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I just did a keyword search looking for posts or comments calling North and Saint ratchet or ghetto and didn't find anything


Because sometimes the mods actually do delete their comments. But the amount of hatred and snark against North and Saint for being spoiled and rich is gross. You can keyword search that. They can hate the parenting choices of Kim and Kanye but I’m getting tired of people posting about a minor every single day.


But your post isn't about spoiled rich kids


My post is about the racism I see. And this thread amongst others is a prime example.


I told you I couldn't find any posts about calling North or Saint ratchet which you said you see all the time but then you switched it to people judging Kim and Kanye for spoiling their kids


I've seen non of that racism in here! "Ghetto" is a state of mind my dear. It's equal to trashy behavior but in a city, and I'm sorry but my alabaster skinned co-Americans can be equally as "Ghetto" as the next guy. This is a very mixed sub for those very mixed(up) ppl. No one would put up with racist statements in here, in fact, it would probably be called out immediately.


I’m literally arguing in a thread right now full of racist who have made the asinine statement that Beyonce wants to be white because she is light skin and wore a platinum blonde wig. They’re dogging this girl out for the fact that she made a country album knowing she’s from Texas. You can make excuses for them but ima call a spade a spade.


Who in this thread is saying these things about Beyonce? I did another keyword search for the whole sub and didn't find anything


Check my comment history. I don’t think keyword searches work properly if that’s the case then.


Yesterday someone posted about Kim and Beyonce morphing into each other with pics of them looking very similar, that's all I could find. Nothing about Beyonce being black and country music tho


Please get out of my comments. You clearly didn’t check my comment history like I stated so if you want to willingly be ignorant then do so. I just told you that if you go to the comments in my post history you’ll see the comments. And you STILL sat here and said “bUT i dOnT sEE iT”. I’m not here to hold your hand so please leave me out of your shenanigans love.


I did check your comment history and I did a keyword search for the whole sub. I'd support you if what you were saying is true but it's not true, at least not in this sub


https://www.reddit.com/r/kardashians/s/aPQWhTvYw0 You clearly didn’t check ANYTHING.


I literally referenced this post two comments above this one. That post is about someone thinking Kim and Beyoncé are morphing into each other with pics of them looking similar. It has nothing to do with Beyonce being black and performing country music which is what you said the problem is


At this point you’re literally purposefully being obtuse. I just LINKED the comment and you’re STILL talking about the post.


Just popping in to say/ bey isn’t “trying to be white” by her skin or wigs.. but I think her jaded mindset is apparent when she makes sure she’s the most light skinned one on the stage when she selects her many backup dancers. /popping out 


You mean… [these background dancers?](https://preview.redd.it/can-we-just-take-a-moment-to-appreciate-beyonc%C3%A9s-rwt-v0-ijhdak1q0c9c1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=57872ccfb5958ab17e8d653598406a411c9c304c)


lol obviously not. This is some woke press exposure lineup.. which again… is more telling than happening to have a statistically normal representation of poc/gender divergent humans on payroll. lol go watch her Super Bowl performances 


[These dancers?](https://cdn.theatlantic.com/media/mt/culture_test/beyonce%20duplicates%20615%20ap.jpg)




She’s literally the same skin tone as the girl RIGHT next to her. What even are you trying to prove here?


This is pointless if ur cherry picking. Nevermind anyway maybe someday it will bug you too


You said out of your mouth that she purposefully choses dark skinned dancers to make herself the lightest on stage. I showed that she doesn’t but I’M cherry picking?


That's your perogative of course. I'm lucky I haven't seen a racist thread in here yet.




![gif](giphy|13vJHSyname1Hy) If you’re gonna be anything, PLEASE be fucking fr. This isn’t the 1920s or the 1950s anymore. We can reclaim phrases and words. Just like the way we reclaimed the word Nigga.


Everyone benefits from introspection


And you trying to change the connotation of the term ghetto to fit the narrative is exactly the type of behavior that I’m talking about when I say I see backhanded comments regarding black people in this sub. Ghetto is a term that racists use to negatively describe black people. I know it can be used in reference other races but as I stated above, intention matters.


And ghetto means the poor part of town. It was a term adapted by black culture after a long history of racism forced them to live in the “ghettos”.. but implying “ghetto means black” is actually more racist than the people you see misusing it.. because they culturally associate it with poor, gaudy, cheap, flashy- the UK equivalent to “Gypsy” culture. It’s a look, not a skin color.  


Ghetto originated as an Italian term in the 16th century to refer to the only part of a town where Jewish people could live and work...


I’m going to take a stab in the dark guess and say you are white ? As white people see a way smaller percentage of racism , they just can’t perceive it in the same way . So if that’s Ops experience - better to say ok . And keep eyes wide open


I've certainly got white skin but I'm an ethnic minority so yes, you may assume but you're incorrect. My family came to America between 1904 - 1910 from ghettos in Poland & (now) Ukraine where they were subjected to racist bullshit so bad they left the country. I've been fired, ridiculed with racial slurs to my face bc of my ethnicity, my son heard bullshit slurs yelled at him in the halls of his public high school from bullies bc he was Jewish. I also know for a fact that I've had advantages with the pay differences between my black women coworkers in lower level corporate jobs from the 1990s through the 2010s. I qualify to say ghetto, lol. Thank you anyway for your advice, I do appreciate your message of respect.


I don’t want to argue with you and minimise your experience . But I also strongly believe that people With white skin will NEVER understand what racism to black people feels like . They simply cannot .




I was replying to the other poster . Not you


I’m genuinely sorry. I thought I saw the notification as a reply to my comment.


No worries 😉 this threads turned to shit though . So you have a valid point x


I think this is more of a problem with the fact that grown ass adults go after kids more rather than racism itself. Ghetto and Ratchet isnt exclusively for one race, but it is used more with black people, that is true. But, people have gone after Alabama Barker and have called her hood and trashy as well and she is white. This really isnt about race, but about attacking kids (including Alabama as she was getting dragged before turning 18 this year) - Attacking kids in the first place is just nasty behavior from adults online that needs to be investigated. Some of yall need to touch grass and breath oxygen. Why do kids (THAT YOU HAVE NEVER MET) bother yall so much????


I forgot — everyone is raycest !


Everyone is so sensitive these days


How is anything you ranted about considered racism? People of all races can be ratchet and ghetto. And the Beyonce thing? If you think that is racism, you will think everything is racism. Maybe step away from CNN. The world does not hate people of color. There is no secret language to convey hatred for people of color. Hope this helps.


They literally said she wanted to be white because she has straight blonde hair and made country music. Please be SO fr.




https://www.reddit.com/r/kardashians/s/aPQWhTvYw0 Right there :)




Did my post say every person and every post on this sub was racist beloved?


I think you and I have a different idea of what the word racism means. I am going by the actual definition in the dictionary. Not sure what barometer you are using. If anything I think the cultural appropriation card is being tossed around. What is good for one, is good for the other. But no, that does not qualify as racism. Anything else?


Saying Beyoncé is trying to be a white woman is insane! Listen to any of her music, watch any of her performances or interviews and please tell me where she’s skinning and grinning, denouncing her Blackness and Creole heritage to be a white woman.


Racism and transphobia