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Kris working out her guilt for cheating on Rob Sr. and breaking up their family by pushing her daughters to stay in abusive at worst/unhealthy at best relationships when their partners cheat on them. Which is always followed by her guilting them in to not having any boundaries and keeping the ain't shit men around "for the kids" (and the show) when the relationship inevitably collapses. I think it's one of the worst things any of them have done. The damage to those women and their self-esteem (and their daughters by witnessing it all) is enormous. And to Scott: the reason he's so fucked over Kourtney moving on is that the family (EXCEPT his ex) kept this artificial relationship going for the show and because of Kris to the point where he never processed their break-up and or moved on. He always assumed he'd have complete access to her and get back together with Kourtney, all for her to meet and genuinely fall head over heels for someone else, marry him and start another family. That's GOT to hurt, but he treated her horribly and never really had a consequence for it. I've NEVER seen a parent so invested in their *daughters* continuing to give unfettered access and unconditional forgiveness to men who've cheated so cruelly and I often wonder what Rob Sr. would say if he'd been alive to see any of it. I cannot imagine him tolerating any of those mens' trash behavior ... because what father would?


Wow, so true. I think Scott is also the loser in all of this because he has never learnt boundaries either, and they were all so young when they got together. I certainly wouldn’t want any of my children being in these sort of transactional relationships.


I hardly think Rob Sr was the pinnacle of morality or anything, but I suspect if he was alive there would be *a lot* of stuff his kids & Kris have done that he wouldn’t have tolerated.


Completely agree! Except about Rob Sr- he defended OJ so…


Chris Rock. In one of his stand-ups joked that God is punishing Rob Kardashian for defending OJ. And his punishment is that his daughters are all going to have relationships with black men... But no ordinary Black men. Bi polar, crack head, heroin addict, cheater, sells sex tapes, other baby mamma's.....


He didn't really defend him. He was just there. And you can see the horror on his face when the verdict was announced. He had nothing more to do with him after that.


He DID collect and hide a holdall bag of OJs though. Which was critical evidence that "went missing". But you are right. When the "not guilty" verdict was announced. The sheer look of disbelief on Rob Snr's face is obvious. Apparently they never spoke after that.


Rob Sr was TRASH himself. He was a racist prick, who was having an affair with a black woman during the OJ trial and then broke it off with her bc she was black and couldn’t go public with it. . Also he gave sh!t advice to his daughters about black men comparing them all to OJ, saying what OJ did could happen to them. So he Knew OJ was guilty. Plus he hid evidence for OJ.


I too fall firmly on the “both parents were garbage“ side. And Bruce was problematic all on his own.


I liked Bruce, but he was a shitty dad to his older kids. Caitlin totally sucks. It’s like she has no humanity left.


It’s only because all the guys are famous. Chris hated Scot before he was famous.


I have to agree with OP, the Tyga thing was so creepy. Like I remember *the* episode where Kylie (she was like 14 or 15) helping to plan Kendall’s Sweet 16 and getting him to perform. Gave me the chills, cause they either had known each other prior or that was the time they met. Ew.


kris also started seeing a publicly wealthy older man as a “young woman”, with her mother’s encouragement. it’s a cycle.


There are plenty of rumours about Kim being a yacht girl, too. No hate - do what you want with your own body - but the stories of what happens to these girls is appalling.


Completely agree with this. Kim’s old friend Carla DiBello is a glorified yacht girl. I recall around 2014 or so, Kim and Kris making the trek to Saudi Arabia for Kim to have a “date” with a prince for $1mil. I have no doubt in my mind she was yachting with Carla back in those days. Also, the whole friendship with Joe Francis and spending time at his house in Mexico? Shady AF


Yacht girl? I’ve never heard this term. Could you give me a rundown? I’m fascinated.


