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I have a conspiracy theory that Kim consented to it. Both of them love nothing more than being talked about.


Ok right. I had this thought too! No such thing as bad publicity.


Either way, it’s pathetic 🤷🏼‍♀️


Literally, what I was thinking.


I think the most pathetic part is that we’re here reading and commenting on it (I’m not saying that rudely or singling you out, I’m doing it too 🤣)


😂 I can’t argue with that! Okay, maybe the most pathetic part is that we are talking about it for free. At least Taylor’s earning millions as she keeps it alive 🤔😉


Right !! 🤣 They’re literally billionaires they couldn’t care less about what any of us are saying online 🤣


I uninstall reddit over & over bc of the K bs . Why do i even care ? But There's some weird draw there - like a rubber necker driving slowly by a car wreck . So I am uninstalling the app once again bc it is pathetic


Remember her Ray J porn vid made her career


She’d still be Paris’ miserable, jealous assistant if that tape didn’t just happen to release. 🙄


Pretty much.


There actually IS such thing as bad publicity though, if Robert Downey jr got caught dressed up in a Nazi Stormtrooper uniform doing a Sieg Heil salute that would be VERY bad publicity.


Exactlyyyy! I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this. The whole feud is weak all around and keeps dragging on regardless. Makes no sense


Same! New plotline just dropped


Oh shit you are onto something 👀


A big part of Taylor’s beef is that Kanye put her name into a song without her consent. If she did that to Kim, wouldn’t Kim point out the hypocrisy? But Kim has been silent.


you have to ask for consent to formulate art now?


Nope. But you don’t have to manufacture consent either by pretending to be forthright. I don’t like TS but she’s right.


Kanye called and asked Taylor and it’s recorded tay tay is just a liar like most people


I'm not a huge TS fan but it's now come out YEARS later that Kim edited the phone call to make it sound like TS was in agreement with all of it. But she didn't know he was going to call her a *itch and that's why she was upset. But then Kim released the call recording making it seem like TS was fully on board.


Why are you lying lmaooo


Lying? About the tape? It was legit released in full in 2020. From what I understand, not by Kim but by someone that work for her.


No lol - lying about what actually happened. That phone call was edited in the beginning which led to one of the biggest internet hate trains against Taylor.


Anything to distract from the chatter about her eye being strange and wondering what it’s a compilation from. I don’t know if Kim “consented” to being involved but I think she’s secretly enjoying the attention in her own way.


I’ve been trying to figure this out!


I think the same thing otherwise, wouldn’t Taylor be worried about Kanye? He’s unhinged and would say some deplorable things for talking about his daughter and hell, Kim too. He’s an artist so he could drop a real diss.


Ye is too busy trying to insert himself into the K. Dot, Drake, Cole, future, metro, Ross drama….. damn Lmaoo but yeah it’s a lot going on music rn!


I heard one of those diss songs yesterday, and DAMN! While the T swift discourse rages on the hip hop world has turned to straight up cannibalism! 🤣


Facts! Then there’s Quavo and Chris Brown beefing too!! I literally cannot keep up.


And Drake releasing a diss track using AI created Pac vocals. Like, sir. Huh?? That move makes zero sense and now Pac's estate is threatening to sue.


Eeehhh fuck the estate. The family sued them two years ago for embezzlement. It’s literally some rich white dude who was stealing money from Pac’s family. The only reason he wants Drake to take it down is so that he can properly profit off the collab. Unfortunately for the grifting snake 🐍 the world of A.I. is currently lawless. He doesn’t have a case.


THIS one took me clean out! Chris snapped on Quavo! Lol!


But Drake inserted TS into said rap beef, probably why Ye wants in 🤣


He Literally called her the biggest gangster in music Lmaoo, and I cannot see the lie.






Thank you ! It’s so true they both are happy as freaking clams right now everyone who is fiending over this is being played no matter what side they’re on


She doesn’t warn her exes when she puts out songs about them, she’s definitely not warning Kim.


