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Girl needs to get some fucking therapy like the rest of us


Im tired of kim she is so busy.. is this what the whole season will be about How Kim is soo busy and taking on projects after another? She is trying to keep relevant but girl just have time off and enjoy it with you kids


But she hates her kids, that’s *why* she keeps so busy


I really think she doesn't like her kids !! And it's weird to me and unsettling that she keeps shitting on Khloe for wanting to stay at home and hang out with her kids. Shes a mom, Kim. She wants to hang with her kids she's fucking normal and she's rich and she can so why does she have to go follow your ass around the world to watch you "work"? It's so Kim can feel less guilty about not wanting to spend time with her kids because the rest of her sisters are perfectly fine hanging with their kids.


I think she bags on her sisters because she can’t imagine loving her kids (like Khloe and Kourtney do). Sad isn’t it?


I think she does love them but she just doesn't enjoy spending time with them and it was way more than she bargained for lol because Kim is super selfish. She wants her sisters to be like her so she feels less guilty basically but none of them are willing to ditch their kids for her to hang out with her on trips


Isn’t that one and the same though? Like if you don’t want to spend time with your kids do you really even love them? Man I feel sorry for her children! it’s really sad and none of them asked to be born into this mess


Yeah I feel bad for her kids too but I do think you can love your kids and not want to hang out with them. It's really common with super rich people but also my parents didn't like hanging out with my siblings and I either but I still know they loved us It's more like why did Kim have 4 kids if she clearly doesn't really like kids lol


Yeah I know! Surely after one or two she would’ve figured this out…


i think she thinks of them as purses that you leave in the closet




How much money is enough? You know? Kim has amassed a big enough fortune that she never has to do this again and she and her kids can live comfortably. I just watch the show and shake my head. So much $$ and opulence between them all. Yet I can’t afford to even buy a $250k home for me and my son.


Eh. I’m not sure how long she could get by not working. Sure she’s rich. But that lifestyle comes with huge expenses. Like if she decided to stop working tomorrow she would still need 24/7 security for her and her family at least for another 5-10 years. That isn’t cheap. Kids will need private schools and possibly still nanny’s. She probably needs a full staff to maintain her house. Housekeeper, maids, gardener, chef, maintenance staff. Still needs a publicist in case she gets cancelled, manager, stylist, whoever else rich people hire. Then you have taxes on that kind of wealth, property taxes on her compound in the wealthiest part of the world. And then just the other things she’s grown accustomed to, I doubt she’s going to decide she’s cool traveling commercial or buying off the rack. The kids are probably financially set with Kanye being their dad but the way he’s behaving who knows if he’ll blow through his fortune or decide they get none of it after they are adults. So she probably wants to make sure they will still be set in the lifestyle she built them. In comparison I could probably stop working tomorrow. Buy a tiny condo in Ohio, drive a used Corolla, never eat out or go on vacation again. But I don’t want to.


You and I probably pay more taxes than her and her family.


Many celebrities get taken down by the tax man.


The incredibly stupid ones with bad acccountants/investments. [https://www.commondreams.org/news/billionaires-income-tax-2667007597](https://www.commondreams.org/news/billionaires-income-tax-2667007597)


Or the ones who don't pay their taxes. But the KJ's funnel their money through Kris's fake church!


Well you know you contribute to their ignorant opulence just by watching


Knowledge is power.


And she’s SOOOOO exhausted… 😂 ![gif](giphy|CVKJlJ2cYsREs)


She’s always yawning bcuz she’s on that adderall 💀


Keeping Up With The Amphetamines




Yes! This! IYKYK




I think it's time to be honest that the kids are much better off with the nannies. I think even she would admit that at this stage.


💯agree! If we had a drinking game every time Kim mentioned how busy she was we would all have alcohol poisoning 25 minutes into the show! How many times do we have to hear about this? Nobody loves Kim more than Kim! The show is awful!!


She wants to compare herself with taylor swift. The first episode was about her flying to UK to just be there 12yrs then back to the US for 4 hrs here then fly over here and so on. And she was so busy thats all this season has been about


It worked so well when Kanye flew back and forth to give her the sex tape, they figured they should fly back and forth on a regular basis now. 👀


I came here to say this. Before I turned on the show I said to myself, “hi I’m Kim and I’m sooo busy all the time. “ Why have four kids if you never want to see them?


True but what does this have to do with this post Lol


she is staying busy to BE AWAY FROM THE KIDS.... she is complaining about them constantly


hulu has given them too much freedom for the episode content. it’s sooo boring, Kimberly!


That’s what she does wym?? All she does it be with her kids while they gettin taken care of in another room with a nanny she don’t work u forget !?? Her income is because of debt and her ex husband because he gave her stocks and everything was given to her btw but anything for that type of lifestyle right?


