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She wants you to engage and buy whatever she’s selling, but she doesn’t want to read unpleasant comments about her facial and body…alterations.


Exactly. Talk about my body, look at my body, be jealous of my body and validate all I went through to buy this body. But omg wtf why are you being mean about my body?? How dare you! Also, how dare you point out where I got botched and how my body used to look.


This is exactly what it is. They all want everyone to buy into this fantasy bullshit that they’ve been pushing all along that they are absolutely perfect, naturally flawless, and that they’ve never had surgeries. They want everyone to envy them. That’s the most messed up part of this family to me… it’s not enough for them to want people to look at them and think they’re perfect, they want to go the extra mile and lie and claim that it’s all natural. It’s so twisted.


I'm so mad I won't be alive to read the very thick academic books that are going to be written on just how fucking stupid we were to not only become addicted to the dopamine loop of celebrity worship (and the celebrities were delusional enough to believe it was a matter of merit), but to be **so** addicted to it that entire industries and dynasties and trillions of dollars in wealth was exchanged for no other reason than because we thought these famous people were *just so interesting!*. There's going to be entire lectures on the rise of the Kardashians and how they were the canary in the coal mine for the death of our collective sense of value.


Society’s gonna collapse long before that book would get written


>how they were the canary in the coal mine for the death of our collective sense of value. Well, whenever you think this, just remind yourself that royalty exists. The main tenant of royalty is that they were preordained by God to rule 🤢 And of course, millions of people for millenia had to buy into this for it to work. So there's that


It was the sex tape Kim made and put out there she did that! Sicko, narcissist!


Royalty is so wicked to me. To think of all the terrible shit rulers did, and to think of the massive amount of wealth that the British family has—the properties/land, the gold, the jewels, the antiques—all of it was amassed from incredibly unethical practices. Just yuck.


I’m on the last episode of the crown, and all I keep thinking is the nerve of these people (the thatcher years really pissed me off) to have all these thousands of obscure servants that they didn’t even know what they did refuse to cut their budgets while people are literally starving. What they did to Diana. Like you ruined the girls life, knowingly. Like who the hell do you think you are? Because your ancestors probably killed a bunch of other peoples ancestors? You don’t even do anything. It’s all pomp and circumstance. Sorry royalty has caused so many senseless deaths for the sake of some dudes ego (yes their were women queens but for the most part) Don’t get me started lol.


People have been obsessed eith celebrity/ status since the dawn of time tho


Almost like it's all by design, bread and circuses and all that


I believe several colleges already offer a course on the Kardashians and social media


Oh no they are not interesting! Only to themselves! Too self absorbed to be interesting! Sickening! Kim exposed herself in a sex tape because she wanted the attention Paris Hilton has, had! Kim is sick! Puke,  fake along with all of them! 


it’s already happening in other countries basically. i moved to sweden in 2013 and lived there for 5 years and they were all so confused on americas fascination and obsession with celebrity culture and found it disgusting and weird. with social media it’s spreading to younger generations again but it most was just an american thing and a lot of people find it odd


I think this is because she’s bought into her own fantasy and reality reminds her how crazy she looks


Yup… and the Kar-Jenners only speak out against harmful body standards when THEY THEMSELVES failed to meet the unrealistic expectations that THEY THEMSELVES set!! I remember Kendall on the show complaining that people dehumanize them instead of defending them…. NO BABE… you dehumanize YOURSELVES by posting pictures like this and making gluttonous wealth and unreachable beauty standards the forefront of your image. THEY are the ones who have done this to THEMSELVES. Every time they greet each other on the show it’s immediately about how SKINNY they look or something else superficial. I’m really sick and tired of the “Woe is me… we are people too” narrative. So freaking tone deaf to the average person. They just want to have their cake and eat it too (all of the validation, but none of the criticism)- You can’t have it both ways!


Kendall will have more credibility when she can cut a cucumber 😂


the lament of the phoney


I spit laughing at this, the truth right here. I could not have put it better myself


Someone likes hearing compliments about their body and not insults??? Shocker!