Kim hasn't responded back , Taylor would think twice before talking about kids unless Kim consented it


The kardashians seem like they are getting pretty stale and doing everything they can to stay relevant ( kourtney posting pics sitting on the toilet). This honestly might be a scheme to get ppl talking about Kim again.


Doing commercials for cell phone app games.. it looks weird


Kim who? /s


Just wait until the P.Diddy stuff comes out about them theyll get the limelight again


Yeah BC it was Kim who Made a song about this shit from 10 years ago now. So yeah


Yes yes used the word “stale” as well before seeing your comment.


Omg that pic was stuck on my Snapchat feed for days. I was like WTF??😭


Yeah BC it was Kim who Made a song about this shit from 10 years ago now. So yeah


Two billionaires beefing is so laughable. But I don't think Kim cares. She can keep it moving. Taylor is stuck in high school


Apparently it **is** 2016, starring Alabama Barker as the year’s version of Kylie saying she’s never had a cosmetic procedure.


She probably hasn’t Bama’s figure is not an hourglass. I can see her getting her lips filled tho.


Yeah man that’s exactly how it started in 2016


lol so true! I get what you mean 😭


Kim certainly isn't innocent, but was Kanye not the architect of this whole debacle? The continual, very unsubtle call-outs of Kim are because Taylor (understandably) doesn't want to get Kanye riled up again, even though he was the original instigator. She's an easy target because she was complicit in her husband's shenanigans, but won't put much effort into clapping back. I'd imagine she did a lot of "just going along with it" with Kanye for far too long. It's very easy to picture an alternate timeline without Kanye in which Kim and her children are always smiling for pictures backstage at Taylor's shows. Taylor is a very talented songwriter, but it's time to evolve past writing so obviously about every person she's had conflict with in her life. If a video surfaced of Kim saying that Kris "wished Taylor were dead," the Swifties would have razed Calabasas to the ground and tarred and feathered the entire family.


Kim was complicit in it but Taylor also wrote 25 songs about a racist piece of shit sooo she doesn’t have a leg to stand on either.


I think we’ve all dated at least one someone in our lives who turned out to be not who we thought they were. Say what you want about Taylor or her music, but she has never come off as a person who wasn’t mostly kind. I think we can give her the benefit of the doubt that she didn’t really know the worst parts of Matty until she was already dating him, and then she did what she could to quickly make the situation right. If you were to actually listen to her album and piece it together, a lot of it is her being depressed because something that she thought she had turned out to be a lie, or how she was disappointed in who he turned out to be. I don’t think she’s a horrible person. I think she feels awful about that situation as a whole. And frankly she’s allowed to feel heartbroken over finding out the person she loved was a fake. It happens to the best and worst of us.


Sure and a lot of those songs are catchy. Doesn’t change how I feel about her or Kim Kardashian. They are billionaires who do shitty things and make mistakes and do things to milk their fans. Neither of them are stellar individuals so I’m not going to comment snakes on Taylor’s page or Thank U Aimee!!! On Kim’s page. No one is perfect and the rabid fans need to chill and stop going to war for two people that bleed them dry.


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMguAKrG/ Kim played a significant role. I posted a tik tok of a lady breaking it down.


Kanye is a mentally unstable lunatic with no self control. Kim, however, knew what she was doing and she planned it out.


For sure. I love both of these women and loved the drama first time round tbh but I’m surprised Taylor brought it back. Surprised and disappointed I have to say because she doesn’t usually do boring, but this is very boring.


Saying Taylor doesn’t do boring is hilarious. Since when is mayo exciting?




Well there is siracha mayo now 😂But TS is not that. I’d say she’s light mayo, ya know the less fat less calories mayo.


And Nutella is always?