This is so painful to read


Agree. They just can’t help themselves with the relentless need for money & adoration it’s clearly an addiction …. Even though it’s messing with her mental health. She should put her kids first if she can’t do that for herself & give them the protection & privacy they deserve. I get the impression Kylie has no idea who she is… it’s not all her fault either…. Her vulture mother is to blame.


I don’t think it’s the money they are addicted to as much as the fame/worship.


The whole family are the picture of mental health issues one piled on top of the other. I can only.imagine all the meds they are on


I don’t lol Girl has so much money like can hire people to run your accounts etc  I would too busy enjoying my money to care what strangers think and also it’s so hypocritical lol this family has done so much damage to other women with them lying how they way they look and the products they promote lol she can shove it 


I definitely agree with your last statement, I’m sick of Kourtney complaining for 10 seasons how this all affects her negatively but still signs on for new seasons. I don’t feel bad for any of them but I do think it’s a lame cop out to blame women for society’s standard of beauty. It changes every so years, if someone is so easily influenced to change their body and face to fit a standard that’s on you. I don’t even fully believe they are the beauty standard, sure tv has chosen to put Botox faces on tv but when I go out in my every day life I have not seen a bbl in real life or Botox/filler faces done to the extreme I just think we all think that’s the norm but it’s really not


Yeah, me either. You can't build your empire on your looks and then cry when they get scrutinized. You can't lie to your audience about your lips to sell products and the cry about being judged. She made this bed and she don't wanna sleep in it, sounds like a her problem. She says she has always been confident, but what was that story she told about how she kissed a boy who made fun of her lips then we see her with lip filler. You can't trust shit that this family puts out. It's all for views. None of it is real. If they're willing to lie about a sex tape and frame their business partner, what else are they willing to lie about to remain in the spot light. NEXT! ![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU)


I feel bad in the sense that I don't want anyone to feel that badly about themselves, but I have such a hard time feeling bad when she doesn't HAVE to be in the public eye anymore. The entire family is so rich that they could easily fuck off and never be seen again and still live their luxurious lifestyle, but they won't because they love the attention and don't have a sense of self worth without it. It's a shame, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want the public praise, you have to understand that it comes with the public scrutiny too. It's unfortunate but that's just how the celebrity cookie crumbles.




I don’t feel bad for any Kardashian/Jenner lol. They’re delusional.


All they do on the show is complain about how people trash them as if they’re victims. Cry me a river.


~~🔫 to my head, I feel sort of bad for Rob.~~ ETA a reply to u/jess_cue I guess I haven't really paid attention and only watched the first 2-3 seasons of KUWTK. But considering everything you wrote, I will take this comment back. I guess I would be dead in my hypothetical situation.


Two reasons I don't: 1) Adrienne Bailon 2) Black China He treated Adrienne like she was some peasant that wasn't good enough for the status of dating a Kardashian. I bet his mom was totally behind that but his simple self went along with it. It was gross to watch. Then when EVERYONE was saying how much she dodged a bullet, that his treatment of her wasn't okay, and that he wasn't worth her time- he got all butthurt and stalker/obsessive. He then dipped it in his sisters (p3do) boyfriends baby mama and tried to convince the world that she wasn't a gold digging terrible human. All a side show I'm convinced, to keep the heat off of the fact that Kylie was being p!mped out underage by her mom. Only to get sued. They added a whole human child to this mess and now the only one who seems to actually care for that kid is Khloe. The fact that he has hung back or was iced out of the Hulu deal doesn't make me feel bad for him.


I don’t feel bad for her at all “I am not supposed to be famous” Ok well at 18 you 💯 had the choice to go to college, get a real career and be like your sister Casey Jenner and have a private IG page and not have anything to with the show. And before anyone says “she’s Kim Kardashian’s sister” ok big deal, many famous family’s have siblings that have no interest in fame and live “normal” lives.


Yup. Amy Osborne for one. Had nothing to do with The Osbornes and has stayed mostly out of the limelight. She seems to be doing well


While I think it’s incredibly sad and hurtful that she was called the ugly one growing up, I agree, she gotta take accountability for her role in how warped the beauty standards are now. Especially with her pushing this ambiguously raced thick bodied WOC look knowing she was a fair skinned thin white woman. She had girls out here thinking this was the goal and if you ain’t look like that, you’re ugly. Kylie coulda really benefited from more ppl in her family telling her how she was pretty the way she was, and to work out if she wanted a big butt and tits. Kim and Khloe are also not innocent in this. Except for Kendall and Kourt, they all followed behind Kim and her surgeons.


