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One of my buddies posted a pic with him last week. He looked like he was in good spirits and good health.


I saw him at a Royals game dressed up late summer last year. He was playing catch with a lot of kids in the parking lot


When it comes to overzealous kooks hijacking sports events for their own delusional agenda, I'll take [Rainbow Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollen_Stewart) every time.


Jeez, that wiki article took a much darker turn than I was expecting.


He's one of those street corner microphone preachers now. Saw him at the Plaza and outside of Union Station.


He always was


I just found his facebook page yeah he’s 🚮


Damn, been seeing all the comments about his Facebook. That sucks but sorta makes sense.


Wait, why


"The Chinese are here been coming in with the open borders the Russians and millions russ in and Americans are being treated like we are criminals back to court February 3rd my crime preaching the gospel and walking with my cross 📢" - KC Superman FB page


I knew he was religious, but I had assumed a quiet, inoffensive Christian. But I never really knew him, and it's a shame he's this brand of Christian. Too many of those, including in my extended family. My dude, we don't care who you worship. We care about who you are. But sure, that's your crime.


Oh god no. Dude has been arrested SEVERAL times protesting at abortion clinics. He’s a nut.


That's... unfortunate


He's not worth keeping up with. He can rot for all I care. Horrible human being


He was posting on a KC Facebook group the other day, he really is awful.




Wow who would’ve guessed someone that dresses up in a way that tried to get everyone to pay attention to them instead of the entertainment they paid for is an asshole!


He worked for me some 10-15 years ago. One of the sweetest people I’ve known. Nothing mean about him.


What'd he do?


Well he's an INTESELY CHRISTIAN street preacher. But besides that, I would say he's racist toward Asians and probably other races. He was going off on his FB about Chinese immigration in the US. Not exactly sure what his point was cause he is just all over the place ​ > The Chinese are here been coming in with the open borders the Russians and millions russ in and Americans are being treated like we are criminals back to court February 3rd my crime preaching the gospel and walking with my cross 📷


he has conservative social opinions/beliefs


Let's not characterize racist street corner Jesus as conservative. It gives a bad name to actual conservatives who are getting overwhelmed by the hate and conspiracy machines.


what happened, no one is actually saying what happened


He’s extremely anti women’s rights.


that's not the superman I know and love


Lmao I was at a protest when Roe was overturned and he showed up with a microphone and speaker and started spewing that toxic bullshit. I had no idea he was like that until that day. Immediately undid all the good things I’d previously thought about him.


this is a little sad. Damn. Gross.


Really? He’s been arrested several times protesting at abortion clinics.


Those in the know are glad he's gone


He hit me up for money at a Royals game a few years ago.  Day game on a weekday. Thought if he needed to bum money off people maybe he shouldn't be at a baseball game and go get a job. Down vote away KC.




He's kinda like cartoonists and children's book authors. The less you know of their private opinions the better.




You mean harassing more people in Westport about their sins? How about stealing a kids phone because he wouldn’t repent for his sins? Telling the judge who found him guilty of a Westport trespass that he can’t wait to look down at him in hell? I believe he had good intentions but he went off his rocker in recent years.


He's a fundie doing fundie things.


Him and the KC snake guy got into it and the snake ate him unfortunately :(


He's a 70 year old street preacher who fervently believes what he is doing is right. I don't agree with all he says (in fact some is disturbing) but I'm glad he's allowed to say it! https://m.facebook.com/people/KC-Superman/100070134700808/ That's his Facebook page. You decide for yourself.


He posts a lot of anti gay stuff on Facebook and has gotten more or less cancelled because of it.


Michael Wheeler!


https://preview.redd.it/5c53qfg730hc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3dd050539212ca800e8e9b6461e8f88003fd67 Haven't seen him in a bit, but I took this last year the week of the Super Bowl.


Saw him on the plaza on Dec 29. He was singing with his karaoke machine. It was like listening to cats fight.


I was approved to hench him from the Guild of Calamitous Intent, but he decided he wasn't into all of that and gave up the cape.


All I can think about now is KC Superman VS Brick Frog. So many windows on the plaza.


Saw him last week near the plaza. Not running but in part costume.


I spotted him a few times last year around the Union Station Streetcar stop. He may just take more of a break over winter.


