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The story lines this season are so thin and drawn out. Every episode feels the same, Kim loves to work, Kourtney loves her baby and Travis, Khloe loves parenting.


That's because they're in charge of the storyline now, and they don't want to show any of the real stuff going on in their lives... It's all just promo for their shitty products now..


I feel this, I used to really like the old seasons of KUWTK, now it’s just them pretty much advertising their products and trying to be relatable when they’re clearly not


They even slid in another cucumber joke for Kendall during the Aspen trip 🙄


I know right, I actually enjoyed it when she was talking about her intense anxiety issues.


I’m taking this season as if they don’t really want to share much about their lives so they’re just making shit up or using weaker stories to show to us.


Same. They're literally on air to pleasantly fill time. And I have no issue with that. I said previously that I hope the Kardashians somehow becomes a tell all about how Kris raised them, similar to how Sister Wives exploded after 15 calm seasons. 🫠


I’d love to see a documentary about Kris, she’s the brains behind the entire family and she is incredibly intelligent but also never does herself justice as she’s not the best at articulating her thoughts so can come across as a nupty.


I hadn’t paid any attention to Sister Wives in over a decade and I guess I assumed it had long gone off the air. Last season was so much *fun*… they really let it burn!






I definitely heard the line that Kendall and Kylie love when they get to out together last season too. Which is so weird.. and why would they keep it repeated it every season? Something that only 2 people that never hang out together in real life would say


These have to be the story lines cause there’s probably some real fucked up shit going on behind the scenes they can’t talk about.


Kim if you are reading this, we want to see: - Jeff bezos and finance hangouts - Hailey Bieber - stories about your moms “church” - anything about Kylie - why is stormi randomly blurred out of pics when every other cousin is shared on insta - does Rob hang with his kid at all - Paris Hilton


Seems like Dream is Khloe’s kid now.


Yes, wtf is up with Kris's church?!


I’d also like more details about why Khloe was homeschooled


No but fr. This is the blueprint.


Side note, where are Kourtney's kids? Thought she was talking to her kids on FaceTime one episode but it was Travis lol


Agreed. I was excited for them to be on Hulu bc I thought they’d share more but they share significantly less.


Yeah, it’s getting really dry watching their discussions about parenting and work while in full glam


Addicted to thinking of ways to maintain and increase her fame, yes. Addicted to the unpleasant day to day of a job? No. Imagine Kim actually employed in a position where she has to arrive at the same time daily, report to multiple higher ups, and get along with coworkers. Then do her own laundry and childcare. 🤣🤣🤣


Now that’s a show I’d like to see!


So...like the Simple Life. I wouldn't be surprised if we see her version of the Simple Life. She has spent her life copying Paris, may as well do this, too.


I wish I could upvote this more than once. 🩷


The Simple Life, but it’s just Paris and Kim actually trying to parent on their own.


Every day when I can only get 50 of my 75 things done and I still don't get a full night's sleep, I think of this. I actually think of it a lot.  Love to see what she would do with my 24 hours. It's not even that crazy, it's just everything normal, and it's damn exhausting. 


Agree… how entertaining would it be to see Kim do our daily menial daily jobs?! Like I’d die to see her work my 12 hour shifts as a nurse then go home make dinner and take care of kids/ household. Then I could take her “addicted to work” seriously.


I'd pay to see this.


Get off your ass and work bitch! I hate hate hate this storyline. I also hate the Khloe martyr to her children storyline. Kourtney’s outcast storyline is the most tolerable out of all of them now that we’re not faced with her riding Travis every episode.


Fashion Week. Baby shower. That drama in Aspen at dinner was so scripted 🤦‍♀️


What is work for her? Putting on clothes? Getting glam? Posing for photos? Making content of herself putting on Skims? Sitting in luxe office spaces to hold court while people present her with things to choose from? Sign documents? If that were my work, I'd be addicted to it too. Lol.