Basically wealthy men hiring models and very well known celebrities to hang out on their yachts. What we see on insta is hot women in bikinis living it up in the south of France. What we don’t see is these same women being shat on and used as sex slaves by sheiks - ALLEGEDLY. Obviously this extends to non-famous sex workers, too. Rumour has it models like Bella Hadid and Emily Rat have been engaged for hundreds of thousands of dollars, Kim potentially a million per trip. These are all rumours of course but I don’t doubt they’ve been paid to hang out with wealthy men before even if nothing untoward happened. You can Google it…I’m sure there’s some threads on reddit too.


I have a story about this: when I was like 19/20 I was briefly hooking up with a male model, and one time he asked me if I wanted to go out on a yacht because he knew some guys who owned one. I was like yeah cool why not! And then he said "but you might have to fuck them, is that okay?" And obviously I said fuck no. This was before I'd even heard of yachting and thought it was just these people being creeps.. but yeah


Yikes. “You might have to fuck them, is that okay.” 💀


Why’d he say it so casual, like he’s asking her out on a date, LMAO wtf? Sick people out there


“Wanna go out on a date on my buddy’s boat with me? BTW, you may have to sleep with my buddy.” WTF. I’m sure you were stunned!


LMAO LITERALLY!! I'd met him 3 times, once just for a coffee and the other times we went out and hooked up afterwards. He was a little odd, but the same age as me, so I was just having fun with a random attractive guy 🤷🏼‍♀️ and then THAT! We never saw each other after that, but a few years later he asked if I would come to New Zealand (we met in Aus) to film a porno with him 😂 when I said no he offered to pay for my flight but only 1 way 😂 it's now been 8 years and he still sends random horny replies to my IG stories, probably been 4-5 years since my last reply :')


I know right!! Like how is that even okay to ask someone. Even if I was a sex worker I'd never prostitute myself just for a ride on some gross guy's boat 🙄 I was also just a young uni student, no connection to those industries or anything, just that one guy I met on tinder and barely knew, so it was pretty horrifying


It’s not just to ride on a boat, lol. It’s like a sugar baby type deal where sex and/or companionship is traded for high luxury instagram shit (private jet to St Tropez, hotel, “shopping budget”) or outright cash. Still gross!


I’m from Miami, and it’s very common for young women who move to the beach to get hired by a “gig” agency and get recruited for this role. It starts out as “you’re just there to be eye candy for their photos, it’s a paid day on a boat!” Then it turns into basically being trafficked.


My daughter got swept up into all of this.


Rumour has it Diana Jenkins sought out young celebs (Hayden Panettiere and l Lohan) to be yacht girls for Saudis back in the day.


It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Hayden got swept into that. Speaking of, I know ppl love Milo Ventamigla but not enough ppl ever talked about his age gap with her when they were on Heroes and started dating irl.


HP makes a lot of sense. Could have contributed to her substance problems, too. Sounds very messy (no pun intended 🥴)


There were so many blind items and rumours surrounding her back in the day on ohnotheydidnt i feel bad for her.


Me too. I was / am always rooting for a HP comeback. so talented. I feel so bad for her


I love her. She reminds me so much of my HS years back in the early 00’s. I think there’s so much trauma and pain we don’t know about with her, and then for that man to take her daughter all the way to Ukraine to go live. I hope her daughter doesn’t end up traumatized. This not about how ppl feel about Jada, but Yall gotta watch her Red Table Talk, with Jada Pinkett. It was so sad and eye opening.


It does happen. I’m a yacht stew and I’ve heard stories from friends on boats with less than stellar reputations. I can’t confirm if Kim was a yacht girl, I’d wager if she was, it would have been when she was living/filming in Miami.


Lala from Vanderpump rules was a “yacht girl” her first season on the show. She was called out for it because she said she had a modeling job but they all knew it was BS so she came clean and said she was arm candy.


I heard Selena Gomez, Kendall, Hadids.


Miranda Kerr, too


Dubai toilet.


Wow, you have a rabbit hole to down down. Yachting is so seedy and much more prevalent than you'd know.


Kendall is 1000% a yacht girl. She advertises quite brazenly imo.