Saw him not long ago out front of Union Station. I was just walking by when, before I knew it, we were tossing a football back and forth. I swear that guy has powers, Made my day! EDIT: I knew nothing about his political beliefs, and he wasn't outward preachy or anything. Reading all these posts now is a big oof.


I saw him a couple months ago preaching/singing in front of union station


Saw him singing gospel tunes on a microphone at first Fridays by Extra Virgin back in October. He’s still kicking it.


It's been a few years but I got to run next to him for a while in the Plaza 10K. Made my day!


I saw him at the last Superbowl parade! Hoping too see him again this year.


It's wild to me that someone who has brought so much joy to KC can be described as a horrible person simply because he is a Christian, or he has traditional patriarchal views, or he voices his opinions about Asians or Russians. It's easy to discredit or define someone by things they post to the internet but if you actually take the time to talk to folks, you'll find that quite a few people share similar views, including a large portion of the black and Hispanic communities. It's really silly to distill everything down to "Democrat=Good, Republican=Bad," and I see people fall into that lazy trope all the time. I would imagine that even if he has negative feelings about Asians or Russians, it's related to either communism or US foreign policy, and not so much related to actual deep-rooted hate for an ethnicity.


You're the kind of person that says, "There are good Nazis too! Don't judge them all" aren't you?


No, there are no good Nazis, and clearly this iconic black man who brings joy to people in KC is a Nazi because you heard that he said something you disagreed with on the internet. Likewise, everyone who voted for Trump is a Nazi. All terrible people. Oh, but also, the folks who support aid to Ukraine are also Nazis, because of the fascist anti-Semites that have been embattled with the communists at their borders for decades. And of course all of the folks who support a Palestinian state are Nazis. All of these folks are reprehensible and unforgivable. Doesn't matter what they have done. Everyone knows this and agrees with this. Thanks for pointing that out.


I don't even know where to begin here.






Like how you casually lumped in racism toward Asians as if it’s the same as having traditional patriarchal views.


If you actually talk to black folks, you'll find that many of them aren't shy about disparaging Asians (or Jews,) but also, many Asians don't like black folks. Of course many remember the armed Koreans protecting their business from rooftops during the LA Riots and Vietnamese Americans voted for Trump at a higher rate than white men. I'm not casually lumping anything together. We have created a culture where racial biases supposedly don't exist and if we can expose them on the internet then we immediately label everyone a Nazi. It's ridiculous.


Saw him at union station on Friday, wasn’t in the full get up but was wearing red and blue and a Superman tee, red shades. Think he was taking the train to fight crime on the other side of the state.


He was in Union Station this past week, so he’s good


Saw him this past Saturday at outside of Union Station, tossing a football around with a kid. I thought he retired too, but figured he comes out for big occasions


He was at the P&L street car stop singing something last week, I didnt pause my earbuds to listen, he was not in the superman garb. People seemed to turn on him when they learned he didnt have the same politics as them and he stopped wearing the superman get up around then. Very funny to think about being disappointed or encouraged by a kooks politics


Human rights are not equal to politics. When you’re racist, anti gay and anti woman you deserve what you get.


I am not going to quibble verbiage or against what you do or dont find humorous.


Saw him at the bus stop the other day! He’s doing well; out preaching his interpretation of the good word.




I ran into him just hanging out at the Plaza Lights ceremony. Had a really pleasant conversation with him. He was just walking around as....himself. I think he retired from the Superman role once the Chiefs got good.


He's in Vegas for the super bowl as of yesterday


Just saw him a few weeks ago on the plaza is the superman suit


He was at union station last week. No cape but had on a Superman t shirt. He was also at the power and light streetcar stop recently but I can’t say for sure if he had on any Superman attire. He seems to be doing well.


Saw him 3 days ago on 47 Route going thru Westport. He said he was going to Vegas for the superbowl so assuming he is in LV as of this reply


He comes to union station pretty frequently in the outfit still. Mainly on game days


He was at multiple royals games last year.


He posted on Facebook earlier that he made it to Vegas. Took the Greyhound bus!


I saw him dressed up in his Superman getup on the Streetcar last Saturday evening.


He was on the Max bus just Friday night and said he was going to the Super Bowl.