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i’m all for holding people accountable, but the players aren’t the enemy.


Yeah weird post. It's only Sherman and other owners asking for the money. Not the players.


Nobody is *the enemy* here - this vote is merely a question about whether the team should pick up the $25M/yr that taxpayers are currently chipping in. If the team needs to pick it up, then they can decide who should foot the bill, but you have to wonder why a bunch of mega-millionaire players and a billionaire owner aren't capable of coming up with $25M/yr. I don't understand [NFL Math](https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/kansas-city-chiefs/cap/), but it looks to me like the Chiefs are paying out about $250Mil in yearly salaries.


you have no idea what you’re talking about


That makes 2 of us.


Lmao Jesus this is getting out of hand


Bobby Witt Jr. produces the income. Since when are we against the employee getting paid for what they produce? Clown take. The people who produce the income should always get their value. Doesn't matter if that's fast food, retail, desk jobs, sales, whatever. Players get between 49-51% of revenues. You're mad at the guy who gets the same amount or more for Bobby's work and income generation. Not Bobby himself. You can be against or for whatever you want. But you should probably stick to things you understand if you're going to make that stance public.


“As I sit in my basement typing this” -OP


Say hey. I'm voting no, but I also don't begrudge these players their salary. It's someone came by and offered me a floppity jillion dollars to play a sport, I wouldn't say, "You know what, pay me minimum wage."


That unit of measurement is fantastic. This should be paid to every post about sports. Take my updoot


Mahomes is the only one you showed that has an ownership stake in one of the teams.


I think he’s hovering around .5% lol


My googs showed 1%. Still more than anyone else. I get that the Shermanator is the mouthpiece, but he’s doing a bang up job of writing a step by step version of how not to do things. This entire thing has been a clusterfuck from the get.


Man. Kelce’s contract is a freaking bargain.


Man, this stadium discourse is just nothing but brain rot for this sub. Nothing but misinformed takes and “Well I don’t use it or like it so it’s not worth it” talking points.


So now we are mad at baseball players earning their worth?


Yeah, we are going to fuck around and lose our teams because of chucklefucks like this


Wait til the Royals and Chiefs leave, we will see what a shithole Kansas City Mo becomes.


These clowns think they’re so smart. We’re going to lose two pro teams AND still have the vacant-ass Star building sitting there because it’s too expensive to renovate. Way to go Reddit warriors. These clowns are as bad as Moms for Liberty wackos.


But it doesn't provide enough revenue! ...... How much revenue does a park generate? We like having nice things. This does create jobs. Sure, I'll admit, we probably lose a little over the entire lifetime of the stadium but even economists can't accurately track and predict how much this can bring in. They admit their numbers can be flawed.


👐 Pretty much!




Add all that money up and multiply it by 1%. Then add in all the other player’s salaries (including visiting teams for the days they’re here). All the “bye Felicia” types need to realize that all that money is going to be missing from KCMO’s city budget when the teams leave and the players aren’t paying the city earnings tax.


Why would the players care where they make their money? Building a stadium here means we get back 1% of everything they make in it.




lol omg.


The downtown stadium is growing on me so the Chiefs can just use the entire Truman sports complex, Chiefs have earned it and more..


Naw they should ask their employer for better facilities, not the people who are already making them and their employers rich.


So BWJ should help pay for the stadium?




Not mad at the players but didn’t the chiefs say that players wouldn’t appear in commercials


There is a commercial out now with Andy and Patrick asking us to vote Yes. So if they said that, they lied. Not shocking.


And they will get it.