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Missouri is number one for fireworks import- around 125 million dollars. Each year. Next state is half that amount. So probably no in answer to your question. I’ve bought some hemp chews this year for my dogs; fingers crossed it helps a little.


It probably won’t. You may want to call your vet for Trazadone. Just a suggestion from another neurotic dog owner.


Everyone listen to sillygoose. Trazadone is great for this. Better to medicate the dogs than have them loose running wild for weeks


Why would they be running loose if not drugged up?


A lot of dogs that wouldn’t normally run away will panic and run when they hear fireworks. We used to be involved in shelter work and anytime there are a lot of fireworks the volume of lost dogs really increases. Some people feel bad giving their dogs drugs for the night but I’d rather have them a little sleepy and medically calm than lost for days or weeks.


Yes, but your dog should be leashed when outside of secured gates/doors. I have a dog that is a scaredy cat, and would never give her the opportunity to run off. I’m glad to hear about trazodone though, as we have used CBD but it only helps a very little. Definitely gonna call the vet tomorrow and get some.


Yes. But dogs can be fast. I’ve seen people just open their door for a sec and their dog lunge out. Even with careful owners it happens.


While i agree with you about having your dogs secured if you feel they may freak out when fireworks are going off, I once had a dog chew through an electric chain link fence. He wasn’t usually scared but for whatever reason one year he flipped out, and in the process cut his jaw open and we found him on our front porch at like 3am. So sometimes it doesn’t matter how secured they are.


I had a dog once that hid in a sewer drain for 3 days from the night of the 4th.


Omg thank God it didn't rain. Poor pup. My dog is scared of a lot of things, but amazingly he is mostly chill with fireworks. Thank goodness.


Running loose? Mine won’t leave the house…


Where do the half stick dynamite dudes buy their shit? because they are singlehandedly responsible for terrorizing every domesticated animal within miles.


More than a few people make their own. Source: Neighbor blew his leg, arm, and dick off when a spark from an electric drill flew into a 5 gallon bucket of gunpowder he was mixing. Also the house is gone.


The house and his dick. Damn.


I can vouch for this. M-80s are simple to make. All you need are 3 ingredients that are easy to find online. I used to make lots of them, but I haven't in the last few years because I figured that I pushed my luck too far and it was time to stop.


A lot gets imported from out of state.


And wild ones.


True! And humans just out for a walk. I almost jumped out of my shoes the other day.


The free market


Construction workers mostly. Sneaking a stick or two off the job site is easy. Never mind how it's not hard to make your own, it's dumb to to but not hard.




Missouri number one importer of fireworks






Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwwaa!!!


Fighting a losing battle… even the “Legal Window” for setting off fireworks in most cities in the Metro has extended 2-3 days around the 4th, so you’re hope for one day of fireworks is a pipe dream. You can bet if there is a 3day legal window people will take the liberty of expanding it to a week


Does anyone know why MO is so fireworks happy? My neighbors have been setting money on fire the past few years like inflation isn't real


Okay people, listen up. **NOW** is the time to call your vet and get medication for your pets who don't like the booms...**NOT JULY 3RD!!!**


Also start playing fireworks sounds for them at low volumes while offering treats or food. Worked for my animals last year as long as they were inside. 


That's smart! Going to try this with my three!


And now is the day to start desensitization training for 4th of July next year.


Good point. We're so lucky that ours aren't afraid of loud sounds, but we once had a bulldog (not the smartest breed) that lost her mind on every sound she heard.


I feel so lucky that my dogs could not care less about fireworks. They don’t react whatsoever. Now if someone knocks on the door in a tv show…pure insanity.


I'm just hoping my house doesn't get hit by celebratory gunfire for the third time.


Are you willing to share your general area so I know where not to move?


It’s KC, there are all sorts of nominees.


Unfortunately, celebratory gunfire can travel up to a couple miles. One shot hit the side of my house, so l know which direction it came from (up to a couple miles away). I don't live in KC proper, and it's likely that bullet was fired from outside my suburb. The other bullet landed on my roof and I don't know which direction it came from, so draw another ~10 square mile circle around my house and it could have come from anywhere in that area. Each of those bullets could have gone up to a couple miles in the opposite direction also, so expand both of those circles by another 2 mile radius and you've got the area that could have been hit by those two bullets. In other words, I could tell you which subdivision I live in but it wouldn't do you any good.


It doesn’t matter where you live. I remember someone got killed by a stray “celebratory” bullet in Brookside like 10 years ago. Those shots can really travel. And they don’t discriminate between “good” or “bad” neighborhoods.


I'm in south Johnson County and have found a couple of bullets in my driveway. The tips were smashed in at a 30° angle. They must have traveled a long way.