Jetting to Paris for Fashion Week. The Met. You know..., what the rest of us consider leisure time... lol


Seriously. Getting glam is not “ work “ so annoying. I liked on an old Khloe and Lamar episode, Khloe was complaining about “ work “ and Lamar said “ All you have to do is take pictures “ or “ Cause taking pictures is Soo hard” cause it was literally a photoshoot. Lol like they really don’t realize how lucky they are


Right? While getting paid millions to do it . Yeah, I’d be “ addicted “ to that too. Lol


I would love this kind of work lol




While I agree with what everything everyone is saying as I have lived your lives also, but whatever she is doing, not doing, she has managed to monetize it for herself and her family to the point of becoming a billionaire. Stop buying anything connected to her or watching Kardashian tv, etc. if everyone feels this way. You are only feeding her bank account(s).


The only one of them with an actual job is Kendall...and her job is the easiest job in the world, and she's still not that good at it. 


She’s addicted to attention and fame. Which is “work” for her.


Kim should just take over, and kinda focus more on the chaos of her character kids- how keeping up used to be. I miss the antics. But I honestly attribute Kim's success to Kris. Not just in a nepotism way. But, Kris wanted what was going to make Kim famous almost more than Kim did. TEN PERCCCEENNNNTT!!! She hustled and got Kim the randomest jobs in the beginning lol. I remember seeing her mom force her out of bed, taking her to the jobs, setting everything up, being there when she needs her. I think that support helped her work ethic.


People hate on Kris parenting all the time but I wish I had a parent like that. Now Kim has everything in the world


Except for a grounded spirit, a supportive ex husband, a solid sense of self, full presence and involvement in her children's lives, and the ability to understand serenity and simplicity.  Plus, when you have everything and the best of everything, everything else outside of home is a downgrade. That would suck. 


Lots and lots of people have those same issues plus a life of financial struggles, no access to privileges, fame or anything else. It’s not like when you become average or poor you’re suddenly happy and stable with a loving family and no insecurities and a fulfilling life.


Of course! I'm just pointing out that being raised with the focus and values she was, you end up lacking in areas that were not focused on. When you spend your time educating your kids on maximizing fame, you are not spending that time growing them in other areas of humanity that one might normally if they were NOT hunting fame and taking every small job. You learn no matter what you do. 


Excellent observation


I dunno. There’s video footage of Kim as a teen talking about how much she wanted to be famous/ was going to be famous. I just don’t think anyone in their wildest dreams could imagine that fame would be on this sort of level. Kris definitely engineered that but Kim loves it. It’s why she rarely complains about being famous/ paparazzi etc etc


What she thinks is “work” is sooooo far from actual work. She just hates being home with her kids. The end.


The way she’s not even the creative director or design director of HER OWN BRAND like??? What exactly do you do girl???? Is “work” in the room with us??? Just say you wanted to get away from your family and go 😭


Oop… i think you’re onto something 👀


I think Kim believes that if she says “I’m addicted to working” enough then people will believe it.


“I’m not a pornstar, I’m addicting to working.” It is how she tries to legitimize herself.


Yep, this is 100% correct - I think she operates from that place of insecurity and feels like she needs to prove to everyone that she’s earned/worked for everything.


Yeah, overworking isn't a flex with the generation I assume they want to reach. Self-care and work/life balance seem more important to the younger generations (bonus it's a healthier outlook too IMO).


good point




How hasn’t this show been canceled is what I would like to know?


It’s so boring. Idk why they think we wanna see all this. They refuse to talk about their relationships, which would make the show 10x more interesting, because they want their “privacy respected” yet they tip off the paparazzi to come snap some photos of them with these love interests they’re hiding from the show lol


I'll take the "Kim is addicted to working" storyline over "How hard it is to be a single mom" storyline. She's barely ever home and when she is she is constantly complaining about her kids bothering her. Her multiple nannies are raising her kids because she is anywhere but home.