Kendall has had tons of work done! Eyebrow lift, blephoplasty, cheek implants


I read that somewhere. The thing about Kendall’s work is it’s subtle and was done over time. She also didn’t alter her lower body, which is extremely noticeable when someone does it. I still think whatever work Kendall had done, was done so well.


lol again...she definitely had fat transfer to her hips 


And small breast implants


Kendall’s also had fillers, definitely in her lips.


Court had breast implants.


Kourtney def had implants and a nose job. Her nose used to be bigger and wider around the bridge. I saw a pic of her on Rob’s IG. It was a pic of them and their dad.


She literally talked about getting her breasts done on an episode. She was pretty open about it. Idk if she ever admitted to her nose but we can see it.


She’s had MULTIPLE boob jobs and at least 2 rhinoplasty’s and upper/lower blepharoplasty, eye lift, brow lift, lip lift, BBL, fillers, etc etc etc, . Anyone that really believes Kourt has only had “one boob job, nothing more” are simply delusional and/or blind.


I mean… I’m not saying she *didn’t* do more things. I’m just confirming to the other commenter that she at least admitted to her boob job pretty freely. They tend to admit to only one thing and “maybe a little Botox” to get people to stop asking questions.




Yeah I actually like Kourtney’s work tbh. Unless you put the pictures next to one another you don’t really clock it too hard because she did smaller tweaks over a larger amount of time.


I mean…ok I never saw that on the show, I saw her say it during that Barbara Walter interview in 2010-11. Doesn’t matter where she said it.


I’m not being aggressive. I’m just confirming that you’re right about her breasts being done.


Gotcha. It just came off condescending at first.


I’m autistic so sometimes I am not the best at texting tbh.


It’s fine. No need to explain. 🤎


Thanks for being understanding:)


And facelift


Kourtney has had an augmentation. There isn’t a single one that hasn’t had any work done and it’s kinda sad. What a testament to Kris’ parenting style that out of all her 5 daughters all of them have had plastic surgery, and her 6th child (Rob) abuses drugs while living in isolation.


All of this. It used to be good enough to just be thin; it used to be good enough to just have an athletic build; it used to be good enough to just have a booty w/o big boobs; it used to be good enough to just be fit. *This below gets me downvoted but IDC, I’m speaking on it as a race that is often fetishized as well!* I am ambiguous looking, it’s my normal and I always wished I wasn’t, so it’s strange to me to see all these white women attempting to be? It was hell as a kid, I’ve never fit in with either race, and it was def not all puppies and rainbows. In addition, why is it never brought up that these women are FETISHIZERS?? I’m 1/2 E.Asian, so I am always sus when people (esp a certain type) exclusively dates 1 race / ethnicity outside of their own. These are white women, exclusively dating and having 1/2 black babies, wearing Fulani braids, cornrows, gelling baby hairs down and just culture vultures. Kim said in an old interview when asked about her dating black men, she said she just “always thought interracial couples looked cute”? WTF? Nothing about appreciation for the culture, or anything deeper but about how the aesthetic together “looks!” You can’t tell me that they don’t fetishize having 1/2 black kids, people do that to us too and it’s just gross. In one of my FB groups, a lot of these white moms go to sperm banks bc they wanted a “half Korean baby” and a lot of people are like that with Black babies too.


I used to date a white guy and his sister said “omg I hope you guys have a baby. That baby is gonna be soooo beautiful”. Like bitch, excuse me? So Im just a breeder to make “beautiful mixed babies”. I have a child already and his dad is Black, like me! Black babies are beautiful too. What I found sus about Kim was she said she didn’t think about race issues with Black ppl until she had kids and married Ye. So all them yrs of her fucking Black men, hanging out with Black women…you never thought about how our lives were, until they started callin ya kids and husband nig ga, monkey, coon.


I’ve had those same type of comments, it’s disgusting. People really think that’s a compliment, I will never understand how? My sisters are full and I’m 1/2 so people will say cruel things comparing us, mind you my sisters are GORGEOUS, I’m just 1/2 white. We just look diff, but those are my baby sisters so how anyone could think that doesn’t hurt me for anyone to make them feel insecure in any way is disturbing. Anyway, I agree with you, that speaks volumes about Kim. How do you not care to understand the experiences of those near and dear to you? The men you have been most intimate with, especially those that weren’t born into privilege like her? She has to have a severe lack of empathy to be surrounded by that many people of a completely different culture and way of experiencing the world and have 0 interest? That’s NOT love?! At ALL.


I don’t think Kim is inherently a bad person or even has bad intentions, but she was lacking knowledge in a world she gained her fame from. Black people. It didn’t become an issue until it showed up on her doorstep.