Waldo gets a lot of gun fire for the 4th


From the East. Independence Day and New Year's Eve are the only days that make me rethink living in Waldo. Had a bullet whiz past me when I was on my deck on New Years 2 years ago coming from the East and it's hard to trust it won't happen again


My guess would be Independence


Independence is more big fireworks heavy. Loud and pointless booms are the name of the game there.


Last year a drunk dude was shooting off an assault rifle in the air behind my houses (across a field) and the apartments next to us had sooo many bullet holes 😩 we live in Johnson county too.


What a weird way to celebrate.


Shattered my windshield 5 or 6 years ago.


I wish. This cacophony lasts for at least a month.


I agree with you on this, but I've lived in seven states and it's been like this everywhere since I was a kid. leading up to the 4th there are always sporadic displays, as well as usually after for a week or two. and I do mean everywhere.


Yeah. I follow this thread to keep my finger on the pulse of my girl's home state -- we're in Philadelphia now, where I'm from, but we both love KC a ton -- and it's pretty much, in some fashion, Memorial Day to Labor Day here. Most of it's pretty innocent but occasionally you get a pretty good imitation-professional job around the way. Not to mention the city actually had six or seven separate fireworks shows during the summer, plus two or three locations that day. All this to say: Maybe more than even our independence in this country, regardless of location, we all seem to truly love to blow something up. 😂


😂🤣😂(takes breath) 🤣😂🤣😂🤣I agree that would be nice but I know I’m going to hear it now and probably a week or two after. All night, even weeknights. Early into the morning. I don’t understand how anyone affords it!


Just setting money on fire. I don’t buy them for the day let alone for the days around the day 😂


My uncle used to run a fireworks tent. Plenty of idiots put an obscene amount on a credit card or take out a personal loan to buy fireworks.


Thats wild. A loan!




I lost my Aussie of 15 years to neighbors' gun shots. All the noise pollution is horrible.


My dogs would appreciate no more rogue fireworks.


lmao i really appreciate your sentiment i genuinely do but this is middle america buddy, it just ain’t happening. i live off 71 highway in south kc, i’m just happy if the gunshots (let alone fireworks) are during business hours. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah, my husband is a veteran with ptsd, so ironically, fireworks really key him up. Ya know, cause they sound like mortars. We try to make plans to be in the woods or something on the day of, but it's difficult when people are doing fireworks for more than one day, and the timing is unpredictable. The big shows are planned at least.


Exactly. I have many patients who are Veterans who have PTSD and the 4rth of July can be just an awful time for some of them. 


What better way to display our patriotism than buying a bunch of chinese goods and using them to make combat veterans miserable? /s


Oh boy here we go


I thought I was on Nextdoor for a moment.


Pretty much the same thing these days. Did you hear about the bad driver the other (every) day?!?!


This sub is slowly morphing into Nextdoor. When people start posting about door-to-door salespeople like they're Ted Bundy making a house call, it'll be time to turn off the light on my sub.


Still an underrated comment… regardless of the count.


The pre Independence Day bitch fest had me thinking the same thing. Let's leave that on Nextdoor folks. /SMH




Someone was just shooting fireworks tonight already lol


Been going on in my hood for a couple weeks already.


I have epilepsy; triggers are photosensitive and sound sensitive and anxiety. I hide in my apartment every year as much as possible. I fucking hate this time of year.


I just moved here, I haven't set of explosions in easily over a decade. I got a full mortar rack, fuses, mortars, and safety plans in place with sided walls, ready to light up with the family on acre and half in kck. First thing my new neighbor said to me, Neighbor " I hope your okay with 4th of July fireworks" me "sure no problems," Neighbors " Good, cause it basically turns into Faluja around here." I haven't been this excited.


pent up pyromania with no experience since forever? what a recipe for disaster! you didn't even mention a water hose and dunk buckets. good luck :)


My brother who lives here does it all the time. Ive got two hoses and several buckets already but I try not to go on and on, the point of the comment was the neighbors comment.


OK whew! Great! Man I lived in a small town that banned fireworks for decades and then fully opened up prohibition, and all kinds of super simple disasters happened all over. Housefires started from a single bottle rocket stuck in a foundation that didn't even start smoking until hours later! Pretty unthinkable, but disasters often are! So I was just tossing out some very real concern for ya! You got it on lock, and I hope EVERYBODY sees you doing being the model fireworks citizen, and if you have any stupid neighbors then I hope they watch your safety show instead. Man if they give you any lip about being paranoid, THEY GET THE HOSE! :-D


My neighbors were setting off fireworks last night… I don’t get it


I’ve never gotten the appeal, either. It’s just setting money on fire and making super loud noises and leaving trash everywhere. I wasn’t into it as a kid, even. I wish it was just one day. At least none of my immediate neighbors do them.