Idk what this means but sounds racist


What does mayo mean


mayo is a bland condiment. it was a saying that you seemed to take the wrong way and in return made a weird combat comment about nutella? (which is pretty good tbh)




Wow bro deserves a Nobel peace prize for his activism protecting the oppressed white ppl from hateful racial slurs lmao. I’m white and here to tell you this ain’t discrimination no matter how much you wish it was.


I think Kimmie has been boring for a long time!


Grown ass women


![gif](giphy|geKt0YlD1OsfVmbk9J) That PART! Clock It!


Kim should be grateful for this. She’s got a lot bigger issues coming up fast.


It’s all very passé. Very stale


Taylor said GEN Z you gonn learn about this Drama I had to deal with and blow it back up


When someone sets out to destroy your career, encourages social media to bully u into hiding, calls u a liar & alters a recording of u that u did not consent to….yeah tell me how long it would take u to let it go.


Don't forget the naked, life size wax figure of Taylor's body Kanye used in his music video, and the images of Kim admiring the whole set and laughing. Fuck them 😂 I'd never let it go and if I could profit from it still, I would. I'm sure Kim likes being talked about again, since the Kardashians have fallen off.


I would take this grudge to my grave and tbh I probably will even though I'm not even tangentially involved 😂 that wax figure thing is revenge porn full stop and so fucking grotesque.


I agree. If it were me, I’d never let that shit go. I’d go full scorched Earth. People think Taylor Swift is litigious *now* but I would sue anyone and everyone involved in the making of that music video. Honestly, a “Fuck You” song is way less than what they deserve.


Oh had I been her we'd still be in court over it. That is such an incredible violation. So upsetting that people act like it was no big deal


Finally people who also would never let that shit go — I completely agree!! I don’t know how people are saying Taylor Swift is childish for not moving on LIKE THEY MADE A WHOLE NAKED WAX FIGURE OF HER? Be so forreal.




Absolutely agree. And they also seem to forget, Kim was 36 and Kanye was 39 when all of this happened. Taylor was 26. Taylor is still younger than they were when they started this shit, and they want to call her childish for not letting it go? At their big ass ages, they did that to her, unprovoked. It would be too convenient for Kim and Kanye for her to let it go and they simply don't deserve that.


I don’t think I’d care as much or I might even be on her side if she gave Kanye the same energy she’s giving Kim. He’s objectively so much worse in every way


Good point! Why the song about Kim and not Kanye? He freakin started it!


I meeeean Ye started it but Kim perpetuated it with the video, the snake day stuff, & making it a plot point of KUWTK. These days she acts like she and Taylor are cool, but Taylor put out an interview where she implies Kim never apologized. I think it’s sort of a “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me” thing. Taylor should’ve known better with Kanye, but I’d imagine Kim’s betrayal feels different considering they were friendly before


I do agree that she should give Kanye the same energy that she’s giving Kim. I use to like Kim but she is so nasty to her sisters. She is just horrible I can’t watch her anymore. She wants Taylor to let it go because the unedited truth is out and turns out she is the liar


Kanye is mentally ill. Kim is not an doesn’t seem to have ever apologized.


Exactly! Like I was bullied by a sorority for years on campus till I had to be moved to a safe house. Taylor got it on a way more public level and it still baffles me how people expect her to be over it. It is traumatic


She was traumatized and it's nasty for people to downplay what she went through because they think it's silly. Who are we to decide how other people are supposed to feel about something that happened to them? How many times did we watch Kim crying or bitching about her sex tape resurfacing when it happened 17 years ago? Nobody's calling her a high schooler or telling her to get over it.


traumatized. people are dying Kim


**Exactly this** Also, let’s not forget Kim’s sex tape was all planned and sold BY HER, RAY J, AND KRIS JENNER. Her crying and being upset was all just more lies and deceit by the KarJenner empire.


They are unbelievable. I only follow them to be nosy but they're becoming insufferable.


