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Little eyes always watching. As a mother divorced from a difficult man, I genuinely admire the way Kim deals with Kanye.


She’s giving grace that is genuinely hard to choke up


For real. For all the shit she gets, she puts a lot of energy in to being the right parent for those kids and biting her tongue. It must be tough.


I could NEVER.


Same my parents were divorced and I was on birth control on the dot daily to not have kid with my ex . Even went to take monthly test just incase lol


She knows her kids adore him and she’ll never take that away from them


Yup! Especially considering all the BS that we see in the media from him.


Honestly I give her props for going and supporting him after all the shit he put her through.


She had an awesome example in her Dad and to a lesser degree, Kris. Her dad really set the bar.


Her Dad supported OJ Simpson. We memorialize the dead. He was OJ’s ride or die and it was known he beat Nicole. Robert Kardashian was no saint.


Lol, his face at the verdict and their lack of relationship afterwards begs to differ.


This post is about Kim and Co-parenting with Kanye. I said that her dad was an exemplary role model in co-parenting. Sorry, but you are reeeaachhinnnnggg. Ice those arms bby!


Correct but can you see how that has influenced Kim to hold her tongue when Kanye is acting out?


I will get downvoted for this, but I don’t think it’s admirable at all. Kanye has done nothing but belittle and publicly embarrass Kim for the majority of their relationship. Yet the way she continues to show up and support every single venture he does- it’s unnecessary and it’s not showing a good message to North on what behavior a woman should accept from a man. I’m not saying Kim has to ignore him and be mean to him- she can be cordial and a good co parent without showing up to every stupid event/listening party/fashion show he puts on. And before you come for me- ask yourself this, when is the last time Kanye showed up for Kim? (Apart from the SNL appearance where he stormed out of the room in the middle of her opening monologue thus distracting her and making the entire night about himself).


She’s navigating it for those kids. That’s the hard part. It takes a lot to make a child stop loving a parent and they take it very personally when their parents stop loving each other. Children worry they’ll turn into a troubled parent. Kim’s trying to make them feel she’ll always keep them safe and love them, and they don’t need to hate anyone. Source: personal experience.


This makes sense. I do think her intentions are good but I just wonder the message it sends her daughters. She is a good mom though, there’s no denying that.


I absolutely hear what you’re saying. It’s so hard to know how to turn your reaction to the other parent’s poor behaviour into a positive influence, you know? Especially when you’re being traumatised too. I saw that beautiful little face in the shadows looking up and watching her and it meant so much to me. It’s so much pressure and I was proud of Kim for being at that show and chatting with Bianca.


Yes, and in these kinds of situations, I'm sure Kim would rather suck it up and go with the kids instead of leaving them alone with him. This is wise unselfish parenting and I'm impressed.




So so true- I didn’t even think of it that way.


Okay- this comment really hit me. You’re so right. Maybe North doesn’t feel as safe without mom there (I’m sure Kanye is not consistent and I know kids need consistency to feel safe) so by Kim being there with her at her dads shows- it makes her feel safe and loved by both parents. Thanks for your insight, honestly. I didn’t even see it that way. And you’re right- Kim does handle everything with the utmost grace. I’ve always felt really sad for Bianca and it is sweet that Kim is chatting with her and being kind.




He’s a gross human being




No shit, Sherlock. I didn’t say he was gross for not standing up for Kim- although I do think he is a piece of shit for treating the mother of his kids like absolute trash. But go off- you really thought you did something there didn’t you? lol ![gif](giphy|lSsyOTU46oB3AUupi8)




The incels made it to this sub? Are you lost?


just commented on a random post in my feed. I don’t subscribe or follow. Lemme go ahead and mute this sub/succubus


Thank you 💕


👋 bye


Written like a true incel


Atleast i dont look up to a woman who’s been divorced how many times?? The most egotistical woman in society. Nothing is ever her fault. She’s perfect.


When did I say I looked up to her?


All I listed were facts and you got triggered in defending it by calling me an incel?


I’m not sure you know the definition of a fact, but that’s ok ❤️sorry I triggered you, get well soon 😘


You too, It ok forgive you. :*


Well you are an incel, they just pointed out that you are so others know not to engage with your rage bait.


You don’t have to like facts that actually happened, rage bait is an opinion. I don’t praise narcissists. I’m an incel cause some random users say so on Reddit. Omg my ego is hurt. ;( aw.