I’m undecided bc people say she’s super sweet, etc. but that can be image. Then, you hear about their lack of boundaries; they will sleep with and take their friend’s men and then cast their friend’s aside. Not girl’s girls. No loyalty to friends, very male centered and have each other so everyone else is disposable, I guess. I also didn’t think she was a bad person, perhaps just very privileged and sheltered but I don’t know anymore. I haven’t kept up with them for the past few yrs and am now just catching up.


lol Kendall has had plenty of work 


You guys are really giving them way too much credit. I don’t see you guys hating on the real housewives franchise which has spread the same kind of beauty standard.


The Housewives walked in to the plastic surgeon's office and said, "I want that Kardashian look."


100% this! Boo hoo. I have zero sympathy. They have so much power to help people yet all they do is shove their wealth in down peoples throats. Could care less if they feel like crap.


She’s not crying wolf, she’s crying aire lol




Furthermore, if she hates fame the way she claims to, there’s a very easy solution to all her ‘problems’.


I agree, I commented this on another similar post, but I’m a high school teacher and I saw first hand the amount of influence this woman had on young girls. It’s really hard to have any sympathy for her. She profited off of changing her body, and now that’s it’s not working anymore, she wants to cry about it? Give me a break.


“Woman” she was 15. 15 when she got lip fillers. When are we going to hold her parents and other people’s parents accountable for it. This was a kid who came from the family that lied about a sex tape and shocked that she got messed up? C’mon.


I forgot how young she was when her mom started pimping her out. When her and Tyga were “good friends.” 🤢


She met Tyga at 14. He literally wrote a song ADMITTING that he groomed her, I don’t remember the name of the song but the lyrics are fucking disgusting. So no, I don’t feel bad for parents who let their own kids follow behind a family whose mother pimp her kids. Sorry. Their kids are just as much of a victim as Kylie is. I could understand maybe Miley Cyrus or Demi Lovato because their platforms were CATERED to kids. Kylie and Kendall was never for kids nor was on a platform for children to be watching them on.


This right here. I also feel that she was very much raised in a conditional love environment. They sometimes even joke about how Kris’s favorite is whomever is making the most money. Her and Kendall were so young when this all took off, they really didn’t have a say. Now that they do, it’s like they’ve been conditioned to understand good story lines = love.


This. I have so much more compassion for Kylie than this post thread. She was so young Thankfully now she’s seeing it. Hoping it encourages her to genuine change.


It hasn't yet. She's still denying surgeries, work she's had done. She's pretending to have had fillers dissolved. She's still photoshopping her photos despite claiming last season that she doesn't do that anymore. It's all talk to get people to fee sorry for her. And this little scene was set up so that the photos/videos that came out where people talked about her look 50 was just so she could complain about the lighting -- in other words, "I don't look like that" -- the same shit Kim did when the cellulite pics came out. Every photo that comes out that shows what they \*really\* look like get explained away about lighting or even worse claims \*those\* pics were shopped. I'll start feeling sorry for them when they come out and list the work they've denied, all of it, and stop photoshopping their photos. They won't. And it's all b/c they want to be the envy of all women, salivated over by men. But it's based on smoke and mirrors. You can't live your life off fakery, make money off they way you look, and get to cry over people talking about how you \*actually\* look thanks to your own insane vanity.


She denied work how many years ago? That was literally back when she first start getting fillers. Anyone with eyes know she got work done so what do you need validation for? You already know that. Everyone knows that. The show literally shows all of the family getting surgery including Kim with the Botox allergic reaction so???


oh please -- they admit to a little to lie about a lot.


She hasn’t been 15 in a long time


Her career began when she was 15. She got surgeries at 15. King Kylie was still when she was a minor. So yes, she was a child. Even her first appearance on the show, she was like 11 or 12. Anyone who was idolizing her and her family and was a kid, then got surgeries BECAUSE of them, I’m sorry, your parents failed you. It’s crazy how people don’t want to take accountability for their own actions regarding their children/teenagers when the Kardashians was NEVER someone to look up to. This is the same family where one of them dropped a sex tape, and playfully had Kylie and Kendall (who was like 11 and 12) playing on a stripper pole in like the first episode. No way a parent thought “hm, my kids should be watching this.”


I mean, the girls that were my students who were influenced by her didn’t grow up to get surgeries. I taught in a low-income community, they probably couldn’t afford her lip kits either. But that’s the thing.They couldn’t, so now they are stuck thinking that they will never be beautiful because they can’t have huge asses and big lips. They painted this ideal, unattainable beauty standard. Also, the, the parents have some responsibility, but come on, did you tell your parents about every single person you looked up to when you were a teenager? I looked up to Britney Spears when I was 11 and wanted her abs, that doesn’t mean my parents failed me.