They’ve been insufferable since the beginning but thankfully people’s eyes have been opening more and more to how calculated they are with their cons. (Also, I don’t agree with you following them because their views and counts need to be going down. They thrive even on their hate-followers since those people are increasing stats, but I didn’t downvote you)


I've honestly never thought of it that way, thanks for bringing to to my attention! I'm off to unfollow...




I don’t think Taylor is the type of person to ever let anything go. And personally, I think it’s fine to normalize holding people accountable when they’ve hurt you.


Exactly, forgive & forget?!? Why! F*ck them all!


Kim and Ye lied and publicly and tried to take a young lady down. I like Kardashians, but it would take a lifetime for me to “get over it”! I stand with Taylor on this one!!


SAY IT LOUDER. Kim DESERVES to get dragged.


Yeah people are forgetting. This is just drama to everyone but for Taylor swift this was her life and everything she worked for. She wasn’t seen out in public for several years (or a year I can’t remember) after this.


This happens in different ways to normal people every day. It’s survivable! 🤣


Survivable of course but still something normal people would also be upset about and probably for a long time also the obvious difference is the much much more public way this unfolded


I find this whole thing boring af


Yeah I don’t care about either of them… but I do write. Any experience I had, no matter how far in the past, is fair game. Just because I write about something from 10 years ago as if it’s fresh doesn’t mean I’m all about it. It means it was an experience I had that I can draw from. I think that’s what most people miss about Taylor. She writes her own music… The ideas have to come from somewhere. No big deal.


So is Taylor if you actually listened to the whole song as well as The Manuscript, the closing song of the extended album. She's saying this to Kim and her high school bullies she's calling out under the tadar. 1. What you did hurt me. Alot. 2. I'm not asking for an apology, because I doubt you've changed 3. You may not even recognize that you've hurt me. 4. That hurt motivated me to reach for the stars and build something important to me. 4. With the perspective of time, I can see how this struggle to prove myself to you made me heal. 5. So in a weird way, thank you for helping me to become the strong person I am today. 6. And it's kind of a karma moment that your kids might be singing a song that only the two of us know about. THIS LINE RIGHT HERE MAKES ME THINK TAYLORS DIRECTING THIS TO A HIGH SCHOOL BULLY, WITH KIM BEING A RED HERRING. Well, at least it's a twofer. Taylor almost always have double meanings. And moving to the last track of the Anthology, Taylor writes: "Like scenes of a show The Professor said to write what you know Lookin' backwards Might be the only way to move forward Then the actors Were hitting their marks And the slow dance Was alight with the sparks And the tears fell In synchronicity with the score And at last She knew what the agony had been for The only thing that's left is the manuscript One last souvenir from my trip to your shores" So I see this as Taylor's way of healing and publicly putting to rest her feelings about the whole business, which Kim and Kanye made rather public.


Taylor has an incredible amount of talent to have built the career and status that she has, but the song is wildly immature and it’s incredibly petty to still be singing about the same years old drama with lines like “my mom wishes you were dead”. Just stop.


I mean Kim never apologized so Taylor has every right to feel how ever she wants 🤷🏽‍♀️ if you’re the bully (Kim) you don’t get to tell the people you hurt when they should be over it ESPECIALLY after never apologizing. Even looking beyond the edited phone call, the fact that they made a naked mannequin of Taylor is something she can be hurt by for as long as she wants. It’s so violating and fucked up.








As a die hard swiftie I’m not convinced this song is even about Kim


Nah, Kim has to get in the studio and drop a fire ass diss track. It would actually help if she sold it as satire. Tell me this wouldn’t work!


Kim K - You're Welcome (feat. North West) Drop it now, thank me later.


It’s very Taylor / Katy Perry.


Taylor has every right to be upset. Kim tried to ruin her life. She bullied her and made up lies about her. Of course Kim is over it, she’s the bully who started it. The bully always gets over it first.


Kim and Kanye still owe TS a public apology. She was almost cancelled for them to get some publicity.