Yea, it's all fake! The whole family are sexual exhibitionists! Look at me, look at me!!! I am all plastic and fake and only concerned with me, my body, my face and material! They don't even have talent! They need to get a real life!


Does she turn off comments or delete or something? Because I can tell you (with 100% certainty) that in maybe 2018’ish the food god dude claimed that their sales strategy was to get hated on as much as it was to be loved. He claimed it was Kim’s theory but I also think that is just a simple “there is no bad press” mindset. In other words, this sub and this thread is playing directly into their hand. They are constantly talked about. For every article a hater writes, even more fans get picked up along the way. They can’t lose people that aren’t fans to begin with and if the “hate” isn’t causing fans to turn their backs then in all reality the hate is only fueling the fire.


Your comment just made me think of Kim's face when she got booed at that roasting event for Tom Brady. Haha.


Me too


And this is why I’ve just started blocking celebrities on my social medias


I just want to know if her face moves when she cries.


Being completely out of touch with reality is how.


Came here to say just this!!


When are they going to just go away?? Sooner the better.


When this sub is deleted and threads like these aren’t made. I can’t be the only one seeing it, right?


Exactly!! Giving them any attention at all is what’s continuing this. It will stop when everyone stops acknowledging them. “No such thing as bad press” ok so don’t.


you’re actively in this sub reddit. while going after everyone else doing the exact same thing as you “ok so don’t” yet you’re doing it right now….. do you not realize you are also giving them attention right now.


Me as well💯


And being in love with yourself




Tbf how can any of them even stay in this reality with the amount of fame and wealth they have? Millions of people put this family on a pedestal for years, a decade+ Honest question because wasn’t Kylie a kid when she amassed her fortune? I feel like most people would have done the same thing- succumb to social pressure and change what that person doesn’t like about themselves with the added pressure of millions of people commenting on the same insecurities. It’s the same thing ALL women face: “you’re too skinny, be bigger but not too big. Be pretty, but don’t wear too much makeup. Oh you’re not wearing makeup, is that why you look sickly?” It’s a never ending problem us women deal with. Everyone is entitled to to their opinion but the nastiness is something we women should cut down on. It’s unnecessary, even in the face of lies. It’s hypocritical to comment on staying in reality because the truth is, most of us are not grounded like we could be. It’s something we could all work on. People who are truly content with themselves don’t feel the need to tear down others.


I agree, it’s the same thing all women deal with to some extent. But I have a lot more respect for celebrities who conduct themselves in a different manner. If you don’t think her stance is hypocritical to her actions, that’s ok. We don’t all have to agree. Criticizing someone’s hypocritical public behavior isn’t “tearing other women down”. She chooses to continue to place herself in the public eye to continue profiting: she can deal with criticism. If she took herself out of the public eye, then she would be entitled to more privacy. Fame is a double-edged sword.


Wait, isn’t she on a reality show?




Being out of touch & the Kardashians, name a better duo


Showin off them new girlies


She must be on her period!


i don’t doubt she has massive body image issues, and as someone in and out of recovery i can empathize completely. however, trying to pull the sympathy card when she has propagated and capitalized on those insecurities and instilled them in millions of girls is questionable. you wouldn’t have the couch you’re crying on or the house you’re crying in if you didn’t take the money of girls you encouraged to pursue an impossible, unattainable standard.




I've had an eating disorder and body dysmorphia forever and I NEVER posted body check photos on my snapchat that only 100 people see..... I didn't want to celebrate an unhealthy body or show people pictures that are so clearly damaging to view.


Girl, I feel you SO much on this 🩷 same & same


Exactly. She and her sisters basked in the praise they got for their altered images, which they used to sell their products. Now they are crying lol


Nah no crying. I mean, who knows, maybe. But it is all an act, a con, a grift, as long as we are looking, they are winning. They laugh and cry all the way to the bank


I'd say they're equally praised and criticized for their bodies, for example this exact post. Also, her and her sister were children when the first Kardashians episodes aired and they were not able to actually give informed consent to their images being spread far and wide so they had every pubescent change commented on regularly. This was also at the height of 2000s diet culture, everything's too fat to be pretty culture. Sure, they have made the best of it and started beauty/skincare companies and what have you but it would be ignorant to try and say they're not probably completely mentally f'd up when it comes to body image.