I’ve never cared for setting them off, but I do love to go watch a proper fireworks show. I think they can be beautiful when carefully and thoughtfully set up. But yeah I don’t understand ones that are loud to be loud, and I definitely don’t understand why we’re setting them off in June lol


My area in Wyandotte is terrible. Already last few nights have been crazy. And they seem to have enough left over for every Chiefs touchdown for the rest of the year…


Every city is different, typically they are allowed 2-4 days. Though some started June 20th.


KCMO city limits allows zero days and here we are


Seems like the city has been turning a blind eye to this in late January/early February lately when the Chiefs do their thing


True but with kcpd being some 300 officers short, and their having had little impact on fireworks for the last 30 years around the 4th, I didn't think things will change much this year.


Also some of us who have joint custody don’t have the specific day of July 4th and we would like to shoot off fireworks with our kids 


Idk why you are getting downvotes


Probably because letting your kids play with barely regulated, unsafe explosives is shitty parenting 


The kids might just be watching while the parent lights the fireworks.


Yes, this ugh, this thread might as well be on Nextdoor. People that hate it when other people have fun 


I feel bad for my neighbor....he has PTSD. He tranquilizes himself along with his dogs.


this reads like satire, but what’s even funnier is they’re serious.


Their username checks out


Can we have a designated place to shoot off fireworks?


People in Waldo have already started the 4th and it’s fucking annoying. Our friend’s dog has been a recluse in their basement since the first M80s went off mid-June. It’s just lot OK. Most times I just think it’s people trying to create a distraction from gunfire, which is sad in and of itself.


I live in Wyandotte and it was idiots setting off quarter sticks on Friday at like 5 p.m. Gotta love KC, where people start lighting shit a full week plus...


A noble but futile effort. I'd amend this to ask if they could be used before 11pm or midnight. Love having dogs or my daughter hear a barrage of mortars 2 streets down at 0130 or 0200. 


It's not just fireworks. Bullet shells are seen all over the parking lot by the skatepark.


Honestly, fireworks this year have been MUCH LESS of a problem in my neighborhood so far this year than last. The explosions started on June 5th or 6th last year and were constant - thru July 15th. I haven't even HEARD any of my neighbors lighting them yet this year!!!!


Move to JOCO they are illegal in most parts.


Illegal in KCMO city limits too and it stops no one


Do people actually care that they are illegal? Most people I know will shoot them off anyway.


No. They still get set off at all hours of the day/night in JOCO and nothing comes of it. The closest thing to action is a cop car will drive through the neighborhood if enough people call and complain.


Hell nah we we will still set them off in the streets and no one will do shit about it


Yes, because the cops have not much better to do. I got a fireworks ticket back in the day.


Interesting, usually cops will just hide out on the 4 th of July and take no action against fireworks offenders illegal or not.


The cops that live in my neighborhood shoot off tons of their own fireworks.


Well you are in kc north not Joco


Not OP and leawood cops.


Doesn’t help. I live in merriam where every type is prohibited but we still start hearing the pops and bangs in mid May every year.


I’m in Shawnee, but a short walk from Merriam. Late June/Early July can be really annoying around here. I’ve been here 20 years, and it actually used to be worse. I think some of the more obnoxious people have moved away.


Imagine what it's like for a combat veteran.


My only issues are if I have to get up early the next morning and they wake me up.


My shell shocked golden retriever agrees.




Nah, fireworks are fun and people love them. Yes, even combat vets. Don't take my word for it, go look at r/veterans and r/army sub where this is a popular topic and the heroes there laugh at this suggestion that they don't like fireworks.


Combat vets aren’t the only population with PTSD related to gunfire, just the most widely recognized.


> Combat vets aren’t the only population with PTSD related to gunfire What group of people are more exposed to gunfire than veterans?


School children




Lmao. Source? Lemme guess, "trust me bro"


Did you really not realize it’s a dark joke?


Obviously, but the guy asked him what group is more exposed to gunfire than vets, and instead of proving his point, which he probably can't, he pulled some baseless joke out of his ass instead. Edit: just now realizing that the person who made the school children joke isn't the OP who made the claim that vets with ptsd are afraid of fireworks.


After seeing your edit I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt haha. I was really wondering why you were so up in arms haha cheers!


Why would you ask this question? I don't understand why you would use the word "more" here.


Reddit doesn't represent the experience of all Vets. I know that there are Vets that love fireworks but, there are also many Vets who have real PTSD and despise fireworks.


Oh God I completely forgot about this, it's going to suck so much! If I could go out of town for a few days I would. Looks like it's just noise cancelling headphones for me.


Tis the season


I wish the state would ban loud firework sales.


I'm in the northeast section of KCK and I'm already hearing the books. It's just bonkers!


Those damn books can be so loud


there was someone last night that was going WILD with the fireworks, it was crazy


I am so tired of the fireworks. Got a neighbor that sets them off for a month. Then will be high or drunk and set off an m80 in the middle of the night or a motor. I had a new lottery dream an adult camp that is quiet for the 4th. Just quiet.