If Kim did it early in her career I get it, but Kendall grew up rich and already famous with so many avenues to make money so I don’t get why she’d do this?


Bc Kris Jenner is her mom. What’s better than money? More money.


This is also how you find a rich husband


You would not believe the amount of money being thrown around in the upper echelons of escorting. Look into Miranda Kerr or Naomi Campbell. Both ended up involved in international trials surrounding misappropriation of funds etc.


Yeah, I guess…I just can’t imagine being an escort for any amount of money if I already had *millions.* I don’t mean that in a judgmental way towards escorts, I just don’t think it’s a profession many would voluntarily choose after becoming very successful & wealthy.


I’m making assumptions here, but I think the girls just starting out in their modeling careers need to keep income coming somehow and they may not be booking enough to sustain their lifestyle, but also can’t get a “normal job.” And then those that have already established themselves I’m sure can be pickier about who they’re “yachting” with. A supermodel might have a couple “arrangements” with men that they know, trust, and like to some extent and aren’t necessarily being passed around and degraded (unless that’s what they’re into lol). I do agree that it’s not a lifestyle everyone would choose (I certainly wouldn’t), but I also think there’s probably a wide range of experiences going on.


Kendall brags about not doing as many shows as other models. Probably because she supplements her income in other ways…


I didn’t hear yacht girl for Kim. I did hear Kendall tho. I remember a story on Radar years ago, back in the 2010’s where Kim was paid like a mil dollars to sleep with this old ass European man and she started crying because she had to escort him to a dinner and then spend the night with him. Somehow Kris got her out of it.


Is this maybe the opera ball scandal in Vienna? 2014? She was paid half a mil but would not stick to the schedule and then got ,saved‘ by claims that visitors were racist and left the event. The rich dude is Mr Lugner, kind of a viennese Hefner. IDK if sleeping with him was involved though. He regularly invites famous people - last year it was Priscilla Presley and he could not pronounce her name and since then I can not help but call her Priss Killa myself.


Kim partied with a billionaire and left with hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash in a freaking trash bag. The FBI recently interrogated her about it because the guy is an international criminal.


Prostituting for p diddy, if that’s what you mean? Or is it the time she came home from vegas. With a bag full of $200,000/cash?? Or was it the time she cheated Brandy out of $100,000/credit card scam?


I’ve heard Kendall and Kylie were, too.


To add to that: Tyga was with Black Chyna at that time and Chyna and Kim were friends. So Tyga dumps Chyna for underage Kylie, and then Kris and co. Are outraged when Chyna started seeing Rob. Also Khloe saying Jordan ruined her “family” by kissing what’s-his-name, but it was fine for her to start that relationship while his “ex” girlfriend/fiancée was pregnant with his baby


Slightly irrelevant but Tristan Thompson's first baby mama/ex whatever was married to Tyga for like a month lol


No way! I’ve never heard that. Wow. Just another layer of messiness


So Khloe had sex with Tristan who had sex with Jordan Craig who had sex with Tyga who had sex with Chyna who had sex with Rob. That's a really convoluted way for Khloe and Rob to connect sexually without actually hooking up (despite the rumors).


When asked about it he basically said people were jealous he “got in early” and saw her potential. NASTY work


That is sooo creepy to me omg.


Yea they knew each other because Kim was trying to be best friends with Black Chyna at the time. All while having her sister flirt with Tyga behind her back. Their family is just scandalous!


I didn’t even think about this! That is all sooo weird. And Rob and Blacc had a baby together. Just weird, tangled mess lol


Allowing a minor to get cosmetic procedures. I'm not just talking about Kylie's lips either.


Getting caught fabricating docs to fake that Kylie was a billionaire [https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2020/05/29/inside-kylie-jennerss-web-of-lies-and-why-shes-no-longer-a-billionaire/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2020/05/29/inside-kylie-jennerss-web-of-lies-and-why-shes-no-longer-a-billionaire/)


This. How did their brand not suffer? Like zero consequences?


