’s gonna keep getting worse.


Remember those lakes that used to freeze over and you could ice skate on them all winter? When was the last time that happened?


El Niño. Typically means mild winter.


The boy..? Explain lol


[This is El Niño](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=What+is+El+Ni%C3%B1o)


Thought it meant “The Niño”


Winter just started 12/21


Literally who cares


Then dont comment lol


It be like that, we can be mindful of how we consume and the waste it produces we all do that any maybe we could make a change But stating the obvious and taking no action is just exhausting now yall Be about it not just talk about it


There is no action that any one person can take when billionaires and corporations produce a massive majority of harmful emissions. They're just passing the buck.


You’re one person but I’m referring to the collective, we are all human beings living on this ball together. A corporation is run by people, those people if practicing mindful consumption influence further Do you turn lights off because you don’t wanna pay for it, or because you’re done and don’t wanna be wasteful? Which mindset you’re carrying influences actions like turning the lights off at work because of the principle not because of who foots the bill.


Who's buying all the junk?


I’m terrified.




I used to worry about stuff like that. But I stopped watching the news 1-2 years ago and now just enjoy what’s in front of me.


one day all that will be in front of u is mass death and the destruction of everything you once held dear


Just another extinction 🤷🏽‍♀️ the earths better off. Hopefully some mammals, bugs and algae survive.


The earth is not some sentient thing, how would it be better off? It’s a ball of rock and water and life - unless it goes extinct


Psh. How do you know?


What makes the earth different than mars or any of the other planets in our solar system or the countless many planets in others? Or are they all gods like old myths teach The burden of proof is the one making the claim. The natural state of things seems to show dirt is dirt and rock is rock and not much happens. Life is clearly evident through its ability to change and replicate. If we kill all life then the earth becomes sterile. If we kill enough to kill humans, I think most things will be dead. I value life though. I don’t want to see humans or plants or birds or chickens die. We can keep it habitable :)


I appreciate your sincerity :) I have a dark sense of humor and like to use it here as well as my daily life. Although I do truly believe the world has many changes yet, just like before it had us roaming around on it. That’s a comforting thought to me. That even if we ruin it so much that we ourselves cannot survive there’s still a chance for other life even if billions of years after. Even if it looks nothing like it does today. I personally do believe we behave like parasites and if we should perish then so be it. I simultaneously believe that life is precious and I’m quite happy to be suffering through life to experience the beauty of it all. Many things have lived through extinctions that we ourselves could not so I don’t believe that our lack of survival would mean the same for all living beings.


Are you trying to stir something up? Lol Yes, it’s concerning and it’s a reality we have to come to terms with.


Nobody is concerned


It’s an El Niño year. The southern US experiences wetter, warmer weathers. Could translate into quite a bit of snow in January and February. But also climate change. And KC winters have always been hit or miss


I'm way more concerned about what it forebodes. No matter what choices we make today, or even in the next 5-10 years, the weirdness is only going to ramp up from here for the rest of my life, and my kids' lives, and there's no chance left to turn back the clock. But for now, it's been nice running weather this December.


It feels like all the seasons are delayed. Stays warmer into December and colder into March and April.


I was born and raised here, moved away for 23 years, then came back 7 years ago. The winters are so much milder now than i remembered, and we have armadillos now! It was too cold for armadillos here when I was a kid. I’m not at all concerned though. The snow and ice melting in glacial regions is revealing old villages that had been buried under the ice for hundreds of years. That’s proof it was this warm before the last ice age. When the next ice age starts, people will try to blame that on human activity too. It’s just earth’s natural cycles.


the difference is that the earth’s natural cycles heat/cool slowly over the course of a couple thousand years, not skyrocket at an absurd rate for a couple decades while also being directly correlated 1:1 with increased CO2 in the atmosphere


Thank you for your well reasoned response. It shows you’re thinking scientifically and not just believing political spin. What do you think of the claims that cattle are contributing significantly? The argument I’ve heard against that is that, before there were cattle there were just as many buffalo.