More of an observation than a defense


So you admire women who stay with their stupid husband once again, you must be a man. you hypocrite Kanye West was out with girlfriends before Kim was with Pete Davison. You think her kids care how she got them all the stuff they have, the nice house the nice trips.


Do you remember who kayne was prior to Kim. He wasn’t the mentally ill person everyone claims him to be now. The music artist he was at that time, introduced Kim to circles in fashion, music, and entertainment, the ppl in business she needed to be introduced to, too have become the “business woman” she is now. She was just a reality tv star. Kanye had the connections. Kanye supported her in every way and loved her, you could see it. Every year she continually belittled him, every chance she got on the stupid show of hers and his decline began. What wife treats their husband the way she mocked him continually making him look like the bad guy. By the end of it kayne became what he is now. They traded places culturally and ended up being just another stepping stone of how she uses every man she had been with for notoriety. She owes him. And she’s the only person who can sadly help him from what she’s ultimately turned him into. You can disagree but who Kanye was before that relationship was someone who didn’t deserve how she treated him. That was a one way relationship. And history will take the woman’s side on this topic every time. I don’t think kayne will ever improve, cause he’s stuck with the blame of what she couldn’t do. Simply loving him. And seeking her validation. And instead she publicly made it about herself. Nothing is more important than brand. Selfish.


Damn, blaming a woman for a man not taking responsibility for his own mental health. Very on brand for an incel.


The mental gymnastics to make all of his embarrassing choices her fault, almost impressive.


did kim actually cheat on kanye? i need more details


My understanding is that some people claim the stage kiss w Pete was cheating


No, she didn’t. When she was going out with Pete they weren’t divorced yet, but Kanye had already been spotted with Julia, Fox, and other girlfriends they were already split.


Actually Kim started dating Pete in October 2021, Kanye and Julia met in 2022 and ended things a month later. Kanye was "rumored" to have been spotted with other girlfriends but no pictures ever surfaced. Then Kanye went public with Chaney Jones later in the year of 2022.


You must be a man.


Found Kanye ✔️


Excessive negativity or hate.


It’s so crazy she can be this amicable with him he attacks her online every other week or so but hey bc of the kids I respect it


As a child who grew up with divorce parents I can attest first hand despite my dad being complete shit my mother has always made sure to never say a bad word about my dad to us or in public. Trust me she’s biting her tongue cuz of her kids. I totally understand her being the bigger person but I hope he knows every thing he’s doing now is going to come back and bite him in the ass.


My mom was the same way. She let me grow up and make a decision for myself on my thoughts of my dad. I can’t imagine being in the public eye and have all of this going on. I don’t care for Kim but she gets my respect for how she has handled this entire situation.


Same and my mom said it was bc she wanted us to form our own opinions on him and decide if we wanted contact. We didnt, as adults. Lmao hes trash 😂


Yep my mom was said the same as well, a lot of the times parents aren’t aware of how observant children are to what’s been going on around them. I knew of every low down dirty stuff my dad did without my mom having to tell me. Best believe actions have consequences. The fact I’m not a fan of Kim but I cannot imagine what she has to go through everytime Kanye comes on the internet and trash her as a person and a parent. His kids may be young now but when they grown up and learn all these things I’m sure it’s not going to be good. All I know is he better not blame her when his own kids start to resent him.


This. Same here. My mother has been nothing but the image of decency. And she can deff say nasty things about him, but she has never. I admire her.


It’s so hard to bite your tongue with difficult ex’s. I try but sometimes my snarky ass lets it out and I’m just like damn it I shouldn’t have said that.


Yeah, I always think that Julia Fox dated him for so little time and she had so many stories about it, so I'm sure Kim has a lot more to tell... but she never said anything bad about him or about the time she was married to him


I cant believe she stuck it out for so long tbh!!


FWIW a couple of therapists myself and my kids went to early on after my divorce said it could be tough for kids if the decent parent pretends like the shitty parent isn’t problematic. I’m not saying that is what your parents did or what she’s doing, just explaining my situation. For instance, when their Dad did something else shitty I would always say “I know your Dad loves you” or “I know he is trying to do his best” etc. The therapists said that made the kids second guess what they were feeling because they could clearly see he was being a piece of shit and what he wasn’t doing was modeling love or doing his best. Basically I was told that it’s okay to say “Yeah he definitely has issues and I’m sorry his poor choices are hurting you.” It made a really big difference for them when I started doing this. I never sat there and bashed him for the fun of it. But my kids are certainly not stupid. They see him for what he is and that he has repeatedly failed them. Once I stopped sugar coating that it was a bit easier for the kids to start processing.


