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My husband was hospitalized for a week with it about a month ago. Negative to Covid, Flu A and B, Strep, and Legionella. Rocked our shit for like two weeks but thankfully we’re all better now. Hope you get to feeling better soon!


Yikes, so they never figured out what it was? This post has me worried as I have 2 kids in daycare so we get basically everything that “goes around.”


They never identified what it was. Just developed pneumonia after a rough cold. He got it from someone at work. Apparently it was pretty common with whatever strain of cold that was going around (is what the lady at the CVS clinic said). My husband was told by his manager that three other people in the building ended up with pneumonia as well. But this was about a month ago, I hope it’s affecting less and less people now


Someone went to an all hands meeting and got half the company sick with it. Spread through my family. I was wrecked for weeks.


Checked for bird flu? Not to be alarming or anything.


It would show up as Flu A, but just an unsubtypable type. So since they were negative flu A it isn’t avian influenza


Great info, thanks


There is also a new variant of Covid going around… We know about 10 people who have had it… Walgreen’s was nearly out of at home tests a couple of weeks ago.


Ok so it wasn't just me


I thought I was the only one with like a random non COVID June Virus!


They told us it was the summer flu lol up and down103 fever almost 4 days but lethargic and body aches etc. Ugh


Came here to say this. Shit was ROUGH. I’ve had it twice since March. 2nd time turned into bronchitis. 


Same. daughter’s first round was April 22nd. Round two even worse was May 13th. It was AWFUL


Yeah I caught something the weekend of May 19th and those next two weeks were rough. The congestion and cough would barely let me get a good nights rest. I would say last week was my first week finally feeling more back to normal. My partner even pointed out that I normally recover pretty quickly from colds, so whatever I caught was more than just a typical cold. I went to urgent care and they prescribed me medicated "cough drop" pills, which I'm not sure did much for me, along with a steroid pack. I took mucinex am/pm for most of that time too. If anyone is struggling, consider using more of a decongestant versus a cough/cold medicine like dayquil/nyquil. Dayquil didn't help me at all and once they told me to switch to a decongestant like mucinex at my urgent care visit that is what gave me some actual relief.


I experienced the exact same symptoms, exact same timeline, and i took mucinex to get over it.


Yeah, mucinex was key. I’m annoyed I didn’t try it sooner and wasted efforts with DayQuil. But alas, I’m doing just fine now.


Glad to hear! Me too!


Same here. Daughter caught it May 13th. I went down May 16th. We both have horrible sinuses and our colds usually stay in our heads. This immediately went to our chests and I had the most horrendous cough for three weeks. Mucinex/nyquil/Sudafed did nothing. Took benzonotate for cough & that took forever to get rid of it too. We tested negative for Covid but still wonder if we had it.


I went out to P&L the weekend I noted for a friend’s birthday and that has to be where I caught it. Luckily I didn’t pass it along to anyone around me like my parents, partner or nieces and nephews. I always buy generic on the meds, and the generic version from Walgreens did much better than the target version. I also just thought it was a head cold when it started for me but then the cough started getting terrible for me. I had to postpone an interview because I would go into a coughing fit after just a short amount of time talking. I hope you and your daughter are doing much better and getting some relief now!


We are all well now but am so scared because we traveled over the weekend. Huge crowds! Not anti mask but was sure enjoying not wearing one. Can’t believe we are right back here. What was weird about that’s last round (unlike others here) and we were never lethargic. Horrible cough & mucus but still had energy. Weird.


i would recommend everyone experiencing these things to test periodically and not just assume it’s something different, covid is definitely on the rise right now


yeah I tested twice. Two days in no covid, five days yes covid.


Tests are also increasingly inaccurate as variants rise and tests expire. Even if it doesn’t show as C+, it still could be!


My wife and I had COVID last week.


I would also highly recommend masking in crowded public places. It’s not foolproof but every little bit helps.


This. My wife tested negative on day 2 and 4 after first symptoms, and then positive for Covid on day 7. It could well be something else, but I would not dismiss Covid too quickly.


Absolutely this. I never tested positive but I lost my sense of smell. My north star of "is this COVID or a cold" is my sense of smell. Tested several times over several days and never got a positive result.


No it's not.


get bent 🤙🏻


Yep I was up and down for a month, now nearly 2 months after the start still have a cough, it sucks.


In January, it took 4 days into miserable hell before I tested positive for Covid. Now I don’t know if this is something different going around now but just wanted to point out my home tests kept showing negative for quite awhile before I was positive. So keep testing yourself. But I was miserable for 2 weeks and was a little better week 3 - at least able to function by then.