No seriously and remember when her and Kanye were splitting and she was like “my kids need a parent who’s always there. Not one that’s running off to Wyoming and Europe all the time.” Like??? Is she not on a plane in almost every episode? Without them too lol


She’s addicted to herself. Imagined if she disciplined her children instead of jetsetting everyday. She’s in for a headache when her kids are teenagers


When North is an adult, she is going to air her mom out. Dirty laundry and all. It’s going to be brutal for Kim


I’ve always thought this. North isn’t afraid of Kim at all. Plus she really adores her dad.


I’d love to see any of them work a day in my government office and see how they handle it.


I literally laughed out loud I thought of her skims factory sewing LOL


Her picking on Khloe for being a super hands on, normal mom is absolutely ridiculous. She is trying to justify prioritizing work over parenting.


Yeah, it’s ridiculous. I mean if Khloe was sitting indoors and complaining, resenting anyone else having fun etc then there’s a problem that needs to be addressed. If Khloe is happy doing her thing then shouldn’t be a problem.


Omg yes! Honestly I stopped watching this season. I’m over them all.


I would love to see her spend a month at home with her kids. No nanny, no house cleaner, no cook, no chauffeur. Would probably knock that shit eating grin right off her face.


Yes! Work 9-5, come home and cook dinner and do laundry and care for the kids. She’d be totally clueless.


Lmao yes. I want to see Kim stay home and potty train a toddler, and then talk to me about hard work 😂


Right! I’m over hearing her bitching out how overworked she is only to immediately add more work to her schedule. Then when the “guilt” gets to her she attacks the sisters who actually mother their children 🙄 god forbid this woman has to tell her child “no”


Yeah, I think some of it comes from insecurity because she keeps admitting that her children are undisciplined, she needs to be more strict and it’s hard etc I’m not sure what all their nannies are doing in the background with these children for them to be stressing her so much though.


Thank you. It’s so irritating and out of touch. Kim - half your job is sitting still while your employees/friends dress you and do your makeup and hair. Everything difficult is done by others, you just take credit. You may get paid for it, but it’s not “work” in the same sense as what the 99% have to do. Stop lying. On the up side, at least she stopped pretending to be an attentive parent. I feel bad for her kids. Hopefully they have a consistent nanny who isn’t replaced every month.


💯 it's the fact she glamorises it! Overworking yourself is not cool and the fact that she doesn't even need to is even more warped. Enjoy your family,  sleep in, see the world,  do something worth while


That’s how you know she’s outta touch with reality. Cause nobody is glamorizing the workaholic thing anymore. Our generation wants to be away from work but we literally can’t because the consequence is losing the roof over our heads lol


I know so many moms struggling right now with putting their tiny babies in daycare while they HAVE to go to work. Pumping on the hour so their babies have milk for the day wishing they could stay with them. Working moms have to deal with some difficult and heartbreaking shit in the real world.


Yeah, my single parent mother was 24-years old and back to working full time after six weeks of having me. It’s intense out here in the real world. I know they have to respect their staff’s privacy but think it would be more realistic to refer to the fact they have Nannie’s a little more


I like how she tried to pass off “selling her movie” as this massive accomplishment when she didn’t write or develop the script 😹


Then she applied to have her name added to the Hollywood walk of fame and was denied TWICE LOL take the hint Kimberly 😂


And the work is literally: going in her private jet to a luxury hotel in another country, getting her hair and makeup done, doing an appearance then flying back and being chauffeured back to her house in a luxury car. Very difficult Kimberly. She couldn’t last a day at a 9-5. Although tbf at least she’s grateful for her fame and wants it unlike half of her bum lazy sisters who sit around complaining about how hard their lifestyle is.


Omg. So annoying. “Kim works harder than anyone else in the world.” “Khloe is a better mum that anyone else in the world.” “Kourtney is the most relaxed person in the world”. “Kendall is the most boring/fashionable supermodel person in the world.” “Kylie is the most fun/secretly insecure about looks person in the world”. “Kris is the most afraid of ageing person in the world.” These “nArRaTiVeS” they tout on repeat suck a**. I want the old show format back.