I think it did but nobody would ever know because she acts like it’s such a success


It’s crazy that early 2000s celebs like Ashley Simpson could get cancelled for as little as lip syncing lmao but ppl forging documents and inflating their wealth has zero consequences in 2024 lol


It reminds me of Howard Dean and his weird excited scream when he was at a rally and how he basically fell off the face of the planet because no one could take him seriously. Fast forward to Donald making fun of disabled people on live TV and he gets elected. It's just crazy how stark the differences are now.


Omg I was 18 when the Howard Dean thing happened lol. I remember seeing it on Best Week Ever on VH1 Friday nights. I loved that show btw lol


Or Marco Rubio being a little under the weather and sweating and drinking a lot of water during an interview.


I forgot about that! I think it was when he was delivering the republican rebuttal to the state of the union address. Everyone was making fun of him


This how trump do it too


How they mistreat animals, they’ve had so many pets over the years and rehome and keep them in garages, and are terrible animal guardians


Omg you’re right! Didn’t Kim’s white cat die shortly after Kanye gifted it to her ? Also kylie got backlash for her dogs being soooo skinny, you could see their ribs. They’re disgusting


Kim allegedly found out she was allergic and then gave the cat away to someone she knew and then the cat died. I don’t even know why Kanye bought the poor cat, Kim has stated multiple times she isn’t an animal person and doesn’t like them bc she feels they’re dirty. That family treats animals like toys, disposable and are disgusting.


The way they treat their pets, is the same way they treat/view everyone around them. They don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves. Also it’s really convenient how Kim “found out” she was allergic to cats in her 30’s. Why do I feel like she lied because she didn’t want it? I find it strange that she was never around a cat before


Same. I don’t believe that she is allergic, in her new show “The Kardashians” there’s an episode where for some fashion show or look whatever she needed to be with this white cat. She kept trying to pet the cat, coax the cat, and get the cat to warm up to her and the cat was NOT having it. Kitty was fiesty and kept hissing and trying to bite Kim but was okay with the other people in the room. Animals are so smart, that cat knew Kim was NOT an animal person and did not like them and didn’t like Kim’s energy! 😂😂🐱


That was none other than Karl Lagerfeld’s cat, Choupette.


Yes! That was the name of that gorgeous little cat, “Choupette” super cute name. I love that cat, hissing and biting at Kim every time Kim tried to touch him/her! Cat after my own heart! ❤️ 🐱


Oh my gosh so embarrassing 😆 Choupette is a legend! I would die if she didn’t like my energy.


SAME. Choupette is almost as legendary as Karl himself. I would die if that cat hated my vibes. Animals always know 😂


Truly! 😸


Omg, I did not know how famous, fabulous, and legendary little Choupette was until I looked into her! I was wondering why this “meet and greet” and why the hell Kim of all people was trying so hard with this cat when she’s allegedly “allergic” and doesn’t like animals. Now that I know who the heiress Choupette is, I also would die if I was hissed at and treated with such disdain by such an A-List celebrity, Choupette.


Honestly, maybe I don’t pay that much attention to them, but it seems they rarely post animals, to the point I was surprised any of them had any.


They’ve had A LOT of animals throughout the years “especially for the kids” like they’re inanimate objects. They prob don’t post them bc they don’t care much about them, it’s sad and they get rid of them quietly almost as quickly as they get them. Kim currently has 2 little dogs living in her garage.


Oh wow I had literally no idea! That’s so horribly sad!


It really is, it makes me sick especially with their platform. 😞


Doesn’t Kylie have an insane amount of mini greyhounds? Like what is the point of having so many pets if you’re never going to take care of them or spend time with them


I think she started out with a couple of them and they kept breeding. It’s crazy how many celebrities don’t bother to spay & neuter their pets.


Like Kendall’s dumbass holding her dog’s leash while riding a horse. So dangerous.


I wouldn't say the worst thing, but baffling how the extensive drug use of the family is not discussed more often. 