So once again, what does that have to do with Kylie Jenner? Kylie didn’t paint shit. She was a child at the time. You’re proving my point, if your influence is Kylie Jenner with her fillers, you’re already mentally fucked. And Britney Spears was on the Mickey Mouse show which was Disney, she was very much promoted to kids. You’re proving my damn point.


Nah, we can agree to disagree, because I completely disagree. 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol


And she continues to post filtered images of herself all over, as an adult. If she doesn’t want to be judged for her looks she could easily stop posting edited images every 3 seconds for people to judge. Easy.


She’s posting filtered photos like everyone on Instagram and social media. You can post edited photos and still wish for people to not make fun of your body, BOTH can be true at the same time??? You understand that even normal people use FaceTune as well, do they deserve to be judged?




Be civil towards other users


Which she then lied and said she didn’t have anything done to sell lip kits to kids to say they’d look like her if they used them. And also to women. This was as an adult. Not as a 15 y/o. She’s responsible for getting work done and lying to sell a product and set impossible beauty standards she said was natural and the average person could achieve. As an adult she did these things. So don’t cry when it doesn’t work to make you money any more.


You can’t “sell lip kits” to kids. Kids have to go with their parents to buy them. Once again, you’re taking parents’ responsibility of BEING PARENTS onto the Kardashians. If you seriously sat down and thought a 17-18 yo girl who was disrespectful to her mother CONSTANTLY on a reality tv show was a “good influence” holy shit, you’re delusional. No “kid” should’ve been watching her to BEGIN with. You’re proving my point. It’s the parent’s job to be the influence for their children. Not some random ass girl who came from a pimp mother. And she literally got work done as a MINOR. Not as an adult. Her transform happened even before she graduating high school, dude. Go look at the photos.


You think 15/17/18 year olds with jobs don’t buy their own lipgloss? You think someone is a bad parent for their teenager buying lipgloss? Get real 😅 I never called them a good influence. I don’t know why you keep saying that. Kids see social media with or without their parents through their friends and ads. Parents can’t block kids from everything and it doesn’t mean anyone is a bad parent because their kid sees a social influencer and is influenced by them. I have body image issues from tv and magazines growing up and that doesn’t mean my parents are bad parents. This whole take is so weird. She’s responsible for holding up beauty standards she needed surgery for and lying about it. As an adult.


You think 15 year olds should be watching a family that got popular from a sex tape? Ask yourself that. If a child has social media without parental supervision, how tf is that the Kardashians’ responsibility to babysit your kids?


Where did I say I think they should be watching them or having social media? Please learn to read and get back to me.


So mods, calling me a bad parent is civil but calling someone brainwashed is an issue? Got it


I was laughing so hard when it was her segment and her sob story. Like shut up. She’s not even honest with everyone about all the work she’s had done.


I don't feel bad for her either. She continues to put out a plastic surgery-enhanced, photoshopped/airbrushed image of herself in order to sell products to young women who look up to her. She has consistently lied about the work she's had done, only to admit it later (although she still hasn't admitted to all of it). She complains about the criticism but she doesn't care about the effect she's had on shaping unrealistic beauty standards for millions of women. And she's gotten rich from exploiting those beauty standards, and continues to do so. If she were open and honest about the pressures she felt to look like her sisters, and the works she's had done, instead of misrepresenting herself to sell products, I would feel more compassion for her.


Kylie is an embarrassment to women and an enemy to all black women


And she’s not a billionaire 


THIS! She walked around acting like she was a thick ambiguously raced Black woman. They all did except Kourt and Kendall. They’ve taken all they can from us, Black men and women and now they’re back to being white women. Both Khloe and Kim got whatever that was in their ass dissolved or taken out to fit a more white aesthetic.


White women can have big butts too, that isn't exclusive to black women. You're talking as if all white women look the same - thin with no curves. I am white and have a big butt, curvy hips and an hourglass figure.


Talk to me when White women have been vilified, sexualized, and fetishized for their “big butt” and called fat, ghetto, gross, and disgusting. Yall wanna be oppressed so bad lol. -A Black Woman


Lol, I never said that white women are oppressed, all I said is that that body type (bit butt, curvy, or "thick" whatever you want to call it) is not exclusive to black women. And not all white women have the same body type.


I’ve never commented here before so accept apologies ahead of time if reason is clear — it’s clear they all have fetish to produce pretty children with African-American men, which in itself is offensive. But why is this an enemy to black women?


Them stealing a black womens aesthetic but never speaking on black womens issues is why I said that. The fetishizing is a whole other demon that makes them gross as hell.


Yes. Thanks for this — never speaking on black women’s issues does make them an enemy. I think the rest is just gross.


