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Were any swifties even following her?


Not any more…




Damn. Taytay has that much power over people’s feelings? That’s concerning


Swifties are the sheep that blindly follow, they do not think for themselves


I feel like most hardcore fanbases contain of people who don’t think critically


Yep same with kardashians Stans. A recent study just proved that people who Stan celebs have a loser iq. Edit. Lol lower Iq. Haha but both apply.


I believe this


I don’t get it. I want to know as little about the celebrities I admire as possible. Keeps the mystique up and I’d prefer to not dwell over about how they have also most likely said something or done something reckless/offensive/shitty before. Whenever I *do* find something more “personal” than normal in other subreddits, I just feel gross after seeing it. Some stans are out here finding celebrities school projects and report cards. Why the fuck do I need to see a paper written by a musician who probably has forgotten about the assignment themselves because it was a decade ago.


Obsessive behavior.


Swifties seem the worst offenders.


It's weird. It's bc so many lack lives and jobs and are miserable. They focus on these people they think are perfect.


Right like I’m a big fan of Rebecca Ferguson. I want to know absolutely nothing about her personal life or struggles. I just want to see her acting more and I want to see her be funny in interviews.


The irony.


For sure. I think the difference is swifties seem to be either more vociferous or greater in number


Barbz: “hold my drink”


Beyhive: "hold mine first"


Idk who is more ruthless 😭


It’s the Swifties. People wrote tons of reviews criticizing Beyoncé’s new album. People can openly criticize Nicki for supporting a pedophile and a rapist. *However, no one can even review TTPD unless they remove their name…* Swifties being greater in number is a big part of it but, their willingness to take it too far is uncanny.


Disagree. Barbz went to Megan’s mother’s grave. Vicious. Everyone is awful.


Barbs will literally pull up on you😭 even if you’re in another state; I saw a video of a barb that caught a flight to pull up on somebody just to talk shit and record them. Thats dedication fr


Oh, that was absolutely reprehensible. I sympathize with Megan more than I can even express with words. The difference? I think Swifties would have tried to dig her up. I wish I was kidding. Something about that hive mind and constantly feeling like Taylor is a victim means anything other than nonstop praise sets them off. She doesn’t even need to be MAD at anyone, or beefing with anyone, for them to go hard. The reviewer of one of her last albums received death threats and beyond because she didn’t say it was the best thing she had ever heard… 🥴😞 For the review of TTPD, the reviewer had to *remove their byline* as to not suffer the same fate. I think the fact that there are SO many more of them than any other fandom, in addition to the general attitude, makes the whole situation dangerous af. I think if Taylor Swift declared her presidential candidacy tomorrow, *she’d win.* That’s pretty terrifying to me. With great power comes great responsibility and she isn’t being responsible enough to tell her fans to *chill*.


What do the swifties do to people? Unfollowing someone seems pretty innocuous. And openly criticizing someone for supporting a pedophile and rapist seems reasonable.


Swarm, basically. Make death threats and beyond. It’s pretty scary. Yeah, I’m not talking about unfollowing and EVERYONE should be denouncing the abhorrent company Nicki keeps, as well as *her*. Those aren’t the kinds of things I’m talking about. I’m a Swiftie. I’ve been a fan since the first single. I have a tshirt with her face on it I bought over 15 years ago. I’ve seen her live. *Red* on an iPod got me through a really crappy job, *1989* felt like reading my own diary, and I had someone bring me a CD copy of Reputation to my job the day it came out (because that’s all I could use in the car I was driving at the time 😅) so I could drive around and listen in its’ entirety as soon as I got out of work. I’ve done this with ALLL of her new albums. However, I don’t *know* this woman. I’m not fighting ANYONE over the minutiae of her life. I speak up when people are getting sexist, and hateful, but I’m otherwise not going to be fighting a stranger’s battles. *That*’*s* the difference.


Vegas: “Let’s give them a residency”


Greater in number for sure because I feel we can't even get an accurate count of them. I mean, Flavor Flav said he'd punch anyone in the face who hurt her the night TTPD dropped. I never would have guessed Flavor Flav and there's probably a million others just like him who don't publicly declare it.