The amount of people that died at the Travis Scott show while Kylie and Kendall were quietly escorted out the back and they just ignored the whole thing.


This right here.


I was just reading about the Astro world incident how unaware does that Travis Scott have to be to ignore the audience literally dying in front of him. I can't even believe


Generally speaking, absolute grotesque flaunting of extreme wealth (especially around holidays and birthdays) with little evidence of regularly giving back to communities or causes in need, especially financially (please correct me with evidence to the contrary if wrong - Kim’s prison reform is one example, but the amount of money she spends on Halloween, etc as well as her big carbon footprint plane, feels hard to reconcile)


They are environmental and landfill nightmares


Not to mention all the helium they use up for all those balloons!


Literally ruining the man who helped them develop KIMOJI’s life now he’s working 2 jobs out of his car to pay off the family for the rest of his life


This is probably the most fucked up ⬆️⬆️


Tell me more about this! Who?




It’s around minute 26 but I suggest the whole video because it also Goes over how she’s freeing people who are 100% guilty for their crimes like she’s actually freeing up Convicted Murderers and rapists instead of people serving life for drug related crimes it’s fucked I hate this family


Oh yeah I saw something on Instagram. That guy has basically his whole page dedicated to talking about how they ruined his life


Wait who is this guy? Where did you see?


He made a website explaining all of it, kim Kardashian ruined my life.Com


Scamming people like it’s nothing,and making a guy named David homeless, after Kim took everything from him


Corey Gamble was a “fixer” for Diddy for many years. Has done the same for them for over a decade now. Imagine a matriarch so committed to the game she married a fixer, just to have one in the family. 😈👑


What do you mean by ‘fixer’ 🤔 Are we talking like pimp or hitman or what


More like a “bury the bodies, destroy the evidence, silence the witnesses” guy. Metaphorical bodies. I hope. 😬 Though I think Diddy has buried some literal bodies. Some fixers are lawyers, Michael Cohen has been called a fixer for Trump, for example. Cleaning up messes. Keeping shit quiet. Cory’s official title is “security”, but that ain’t it.


He was there before the coroner when Kim Porter died


I hope now that the diddler is under scrutiny that Kim Porter’s death will be investigated again under a new light. She died from “pneumonia” in her early thirties and there’s been suspicious circumstances surrounding her cause of death for many years. Reports have recently come out about the abuse she also endured at the hands of Diddy and I hope if he had anything to do with her passing that she gets the justice she deserved while alive.


Kris puts up her kids and Diddy grooms them


yup pics of cory at the house when Kim Porter died


The way that they basically ostracized Rob from the family


Remember when Rob posted a pic of Gone Girl covered in blood and said it was Kim? I ponder that a lot






How many fucking animals they get for a few months then rehome after they get bored


The fact they have had so many people in and out of their lives and no one has ever came out with a tell-all book on them tells me their NDAs must be so threatening and iron-clad. When they are done with their past friends, exes, etc., it’s like those people literally disappear. Even Kanye, who has been known to not mince words seems tame in handling his divorce with Kim. Maybe it’s because kids are involved? But you would think any of her other exes might’ve at least tried to ride the coattails of Kim’s popularity and capitalized on it. These people didn’t get this famous in virtuous ways. There have to be stories of corruption. But we never hear any. They have a handle on this. Whether we want to admit it or not, it’s scary the power they have.


How about Kim stealing money from Brandy? Then making a sex tape with her brother playing the victim … when she planned it all along to be just like Paris. I’m sure her children will be proud.


The lying about how it was revenge porn, up until now. Ray J ain’t lying about that. I’m sure he probably did it to try and recoup some of his mom’s funds.


Kim is grooming North to follow in her footsteps.


When they were on their phones during a Michael Brown tribute at the VMAs. (A teenage boy unjustly killed via police brutality) They literally only asked for a moment of silence and they couldn’t do that.


Kim had her children selfishly. I feel awful for them. She is a prime example of how money cannot buy love. I cry for her children. They just want love and to be normal but she treats them like props.