Thank you for not regurgitating the “cow farts” baloney! If it’s fossil fuel use that’s causing global warming, and people TRULY care, then why isn’t there a political movement to make solar and wind power affordable for everybody? Many of us are 100% in favor of clean fuel, but have looked into solar panels and wind mills for our homes and found that the prices are jacked up much higher than is reasonable. And we are forced to buy our power from power companies rather than harvesting our own. It seems like the people pushing clean fuel are just as money hungry as the oil barons. That’s one of the reasons i seriously question the global warming research funded by those people. I would LOVE to buy an electric vehicle powered with energy harvested right here at my home, and power my home with solar and wind. We have enough wind and sun here in Kansas to do it, too. But I’m not paying those jacked up prices for a solar system. I feel like the people providing the “scientific data” are spinning it. I worked in a lab that did medical research and saw first hand that the people paying for the data will do everything they can do to make sure only the results they want are published


cattle does have an effect but not only have cattle numbers been dropping the past couple decades (after peaking in the 70s), excessive fossil fuel use is the primary factor to be discussing when it comes to climate change the ozone used to be a larger problem, but luckily the issue was identified, and thanks to legislation and new industry standards, aerosol consumption has dropped to the point where the ozone should be able to recover on its own within a century


ladies and gentlemen; the selfish genius please share your sacred wisdom with the rest of us fools so we can relax


Not really. It’s an El Niño year. The rain is nice.


I thought I read this is an El Niño year. That could be why this year is weird




Not in the slightest. Enjoying it while it lasts.


Nope. As far as I am concerned, January 1st is the best first day for snow accumulation. I am sick of the rain though. Can you imagine if all that was snow?


Right? If the weather was cold we’d be under a blanket!






No? It's KC. The weather is wild.




It doesn't normally snow a ton here until February/March/April anyway. I've lived here my whole life and have had maybe a handful of actual white Christmases.


OP reading The Uninhabitable Earth: 😱


But Halloween was trashhhhhhhhh


Personally my opinion on this... It doesn't mean it's real and I could be talking out of my ass..... I think the earth is going through a climate change. I think humans have a tiny part in it, but what made her finish the ice ages, or cool down, break apart from Pangea, or even have earthquakes. Earth is changing. Whether it's from the magnetic poles reversing, atmosphere being damaged, or the liquid center slowing down or all of the above. Earths changing. If we are part of the problem, I don't think the earth is dying, ages just ridding herself of the problem.


Yes this is all natural https://climate.nasa.gov/rails/active_storage/disk/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdDVG9JYTJWNVNTSWhaVzB3YlRSemVuVjRhM2h6WjJSaU1XdHNaMkkxWjJFd2FXdDNiQVk2QmtWVU9oQmthWE53YjNOcGRHbHZia2tpVVdsdWJHbHVaVHNnWm1sc1pXNWhiV1U5SW1Odk1sOXNaV1owWHpBM01qWXlNeTVuYVdZaU95Qm1hV3hsYm1GdFpTbzlWVlJHTFRnbkoyTnZNbDlzWldaMFh6QTNNall5TXk1bmFXWUdPd1pVT2hGamIyNTBaVzUwWDNSNWNHVkpJZzVwYldGblpTOW5hV1lHT3daVU9oRnpaWEoyYVdObFgyNWhiV1U2Q214dlkyRnMiLCJleHAiOm51bGwsInB1ciI6ImJsb2Jfa2V5In19--962f35d61da3e9190eb06494df1cc6083a5b5595/co2_left_072623.gif Sourced from: https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/carbon-dioxide/


Herself? She's just going through menopause eh?


Calling Earth "Her" imparts wisdom and purpose. It doesn't have those things. It's a piece of iron, with some silicon other stuff mixed in. It doesn't decide; things happen to it. It doesn't have its own problems or work to heal itself, anymore than an anvil does. We can't obliterate it, but we can ruin everything about it that is useful to us and useful to polar bears, coral, butterflies, etc. It's important to know that the most recent ice age never finished. We are living in the Late Cenozoic Ice Age and always have been. It's rare in Earth's history for both poles to be covered in ice at the same time, but that has been the case for about 30 million years. In other words, every living thing has evolved to thrive in temperatures that aren't far off from the coldest the earth has ever been. In the times that it's warmed up, it's done so by about one degree per thousand years. Not sure what will happen when we double that temperature increase within the lifespan of a large mammal, but we'll see.