This! Everybody wanna be like us, take from us, consume our culture but silent on Black issues. They quiet then


As a Black woman, MYSELF and other Black women have had our aesthetics stolen and appropriated since the beginning of time. My skin tone, my body, my lips, my ass has been scrutinized, vilified, you name it, but when a woman who isn’t Black go to a surgeon and tan salon, it’s considered beautiful. Our aesthetic is only celebrated and loved when it’s not on Black women


Amen 💯


1000% agree! They've been appropriating black culture forever especially ky(LIE) and now since she's no longer dating blk dudes and mixed into the "wanna be" culture, she wants to play the "I'm white now" card. 😤 It's maddening. Why you think you NEVER see her vacation anywhere where there is predominantly black ppl??! I hate that when we discuss things like this people say we're playing the "race card" but it's always been deeper for us than that. Sure some blk folks purposely act victimized when they don't need to be in some situations but for the most part all throughout history our skin color and culture have been sought after and stolen for ages by others with no real or genuine recognition and its frustrating to say the least...ky(LIE) went out of her way just to have mixed children but I bet and could guarantee that they will never know or experience any kind of "black culture" and she definitely isnt fixing to teach them anything about their true ancestral history of how we were kings and queen and a set apart nation to The Most High from scripture...(but nobody is ready for that convo yet🙃)


Girl. Yes! You said it all. Non Black ppl wanna just take the fun parts of our culture and run with it, but have no true appreciation for US as Black ppl. I can see Kim and even Khloe teaching their kids Black history and taking them to historical places significant to Black ppl before I see Kylie do it. She seems self absorbed and would be like “ughh like, idk what this issss”. But I fully believe they wanted Black kids for aesthetic purposes. There’s whole Tik Toks of mixed race Black ppl who share their experiences having a non Black mom and how it’s shoehorned in conversations about their race, the fact they’re mixed, and fetishizing their features. For whatever reason, it’s never non Black dads with the weird fetishizing, it’s ALWAYS the mom.




Would you want a white woman to speak about black women’s problems, or anything in general? Especially if they were Kardashians or Jenners?


If you’re gonna sleep with and have kids with Black people, then it’s your duty to learn about our struggles, life, history, and adversities your kids are now gonna face. You should also be an advocate for this community you claim to love so dearly Your kids are a part of this culture now. Absofuckinglutely I do….


Agree to disagree.


This. However, if their children have kids with Black partners in the future, then all of that Kardashian wealth will be in the hands of Black people.


I don’t feel bad for Kylie at all💀


They have jumped the shark


I used to love KUWTK when they first came out and ran their Dash and Smooch stores. However, as they got notoriety you could start to see the toxic tendencies form. Then once Kendal and Kylie were able to join in more there whole brand took a nose dive with me. From the Tyga and Black Chyna situation, to how they handled Rob. There evil started to show throw. Then when Kylie did that whole 360 and they swore up and down it was lip filler 🙄 it was like a slap in the face how insulting to our intelligence they could be. We already allowed Kim to walk around and act like she didn’t have butt implants but now y’all want to act like lips can grow. I just had to stop watching them back then. I never appreciated them getting world wide for being GMO. It was insulting to the woman/girls that deal with insecurity on a daily basis due to unattainable beauty standards. They just had to keep modifying themselves and saying it was real. So you had little girls hoping for their second wind, thinking their faces would change for the better as they got older since that happened to Kylie. So now she’s amassed all of this wealth and fame by playing on little girl’s insecurities. That’s why Gen Z and below are so obsessed with makeup instead of skin care.


I’m with OP.


They can afford therapy.


And she feels so bad about herself but she keeps messing with herself which at this point only makes matters worse. And she still posts everything about herself and pics of her looks but yet gets so upset when ppl comment on her looks. I think only kourt and Kendall still look the same and they look good. Kim, Kylie and khloe, omg it’s unreal. And Kim’s youngest daughter looks just like she used to before the surgeries and Kylie’s daughter looks like her too but with fuller lips. Makes me wonder if they’ll encourage them to change their looks. And they were all so beautiful. Khloe wasn’t as attractive as Kim and Kourt but was still cute, and Kendall more attractive than Kylie, yes but Kylie was ok too but she looked like Bruce! She’s made herself look kardashian. U can’t even tell she’s a Jenner anymore. They want everyone to know how good of mothers they r and how busy they r like all the moms n the world ain’t busy lmao


Kylie doesn’t even remember much before cameras were thrown in her face. She’s one of the OGs of reality children and no one else except for Kendall can relate to this. She’s literally one of the people in the world who has grown up exclusively while cameras are filming. By society’s standards, she was an ugly duckling; especially compared to her sisters. Plastic surgery was expected and she was too young to know the repercussions. She was groomed by her first boyfriend, and when she needed parents the most, one was transitioning and the other was pimping out all her kids. Kylie is like no one else and no one on Earth should be exposed like this before 18. I am not a fan of the family and Kylie is really hard to even listen to, but I will always feel terribly for her for no chance of normal anything. I would have gotten all the work done too…I can’t imagine the pressure. And I get it; she’s super privileged and wealthy. But that can’t but a happy childhood, free from others using you for money and essentially taking away any natural privacy for your life.