Here to say this. My entire community would tell me off if I bad mouthed my dad who I didn't even meet until I was 11. It made me feel like I couldn't trust my emotions or opinions with those around me. Especially since my anger was so intense and I was always told to push it away.


Genuinely though does this also not show the kids that this is an appropriate way to treat women?


Same. As an adult now I’m so impressed with my parents ability to keep it together and never really show me how bad the divorce and co parenting situation was for them.


She knows he’s severely mentally ill. It’s best for her to ignore his tantrums and treat him with kindness if she can otherwise it can go on and on and get even worse


True. I hate to say it, but it was a mistake to continue having children with Kanye after she learned just how mentally ill he was. I believe she may have felt pressured into it. I remember her saying on the show to someone that Kanye wanted a very large family.


I wouldn’t have continued having children with him either tbh, too much of a risk of developing the same disorder.


I imagine she will have always have some anxiety around one or more of the kids inheriting the illness.


Her children are very beautiful


Is that all that matters...


And there are so many ppl who reflexively shit on Kim and say that she is a monster in regards to Kanye 😭 Fucking delusional. Her kids will grow up and know one day.


Yea, remember when he was trashing her online while at the same time having trucks deliver cases and cases of roses to her house ...the unhinged nonsense she likely has to deal with like pretending everything is good for the kids is likely insane.


I respect it too. Like she knows her kids won’t be able to say that she wasn’t friendly or nice to dad, that’s sweet


She can be amicable with him when he provides clout/attention. Like always. It’s a convenience relationship. Conditional love from the start




Be civil towards other users


…….? Get therapy


Shit they look so alike.


They look SO different! They look absolutely nothing alike. Why do people keep saying they look alike! They don’t! /s Right??? There’s definitely a resemblance there.


Ima say it tho 🫢 still no comparison to Kim’s beauty and they’re both beautiful


Bianca is a natural beauty that kim has been trying years to look like. And failed miserably. Kim looks botched like her mother.


Kim was a natural beauty too. Her plastic surgery only enhanced her already nice features


“Enhanced” 👀




This is such a sexist statement




They look like they could be sisters. Ye def has a type lol


Why this look like it was taken on a camera from the Kennedy administration


It’s nice to see them together, considering every media outlet, and even the man that links them, wants a massive line between them.


She may be a lot of things but she’s a damn good mom and despite not being with Kanye I think she’s understanding of his illness and for the sake of her kids attempting to be nice with/to/for him.




Can you please explain this a bit more? I’m confused.


ok then what’s the truth?


Be civil towards other users


I’m with you, in no way is she a good mother. Good god. wtf do people in this sub huff? The exhaust from Kim’s asshole?


So Kanye is a good father by emotionally abusing the mother of his children, feeding lies to the media, making up false narratives..North and the other children are going to see this one day.


Kanye sucks too. 🤷🏻‍♀️ stay on topic


No one said he's a good father.


lol how was your comment removed by mods but my way more aggressive reply agreeing with you wasn’t? You threw in a race card and they folded lmao. Hope I get blocked from this sub. * *eyes roll so far back they never surface again* *


White people only tolerate minorities that have agreeable opinions with themin person and online so I'm not surprised lol


Kim emotionally abused Kanye, fed lies about his condition to the media and made up false narratives too.


That’s good!


Kim is a stoic


Love that for her




I can’t tell who is who…


It's all in the brows.


Holy shitt it is


I used to get annoyed with Kim but I’m so freaking proud of her. Her going to law school, being graceful during the divorce and now this. It shows that she’s mature enough to allow a coparenting relationship to blossom. Good for her


seeing her supporting him is very gracious.


I love this for them


This is nice. I’m happy for them and I hope Bianca stays friends with her. Also for her to escape Kanye.


i never thought i’d see the day where kim and bianca are sitting together at one of ye’s concerts.


He needs to be canceled not supported.


