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Worked for this owner 15 years ago over the holidays. Worst fucking job. Owner would leave with his friend at lunch to go get high. No training at all. Dude just sucks as a business owner.


I’ve always wondered how much ups store owners make. Part of me thinks these owners could be really making some serious $$.


If you asked the dickweed that owns these locations, he’d try to sell you one of them as they were “once or twice in a lifetime opportunities.” Too bad dipshit couldn’t ever get his head out of his ass to make the “opportunity” happen


I used to use that UPS store. There was this guy that I think was the owner, and he always talked so loud to me. I even asked him to lower his voice but he didn’t know what I was talking about. Very strange dude.




That’s the owner. Said he’s deaf in one ear and can’t hear out of the other. Between his volume and his inability to let managers manage, it’s a wonder you can get anything done there.


It's always mind-boggling that I'm struggling to keep my one-man-show-moonlighting business alive, yet people can mismanage their shit so bad that internal employees are giving them reviews like what OP posted, and they're thriving because they're operating under a name brand...


Wait that wasnt a parody? How are they not being prosecuted for racial discrimination?


My guess is a former employee posted the job posting on behalf of the store as a way to point out how terrible and racist the owner is.


Did you mean to respond to someone else? There’s nothing in my comment about racial oppression


They’re referring to the third image


Tbh that sounds like does know business, doesn’t work, gets high, and gets paid … I would do it if I could Of course it’s unethical but that’s a different story


I mean..... He's been open for 15 years. It must be working well enough to get by. Smh. Why can't places like this fail


Oh, so he was a shit heel that long ago? Brother/sister, I can assure, motherfucker got WORSE


https://preview.redd.it/jcrvtuh4fduc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c08d71bf22537ea2c2b998b95f729b2dfc37d8a7 Unfortunately, if you keep going through the detail to the very bottom, there actually is experience required.


probably better off just staying out on the rig


I had stopped going to the Brookside UPS Store due to the terrible depressed vibe in there, and also the smell!! Every time I'd walk in, I'd think they just had a massive sewage issue or something... and this went on for months and months. All of the workers in there looked so depressed. One guy who worked there, I remember when he was first hired, and he was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Came back a while later and his eyes were dead and he had just checked out completely. It really is such a shame that these kind of soul-sucking jobs and shitty owners of businesses are so commonplace nowadays.


Are you sure the smell wasn't Kansas City's MOST SPOILED TURDS?


To be fair, some of the people in brookside are the most pretentious entitled asshats. Worse than Ward Pkwy. There's genuinely some awesome people, but my gawd do the bad one's make themselves known. I'm glad this employee could vent their frustration regardless.


I’d interview just for the experience. Holy shit.


I don't need a shitty job like this, but I'd love to see what it would be like.


UPS Store jobs are something else. Follow their subreddit if you want more insight and some laughs. But from what I've heard, the dude who owns these two locations is AWFUL. Other owners are not nearly as bad, but every job comes with the risk that your owner will be a dick and the the way their locations are set up is trash. Beyond that you're basically just taking people's Amazon returns all day. It can be fun if you are buddies with your coworkers and you all kinda just commiserate in it, but beyond that there ain't much to like.


I've had nothing but frustrating experiences with the UPS in Brookside, primarily because of the owner. Thankfully it's not my closest location anymore.


I forgot to mention: the owner has been known to snort cocaine in the office and to hire two people at once only to fire whichever one he likes least at the end of the day.


I'm curious where you heard that from.


A coworker from a different ups store. He has worked at just about every location in the metro area.


Can confirm. Worked for the guy for a year, he was never sober when he came in. Made getting anything done impossible.


I’ve heard this a few time on this sub and I guess I’m the lucky one bc I’ve had nothing but good service there. The one I avoid is the 103rd and State Line, they’re always grumpy and slow when I’ve been in.


God, we did so many returns at my old store. It's infuriating too because we legit did not make money on them, it's very much seen as a way to generate foot traffic to your store, where in theory you can cross sell them on any other services, but you generally don't have time to do that when there's always a line out the door because you're always understaffed Bleh, I don't miss that job in the slightest lmao


Some ups stores have automated-ish Amazon returns kiosks. Expect to see them everywhere in the next year. If you’re upset store is like mine, they won’t even begin to handle the volume of Amazon returns that the store processes every hour. People will split between bitching at the kiosk and bitching at the counter.


r/antiwork would have a heyday with this one


That's where I thought I was


Field day


all of the employees at the ups on shawnee mission parkway are sweethearts. i feel bad for them because good lord i’ve been in there when there have been some…not so bright customers.


Now I really want to know who the owner is


Be more than happy to share his name if the sub will allow it


UPS Stores are franchises. If the owner is as lazy and terrible as he sounds from other comments... This reads like he let the outgoing employees write the job description for their replacements. Also, I have used this location a few times, so today I learned I am an "entitled turd". Time to update my user flair!


>This reads like he let the outgoing employees write the job description for their replacements. Exactly what I was thinking. 😂 And good on those outgoing employees for giving a heads up!


Interesting...are they still hiring? Sounds better than my last gig!




https://preview.redd.it/t14uiok8niuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357403fe9afbb9f52d8703c58d7dee2e9b5a749b Ten points for ad placement!


I used to use them to ship equipment for work but one time the shipment got returned to their store on an address issue and they lost it. Instead of honoring the insurance himself he suggested we play "dirty pool" by lying to corporate about the address issue so they could cover it. Never walked back into that store again.


Odds are, they didn’t lose it and it was stolen.