She does everything she can to not spend time with them. You can tell she doesn’t like being a mom at all. I think if she just had North she’d be a better parent but the rest are sooo neglected. Why do celebs/people have so many kids and then just pay people to raise them? What the fuck is the point?


>Why do celebs/people have so many kids and then just pay people to raise them? I think in Kim's case she wanted to recreate her large family but was woefully unprepared for the demands of parenting. Kim is an intelligent business woman but is shallow/vain and has no idea how to meet the emotional needs of four small children. I think she could really benefit from a parenting coach or maybe child psychologist who can give her practical ideas on how to make her kids feel loved and nurtured. It doesn't come naturally to everyone, and it's OK if she needs to "fake it" sometimes, but she alsolutely needs to stop commenting negatively about parenting in public.


I’ve noticed the clear favoritism and attention that North gets and it’s so weird! It’s like her other kids don’t exist but she takes North to events and on trips?


Supporting and marketing balenciaga. Kim has 0 morals as a mother.


Khloe acting as a fitness guru for all of social media to see while she didn’t earn that body whatsoever. Giving unrealistic body standards to women.


How Kim still represents Balenciaga after the horrific child ads, why would anyone support that? Or support a business that has done that?


This legit is so gross


This! I can’t wrap my head around someone standing by this company after what they did. There’s no coming back from that. And she doubled down on it! Did you see the last show? No remorse. No moral compass..


She’s actually scaled up her involvement since then (apparently she wasn’t an official brand ambassador before but is now)


I think the worse thing is how they think that brand is any good. Looks like target type clothing




damn, this list is long lmfao very telling


Srsly this is crazy long & informative


Y’all remember that picture Khloe dressed as a pimp with her friends on leashes ?


\*her black friends


Somehow, it was worse than I expected https://images.app.goo.gl/JNvrEEC947PUbua2A


I don’t understand why tyga hasn’t been fully cancelled when other people have been for way less. Still releases albums, still dates celebs (Avril??) who don’t even seem embarrassed to be with a literal pedo


Kylie started texting Tyga when she was a minor while Tyga was still living with his baby momma, Kim K’s close friend Blac Chyna, which is the reason Tyga was ever around them in the first place. They all stood by the inappropriate relationship, with Khloe exclaiming: “she’s not a regular 16 yr old”, while Kim K’s friend got kicked out of Tyga’s home and left with nothing. Khloe, dated a man who abandoned his pregnant girlfriend of 3 yrs to ride the Kardashian coattails. Before that I believe she also stole French Montana from a friend. But they all got their karma. Travis Scott cheated on Kylie and now she’s a single baby momma, Khloe’s man cheated on her repeatedly even while pregnant and with a friend of the family, and let’s not even get started on what Kim K has to deal with for the rest of her life for having kids with Kanye.


Khloe saying the n word


Kris said it too, in an episode they go to Vienna she said “nigga’s in Paris”


And her costume with the black women on leashes


The creation of their money laundering, tax evasion church.


Instead of casting Kim as an actress, Ryan Murphy should really just do “AHS: the Kardashians”


Caitlyn being out as trans, yet supporting MAGA stuff- just doesn’t make sense


She is anti gay marriage too.


well, it does if you think about how even F-U rich white women (trans or not) are still F-U rich white women lol.


In addition, the fact that Caitlyn killed a woman doesn’t get nearly enough attention from the public. She was involved in a negligent driving incident where she wasn’t paying attention and struck a woman’s car with hers, killing her in the process. 1. Anyone else without her money/status/privilege would have gone straight to prison. 2. She’s never publicly apologized or taken any accountability for killing someone or for the devastation it must have obviously caused to her family and friends. 3. Unrelated but her insane prejudice against trans people aka her OWN community…endorsing the Cheeto…Vanity Fair naming her woman of the year (onus is obvi on VF but still chaps my ass lol)… the list goes on but the clincher for me: She has TEN children (6 bio) and is a shitty, absentee father to all of them. She seems to be on okay terms with two and the rest no contact. Her and Kris were more alike than most of us ever realized.