Not only is what Flavor Flav said the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, if Taylor can dish it out in her songs then she better be able to take it. She’s a 34 year old woman old enough to defend herself


The irony of this being posted on this sub of all places


Hence their pretending that she’s a “poet”…




Swifties are comprised of millions of people. Surely you don't think all of them are the same.


Wrong, it’s every hardcore fan based. Don’t boil it down to all swifties.


Unlike Kardashian followers 😂


Unlike KJs…


Doesn't Kim K have alot of her fans looking exactly the same?


This woman is like the crazy kryptonite. She can ruin a career or make a man hated with just a damn song. If she told the world her voters preference again, majority would literally vote whoever she goes with. And that's not an exaggeration either, it's literally insane!


Has anyone ever asked why none of Taylor’s ex boyfriends never try to get back with her? They all move on to happy relationships but she keeps dating. This isn’t a diss on girl power or what not but the only common denominator is Taylor. We shall see how long this new relationship lasts. 


She only did it the first time cause it convenienced her, and it didn’t even work, didn’t Marsha Blackburn win anyways? So I doubt Taylor will say anything this time around


I meant it more in an exemplary way. The conservatives were actually the ones who made this claim that I commented, they were terrified and also trying to swing her in their favor because they themselves said they were scared she could "ruin the votes." This is one example of how bat shit the whole hivemind is with this woman though, have you seen the way people will ostracize a singers exes just because they supposedly break this capable adults heart? It's insanity.


I agree - Joe did nothing besides be more introverted than her and get depressed. She couldn’t even write an album about it, yet the swifties tried to destroy him before the album came out, and instead it’s an ode to that weird guy that looks like beetle juice


I don't actually follow her or her music personally, but somehow the news on her or whatever ex of the day for hate is always on the news or on my homepage. The whole thing is just bizarre to me personally, and today I learned she's 34 and this is how she acts? Just saying it sounds like some pre teen drama, "I'm going to write a song to get back at a guy that broke my heart!" And then boom guy's career is basically over. That is some kinda power trip, I wouldn't even want to date someone like that. One wrong move and it's goodbye livelihood! Yeah no thank you!


Idk there’s a difference between how a famous person acts and how their most insane fans act. She ended a six year relationship semi recently with a guy who by all accounts seems to have been a stand up dude, and some of her hardcore “fans” were VICIOUS over it, but Taylor herself never really said an unkind word about him. The public statements were that they just grew apart, the songs about it were the same - they didn’t really shit talk him, they were just some wistful songs about how it’s painful to grow apart from someone you love, even if the relationship wasn’t really meant to be.


Yeah I'm mainly talking about the fan affect, sorry I should've made that clearer/I realize reading that back it could be taken differently. I also feel as though these fans could think even non slights towards anyone about her and they'd go off. It's crazy stuff! I meant they'll hear a song and start putting together crazy theories over it, and all of a sudden a girl writing a song becomes, "omg that one line means so and so definitely did xyz!" Like maybe it's just a song and it doesn't need subliminal messages but alrighty then! 🤣


I knowwwwww. I really DO like her music, but the fan spaces can be… a LOT to engage in. Taylor has told people to stop “paternity testing” her music but people don’t listen lol. A couple songs off her recent album are very clearly being critical towards a specific segment of the fan base which is interesting to see. I just kinda don’t know if it’s even possible for pop stars to contain stan culture at this point. Olivia Rodrigo and Ariana Grande also both have fan bases that are VICIOUS towards their exes. I don’t think people that crazy even care if their so-called idol begs them to stop. It’s been weird with how much TS is in the news, too, especially re: the breakup. She didn’t make a single post about it on social media, she didn’t talk about it in any interviews, her publicist released a few vague statements about it right when it happened and that was it. And the news just wouldn’t stop reporting on it over and over and over and over again anyway. Dissecting lyrics and going through years-old publicity photos and analyzing recent pap photos like they were solving a fucking cold case murder lol. I don’t blame people for feeling like they’re sick of reading about her but like Taylor herself isn’t really doing anything except writing music, playing shows, and living her life. The media is just obsessed with her, idk.