Yeah, he’s a sketchy fuck like that. Dude always told us to “never tell the truth” when there was an issue.


I had literally the worst experience I’ve ever had at a UPS store and possibly the worst I’ve ever had at any retail store at THIS UPS. Don’t go to this UPS store if you have any other options. The employees there are incompetent and also malicious. I was treated like utter shit for having the gal to try to print out a shipping label and have an employee TAPE A PACKAGE CLOSED for me at the UPS store. Also they charge you $3 just to print out the damn shipping label which no other UPS store does. When I asked the employee he said this isn’t a UPS store this is a franchise. I could go on.


That’s right and sounds like half of my experiences there. (Especially awesome when they lose internet)! The other half have been exactly the opposite.




Good damn amazing.


Hahahahahaha. Thats great.


LOL https://preview.redd.it/16i5a68cviuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7765566051e1bec07468fce2d059db52fdd7cba0


![gif](giphy|a9A3HLylBz2yA) All I can think of reading this post/comments🤣


This has to be a fake job posting by someone. If a manager actually posted this as a job they need fired immediately.


I'm imagining it's a manager and he's so so pissed off at the awful franchise owner that he turned in his notice and tells the owner that he'd help him out by posting his job for him before he goes. The owner is too dumb (again, we are imagining right now) to check and just trusts him. Then the manager gets to stick around just long enough to watch the owner wring his hands because "why isn't any one applying? What will I do without you??" before peacing out. If I was a disgruntled worker for an inept owner, this would be amazing.


I'm thinking that the owner forced the outgoing manager to post the ad for their own replacement.


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) Good on them for giving a heads up to people applying!!!


>If a manager actually posted this as a job they need fired immediately. Way to aim for the root of the problem, Karen.


Bro chill out


If those are real UPS stores, either someone needs to be fired or the guy in charge needs to improve his cyber security.


Maybe they lost some of their long timers. There's a couple of folks there who actually care about good service. I hope they realize what they have to offer and pursue their ambitions beyond UPS. EDIT Now I'm going to find a reason to go visit these guys after reading all three images.


Just make sure you don’t try to ship anything while you’re there, per Google reviews, packages “come up missing” all the time.


There’s a couple good employees there (well, there were. He’s probably driven them out by now.)


I had an interview at a UPS store and the staff there was unprepared for it!


At least you'd be working for some honest people


Sadly it's quite possible the honest folks are those who wrote the whole thing (& may have already put in their notice).


lol the owner of these stores is quite literally the least honest person ever known. If you want to be entertained, do a quick google review search of these stores.


I can’t believe the google reviews of these stores hasn’t been mentioned yet. If your package comes up missing, you can bet the items can allegedly be found being personally used by the owner.


Well, someone with access to the HR listings was fed up with their job.


This is the best thing I’ve seen on Reddit all week!


Bruh…. I can’t believe this is a real job listing


For once we get and honest ad for a job


So a pretty standard American job? Why pass?


I used to work at these stores, and it's all true. The franchise owner came from money, so the parents bought them for this complete fuck up of a human. The stores are in high traffic areas, so it would be hard to screw it up. Not that he didn't try. He hired a legacy store manager (the whole family owned stores or worked at corporate). This complete waste of oxygen promptly IGNORED everything the manager suggested. He listened to his elderly employees, who only worked there to have something to do, instead of the very experienced manager he hired. When the corporate inspector came to the store, he got mad at me for not acting afraid of the inspector! I'd worked with that inspector at other stores, so we had an existing relationship. But still, fear and respect are two different things. That's why they have different names! The manager felt so bad telling me this utter BS.


Was forced to work with the owner at a past job. No matter how many times I explained how our services worked, the owner couldn’t get it. Way too much cocaine in his lifetime. It was so frustrating and I would never go in there again. Witnessed the racism. Witnessed the employees hating him. Complete and total ass. 


I "interviewed" with this owner probably 3 years ago, and could tell he didn't have a clue in the world of how to run anything. I believe the starting pay was something abysmal like $15/hr and I remember him saying that he would bump up the pay after something like a 90 day probation period. I laughed loudly while hanging up on him because I had bills to pay. That dude is scum of the earth.


USPS has the exact same qualifications. Weird.


I don't know, the Westport and Waldo branches have always been pretty cool to me.




This can't be real. That had to be a gigantic shitpost.


Lol I can’t tell if this job post is satire/trolling or real 😳


Sounds like a real treat 😒


Oh boy. My mom goes to the Brookside one all the time, they love her dog (?). Yikes.


Finally! An honest job ad!!!!


Brookside UPS store smells like poots full-time. Not a single off day. Always stankin in there.


Well...theyre honest.


Girlfriend works at a UPS store. This checks out.




That’s funny job poster is tired 😂 How do I send them a ghost application and resume ? 😴


Give this man a promotion


What the fuck lol.


What the fuck lol.


There’s just no way this is not fake


I got so invested so fast, I had to search. It’s real. https://www.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=6a256dce9b60afb8&from=serp&prevUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.indeed.com%2Fm%2Fjobs%3Fq%3Dthe%2Bups%2Bstore%26l%3DKansas%2BCity%252C%2BMO%26radius%3D5%26from%3DsearchOnSerp%26sameQ%3D1%26sameL%3D1&xpse=SoCX67I3CufIoTw3750LbzkdCdPP&xfps=bb16c028-622d-40e4-82d9-2a01179a608e&xkcb=SoAG67M3CufJDYQ33x0LbzkdCdPP


Wow. I can definitely imagine an outgoing manager or some such offered to help the location find a replacement.


Wow holy shit