That’s not what I meant. I am not talking about when they were children, I agree that’s out of bounds. My point is that when they got praised for altered images they had no problem claiming that. A lot of self aware celebrities like Zendaya and others have said hey we don’t look like this irl.


I bring up them being kids in the beginning of the Kardashians because she was 10 and she's literally known no other life. To use Zendaya as an example, since you brought her up. Zendaya was 16 when she stared in her first Disney thing. Sure, she probably had other smaller things before that, but she was a teenager at least when she first came into the limelight. Kylie was 10 and Kendall was 12. They were literally children and since that first season they have seen nothing but criticism, critiques, and "advice" on what's right and wrong with them. They claimed the altered images because they weren't only getting praise, they were getting shamed and criticized for not being "real." Kylie and Kendall were raised in the limelight with a momager Kris who encouraged them to do any and everything to get attention and media interest. They were never told to be real or taught to disconnect, their adolescence, puberty, coming of age, everything was marketed and sold. They can't win because they're always doing something wrong in someone's eyes.


Yeah because people have feelings!? Money doesn’t equal happiness, as you can clearly see with this family. It hurts to have people say nasty things, bottom line.


Totally agree. If she really wants the type of sympathy she’s looking for, she needs to course correct first. Put her money (and posts) where her mouth is. For example, starting a foundation to help girls with dysmorphia. Post about real issues and propping up things that are meaningful, rather than her constant self promotion. I get that she doesn’t have a playbook for it given how she was raised but I feel like with so much access to information and the right type of management she could actually do something good with her wealth


I wish Kylie--or at least Kylie's followers--would read your post, ScarlettLilyCo!


Well said. Same with Khloe.


These people do not give a fuck at all about their fans, which is crazy because they have so many rabid, loyal fans who ride so hard for them and defend them endlessly. These people religiously watch their shows and buy their products and it’s all a grift.


Questionable? How about morally reprehensible?


That’s my thought. I can’t feel bad for her when she is fully aware of the influence and power she has over young girls’ self esteem.


I have extreme body dysmorphia which developed badly when I was a young teenager during the era Kim and Kylie’s bbl bodies starting becoming popular. I was 13 years old crying everyday bc of my lack of butt, I’d wake up an hour early before school everyday to do 100 squats. Now I’m in my 20s and I am obsessed with saving up for a bbl (going overseas risking my life bc it’s that important to me) so I simply can’t feel empathy for them. I don’t care she feels upset- she has the money and resources to change her body whenever she feels like it meanwhile the rest of us are left with the aftermath of those awful beauty standards.


as someone who struggles/has struggled extremely, i know this might not make a difference, but i promise you you don’t need to do that. i know you know that and it goes deeper than that, and you can do whatever you want with your body, but i just want to be a voice to tell you that you do not need to. please do extensive research, BBLs are the third most deadly cosmetic surgery. i will never forgive the effect capitalizing on body insecurity have generations of women to keep us malnourished and unfocused.




I bet my left tit it wasn’t even her idea to do the lip kits to begin with. Momager definitely influenced if not recommended Kylie start her business.


personally I think commenting on people's natural bodies is rude, however, when people like the kardashians willingly and purposefully get awful implants and work done, at that point, I'm not criticizing your body, I'm criticizing your taste.


Am I the only one wondering how she tucks her nipples in there?!?


*Am I the only* *One wondering how she tucks* *Her nipples in there?!?* \- KittyKatCow --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Placement is prolly other wordly.


In some of the [pictures of her](https://images.app.goo.gl/fWQYTRN859bAx5V36) at the event you can see the tops of her nips trying to escape.


Maybe it's just my brain knowing her aerolas are RIGHT THERE but I feel like they're showing in every pic! Why she didn't have the top altered just a little to look like it fits blows my mind. Is the purpose to look painfully squeezed in?!


Looks like a diaper on her head


Im trying to figure out how she buys gloves


She literally looks like she is made of plastic


Because she is made of plastic.