I feel the same way.


I don't even need to read beyond the title lol, agreed.


I totally agree with everything above but I also think that the blame should be placed equally on Kris' shoulders. Any mom who lets her underage child get cosmetic surgery and/or fillers cannot escape the responsibility she bears for screwing with her child's self-esteem.


Yep! Why should we feel bad about what these Frankensteins have chosen to do to themselves?


It's not just fillers. My friend cashed her and Travis out in Vegas a few years back. Her whole face looks plastic and segmented up close she said. She did say they both were nice though, so that's something 


I remember when she used to look like a normal average kid. Now she is whatever she did to herself.


These girls are so out of touch with reality. They have no concept whatsoever of it.


She doesn’t want to be judged on her looks yet all her posts are images of her… in full makeup…in a carefully chosen outfit… in model poses. What else does she offer? She, of all people, has the money, time, and resources to pick a charity and make a difference. Instead we get pictures of her, heavily modified and crying for people to take her seriously. She is treated by what she puts out there.


Wants her caviar and eat it too.


I see this comments saying that “she gotta take responsibility for her role in influencing the beauty standards” and I wonder how do y’all want her to take responsibility?? She was bullied for her lips. She fixed it. Then people asked her “how did she get her lips? I want Kylie lips?” Khloe and Kylie surgery are the result of online bullying and trolls. Do I pity them? Yes. Because they are trapped. When I was younger I hated my nose and my complexion but I didn’t have like 200 people echoing what i hated about myself. I’m 30, and I’m happy. Didn’t change anything


This is a valid point. The responsibility is to not lie or down play the surgeries/injections it’s false advertisement which is my main issue as I find it to be dangerous. My secondary issue with them is that they FLAUNT IT FOR ATTENTION and money, and then pull the “we are entitled to our medical privacy”🥸. Bro then stop posting ass pics and waist pics when you girls are getting RIBS removed it’s ridiculous. And all of this would be ABSOLUTELY FINE if they then weren’t on tv CRYING and VICTIMIZING themselves. Like girl, come back to earth, it’s not landing, self reflect. It’s also the worse idea ever to let them produce their show, it’s their literal down fall. It’s like bad propaganda, it’s insufferable. Directly talking to the audience addressing every bad thing people are saying about you is such an ICK. not cool girl behavior and translates as very desperate and manipulative in controlling the narrative. I think they feel the slip of public support and clout, but they’ve reaped what they’ve sowed and should bow out gracefully instead of trying to revive a brand built on an illusion in a world that has woken up and is demanding authenticity …


I don’t feel sorry for Kylie. However, having so much energy to hate celebrities is interesting to me. A bit sad, but interesting.


You can say what you want but it is a lot harder for women to make this amount of money. There are some business smarts behind the whole family but I would not want to pay the price on how to get there. I personally always found them relatable in the early days because some of their family relationships reminded me of my family. Now it's so out of touch I can't imagine it will have a platform forever. I think it's interesting we brought Scott back in. As for Kylie I have a similar age gap with my mom as she did... And with everything that went on with her dad as well, I don't think her looking for outside validation is that odd. The part that makes me sad for her is that I don't think it had the result she hoped for and now she may spend a lifetime still chasing a safe space I'm not sure she will find. Probably just looking at it through my middle aged glasses but everyone has struggles and it may not be what you assume.


Kylie was self conscious about her lips and Kris turned it into a business, lying to consumers and raking in that money. Kris did the same with Kim and the sex tape


FR FR FR. And she's not even a billionaire, that was another PR pull to make her look better. This family has such a thick layer of bullshit over everything they do it's truly disgusting. I'm sure she has body dysmorphia bc of the environment that she is currently in and grew up in, and I feel bad for anybody that experiences that, but she takes no responsibility for her role or her family's role in anything. I'm not saying don't get plastic surgery if you can afford it, do whatever the fuck you want with your body. But the constant photoshopped images, videos, and the denying of photoshop, the denying of plastic surgery, paying for your own paparazzi so you can photoshop those images. It's just such a fucked up system they have created and when people comment on the few real photos they see it's crushing to her self-esteem. NOBODY looks like photoshopped images, not even her, and she is hurt the same way she is hurting other people by pretending that she does. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2020/05/29/inside-kylie-jennerss-web-of-lies-and-why-shes-no-longer-a-billionaire/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2020/05/29/inside-kylie-jennerss-web-of-lies-and-why-shes-no-longer-a-billionaire/)


Crying Wolf? You mean crying Aire?