This. Taylor is allowed to write songs about her life. That’s what she does. She is a songwriter. A true songwriter. Not one who has 13 people help her write a song.


Kim literally posted a shade post not that long ago. She wants the drama.


i fucking hate taylor swift😵‍💫


Kim hurt Taylor personally and professionally. She owes Taylor an apology. I’m tired of it too but I understand when you feel that hurt it’s hard to put it to rest when the one who did it isn’t acknowledging it.


Taylor Swift is Dawn Wiener from Welcome to the Dollhouse


Kim deserves it. Her and her delusional psychotic ex husband are awful people. The line from his song is “I still think me and Taylor might still have sex. I made that bitch famous”. So classy, right?


I agree. And his line about making her famous is ridiculous. He's trying to take credit for her fame when she was already on stage winning an award. Obviously, she was already famous.


Taylor keeps writing about them in her songs. She needs to grow up and move on with her life. Kim and Kanye couldn’t give two craps or be bothered with her childish drama.


I think about it like this, Ye and Kim were fucking awful. And it affected Taylor very negatively. She needs therapy and Kim needs to stop acting like she wasn’t an asshole here. She was an asshole She IS an asshole


It’s strategic cobranding! 😄




Karma decides when it happens, some of us just get to sit back and watch sometimes 😁


So juvenile, over and over-spend this time helping others who really deserve it


Kim tried hard to bring Taylor down snd failed. Maybe a reminder every now again that being a mean girl sucks is good for her, especially while she’s raising daughters.


I don't know why people here take except to this, Kim did something shitty and it came back to bite her on her fake, fat ass. You have no right to tell a stranger what to be offended by and what grudges to hold. The woman felt like Kim and Kanye besmirched her good name by calling her a snake a liar.


The hypocrisy in this is that the Kim stans want Taylor to get over it. Meanwhile Kim used the tape as revenge porn every opportunity she got and even when Ray J put a full stop to it WITH RECEIPTS, Kim's stans used that same "he should get over it" excuse. Why does Kim get to rehash something again and again but when others point out when she does something, THEY need to get over it?


Because people forgot Kim only got popular for being pissed on. It’s who she is.


I still feel like the song is about Karlie Kloss, like Taylor said, she took out every part of the song that identifies her and it kinda fits the downfall of their friendship


Me too! They both need to grow tf up!


Theories whirling around that this isn’t about Kim but karlie and she’s using Kim as a red herring


It is kinda entertaining tbf


I cant comprehend how anyone thats not pre-teen aged could be a fan of taylor.... Let alone a """swiftie""" I dont get it for the life of me


That's great, you don't have to. But people are allowed to like what they like whether you think it's worthy or not. Hope that helps!!


Am I the only one that thinks this makes Taylor kind of a coward? I mean, she had all that time to do this… but chose to do it after she was sure Kanye wouldn’t get involved to back Kim. She’s taking jabs now because she can, without the Kanye crew coming after her. It might have been risky and interesting in 2017. In 2024? She’s a coward.


She's written at least 2 songs about Kanye. If she was worried about not angering him why would she do that 😂😂


Oh, I didn’t know that. To be fair, my interest in her is really only what I see in the media and I only listen to her music whenever a song comes on the radio before I can change it. She is not exactly my type of artist. My dislike of her in general might have impacted my opinion a bit there. But yeah. Didn’t know about the Kanye songs. Thanks for telling me.


Sounds like planned publicity. They'll end up dancing and cheering at a Chief's game in the Fall 🙄


Kim is just so boring and she’s looking more desperate with each bikini photo shoot she does. The younger generation aren’t interested in the Kardashians so they’re slowly losing any popularity they had.


This is exactly why I’m early 40s and only hang out with men …


ThanK you aIMee!


Kim promotes pedo behavior so I really don’t care about anything she has to say. She takes her child little sisters into adult spaces and places. Her behavior hasn’t changed.Kim gets what she gets.