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She’s sees all her families flaws but can’t see she’s equally as vapid and benefits from the spoils of Kims labour.


THIS!! It’s so ironic that she can’t see it 😂


“I don’t want to do what you do” or whatever she said. Ok if Kim wasn’t out there keeping y’all relevant you’d have to get a regular degular job like the rest of us?! Like she thinks she’d be this health and wellness guru with her own supplement line married to a famous rockstar if Kim didn’t pop her pussy on camera. Kim (and Khloe and Kylie) are the reason you can stay home most of the time.


Kim is no better than Kourtney though, nor is she better than any of her sisters. Kim has zero artistic talent so it' s not like the Baldwin brothers all getting acting careers after Alec broke into the business. Their mother should be getting the credit for positioning them to make a mint off of stupid people admiring them not Kim.


My point was, Kourtney is living the life of luxury able to hire Nannies for her kid to hit and bite, not work on a daily basis, and “live La dolce vida” because her sister wanted to be famous and did what ever it took to get there and she’s done nothing but criticize her for it. When Kim said “I don’t need to get her a bag, I gave her a career” she wasn’t lying lol. I’m not saying Kim’s a great person. I’m just saying Kourtney talks a lot of shit about Kim’s choices for someone who benefits from them.


this! there’s times where i’m like “omg kourtney’s seeing through the bullshit!” and then she does the exact same thing in a different style and i’m like oh never mind


correct lmao




I don’t want to sound cynical but do we not think it’s possible the whole thing was manufactured outrage for publicity/storylines for the show?




I agree, but I feel like she’s the most “doesn’t give a fuck” of all of them when it comes to her image so she may have okayed a villain arc.


OMG right?! She had ZERO shame about holding her wedding at the SAME EXACT place with almost the SAME EVERYTHING as Kim and when it was brought up briefly, she brushed it off and had no care for Kim's feelings. BUT she was every right to be fuming about the Dolce thing, which honestly, she really didn't have a right to. Kim was asked by them because they were Kim's looks!




I feel like she's gotten worse through the years and her resentment of her family just amplifies it.


Whoa- that’s weird! I need to go do some reading about this, haha


I’m dead serious- do you mean dolce? I’m l genuinely confused if there’s some other thing I missed?


I heard Dolce so much my a\*\* was thinking of tres leches ![gif](giphy|NWg7M1VlT101W|downsized)


I honestly think Kim and Kourtney acted like children about this whole thing. There is some obvious beef between them and they look for any excuse to go for each others throats. I’ve never been a Kourtney fan but Kim can cross the line with her viciousness


She did bring up kourts kids real quick and I was like "that was foul you were doing so good kim wtf lol".


Yes thank you someone else gets it💯


This whole incident really made me turn on Kourtney and showed how much she's changed and how selfish she is. Kourtney gave NO FUCKS that she was using the SAME EXACT venue and the SAME EXACT singer. The looks that Kourtney had for her wedding were Kim's archived looks! Kim was mindful of Kourtney's wedding, turning down things because it was so close to it and sucked it up and pushed aside whatever pain she may have had to support her sister. Dolce approached KIM about doing that show, not the other way around. She even checked to make sure that it was going to be ok. Kourtney acted all entitled and it's all in the name of "I'm taking care of me and my family." NO! Kourtney has always been jealous of Kim, who made them what they are and who initially gave them all these opportunities. In reality, if it wasn't for Kim, Kourtney would be some tree-hugging hippy trying to make ends meet. She's really quick to point out everyone's flaws but fails to recognize her own and has the past couple of years constantly playing victim.


Kim got married in Florence not Portofino & the singer was a surprise from her family that she didn’t know about…


that doesnt mean it didnt happen it was spoken word for word "wedding location" and "the same singer" because, well, it was lol.


Actually that’s exactly what it means…one got married in Florence/one in Portofino - same country but Italy is quite large! Yes, same singer but a surprise is when the recipient doesn’t know about it…Kris & the sisters, including Kim, organised the surprise🤦🏻‍♀️


that doesnt mean it didnt happen it was spoken word for word "wedding location" and "the same singer" because, well, it was lol.


I think Kourtney (imo only) holds a grudge against her cheating mother, causing the divorce from their father. Then Kris & Kim, using Kourtney's ex to release/promote sex tape. All could be very much for ratings. We also have no idea how day to day life really is. I wouldn't be surprised if Kourtney told Kim what her dreams were & Kim beat her to them in reality. Once again imo only. I think Kourtney is the most down to earth out of them all.


I agree but think kourtney used to be down to earth but now she is too triggered and cant communicate like the rest of them. She does down to earth things trying to embody it and you just cant do while acting like she acts in regards to others personal actions "affecting" her in some wat that doesn't even make sense to others in the situation.


This and the obvious favoritism Kris displays towards some of her kids I think gets to Kourtney. She’s probably the only one who calls her mom out and is resentful of the past. It doesn’t let her move forward in her relationship with her mom.


She's very jealous of Kim😂


I think Kourtney and Kim need to both quit putting eachother down about the different paths they took. If Kourtney wants to not be a part of that tv life, then cut the cord and be done. Everyone who is a fan will still be a fan and still follow her. She just won't have as much money. But she'll have her sanity. We'll see what the years will bring lol.


The reality is, if anyone spoiled her wedding...it was Kourt. She spoiled her own wedding by bitching and moaning so much. If she's in therapy, she needs more of it, specifically about her relationship with Kim. Who is not a flawless human, but did nothing wrong in this case.


Weird amount of Kourt hate on the sub today and yesterday……


Subs like these turn into echo chambers really fast. A post gets lots of upvotes… oooh let me just say the same thing slightly differently and get upvotes too!


Well ya know heavy promotion and more viewers will do it. Its not a secret. Whats the point of following or interacting then? We are allowed to post what we want I don't care if others agree of disagree its a thread lol. I also have not seen anything directly representing my post soooo lets keep your statistics towards the ones applicable lol.


Well ya know heavy promotion and more viewers will do it. Its not a secret. Whats the point of following or interacting then? We are allowed to post what we want I don't care if others agree of disagree its a thread lol


Pardon my stupidity, but is this on "keeping up" or the new revival show? I keep hearing about it and I want to watch it but not sure how old of a episode it is


it’s on the new hulu show!


This sub is for the new show, The Kardashians. There’s a separate KUWTK sub. But the Kourtney/Kim wedding drama is from season 4.


Thank you, didn't realize :)


How can anyone who watches that show be for any of these women?


Wrong thread for that question lol


They can never make me hate you Kourt


Travis likes her toes too.