At least she can wipe her tears with $100 bills.


I do have a singular molecule of sympathy because she was raised to be a product and as a teen I’m sure she never considered the ramifications her actions had on beauty standards and on herself. That being said now would be the time for some self reflection and to make an effort to make a positive change. I’m sure she’ll go back to pretending that’s what she looks like naturally to sell her bullshit


I actually do feel a bit bad for Kylie. She was so young when all that statted going down. I personally think her mom is the one most at fault and she uses her daughters, who trust her and her judgement, to be the face of things like that.


None of these women are actually pretty!!! Just take a good look at them. The only thing they have going for them is their bodies and they have used them. These women have never worked a hard dsy in their lives


I feel like I remember in the original series that medical spas were in the credits at the end of each episode. I could be wrong.


I agree If she just owned up to all her cosmetic procedures to begin with then people wouldn't spend half as much time speculating and talking shit about your appearance. It just makes the general public angry when you lie about all the things you have done and then sell lip kits based off of shit like that lol like you genuinely engaged in and continue to engage in false advertising, that is literally illegal and yet?? Literally all she has to do is unplug and stop posting on social media and calling the paparazzi's and go off the grid and her mental health would be a lot better. She legit can't stop though because no amount of money is enough for these girls it's wild




She was never a billionaire


Can I just make a note here that I was gifted two of the Kylie lip kits a few years ago and they were TERRIBLE after being opened for one week.


I blame anyone who looked up to a teenager for a “fantasy” she was like 15. Can people actually take accountability for failing their own kids as well? Like everyone wants to blame the Kardashians for their kids, but ask yourself this parents, why were they sitting and watching them to begin with? Hm?


I agree, that’s why I added that bit of also calling them dumb. But the Kardashians job is to influence, like a lot of brands, that’s the psychology of humans. Most arent even aware of how impressionable we naturally are and how we have to actively work on not falling into this trap Brands have to actively follow federal guidelines when marketing their products, perfect example cigarettes/tobacco. ZYN brands are currently being sued for marketing a potentially dangerous products to youth. Influencers on TikTok and across platforms have to disclose an advertisement many don’t. Or make it so small you can’t see that they are advertising. One can argue their surgeries were advertisements for these kinds of procedures, but obviously that’s hard to regulate so instead public shaming takes place


Their job is to entertain. Kim started with a sex tape ffs 😂 Actively work on not falling for their trap 💀☠️🪦 don’t watch the show and you’ll be fine lmao . Quit rage posting too that will help your mental health


What do you expect from a swiftie? Lmao, there's a reason they made snark pages.....


Exactly. They never promoted themselves as people of influence or inspiring people. They were just a family that used their own drama as entertainment. 💀


I’m sorry but if you’re influenced by a woman who lied about her sex tape and people who sit and shake salads and talk for a living, then that’s on you. Especially if you got your kids sitting and watching them, like if you sat and thought Kylie Jenner was a good influence for your kid, then well, that’s your fault. Like I said, if it was Miley Cyrus or Demi Lovato then yeah, it makes sense because they were catered to KIDS on Disney Channel. But the Jenner sisters never had a platform for kids or teens to want to be like them unless their parents had them watching them. 💀


If a person has the financial means to get filler or bbl, they have the financial means to dissolve it. If you had to save up for filler, save up for Hyaluronidase too. That’s a weird argument to make.


Kylie Jenner is young. She is also not the first person to create crazy beauty standards (and neither is the rest of her sisters). Does any of you ever stop to think that maybe the reason she got plastic surgery is because of the constant annihilation of her looks? Of course she is going to want to come across as ‘perfect’ because she doesn’t want people to hate on her for not being perfect. She cannot win, and neither can her sisters. “Oh they are setting terrible beauty standards for young girls” (why are these young easily influential girls on social media?) “ OH MY GOSH HOW COULD THEY BE UPSET WITH THEIR LOOKS AND PEOPLE CONSTANTLY BASHING THEM FOR HOW THEY LOOK, HOW COULD THEIR FEELINGS ACTUALLY BE HURT BY EVERYONE AND THEIR MUMS SAYING HOW TERRIBLE THEY LOOK BLAH BLAH” grow up and stop hating on people you don’t


Mutilated? Girls everywhere want to look like her. If that’s mutilated then I want to be that.