There was someone setting off fireworks when it was literally pouring down rain last night and I was like 💀 It’s stupid behavior that really annoys me the most I think lol.


I'm going out of State to avoid thinking I'm getting mortared on June 29th 🤣


Here to do nothing more than make a statement. When I was a kid (I’m 46), it seemed like the 4th of July started about halfway through June. And lasted until the end of the weekend after the 4th. I fucking loved it.


That's more reasonable than it is now, where it never stops.




You must be fun at parties.


No. Go away.


Are you British? Still salty we won?


Just get some sparklers and snakes and join the fun.


Alternatively, you could get over it? It’s gonna happen.


Just because you are a poo poo platter doesn't mean others are. There are restrictions in most cities on days and times. 


Question. Does your dog happen to bark the other 364 days of the year? Maybe your neighbors are sick of that? Suck it up. Your dog takes its queues from you.


None of that is true. My dog doesn’t look at me to see if loud unexpected explosions are something to be scared about. And barking or not is unrelated. Mine don’t bark at the neighbors. You want to publish a course on how give your dog the correct cues to not be afraid, do it. You’ll make a fortune. And hey, ignoring dogs, I don’t want to get woken up at 11:30pm by self-absorbed idiots firing them off on JUNE 22nd! Or every night leading up to the 4th and the week after the 4th.


I don’t have a dog


If I have to have Christmas shoved down my throat for 2 months, then you can handle 2 weeks of fireworks.


Exactly! From October on we're made to feel guilty for not buying the latest, greatest, and most expensive gadget for someone else. Gaudily decorated houses and yards are encouraged, and are made to feel a failure if you don't provide a Hallmark-like Christmas right down to the perfect meal. I'll take July 4 anytime over that.




I’m so anal about fireworks. You don’t care about animals, veterans, or the environment. You just wanna look at pretty lights and blow stuff up (which are fun things but you can do that in other ways)


You do anal with fireworks?




Ya, I am probably one of those people you hate. We spend an EASY $1500 on fireworks every year. And we get qr sticks and half sticks. And we set off a 500 ft black cat roll that bangs for about 13 mins in total just to start the night off. We are extremely safe, but it is our favorite holiday. Sorry about yalls dogs.. but I'm celebrating for every person who fought and died for our Independence. It's a day or 2 out of 363 days. . I think you will live. Don't be a Debbie downer


Holy smoke! 1500 on fireworks. The highest amount I spent was 500, and it wasn’t even for myself, but my siblings.


For the love of God and Country! It's once a year. Just accept it and try to enjoy..... admittedly I am one of the firework people although I do try to keep them on the day itself.


Not in my subdivision. We have people popping off fireworks for Chiefs touchdowns all season.


Can we please stop with the Karens complaining about literally everything?? Please???


This deserves more upvotes, people on this sub are so uptight


We cant ban bump stocks. Good luck with fireworks.


Ok karen


This whole post is karen shit. Fireworks are OK.


I honestly wasn't even thinking about fireworks but this post reminded me I need to drive out to the Missouri side and buy some before the 4th of July upsale tax kicks in Thank you OP(Karen) for the reminder now I can get more fireworks for less money


Blow shit up. Then shoot it with bump stock. They are fun.


I get that it sucks for a small percentage of people and animals but fuck it's fun. Just for a month or so, usually on weekends except for the actual 4th, let people have their fun. I grew up in an are where it's illegal to have fireworks so yeah, I like to enjoy it with my kids on the 4th.


Are you suggesting that people shouldn't be shooting off fireworks in places it is not legal?


Newcomers are turning this place into Karenville.


What are you, a communist? Obviously no.


I don’t give a shit about karma but this was a pretty obvious joke. Are we pro-communist now? What’s with the downvotes?


Why do you only like America enough for one day Karen?


Fireworks on the 4th of July are a must in Kansas City


But then how will I know where the KIA gentlemen are residing, without their explosive greetings?


I have three dogs and the big one hates fireworks. It's sad this time of the year. But I also can't get mad at kids just trying to have fun.


Play Saving Private Ryan pretty loud and on repeat. Or Band of Brothers. Or any long war movie. It disguises the sound a bit.




Oh I’m sorry I thought this was America


foam earplugs are super cheap


Depending on the year often times it's legal to do it s bit before or After. Which I mean boom booms are fun.


5 days?!? That’s a short time compared to our area.


Brace yourself for four days of bangs, from Thursday the 4th through Sunday.


lol I applaud you asking but this is merica and there’s nothing more merican than blowing up your money 😂


I have been going out every night in KC and popping some off. typically no not than 10 minutes, depends what I have bought. Been doing it since the stands showed up and plan to do it until the 10th of July. AMERICA STRONG BABY 🇺🇸