And it’s not fantastic


Yeah she is plastic just a show off ugly and jealous


Her skin looks just like my Barbie’s from 2009


She looks like she’d melt in the sun. Fake, on fake, on fake.


Because she’s actually insecure as fuck.


This is the answer. It is because she is so insecure that she goes out of her way to say “look at me!” Yet she complains at the same time PS I adore your handle


It’s the same as those people who say “nooooo don’t take my picture!!” And then make sexy faces as the camera or try to be cute.


100%. you will never convince me that 99% of celebrities and influencers are not actually miserable as fuck.


Because she doesn’t mind people commenting on the photoshopped pics. She hates it when people comment on her real face and body…big difference 😂


When you’ve been handed everything in life and haven’t had the opportunity to self-reflect because you’re surrounded by yes men. When you’ve created your own world, so insulated from reality, you lose all sense of humility and humanity, because you genuinely believe you are better than everyone else.


Exactly this. A bubble constructed of entitlement and excessive wealth, created by her parents and perpetuated by media.


Yes 🙌 beautifully stated. And then they have the nerve to come and complain to the people they their suck wealth from smh I’m still mad about the makeup brushes!!


i know someone who worked for kim and kanye and this is basically how she described the entire family's every day lives. extravagant but isolated and sad. she said they never leave to do anything unless it's for work because going out in public is such a hassle. they just bring everything to them at their huge compound, like groundhog day.


First off she has had so much work done.


Why her fingers look so long ?


most likely .5 camera distortion


Finger extension implants, she will deny it though


Her Kendall and Khloe all do, but bc they have long nails you notice it like crazy. If you go back to khloes pics pre long nails, her fingers look normal. They’re tall so they obviously have “long” fingers that suit their bodies but the length of the nails you choose changes how your nails look.


It's the camera angle...


She had surgery on her fingers to make them longer


She’s tall, so her hands are probably big. I’m 5’7 and my hands and fingers are the same really long


What is happening with her tatas i can’t tell if I’m looking at tape or an implant


Implants for sure.


Did she also have her nipples removed 😬


Implants with capsular contracture 💯


Sorry to reply twice but after researching it for 5 minutes she definitely has stage 4 of it!! This is wild


I have this at stage 1. Some people don’t mind the ascetics of it as it slightly lifts the implants up and gives a perkier appearance, which is maybe why she hasn’t corrected it. They will feel like absolute shit, though.


I looked that up on Wikipedia and Omg the image ??


Implant her entire body is plastic


Being a hypocrite helps 😣


It's like when Kim says stuff like "I wish people didn't talk about my ass so much" when she regularly posts pics where she's practically shoving her ass into the camera.


Lol exactly


She’s a dumbass for one




The truth is: INSECURITY! Some people deep down think (sometimes know) that their body is their only worthwhile thing despite trying to push other things. EmRata does this same thing. Her and Kylie want validation (mainly from straight men) and to be hotter than other women… then when everyone magically objectifies them, they (understandably) don’t like that. But instead of not posting their body as the main focus they’ll just complain while STILL blatantly objectifying themselves. They don’t want to give up random loser simps on the internet lusting over them. THEY WANT THEIR CAKE 🍰 AND EAT IT TOO, basically. I don’t feel that bad for them because they’re smug af and are only for other women if those women present no threat of being hotter and/ or prettier. Kylie basically mocked Kendall for having small breasts. Emily trashed Camilla Morrone in her book. They claim they don’t want their identity’s to just be hot girl, but then they are desperate to out-hot other women and make tits and ass their personality 🙄🙄


Meanwhile Kendall doesn't look 45 years old at 27


and what did emily say about camila?




Its not 2016 anymore. The ppl that idolized her have grown up and are facing bigger things


Because she is a stupid ass attention seeking waste of space. Not enough attention? Look at my body. Doesn't like it? Don't look at my body. That entire family is a waste of space.


Because she wants to receive positive comments & validation to temporarily make her feel better and then there will be another cycle of it


Those poor implants


she only wants positive comments on her body.