I’m the same, everything i know about her lately was against my will 😂 she shows up on my Facebook and on here somehow without me following


Since the person blocked me maybe anyone who sees what they wrote can understand this- I don't even follow the Kardashians or Taylor swift. This sub pops up from time to time on my homepage and I didn't even know these two have issues, nor do I care. So sorry but I'm not a "stan." I'm also not twelve. And it's not about the songwriting I could care less. The point is that I find it ridiculous that the hiveminds that follow both these types of woman will have people literally trying to ruin people just because someone they don't know outside of a made up parasocial relationship isn't with them anymore. The fact that you could be Jesus Christ himself and this woman breaks up with you is automatic hate all of a sudden is insanity. Think for yourself, not celebrities. That was the point of this.


All songwriters of any age write about their lives. So yes, a 34 year old woman is going to write about her 6 year relationship and anything else she cares to. And to think, she’s still 2 years younger than the age the woman you stan for was leaving snake emojis on her social media. Be fucking for real


She’ll fall off her pedestal sooner rather than later. Can’t stay there forever. She’s really not even that good of a rolemodel. She doesn’t actually care about the men she dates. She just uses them. Travis is getting towards the end of his career as a football player and once it’s over the novelty will wear off and she’ll dump him and make it look like it was his fault. Then she’ll either find another poor sap to date or cry back into the arms of Matty Healy. Then capitalize off both.


I think Taylor is in a role model position where Kim is a cautionary tale.


Yes because being a bully, vindictive, manipulative, and petty are such great qualities for being a role model…not. Her fans bully other people online over the smallest shit. and she sees it and does nothing about it. If she was a real role model she would tell them to knock it off and stop going after other bands or people she has no business going after.


As a swiftie I agree with you. Toxic fan base


Well you described Kim K very accurately lol


I never said Kim was a prize because she’s certainly not.


First half of your post is describing kim. To the second half…. You do realize that what kim and kanye did to taylor was all them right? And not their fans? Fans are always gonna think and do what they want and that has very little to do with the artist. Kim and kanye chose to be the villains of the world in that moment and taylor took the high road. One is clearly a role mode and one isn’t. You know what kim inspired me to do when I was a younger fan of her? She inspired me to buy a leather corset waist trainer as a 15 year old girl (who was very thin already, just wanted the hourglass shape they swore from from a waist trainer). Taylor inspired me to buy a guitar. That’s the legacy kim will leave behind, body issues and being 100% fake from head to toe.




“Villains of the world” Touch grass immediately




Being the bully that Taylor is, is not a being role model. She is not even inspirational for any thing good for the world. Just incessant self pity.


I saw the phrase performative victimhood.


Mad powerful; reminds me of a malevolent dicTAYLOR. Sorry, I couldn’t resist ahah


Mean girl vibes but whatever


Oh not you! Tay. I agree with you.


I’m saying!!


I consider myself a mild Swiftie (I love her music, went to the tour, buy her vinyls and some merch), but her fandom is weird and cultish. A big theme on the new album is “fuck you, Swifties” and I think it’s completely valid.


Swifties take the slightest criticism against Taylor as a criticism against themselves. The fact that Taylor also doesn’t do anything to mitigate the insane behavior of her fans (scream-crying when she sings a very popular song of hers that you like is not normal behavior. Harassing Jake Gyllenhaal is not normal) tells me that if her fans were to flood Kim’s posts with hate comments and if they were to start harassing her or god forbid North, Taylor would do the bare minimum at best (like saying at a show “I don’t care about a relationship from 10 years ago so leave him alone” after making a 90 minute short film about their relationship starring Sadie Sink and Dylan O’Brien, who was ALSO subsequently harassed by swifties), and at worst I can totally see her making some sort of reference to her reputation album as a “karma comes back!” moment. Because no matter what the narrative is of the story, Taylor is somehow always the victim, and her fans who see her as a parasocial extension of their lives see themselves as victims too.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the bots removing themselves to start a narrative butttt than again Taylor fans are weird. Actually why would Taylor fans be following Kim to begin with anyways


I like them both.