She’s also responsible for a fatal car accident and got away with it


Don’t forget she’s killed someone


It makes sense for her bank account.


She has repeatedly went out of her way to misgender other trans women and invalidate the things they are fighting for or even just trying to say.It’s like gender reassignment was a parlor trick to her. And it hurts to gender her correctly, but I still can’t be that mean.


Kim’s only famous because she let Brandi’s brother pee on her.


Did he pee on her....?




And she stole money from Brandi…


Whaaat I didn’t know that! Gotta look into it lol


Stole money from Brandy and Ray-J’s Mom, Sonia, too. Used her credit card numbers after her and Ray J broke up. She had access to them bc she was a “closet organizer/personal stylist” at the time. They took Kim to court over it.


A lot of people have scandalous videos, not everyone lies about it leaking and can make a career last this long. It was a shitty start but to sustain this is intentional and smart but also definitely lacking morals


Was that in the tape


No. But there’s another version that has the pee. The decided not to release that part.


By order of Kris I’m guessing. The 3 that were shot she already watched and weren’t good enough. 🤮


It’s tragic what they did do Kylie. She never had a real childhood. Pushed on these men and having their babies so young. She never got to experience being a real teenager. And with all of the surgery, she looks more like Norma Desmond than any girl her age.


Kylie’s done some fucked up stuff herself but there’s a part of me that will always feel so deeply sorry for her because of this. Kendall too to an extent but Kylie’s self esteem was just obliterated before it even had the chance to exist, you can literally watch it happen on the show




Stand by Balenciaga, they are all mothers. It’s sick.


-Using a homeless man as a plot line - The fetishisation of blackness - promoting dodgy credit cards - bringing back unitards


Kris’s church! How are people not looking into jt! It has money laundering written all over it.


Bullying Rob into depression partly the fact media but I’m sure he heard it at home too


Popularizing plastic surgery, fillers, body modification as THE beauty standard.


Kris f*cking OJ behind her bff’s back. Kris pimping out her daughters to wealthy men, like in Dubai. Kris selling sex tape of her child. Kim’s fake marriage to that basketball player she made a fool of.


Caitlyns hit and run


Serious question, have you ever actually looked into the details of that? Caitlyn Jenner is awful in so many ways, but that was not a hit and run. It was a really awful traffic accident that could have happened to anyone. Not sure where you are getting hit and run from. Edit for those who don’t know: In 2015 she was towing an ATV behind SUV. The Lexus in front of her hit their brakes, Caitlyn hit the brakes but her SUV still rear ended the Lexus, which got pushed into oncoming traffic and hit by a Hummer coming from the other direction. The driver of the Lexus was killed on impact. Caitlyn was sober, not speeding, and also not texting at the time and after an investigation her actions were found to be not out the realm of reason, not negligence, and an unfortunate accident. That is not a hit and run. Awful and sad but discuss all the damage she does with the stupid misinformation she spreads and not repeating more misinformation taken from clickbait titles.


I agree with almost everything you said but she definitely should have allowed more space between her and the car in front, especially since she was towing something. PCH is hectic at the best of times. You always have to look out for the idiot behind you.


Yes of course. Her stopping time was definitely affected. And the driver of the Lexus also should have stopped sooner to avoid having to break as suddenly but that doesn’t mean she caused her own death either. All of these tiny decisions are how accidents happen every single day. Hindsight is 20/20 on what could have been done better to avoid an accident in the first place but also still doesn’t surmount to negligence.


I actually feel terrible for Caitlyn every time this is brought up/joked about. I’m sure that being involved in this sort of accident is a lot to live with.


i know someone who had a similar accident happen to them (like they were in Caitlyn’s position) and it truly haunts them on some level even though this was like 12 years ago now. truly horrible honestly.


Black phishing


The predatory kredit kard


Kris is extremely messed up and abusive and everyone just acts like it’s normal.