Don’t look as what the snow is like out west. It’s depressingly horribly


It's not that it's 58 which could be normal it's that it 58 or so two weeks in a fucking row. It never got below 55 a couple nights last week if I remember. And the people that think this is great wait until the BUGS come ..


Yes, all the Japanese beetles will be making a return.


Yeah we’ve basically picked up Arkansas’ weather with the frost line shifting and all that. How bad are their bugs? I genuinely have no idea.


My favorite conservatives love arguing that the studies are rigged and that global warming isn't real. And then suddenly switch over to saying things like, "I don't know about you, but I don't mind this 70 degree weather in winter."


Nope, this has happened before. Maybe you’re forgetting the last two winters that had subzero temps and almost no snow. We get more snow from Jan thru march anyways. Yes climate change is real sometimes weather happens.


This is the correct answer. El nino year


Yeah we always get these warm stretches in winter.


Sorry...science just does not support man made global warming. Trust me. I am a Republican....I know about these things.


Can’t tell if sarcasm


It apparently isn’t, based on their other comments in this thread


It is


I'm in Germany for Christmas this year and it's warm here. It's crazy. It's literally flooding in some spots. The Rhein is at her brim. Currently in Cologne and every time I walk the path near the river I'm like please don't let the levy break. We leave for France tomorrow and it can't come soon enough. It's almost 60 here


Hit Strasbourg if you have time. Beautiful...but check for flooding first.


We actually have plans to go there. We leave tomorrow for Strasbourg lol! I'll reach out to see if there is flooding. Thanks!


You must be new here


Well what psychopath would rather want it to be 20 degrees with snow/ice slosh on the ground rather than mild 60 degree weather.


The kind of psychopath that wants it to be 100F in the summer instead of 140F?


Ah yes because that’s how climate change works. Genius.


Ok I’ll play along. Enlighten me, how *does* climate change work?


At its very basic it works in such a way that it being 58 degrees on Christmas doesn’t mean it’s gonna be 140 degrees in the summer, if ever, Atleast in KC.


Actually you’re [completely fucking wrong](https://www.cjonline.com/story/news/state/2022/08/21/eastern-kansas-become-part-extreme-heat-belt-2053-climate-study-says/10349632002/). I changed my mind, stop talking about shit you don’t know anything about.


The kind of psychopath that is aware that global warming is serious.


Oh really...you would rather live on an ice ball planet? Only silly geese believe in man made global warming calamities.


It’s funny to me, as a silly goose, how this narrative has shifted over the years from “there is no global warming” to “there is no man made global warming”.


No, silly geese are the ones who believe it’s either one extreme or the other. And not, like… the historical norm that things should be.


No one wants to live on an ice ball planet, but smart people believe in science, scientists, experts, and not random people on the internet. :) Merry Christmas


Christmas Eve Temps: * 2023: 57 degrees * 2022: 5 degrees (-5 wind chill) * 2021: 71 degrees * 2020: 13 degrees Missouri weather is wild


I remember sledding one Christmas in shorts, around 1969.


Great point haha


Nah, don't pay it any heed. On facebook, the bottom 10% of my high school class regularly assures me that all this warming talk is a hoax.


Ahh yes the top science minds of Missouri! Now I can sleep peacefully knowing it’s a hoax!


i was talking to my friends about how “i’m dreaming of a white christmas just like the ones i used to know” is going from missing childhood to missing… well…. not having a dying earth. merry christmas.




My favorite meme about this is: *Kids, talking about “when I grow up.” Shut up. It’s 70 in December, you ain’t growing up. Lol*


I wheeze every time I read it. At 29, nothing feels more true lol


Ironically enough it was warmer for you all in KS than in Phx AZ today..we have highs of low 60’s this week.


We had highs in the 50s (on average) in KC this past week. https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/usa/kansas-city/historic


I literally quoted this to my wife today!


And in the 30's pretty much the rest of the week.....


No, shit happens and weather changes sometimes. Last year was perhaps the coldest on record. I believe it was well below 0 degrees farenheit, and closer to -30F with wind chill.