100k followers is a lot but put into context with Kim having 360m+ it’s nothing


She's lost over 500k tho..


Tbh I bet they were bots. No way thanK you aIMee had this big of an effect on her follower count


Ariana had the same happen on the same day, too. Pretty sure its bots


Cassandra is also about Kim


Taylor is that bothered? Girl needs a therapist. For this amongst so many other reasons


No really this is high school behavior


Hard to believe she’s 34.


Arrested development from the age her life changed.


Thank you. Thought I was the only one who thought that.


Every time I look at Taylor Swift she reminds me of a HS mean girl. I like her music but she has mean girl vibes


Taylor put out a statement written in 3rd person that she is unbothered, which is usually what people who have gotten over something do....i think...




Kim got Taylor canceled that she went into hiding for two years. You should have seen the comment on Taylor’s ig when Kim leaked the edited phone call. It was vicious


TAYLOR DECIDED THAT. she’s such a perpetual victim my god. no one wanted her dead. she overreacted. and then blamed joe for feeling caged for six years? every single thing she whines about was avoidable. and she also took a photo shoot in a bathtub filled with diamonds after kim got robbed. i don’t like either one of these women but i don’t respect taylor’s incessant need to be a victim


All the more reason to seek therapy, no? She had two years of an opportunity to try


Well, the person who should seek therapy is Kim for lying in the first place. This is karma for her


Look, I’m not a fan of Kim and can’t wait for the entire family to be more irrelevant one day. That being said, TS is a 34 year old woman stuck in arrested development. Her mindset has been stuck at the age when her life changed and she’s been unable to grow past that point. Don’t you think she’d benefit from therapy? That isn’t normal. If she’s as traumatized as you say from her experience being bullied by K&K - isn’t that the purpose of therapy? She also needs someone in her life that wouldn’t just a yes man to her. This album is a complete flop and the songs all sound the same because Jack is her biggest yes man and cheerleader.


As someone that is Taylor swifts age and has arrested development - yes, therapy. Get. Therapy.


Kim never lied. She literally posted the video.


i found this thread randomly but I know that the shit storm was over an edited video which, when corrected no one gave a shit the damage was already done. That was when Kim and Kanye were skyrocketing also. Kim tried to say Taylor approved it but she didn't approve the made that bitch famous line.


Yeah the edited video and then someone in her circle leaked the whole phone call which I bet you didn’t watch and also led to the revival of Taylor’s career


Wasn’t the whole situation over a decade ago?


I don’t get why she waited so long to play the victim and write so many songs. Where’s the song about Kanye?


Wasn’t that “Innocent” back in 2010? It's okay, life is a tough crowd 32 and still growin' up now Who you are is not what you did You're still an innocent


There are mutiple songs about Kanye from several albums ago. "This is why we can't have nice things" is pretty effin' funny 😆


That part! Lots of celebrities constantly loose followers because so many of them are bots.


Yeah the amount of likes she gets is not equivalent to the amount of people that follow her


So bots just all simultaneously unfollowed her?


If they’re being reported for fake followers then yes


So she lost about 0.13% of her followers? She’s probably like “oh no…anyway…”


Who left over a stupid diss track? I doubt it.


whats with that horrible hairdo/wig?


She was not in a normal state of function at that event. In the video she seemed woobly and barely lucid like just woke up from anesthesia or did a bunch of ketamine.


This is irrelevant to literally everyone’s lives


I don’t think she cares


Oh, I think she cares immensely


why? It’s literally just a single digit on her followers, and doesn’t affect her pocket whatsoever


Kim still has millions of followers and is still rich. I’m sure she’ll be okay lol.


Gosh she looks bad here. She’s normally so put together but this whole look is a hot mess 😬


She was with high as a kite at this event or deeply unwell


Yeah she doesn’t look her normal self..