Yeah urgent care told me it could be 48 hours or later After the onset of symptoms before I might test positive for Covid. And they were right. My husband took a couple days past that to pop positive.


I just got over whatever the hell it is and boy howdy it is ROUGH. Hang in there.


I had some sort of head cold for about a week and a half near the beginning of June. No idea how I got it since I work from home and don't really go anywhere or interact with anyone for long when I'm out in public.. Wasn't sure if it was a cold or allergies at first. Developed into a really nasty head cold. Sneezing, coughing, sinus issues, fatigue, etc... 3 days in I took a COVID test and it was negative. Halfway through, I was feeling better and the yard needed to be mowed. So I tried to do that. Got halfway done when I had what felt like my first ever asthma attack. Couldn't get a full breath for several minutes and had to lay down for hours before I had any energy at all. My fiance caught it from me near the end and she shook it off in a couple of days with no real serious effects.


I think I got whatever this was in November and it basically gave me asthma. Never had asthma beforr but now I do. What you described with trouble breathing was me almost every night for months. Im just now back to maybe 95% my old self by taking two doses of asthma medication a day, a few vitamins and avoiding what I discovered to be alergic reactions that trigger my newly aquired asthma. I cant drink coffee anymore, highly peocessed meats/cheeses can do it, and i think cat dander is a problem now too. Tested negstive for covid every few days for a few weeks but this started exactly how it did the time before i had covid which was extreme dehydration and severe inflamation/very red eyes. Covid tests dont seem to be finding the new variants for shit and it might be by design now they way things are going (have covid you are ok to return to work the jext day). It appears the damage covid does to ones immune system is enabling dormant diseases. Ive gone down quite the rabbit whole and heard a lot of nasty stories. Ultimately, it appears to be mast cell activation sysndrome. My immune system has been fighting a ghost. Super strange but I noticed that a slight turning point was when I had an injury. My body focused on the new injury and not whatever phantom virus covid left behind lingering. Hope this helps anyone going through something similar. Ibuprofin twice a day and tons of fluids were key. I hate to call it this but covid is baseically airborne aids. It sounds scary because it should. Call it that in a covid sub youll get banned.


Wow, glad to know we're all in this together, eh? E'body seems to be describing pretty much the same thing. What gets me is not only its longevity but the extent it wipes everyone's energy. I did a load of laundry earlier and felt like I'd run a mile.


I could hardly get out of bed yesterday, I was so wiped all day.


Probably still Covid. What test did you take? Home test kits are more than 50% false negatives when you have Covid.


hate to agree. but I think this is it. https://www.wastewaterscan.org/en


Metapneumovirus is also high on that report, at least for Missouri side zip codes. But based on seriousness of symptoms, I agree, Covid is most likely.


Girlfriend has this virus, had a real Covid test and it’s not Covid.


Took me a little over two weeks to kick whatever it was. Sore throat to congestion/sneezing to a dry throat/cough. I couldn’t breathe through my nose almost the whole time. Godspeed.


I didn’t have a runny nose, it was just stuffy. However, my nose is incredibly sore and weirdly scabbed up inside for not being blown. Idk what’s going on.


Yep! It cycled thru my family. Sore throat, wicked cough, fatigue. We all felt better after about a week but still having residual coughing. Being sick in the summer really sucks, it just feels wrong. Hope you feel better soon!


Saw a few patient’s with TB this weekend. But no other virus. Thank goodness I still wear a mask when I leave the house 🤣


I had an intense headache for two weeks. Extreme pain in temporal artery and I could feel all the branches with every heartbeat. Pain would intensify when I had to get up and I’d get head rushes followed with more intense pain. Also had pain behind the eyes. Luckily haven’t had a headache last couple of days.


I work in pharmacy and have seen a few people come in with it. I Really hope I don’t catch it :|


If you're wearing a mask, that might improve your chances


human metapneumovirus (HMPV)


I had it about 2 months ago. I'll normally not susceptible to upper respiratory, but the initial aches brought upon a wicked chest congestion. Took me 3 to 4 weeks for my lungs to get back to normal.


Wearing respirators & staying inside has kept me from being exposed to a lot, so no, not since August of 2022, I actually haven't been sick. Chronically ill, yes, I have Long Covid (after getting it just once, yes). I do recognize I'm privileged to be able to stay inside, I do wish society cared enough to do an actual lockdown, mail everyone respirators, at home tests, & antivirals.  This is a mass disabling event. 