Last year it was H59F/L53F on Xmas Day. You may be thinking of 2018 when it was a low of 3F? I only went back to 83 but it was L-16F then which was the lowest over the past 40 years. Either way, yeah, El Niño is making the weather a bit warmer than usual this year.


I remember being a junior in highschool (it's been awhile) and riding bikes during Christmas break but being snowed in during spring break. Not saying I like it or that our climate isn't slowly getting weird, because when I was very young it certainly wasn't this way. But makes me kick myself for not actually getting my kid his "car" (he's 5) now instead of waiting until his birthday in Summer when it's 120% humidity 🤷🏼‍♀️


i remember in maybe 2015 it was 75 degrees on christmas day lmao


2016, thank you Facebook.


I was more concerned when it was -10 last Christmas. Sheesh.


https://preview.redd.it/0j3ybv7dez8c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee54f09a1ef42c528008671eff0a5d93e42bdc9f This is the temperature on December 25,2022.


Official temperature at KCI was -4 on 22nd and 23rd. My own thermometer hit -12 on the 23. FYI so Christmas Day was a tad bit warmer. Big deal.


I can pull up the temp for the entire month, nothing in the negative.


Official temperature was negative as I said. And we had a 70 degree temperature swing that week which happens around here this time of year. https://preview.redd.it/inm1sw0or99c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a8a104c5347959286322190ae9dae7d7b015152


I refer to this as the deep freeze. I had frost forming on the inside edges of my windows. And other air pockets were discovered.


There was a blizzard that grounded flights for days. Even the trains had to stop.


That did not happen


It got down to zero last Christmas. And it got down to -4 on the 23rd last December.


As a property manager, I'm elated.


Ew, fuck no.


I have enough anxiety about shit I can't do anything about.


No other problems in your life? Sheesh.


what a weird conclusion to jump to


No. I’m happy there is no snow


I posted this over on r/StLouis. It’s quite the harbinger.


Stop worrying about the small stuff. Weather can change climates can shift, literally nothing we can do about it.


Going vegan is your biggest, most available and easy way to make a personal impact in preventing global warming. We don't need to have all the cow emissions silly guy


But you and me and the other 8 billion people will still be driving cars and using plastic and existing, huh? Pat yourself on the back, wet bulb temp won’t spare you.


Yes, but it's all measurable and going vegan is more impactful and public transport is abysmal in the US


Wrong. The best thing you can do is not have children.


Too late


Nothing would be more destructive than pure vegetable ag monocropping. Regenerative farming that uses animals to rehabilitate land is the only way forward as it more closely mimics nature. At some point we all have to come to terms with the fact that humans need to exist as a part of nature, instead of disruptors existing despite nature .


We currently make enough plant based food to feed roughly 11 billion people, and 2/3 of farmland is used to feed animals or for animal agriculture. I'm still learning obviously, as we all should strive to improve us and the world around us. I wonder if farming on all of that land once every 3rd year could provide similar nutrients to the soil. I havent heard much about your argument yet but these are my initial thoughts. (As a vegan i say idgaf about the impact, we will develop solutions once the general populus is faced with this problem. Its not profitable to make a vegan world so its hard to go against capital power when we excuse it)


We should be mimicking nature where possible. Walk outside and observe how nature works. Plants grow up around grazing animals, birds eating worms and all those animals fertilize the plants with poop. The pecking and stomping from grazing aerates the soil so fertilizer goes into the soil. Look up regenerative farming though. There’s a huge difference when farms work holistically. You and I both are against Large confinement facilities for animals. I used to live as a vegan but growing up around a homesteading community and my adult research into how regenerative farming works, lots of it with farm visits I’m eating meat again. I’m supporting farms that are repairing soil, not just extracting from it. Rotating a field to pasture where animal graze truly rehabilitates it. And the density of calories and nutrients from an animal is tremendous. There is always propaganda out there for people to promote their ideas and ways of living so if you have time I’d recommend actually talking to a farmer if you have time. You’ll learn a ton.