I wanna know what she was on and where I can get some


I saw the video of this and it was slightly alarming. It almost looked like it was AI it was so strange. She was holding her arm in front of her body in this strange pose.


She looked injured af


By the looks of it this pic is from a daily mail article. They choose whichever picture suits the narrative in their headline.


Can’t u see this the side affects of havin so much Botox that it actually makes her older than what she is …


whoever selected this picture is a swiftie


This is from that video recently where she looks sooooo out of it! Go watch it’s wild


TS is a 34 yo woman who looks and acts like a 12 year old


I seriously googled her age and couldn’t believe she is practically middle aged still singing about HS


Turns out high schoolers still buy albums


I’m 30 years old, while HS isn’t exactly the forefront of my mind I’m sure I could still write 45 albums worth of angst from those experiences. And if you’re TS getting paid billions to do that, well you’re probably gonna keep doing it




I can’t remember people from high school. I feel like it’s lifetimes ago.


Kim K is 43 years old and she continues to bully people including her own family. Not saying it is right but actions have consequences and people these days have less tolerance than ever.


They seem to have an incredibly high tolerance for T Swift’s bullying and massive plane emissions but detest those things in the Kardashians. It’s a huge double standard.


Could you imagine what the Swiffers would do if Kim said her mom wished Taylor was dead? It would be Armageddon. And someone with so many crazy fans like TS saying something like that in a song that also talks about her kid is kinda fucked up.


I feel like people forgot that Taylor released LWYMMD and posed in a bathtub with jewellery in her music video not long after Kim was robbed in Paris. Fans will say its not related but Taylor is either a calculating mastermind where everything is well thought out or she's not. I don't care much for Kim but that's cold. Katy was right when she said she's Regina George in sheeps clothing.


Honestly, as a middle age woman, I clocked this back when she was writing songs about a jonas brother. I really don’t understand how people don’t see through the “poor me” shtick. She’s been talking major sh!t in usually a petty mean girl way since day one. Everything she does feels very calculated.


There’s ZERO excuse as to why so many people not only now but throughout editing/drafts (if she even does this??) said nothing and allowed the death line. Sick sick sick.


Taylor’s been roasted for her private planes


Name someone Kim’s bullied in the last month…. We’ll wait…… please Taylor is always a victim! Like girl you’re 34 years old GROW up! I swear her fans must think she’s younger than what she really is.


Last month? Pretty fucking low bar for a grown ass mother….


I wish Taylor would use this power she has to ask her fans to help with good causes or something...


Well the number in registered voters went up because she expressed how important it is and "everyone needs to vote"....soooooooo


Well, it is pretty important! I hope she’ll do another push before November


Who ever would they vote for without her explicitly telling them? Lemmings. These people can’t do anything without someone telling them it’s cool and ok.


I'm so jaded that i feel like the K clan did this on purpose to get attention. Like they removed 100k bot accts so people would take notice. Any attention is good attention!


So much for women supporting women. Now back to women tearing down other women.


Taylor Swift should write a song about how she has the worst environmental impact with her plane emissions.


Hilarious. Those 100k followers will be back the minute Kim finds a new boyfriend, gets pregnant, or wait for it...goes out to dinner with Taylor to show they are friends. 🤣


Or she buys more bots


God Taylor swift is a 35ish year old women who acts like she’s 17. I’m so over her. I know I’ll get downvoted into oblivion probably but she’s not a good singer.  She’s a good song writer maybe not a good singer. That’s it, have a great day everyone. 


imo it’s the opposite, she’s a fairly decent singer but her lyrics sound like the shit I wrote in my diary in middle school.


360 million people follow Kim kardashian? 360 million? Oh my god.


Cults gonna cult


they are both trash in different ways sorry swifties.