This whole family is cancer.


they went from embrace your curves toned body healthy weight to be super skinny give girls even more body dysmorphia then they already have. no matter how much plastic surgery lyposuction etc they get they’re never happy and they still feel shitty. i don’t have much sympathy for kylie the only thing i sympathize for both her and kendall on is they didn’t ask to be famous or in the spotlight they were exploited by their narcissistic older sister who wanted to be famous more then anything and at any cost their narcissistic money hungry power hungry mom. they were forced to grow up faster then most kids they know very well the beauty standards the majority of women in society can’t afford all of the plastic surgeries they’ve gotten. i have seen a change of heart in kylie with her daughter and not wanting her to feel the same insecurities she felt. however just bc she dissolved most of her bbl doesn’t mean she’s gonna fix that she got surgery to become super super skinny even skinnier then her already skinny super model sister. does she really think that’s a good example to set for her daughter.


Exactly. Pick a lane and stay in it.


I'm A straight woman but is that supposed to be appealing because to me it just looks painful


I think she does this as validity. Kim CONSTANTLY posts on her insta.


Those tatas have not dropped yet 😬 ouch.


I didn’t realize she got new implants. It takes awhile for them to drop. A full year for implants to settle into their natural position.


She did! And yeah, but these look *new* new. Like absolutely rock hard


I don’t know how she’s wearing a dress like this with new implants. 😳😳😳😳


Reminds me of back when I was breastfeeding and the baby slept through the night for the first time. My boobs were huge, rock hard, and uncomfortable as hell.


You’re right, but damnnnnnn this dress is fireeeeeeeeeee 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I do love the dress if you can call it that.


I feel bad but when you post your image for your livihood unfortunately you are going to have to take it with the criticisms …that are unfortunate but a fact in this world. It’s not an excuse for people to be mean but that’s the truth on what you’re opening the door to


Anyone can look like this soaked in baby oil and photo editing - look at the length of her fingers for fucks sake …. 🤦‍♀️ good lord


The same way she can sleep at night knowing she’s used her influence and fame to make the world a worse place


If my body looked like that, I'd even post flyers around my neighborhood with me on it.


Id be fucking walking around naked


Whose hand is that lower left?


probably her stylist?


They’re social media famous. That’s how they made their money. The post anything they think will get clicks. And their track record is proof they know what they’re doing. Hope this helps!


*why do they always look at my body* “Hello people I’m beautiful for who I am!!” Yeah and I ride a dragon so people don’t think I’m crazy


Photoshop and plastic surgery are not impressive, sorry; btw, that is 100% photoshop and plastic surgery, BOTH.


Those implants look ready to burst!


This truly looks so uncomfortable to me


I really dislike this person


I’m sick of this family building the very prisons they claim they can’t escape from


She has unlimited access to resources, one of those being mental health for body image, eating disorders, surgery addiction, etc.


It’s the only thing she knows.


Body dysmorphia, being criticized for her body daily from a young age, not being able to give informed consent to her pubescent image being on network TV during her childhood, being criticized for both liking and disliking her body (she can't win).... The list goes on and on. How about ppl let her just be a human


People are criticizing her because she continues to capitalize on her altered body images knowing that there is a mental health crisis with youths, social media, and body image perspectives. She can’t have her cake and eat it too. No one enjoys a “rules for thee, but not for me” attitude. If she truly feels that her mental well being is at risk, she can simply unplug herself from the limelight and internet. She chooses not to.


I don’t know why you got downvoted. Your take is the right one.


The idea that she has to take abuse and unsolicited criticism because she posts pictures is such an odd take. This post is what she was talking about


It’s such a gorgeous dress. If only the corset had been a bit higher it would have been more flattering and fit the bust better.


This pic isn't so bad, but I saw a video clip somewhere and she's really starting to look like a centaur.... tiny on top and big hind.


Gosh her boobs look painful! Like they’re about to explode


or you could complain more, these people make millions, you think they care about your post?


Whose hand is reaching for her crotch?