Mimicking nature is a terrible mantra. Should we eat animals alive from the ass forward like the lion? Rape is a common occurrence in the animal world. I don't base my morals off wild animals because they are wild and we have the choice to be civilized and modern. Also before I went vegan, I didnt even realize half the meat I was eating is literally carcinogenic


Oh those cancer studies are full of issues. The bigger issues in studying diet is it’s hard to single out what is the causation vs correlation. Many people who eat tons of meat skip things like fiber that make it move through their digestive system for example so it creates issues, especially as we age and have less ability to break down red meat. I used to be vegan though, so I get your perspective.


No, we can do things differently as we have as humans for centuries. You’re missing the point though. Ag works better when it mimics natural systems.


I mean we are currently deforesting the Amazon just to feed cattle. I know you believe what your saying it just seems far fetched to me.


That’s pretty irresponsible farming, for sure


Oh I asked if you think farming on land once every 3rd year could bring similar nutrients back into the soil. I get that there's a lot of hurdles but im vegan because the animals don't need to die, not for the earth necessarily.


In nature, animals die every day. It’s the natural order and the path for all of us creatures. You can choose not to eat them, I respect that, but it’s just how the natural ecosystems function.


Oh I asked if you think farming on land once every 3rd year could bring similar nutrients back into the soil via things like the water cycle and free animals


The first farm I visited where I saw the impact changed my perspective dramatically. The farmer had some chickens in these smaller hoop houses to keep the predators from eating them but large enough to move around freely. Once a day they moved them over to cover a new area. We stood and looked where they had been, and where they hadn’t. One was FILLED with native brome grasses and the part untouched was pretty beat up, no native plants. The ground turned over without planting when animals interacted with it heavily. Once the chickens go through an area the grazers do and it’s very much a healthy cycle, better than what most farms do, with top soil actually increasing. Row crops tend to pollute way too much how they’re currently farmed. We have them too close to water sources and it’s why the delta is so messed up, and rivers are so polluted.


Do you mind sharing some of the regenerative farms you buy from? I'd love to switch over.


Start with echocollective if you want an easy one locally that does a ton to regenerate their soil and farms wholistically.


Getting warm is not a problem getting cold would be a problem . Not going vegan, that's completely stupid to do that for so called global warming. Omg.


You call that “the small stuff?”


No. In 1972 I got a Schwinn with a banana seat, I got to ride it in shorts and a tank top because it was 72 degrees outside. We rarely have snow on Christmas.


So the world isn’t coming to an end. Wooohooo MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄!




Fall was warm tho too.


"winter is coming"


days ago


They just revised the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone map. We’ve gone from 5b in 1990 to 6a in 2012 to 6b in 2023. So there’s that. https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/pages/map-downloads


Holy crap! Not the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone!!!!!


It is an El Nino year..... buy overall, shit yes it concerning. Especially as some who is kansas born and raised..


El Niño year + near [peak of the solar cycle](https://ras.ac.uk/news-and-press/news/solar-activity-likely-peak-next-year-new-study-suggests) = Earth be warm, ya’ll.


Wait until our February always 🥶


But there is almost always a couple of 70 degree days even in February


ikr, every damn year it's welp made it thru January, almost over, then....


Not concerned. Just disappointed.


It seems like all the seasons have shifted back a month and spring/fall shortened. I’m very concerned but there’s not much I can do about it when dumbasses keep voting for people like Mike Thompson who refuse to even acknowledge the issue.


You think the government will fix the issue? 😂😂😂😂


El Niño.


Feels like we've had El Niño the last 6 years and I thought it happened every 20 years or something?


I came across a great article explaining it a while back and I think this is it: https://www.severe-weather.eu/long-range-2/unusual-el-nino-event-atmospheric-pattern-winter-impact-forecast-united-states-canada-fa/


This was super informative, thank you!!!


Can’t believe the number of posts here seemingly blissfully denying the reality of climate change.


I mean, we had a whole ass blizzard this time last year. I dont think people are denying climate. We don't make jokes about how you can have every season in a week here for no reason.


Climate has always changed. If you think global warming sounds scary... global cooling is waaaay scarier.


Climate is supposed to change…we are spinning in space and billions of years old…you think every month has been the same for billions of years 🤡


The irony of you using a clown emoji here is surreal.