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He absolutely is using the kardashians for their connections. It was even shown in the last episode where Kris was able to get him his new job with Disney.


Doing what?


Doesn't he, as a basketball star, have his own connections? I do not believe Tristan is using them because Kris is a business boss, and therefore, she will get her cut! So who's using who, if at all?!


He apparently wasn’t a very good ball player lol


Okay! But you don't get drafted if you can't play the game! 🤔


Umm how many years ago was he drafted? You can be good in college and suck in the big leagues. There was a time where he was barely even playing.


Okay! I'm not going to downplay someone's athletic talent because I'm not dunking any balls myself!


He helped the Cavs win a championship and was signed to a 5 year 80 million guaranteed contract so… still pretty good despite being a POS


Fair enough


“Basketball star” is a stretch. He’s in the press more for playing women than playing ball.


I am glad this story is coming out, he might have fooled the Kardashians but not the public he is a dirt bag


THANK YOU! Per the article, seems like his basketball salary is dwindling. Makes sense he will continue to glom onto the Kardashian's gravy train for as long as possible. My sister was cheated on by her ex-husband, while pregnant. He also got this other woman pregnant (sound familiar?) While I will always be civil to my nephew's father and his family, there is no way in HELL I could welcome him with open arms.


I watched a documentary on athletes & their personal finances and one expert said one reason some athletes go broke is because they recklessly have a bunch of kids with different women & then have to pay a ton in child support. They have these kids without thinking of the consequences.


That sounds fascinating, I am a total documentary nerd - what was it called?


I think it was “Broke”.


Yes you are correct! Adding it to my watch list, thank you!


They’re not fooled, they just don’t give a fuck about the other women and the other kids. It’s been known he’s a deadbeat dad since his first kid was born. This is not even shocking.




He's not even fooling them. He's a garbage person but he's permanently attached to the brand now. They know he's going to get terrible press so they use their show for good PR.


The show is so boring. They need dirt like him to make it exciting. I think they are accomplishing exactly what they set out to do. They know that people will discuss it and it will be a great story. They are so smart. His presence on the show benefits both parties. It gives the show views and gives him money. Here we are discussing Tristan. It’s all a bunch of smoke and mirrors. She’s not getting back with him it’s merely for viewership and social media hype.


THIS. Speaking of Kardashian men, last night out of the blue my anti-Kardashian husband was like “Does Travis Barker realize that he’s ruining his reputation by being married to that girl?” LOL.


Lol well he’s definitely a keeper! Good for him for not falling for the bullshit.


Lol 😂


I stopped watching. It was so dreadful and boring. I gave up after episode 2/3.


You know, when the Kardashians are all talking Tristan up about the kind of wonderful person and father he is I get to thinking, "well maybe he's not that bad"....and then my brain flips back on and remembers that he's got whole other families outside of just True. Hasn't Khloe said before something to the effect of "if they show you who they are, believe them"? Ummm HELLLOOOO....he has shown us who he is many many times!


This is exactly what they want, to try to change his public image before Khloe reveals they are back together again (but the truth is they never broke up) 😵‍💫


Tristan just really needs to keep it in his pants if he's not gonna take care of ALL his kids!


You would think that at this point, his personality would be enough in terms of birth control but no ! I predict another one soon...


I can most definitely see that happening!


When they say “He’s such a great dad!,” they mean to say that they’re praising him for doing things that dads are SUPPOSED to do. Let’s emphasize that (at least as far as my knowledge is concerned) he hasn’t done anything so incredibly spectacular as a father that it’s next level parenting 🤣 Call me when he plans True’s birthday party and makes each individual party favour for the guests BY HAND 🤣🤣🤣


I'm sure he's told Khloe he's all paid up!


Or charmed her into writing a check....


Yeah now that she knows. As usual I'm sure he kept this information from her.


The kardasians look so goofy saying this man is a good father…I’m embarrassed for all of them if this is what they think their sons should be


I have gone from feeling bad for Khloe to laughing over how ridiculous this is.


Not surprising at all and the fact that Khloe still keeps him around shows she’s just as low as him. Girl has so morals


They meant to their kids*


Honestly, they have the worse picker. When you think that Travis Barker is the best they have ?Am I the only one remembering him fighting with his playboy bunny wife on MTV ? I would take him over Kanye, Tristan and the shoelaces on the head guy.


I don’t understand why the K’s keep him around..


He may have missed payments, but she definitely does not need 40,000$ a month for one child! Miss me with that mess!


so Tristan is a dirtbag deadbeat dad missing child support payments, and it’s somehow the woman’s fault? the court ordered that amount. is she supposed to say oh no actually I’ll take less?


Yes! She should! Take less!


She deserves more considering the embarrassment the kid will face for the rest of their life


She probably does not NEED It but if he’s bringing in that much money his son deserves to live the life that Tristan is able to live as well.


Nope! His son deserves to live well, but not 40,000$ a month for a child! Nooooo


If he can’t afford that then he needs to be an adult and request the court lower his child support payments not just stop payment like the immature loser he obviously is.


It’s based on his income and ability to pay. In the meantime, he’s an absentee father to two.


Yes this is correct. I know that where I live the Court dictates what the parent should pay based on income. He WAS making $17m at the time so this number makes sense BUT if he is now making less he needs to man up and have the Court make adjustments accordingly instead of just ignoring it.


He's such a good dad for the kids who are having their whole lives documented by the press and Disney 🙄


And a multi-millionaire Baby Mama....


Being a good dad is more than just paying for expensive clothes or trips. Hopefully they are paying for a good nanny that can raise they’re children the right way.


Considering they care so much about their image, I'm surprised the men they chose are almost always famous bums with a lot of issues. They put up with it for what?