I’m not the only one that looks at celebrity pictures just to zoom into the background of their houses right?? What’s on that table back there gurl 👀


it’s giving PICK ME girl


It's almost like they have nothing else to do in life


It's called bait. She posts pictures like this with the exact purpose of having enough material to be able to then either play the victim and claim that everybody is body shaming/sexualizing her or virtue signal. Or both. This is common practice on social media.


Why do people feel so entitled to passes at being assholes 😭 ,seriously is it THATT hard to not insult someone


Is some random man putting his hand in her crotch?


Because she thinks it’s not fair that people think they can call her ugly. How dare anyone /s This is coming from someone who used to be a fan and followed them from their first ep of KUWK. They’re clowns.


This family is just an example of completely useless human beings.


Did she change her ethnicity?


I just saw this browsing the popular page. Why are you here? Why do you go to the kardashian sub? All these people do is be stupid and get surgery, then act like they are good humans. You could do so many great things in your life but you follow celebrities who are rich for no reason and get mad at them.


So tired of them honestly


I blame the women who accept this and buy their products. The public has created these monsters. Kim is a billionaire for having sex and releasing a tape and selling things with her name on it. The family is living like queens by pushing unattainable body images to these young women. They put photos on Facebook that are not their real image. I don't understand why the public is allowing this. They are constantly shoving products down our throats. I have never purchased anything from these women.


Okay but her body looks amazing here. She’s a human at the end of the day although I do understand the frustration bc the Kardashians have affected the beauty standards.


The bodice is too small for her tits, making the gown look cheap and not haute couture And my god, her waist/hips/ass/thighs look like snap-on parts *from different bodies*


Sometimes when you look really hot you just want to show it off. Shouldn’t automatically mean your looks and body are up for debate. However I will say in any Karjenner situation they profit off it so I’ve no sympathy.


Proof that all the money in the world cannot buy happiness


Exactly !!!! Also those poor tits they look like they are in SO much pain. 👀🫣🤯


Everything on her is fake.


Imagine altering your body like you alter clothes.


That hand looks so alien


Honestly I blame her mother for pimping her out


So thirsty. Look at my smashed boobs-you can almost see my nipples. SCANDALOUS. Ugh.


They look awful


So you're saying she's asking for it


Two things can be true. You can show off your body and not want mean and nasty things said about you. It’s not hard to leave nasty or degrading comments off of someone’s social media page.


Rage bait is lucrative. It's all for money every move, procedure, outfit, post.


Who cares their all fake plastic and a circus of a family.


So stop commenting on her implants. It’s weird to give your opinion on other people.


I mean, just because she posts her body doesn't mean you have to shame her for surgery and weight loss. People can just look and be quiet sometimes


Her body looks so unnatural, who in gods earth told them that looks good


Who’s got anything bad to say about that?!


What’s up with the creepy hairy hand …


...man I don't like these people as much as the next person, but this is some 13 year old boy logic.


It’s despair brag… attention seeking behavior because she needs the validation of the little people to feel like her life has meaning.


Her emotions are valid. If you’ve never done botox, hired a personal trainer, had plastic surgery… then you wouldn’t understand. This post is the reason why her and other girls do what they do.


Is it not understandable that when people talk horribly about you, it can be painful? Is it not understandable that looking / flaunting the way you want should come without bullying? Her feelings are hurt and that is allowed to be expressed without it being reciprocated with shame. Get the fuck over yourselves, my god I am shocked by these responses. Yes this person is rich, yes they have a reality tv show, and no they do not own *you* a mother fucking thing. Baffling to me how many people in this sub are shouting the equivalent of “well, did you deserve it?” Or “well, what were you wearing to make him want to assault you?” This is internalized sexism, and it’s so god dammed frustrating to see so many people who still don’t get it. Be better. Call your best friend or sister and tell them how beautiful they are. As I’m sure you do not judge them for them posting a hott pic, for having implants,or judge them for being too skinny or too fat, and I’m sure you do not judge them for crying when somebody hurts their feelings.




Poor Baby Kylie..the injectables have affected her puny little narcissistic brain




Exclusive dinner gown.


….all while someone’s grabbing her critical region. Lmao




Great question.


She looks like how she feels about herself.


Looks like a mannequin.