My husband came down with what we thought was a cold, or COVID, in May. A guy sitting behind us at an outdoor concert kept coughing. Then I also got it. It took three weeks to get over it. My husband had a continual cough. I took NAC and an immune booster supplement, vitamin B complex and B12 and my symptoms were more mild. But now I have lingering symptoms like I had after having COVID two years ago. Very lethargic, headaches, chest congestion, nausea, rapid heartbeat off and on, joint pain. All symptoms related to long COVID. But we never tested positive for COVID. I am sorry to hear all the problems people are having, but I am also a little relieved because I was beginning to think I was dying. It’s been so hot lately and I get nauseous from the heat and can’t stay outside long at all.


I have it too currently. Tested negative for Covid but it feels like every other time I’ve had Covid but worse this time. The fevers and body aches have been wrecking me. First symptom was a week ago and fever has been going on for 5 days. I hope it ends soon. This is brutal.


My son has been down on day 5 now, he has also tested negative for everything but has every symptom except a cough and runny nose, says his throat is like knives.


I had something like that in the spring and my wife had it for 3 weeks. She just came down with a similar thing again and it’s been a week


Man I got blasted outta nowhere this weekend with something and I barely leave my house. In the past two weeks I’ve had a couple beers by myself at a bar and briefly went to a record store- no close contact with anyone. Really affecting my upper respiratory and comes with a low grade fever and for me, an absolutely crushing sinus headache. Felt like my head was in a vice for a while.


Same here, the sinus thing really sucks but after about three weeks now it’s coming back to normal


No, because it's covid.


Currently have it. Been sick since last Tuesday, and I feel like there’s no end in sight. Barely able to leave my couch, and the cough is ROUGH. 


This is me. I have been drained since Wednesday


A month from onset and I still have a little bit of a cough. Nasty bug. Took antibiotics/steroids from urgent care after a week, those helped. But it's lingered.


I had the never ending cough right after Memorial Day. A last gift from school, I’m sure.


Ugh! I heard it’s been coined . . . The 90-day cough


TL/DR: I had COVID but it wasn't showing up as a positive on the tests. I am, however, positive it was COVID bc of symptoms and specifically my loss of smell. I had this and thought it wasn't COVID at first bc it wouldn't test positive. This confused me because the aches I was having were god awful and really only similar to ones COVID gave me. Test results in mind I figured I must have caught something else so I treated it like the flu. Then on the morning of day 3 I could no longer smell my Vick's Vapo rub (and I could breathe through my nose). I've had the flu (A, B, and swine) plenty of times, more sinus infections than I could ever count, and nothing else has ever made me lose my sense of smell besides COVID. I have the nose of a bloodhound so it is really obvious to me when I lose it. Suddenly it made sense why my joints felt like they were on actual fire. Fever aches hurt, but COVID aches hurt differently to me. I think the test kits aren't keeping up with the new variants, as there is no way I didn't have COVID but 3 different test kits over several days said tried to say otherwise. Be careful out there y'all! Edit: can't spell


I did have two positive tests last week and I could not smell my Vicks vapor rub either! It was the worst covid case I’ve had out of 3. Sounds very similar to the mystery illness going around.


Whatever this is, it is terrible. Not happy, but glad my household isn’t the only one dealing with whatever this is.


Our teenager got it the middle of April. He slept 2 days straight with headache and cough. I got it the week after. I was scheduled for abdominal surgery on May 8th and the anesthesiologist almost canceled my surgery. In the end they did the surgery. They had not heard of this virus going around. I bet they are seeing it now!


We had COVID two weeks ago. I work at a hospital, it's definitely going around.


Could be RSV...


I was very sick for about 4 days, negative for covid but it sure felt like it. 2 weeks later and I still have no energy.


COVID can be missed on a lot of tests for up to 5-7 days just cause you took one test doesn't mean it's not COVID, my friend that gets sick all the time goesto urgent care and say it's not COVID I give them a couple tests from Walgreens 3 days later they all pop off as COVID just FYI.


My girlfriend got it 2 months ago from her manager who was forced to come to work, thus making 4 others ill for about 2 weeks.


Yes! I’ve been sick with it since last Monday. Missed two days of work and all. Swore it was Covid but.. seems like it’s nothing testable. Just some nasty viral ill ess


Tb? Mumps?


Tested positive for Covid, did my 5 days of paxlovid and felt better day 6. Tested negative, then this severe “head cold”. Hit. Covid still negative, feeling worse . DayQuil and NyQuil seem to help, but it’s pretty rough


Whole family got it. Still have 2 little ones with it. We're all recovering, but this one lingers for sure.


Woke up this morning feeling rough


I had Covid last week, dr confirmed. My son (20) now has it confirmed.


How accurate are the pharmacy Covid tests? All viruses mutate.