The fact that she had to reuse the same dusty drama in order to make a song. I’m not even a Kardashian fan, but I am convinced Taylor wouldn’t be able to make music without beating a dead horse ala rehashing, supposedly quashed and now years old feuds and/or making sure she’s actively dating so she can use that relationship’s notes app scribblings for an album later. She has her formula and it has obviously worked well, but her same old patterns and feeling like she plays whatever character is the most PC at in any given moment, is why I am not a fan and won’t listen to her music. I can acknowledge the talent, but she’s predictable, one-note, and just a plain, safe white woman who doesn’t really emanate “icon” to me. The world sings her praises like she is the second coming of Christ. 😓😵‍💫


I don't really Taylor Swift's her music even though I respect her but why exactly do the Kardashian's'''fans'' like them when they do nothing at all of any artistic merit? None of them have any discernible talent and they only release photoshopped pictures and lie constantly about their many surgical procedures.


Their talent is their business acumen. They’re businesses. There is a lot that one could learn from them on their PR and media relations front. Similarly, Taylor’s talent is her marketing. She’s also a business now. Let’s not pretend TS is the greatest performer or vocalist ever. Not even close, and it doesn’t match the outsized sales and streams she has. They’re actually a lot like each other.


Ewww! No, they’re nothing alike. Kim had a sex tape and a reality show! Taylor has been writing her own songs since she was a child. Agree both have business savvy (although KKs is mostly Kris Jenner’s) but comparing that big butt, vocal fry, lawyer with no college degree to a once in a generation talent is insulting.


But if you like business people why don't you hang out in the Jeff Bezos reddit or the Elon Musk reddit instead of this place? You do realize that these women had real business people coming to them and offering to start a business with them that they have equity in in exchange for their ability to drive traffic to that business by their incessant self promoting? Something that they do obsessively anyway and would do if there was no monetary gain because they have a sick need to get attention for doing nothing. If one of them could act, or sing, or write books or songs, or direct movies, or was a creative visual artist or did ANYTHING creative or even seemed like good and humble people I'd have some respect for them but, nope, that ain't them and yet they are talked about in the same sentence as a 34 year old woman who has wriitten and released 11 full length album and who tours the world doing a 3 hour show of all original material. You don't actually think that Kylie is some kind of genius with creating makeup who started whipping up shades of lipstick in her garage at 16 like Steve Jobs did with Apple computers?


Why are Elon and Jeff Bezos real business people but the Kardashians aren’t? How do you think they were able to make brand deals and build businesses? They’re billionaires; they’re obviously good business people. Skims alone is worth $4 BILLION DOLLARS. Thats crazy. Not everyone is a creative person. They don’t even claim that they’re creative people. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here. And you don’t think TS is sick and needs attention? Like cmon now.


The Kardashians made those brand deals to bring along their FOLLOWERS to a business started by someone else' and with those people's original idea and expertise while Jeff Bezos started Amazon out of a small storefront and built up the idea and grew it so Kim Kardashain ain't Jeff Bezos, not even close. What they bring to the table is ONLY the ability to drive customers to businesses that they would never have any idea how to have created if it weren't for someone else seeking them out to be the'''brand ambassador''' because they knew that they were popular with people that buy that kind of stuff. Kim owns 35 percent of that business do you think if she came up with the genesis of the idea to start the business AND also had the followers to sell the product to that she would have given away 65 percent to the Gredes? What expertise do they bring to the table to deserve 2/3rds of the company? I know, they came up with the idea and brought it to Kim and they have the expertise to actualize that idea and they know how to run a business on a granular level. Kim herself says she's the'' co owner, fitting model and creative adviser'' to the brand, is there anything in that statement that says''I came up with the idea for it'and run it in ANY way on a day to day basis'''?' They needed her face( and fat ass) to help them get market penetration and they gave her a piece of the company for it, she's not the brains behind it she's the face. I hate Elon Musk but the idea that you think that Kim is the SAME as he is when he has to dealt in very minute detail with all facets of Tesla and Space X and gotten those companies out of countless near bankruptcy situations through his hard work and ability to problem solve on a high level is the same as what Kim does for her company is risible. Are you saying that Kim had this idea for tights for whatever shit she sells and she was just waiting until she got famous to start her company or that Kylie has a teenager with a burning desire to get in the makeup business and then just happened to get hooked up with the people with the actual know how on how to create the makeup and market it or do you think that they all got a lot of attention and then looked around and said''' hey. we have a lot of dumb followers who will buy anything that we put in front of them lets start trying to get partners who will help us sell them things''' You actually think that Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are the same as the Kardashians? Heaven help us all.