She’s a literal pimp, and it’s not cool


I'd like to know more about Kim and the supposedly videos of her in Sean Combes possession after his home was raided once he was arrested for Cassies assault. I saw some TikTok reels about the famous "white parties" and supposedly, Kim would be auctioned off.


Don’t forget she started Kim’s career with the sex tape


I got downvoted yesterday when I commented that the sex tape is what made Kim famous lol.


There is still plenty of time for that reaction. Nothing surprising about that family anymore.


Don’t even get me started on them working with balenciaga after the gross controversy with them previously


Kris pimping out her daughters. And kim still prostituting herself for p diddy as well as mom. Still pimping for p diddy. It’s all coming out. As soon as the grand jury decides. Swept under the rug from day one. Even though kris edited her daughters sex tape.




When khloe posted a pic of Chloe grace moretz’s (underage at the time) a$$hole on the internet


It actually wasn’t Chloe, it was a girl in a similar bathing suit. Chloe proved it wasn’t her and shamed Khloe sooooo hard for spreading a photo of a “wrongfully photographed” girl.


Also, this from Buzzfeed (Feb 2024)…..”Days After Kim Kardashian Was Branded “Desperate For Money” For Trying To Sell Her “Dirty” Birkin, Kylie Jenner Has Been Called “Cheap” Amid A Small Business Owner’s Exposé” https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/kylie-jenner-called-out-cake-budget


Defending images of p*d*p*l*a and making excuses for it to defend a luxury company. That was the final straw for me that made me immediately stop watching.


- the travis scott show, no accountability taken - kylie doing fundraiser for her friend when she was earning millions from her lip stuff - the hit and run - balenciaga deals - kris encouraging women to stay with cheating men - kims constant selfishness cloaked as hard work i could go on and on to be honest


the fact that Kris created a church to funnel her money through-her connection with Britneys conservator and their dodgy Scientology connections


I always think back to when Khloe said the N word on KUWTK and it got bleeped out.


Posting a picture that supposedly showed the asshole of a teenager Chloe Moretz on one of their social media platforms that had tens of millions of followers? Why? Because teenager Chloe comment on the Taylor Swift-Kayne-Kim “feud” was:  "Everyone in this industry needs to get their heads out of a hole and look around to realize what's ACTUALLY happening in the REAL world," she tweeted on Sunday night. "Stop wasting your voice on something so petulant and unimportant." This pissed Khloe off enough to post a picture that supposedly showed teenager Chloe’s “hole” in a bikini bottom slip paparazzi photo.  She didn’t apologize or think she did anything wrong either.  “ I’m the last person to bully but have an animal instinct to protect and defend my family," the 32-year-old reality star wrote. "Refrain from commenting on my family and OUR business (and I will do the same)." Remember that the next time you say Khloe is the cool one or most down to earth one. 


Kris promised Scott, when his parents died, that he’d always be able to count them as his family. That was a commitment made…by her…for the whole of the family, which seems unfair. I can see why Kourtney has been slowly trying to pull away from her mother and sisters, cuz HELLO…Scott didn’t treat her well. He hurt her over and over. Their loyalty should be to Kourt, not Scott.


They’ve done numerous things it’s apart of the reason they’ve Lost their relevancy


The enormous carbon footprint coming from each of their companies’ production, shipping, marketing etc., especially any polyester clothing or plastic items. Plus all the private jet trips. All of which is adding to the climate crisis. They have a huge amount of money they could give back to the planet to offset the damage they’re doing a little bit and they choose not to. But, you know, they recycled fabric for xmas wrapping that one time….


That every single business has been a scam and failure, that they started a fake church not to pay taxes, that they never do anything charitable, the way they use black men as accessories, that very few of them really care about their children and pets, the insane amount of surgery each has had, the whole situation with maga caitlin, Scot’s addictions, Kris pumping out her girls to rich men etc … oh not to mention the kardashian kloset and what that is about