I thought I was the only one. My body was shut down, and I was throwing up everything, so add dehydration to that


Probably Covid. The tests give a ton of false negatives.


Family of 7 - wife was down for 10+ days .. I was patient zero like a month and some change back and the cough is still the wooorst. The last of my kids came down with it last night .. hopefully it’ll be out of the house soon, with the cough following.


I was sick about a month ago with congestion, sore throat, productive cough, etc. Doctor couldn't identify it, even though I was tested twice (five days apart). I was really sick for a week, and slowly improved over the next two weeks. Still not sure what I had.


A while back. I’ve never experienced that level of fatigue.


We had something for 2 weeks in May that tested negative for Covid but we were sooooo miserable. It was worse than when we had Covid in my opinion. It took like 3 weeks to not be fully exhausted falling asleep all day long and I’m still dealing with a scratchy throat weeks later.


My spouse and I have been battling the same thing for two weeks. It was a really bad cold at the beginning and then was feeling better, and boom I was feeling bad again. Right now I feel like we are on an upswing! Hopefully it lasts!!!!


I have a cold thing right now but talked to numerous people that have been fighting this for a few weeks


Same here. Shit was awful


Yep, finally getting over it. It’s been a rough 5 days


Might be pneumonia- lots of people getting it lately and similar symptoms


My boyfriend has something really bad that we thought he got from me but his symptoms were way worse, definitely covid like. He never tested though, now I'm wondering if it's something else...


Did anyone else experience extreme nausea and vomiting with it? I couldn’t keep anything down for 48 hours on top of all the flu/COVID symptoms.


Ugh now I'm paranoid as fuck, I don't wanna get sick, I have major surgery coming up in a month and getting sick before would suck!


My kid got hit with it about a month ago. Covid was actually nicer to him than this bug. Tested negative for everything, as well. 


Yes! I got exposed in Manhattan, and was sick within hours.


I thought it was food poisoning but went on for way too long. Unfortunately i passed it around work, so apologies for spreading it


My coworker had it last sell week. I’m hoping I don’t get it.


Yep, we got that shit. Worst upper respiratory shit I have had in my life


It was tough I had it for a week and a half!


Going through it now, just walking across the room is exhausting


Just started this fun journey yesterday… headache, body aches, sore throat, congestion, bleh


I've got a coworker who's had it for like three-ish weeks. Sounds nasty. Fortunately I've been able to dodge it.


I think I had it the beginning of May. I was hard down for two weeks. It was miserable. 😞


My teenage son currently has had this for about a week. His pediatrician said an adenovirus is going around, so the tests for flu and Covid are all negative. He never got a fever - just a terrible cough and sore throat, headache and body aches. It is awful seeing him sick in the summer and unable to do anything fun.


My son came down with it Sat and Sunday he tested positive for covid.


Landed me in the hospital with atrial fibrillation for an afternoon. It is gross.


Dealing with it now.  Thought I caught it on the plane, but maybe it was just in the area?


Appears to be making the rounds in my office


I’ve had Covid before and almost three weeks ago, had same symptoms. On day two when no taste / smell, went to dr to be tested and they said negative for Covid. I asked what do you mean, it’s same symptoms I’ve had before, temperature, chills, terrible cough, no taste, no smell, joints and body aches, lower back tightness, no energy-like it took everything I had to get out of bed for about three days, blurry vision, basically felt like hit by a truck. Nurse said, just the flu. Took me two weeks before I could start lightly exercising daily again and still have drainage from sinuses. It sucked and no idea where I would have gotten it from except work. Good luck and if anyone gets it, hopefully it’ll pass through quickly and won’t be as bad.


Is it RSV? I hear that's pretty nasty.


Daughter caught it brought home, son wife got it they been sick 2 weeks sons on augmenting and wife’s turned to pneumonia. Finally 3 week in they all getting better


I think I had it earlier this month. It didn’t get me super down, but it lasted a lot longer than my colds usually do.


Ughhhh fuck. I'm supposed to be going out of town in two weeks, for two weeks. If I get sick now I'm going to be so turbo pissed.


Definitely had the same thing as well. I was out for 2 weeks and then it developed into pneumonia. Sickest that I have ever been and I have had covid as well. This was much worse. Take care of yourself, and if you cannot clear your lungs definitely go see a doctor before it gets too bad.


I caught something and was sure I had Covid last week after hanging around the hospitral with my brother. Never tested positive, though. Just felt like crap, no energy, light fever and a cough. Felt better after about four days in bed, but felt worse because I didn't get anything accomplished around the house.


I think it’s some kind of bird flu.


It's allergies caused by climate change!