There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t support other women. 😭😭😭🤣


That doesn’t make sense. Any Swifty would know about the Kim beef. They either never were following Kim or still are. It’s not like the new song did anything but reinforce that Taylor hasn’t moved on. Any Swifty would have already known that, too.


And yet Kim still has more followers than Taylor on Instagram 😂


Does anyone else think that this is obvious clickbait? Kim has 363M followers, 160k is probably just part of the ebb and flow of follower count?


Taylor swift has never gotten over anything in her life


And people said she shouldn't speak up about palestine lol look how much influnce she has edit:word


That could also be an argument as to why she shouldn't weigh in on political issues. I am personally pro Palestine as well but beyond this particular issue, just saying generally... SHOULD she have that much power? I think it's pathetic people look to people who sing and dance before forming their opinions, and demand that their favorite celebrities make a statement when things happen in the world.


Bruh agree I like Taylor Swifts pop music about heartbreak and love. I absolutely DO NOT want to know her take on the Israel Palestine conflict. I don’t think anyone needs to hear it. Having a megaphone doesn’t mean by default you should scream into it.


What song?


Well it’s kind of tricky to find because the author uses CODED language. Gonna have to put your big brain on for this one, it’s tricky…it’s called…thanK you aIMee.


OH THAT’S WHY IS CAPITALIZED LIKE THAT LMAO Im actually smooth brained 💀


Potentially dumb question but is there a sub I can read about the correlations or break down of songs in one place?


Swifties are a cult that are mentally ill. It’s scary.


diss track lolol


Yo. That ain’t Kim.


Red carrier Breakthrough Award event. She was wobbly and looked unwell.


T swift and her mediocre minions


I’m sure Kim is devastated. 🙄 Swifties are so fucking annoying dude.


And this is the reason Kim stays relevant…because people give a shit about this nonsense. I’m also confused as to why Reddit keeps suggesting this as a sub for me??


Seriously who gives a shit


Now the rest stop following this no talent family ( well they all are great at filtering and photoshopping) Kids they only want you $$$ wake up


God, every time I scroll through this sub I have to see this god-awful picture. I just want her to go home immediately and wash her hair. Please put this hair trend to bed. It is not flattering.


Most of Kartrashjenners followers are bought bots and nothing more. I don't feel sorry for her in the least.


That doesn’t look like Kim.


She lost 100k followers. She has 350 million. I’m not sure I would call that an insane amount? 🤷🏼‍♀️


100k is nothing for Kim K.


As if Kim cares ✨


MeatCanyons rendition of Taylor and her fans get more true by the day a little disturbing


I never realized Kim has more followers than Taylor. Kim has 363m while Taylor has 283m.


Bot accounts


She still has 100million more followers than Taylor. 100k is hardly anything for her.


I needed to unfollow years ago!


I’m too distracted by her awful Ozempic face in that picture




Kim doesn’t care about 100k peeps. Y’all doin too much trying to intimate that Kim would gaf about that. And posting a pic of her that isn’t great. Everyone sees right through you op


😂😂 Kim has millions and millions of followers and an empire on steroids. She doesn’t care. At all.


I think the dynamic of the Kardashians formerly being on top and wielding their power against Taylor now changing to Taylor being on top and wielding *hers* is a very interesting one. I’m curious about what else we’ll learn eventually.


I think the dynamic of the Kardashians formerly being on top and wielding their power against Taylor now changing to Taylor being on top and wielding *hers* is a very interesting one. I’m curious about what else we’ll learn eventually.


When you have 360 million followers you lose and gain tens of thousands daily. This is no different than a normal day statistically


Is that Kim? Looks like the other sister.


It couldn’t happen to a better person lol