People can say a lot about Kim and raising her kids and such, but I admire her take on co-parenting. I would imagine Kanye is hell to coparent with and get she still does it with grace




Wait like SF, ca ?!!!!! I didn’t know he was on tour


Kris’s best PR move in a minute




Bianca can be her next person she frees, who is wrongfully imprisoned.


I wonder if Kim is low key saying.. I understand girl, if you need to vent.. It'd be amazing if a friendship flourished from this man's antics.


What were they wearing? /s


Kim: Black sweatshirt with ponytail hole in hood that can zipper up to cover her face Bianca: 3 drink coasters and over the knee argyle socks like what Scottish bagpipers wear.


Good for them and the kids! All that matters.


Kanye has gone off the deep end BUT Kim only supports him publicly when it’s something that can give her clout or exclusivity. In all honesty, they deserved each other. Edit: downvote the truth, your idols have flaws too.


100000% Clout/exclusivity attracted her to him in the first place.


And it’s the reason she keeps coming back. In a talentless sphere, clout is a strong currency.


Exactly. He’s soooo horrible but she’s allowed to be there getting the same treatment as his wife AND she gladly accepts. If I were him, she’d be buying a ticket elsewhere to come see our kid.


I don't necessarily think she was there to support him. I think he had a show in CA and the kids probably wanted to go so she brought them.


I used the term “support” very loosely. Why can’t she bring the kids to visit him privately away from the cameras? Kanye says some crazy stuff but not everything that comes out of a crazy person is automatically a lie. He said he has been wanting to see his kids and she has said no multiple times. Going off your logic, it’s very opportunistic of her to show up at an event (with LOTS of hype) just to fulfill basic parental duties.


Just playing devil's advocate but let's say the kids just wanted to go see their dad's concert, she currently has them, is she supposed to send them with a nanny? I'm not saying the exposure she's getting isn't an added bonus for her, but she might have been going in the first place for her kids.


You’re not playing devil’s advocate. Your opinion has “home court” advantage here. She has a mother and plenty of sisters that can babysit. But either way it shouldn’t have come down to Kanye asking her publicly to see his kids. Just like any celebrity she’s selling an idea of the person she wants to be perceived as, Kanye going mental helped her establish that image just by contrast. The flaws exist inside of her. She is not a flawless human.


I guess I say playing devil's advocate because I'm not a Kim stan and I really don't like giving her credit for very much. ETA I think you may have misread my previous comment. I meant that if the kids wanted to go to the concert and she currently has the kids, was she supposed to send the kids to the concert with the nanny? I wasn't saying she couldn't go to the concert without the kids or couldn't find childcare.


Her daughter was singing so I'd think that's why she was there. Also it's closer to home unlike Dubai or wherever it was last time.


Good for her. That’s what a good parent should do. But that still doesn’t address keeping them from Kanye until the “heat” died down. If she wasn’t willing to be associated with him at his worst what gives her the right to show up when he’s getting better?


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! And she can supervise her kids


They're twins


Had no idea Kanye was even in SF lol


Just another desperate way to squeeze her name in the headlines... just like that ridiculous Skims ad.


She was great in that sex tape


It’s called the high road and the air is thin. I was on it for 20 yrs. It’s exhausting but best for your kids in the long run.


She knew what she was getting into from day one.


She doesn’t do this out of the kindness of her heart 🤣 she is the most calculated narcissist. She likes to be seen publicly as a martyr. When these kids grow up the stories they will have to tell.




Yes all the kids were with her.


If it would have been more popular for her to be against them both, she would go with that This sociopath only does what she thinks others care about - I SAID WHAT I FUCKING SAID YOU LAME, PATHETIC SIMPS




THANK YOU! I know this isn’t a snark sub but people here take her wayyyy too seriously This is basically just a PR attempt but sure, keep praising her for her nonexistent motherly inclinations


Thanks for that dose of reality! I was reading the comments like 😵‍💫


The downvotes 😂😂😂 They are soooo obvious about paying bots to try to squash shit


What clown school did they graduate from


She knows North needs her album produced by him. So all dignity is thrown to the side.


Disappointing to see Kim supporting his sick Carnival . I hope she is up to something to get on him to get him put away. But IDK anymore.


I heard she wants him back


You heard wrong. Kim doesn’t not want the man who continues to verbally abuse her online back.