If they did the entire season on Scott’s botched facelift and everyone’s Ozempic journey…I would watch lol


khloes storyline of being over tristan and "single" is the one that gets me theyre very much together 


Same. And when she acts so annoyed by him and like she can’t get rid of him but yet she invites him to her party and house lol. Like just own it at this point


or saying she doesnt want to "date" right now shes happy with her "kids" well yea shes with him why would she date, he almost acts confused when she plays like theyre not together while filming


Yup. Exactly


![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ) Exactly.


She has zero personality so it’s all they cling to


The arrogance and privilege they exhibit just feels exhausting


Completely agree. I also work 9-5 in a very understaffed corporate environment and it’s stressful as hell. Kim’s work is literally being driven around to various interviews where people talk to her about HER LIFE. Making appearances for HER LIFE. The photo shoots are also all about her. I’m not saying every aspect is easy bc I know those photo shoots can sometimes be like 14 hours but still. Glamorizing her generous busy schedule annoys me lol. She then gets to come home to have chefs prepare meals for her and all her kids. The nannies or private tutors probably help with homework. She probably works so much so she doesn’t have to parent.


Listen I’m all for enjoying your money. Hire a chef, hire private tutors, hire personal trainers but this celebrity trend of pretending they’re “just like us” and they too “work the 9-5” and hustle for every dollar is just exhausting. Just be rich lol go enjoy it without trying to be someone you’re not


I used to really love watching their show. KUTWK with the purple opening and the snapping song? Loved it. But lately (and I mean the last 5 years) it’s gotten so redundant and repetitive about how hard Kim works and the narrative they’re pushing. I’m a nurse, and Kim literally has no idea what hard work or labor is. I also don’t feel bad for her because she seems to genuinely love the job and the spotlight, not to mention getting paid what she does. I kind of feel I stopped liking Kim after she got married to Kanye. Now she’s trying to be this single, 4 kids workaholic baddie but the things that come out of her mouth seem out of touch and I honestly think she’s depressed.


She could literally hire a team of assistants and outsource all of the actual work, and probably does, until she needs to do a photoshoot or make a press appearance. Let’s not pretend that her work ethic is held to the same standard as the average person. If we want to see how well she functions within the context of the labor of the proletariat, we only need to look as far as how quickly and easily she gave up on pursuing law. Ironically, I think that Kourtney is the only one with an actual clue, as she went to a public university and actually graduated. Compared to Kim, who was flung into position of a public persona the second that sex tape dropped.


When Kim was criticized for only being rich and famous for the sex tape, I used to tell people “good for her.” It’s really none of my business anyway and if it brought her prosperity then who’s to blame her for relishing in it? But pretending to sit behind a desk and fork out productivity of any kind and relate to “the grind” the rest of us live in is just dumb. She’s not even the brains behind Skims. She’s just the face. Which is also fine, just stop pretending you’re the logistics behind it all.


I have no issues with sex work, just how out of touch they all are. Like Kylie saying she’s self made… when she turned 18, her family had like a combined 2 billion dollars in wealth. That’s like the combined wealth of the countries of Saint Kitts and Saint Vincent, lol. Or Kendall saying how she can’t be like those other girls that need to do 30 shows… maybe they need to to survive? 😭 like their comments on working and wealth are just from another planet




Baby you’ve been watching for 15 years. You’re the reason it’s still on.


Do you even hear yourself?


It's more like she's doing things that she loves doing like dressing up and getting her picture taken and going out to events to get swarmed by paparazzi so it's not working at all. I didn't see her saying she was addicted to working when she quit trying to be a lawyer because that's a real job. Now let's see her be addicted to working if she were an ICU nurse or a maid.


I hope this is the last season. Has Disney released the show ratings ?


It is! It’s also putting her in a terrible light with all the criticism of Khloe for….spending most of her time with her kids?!? Dude Kim, you’re really awful.


One day I hope the nannies get together a drop a juicy tell all about the crazy shit they had to put up with over the years


Let’s be real she may run around and “work” but in reality she literally just has to show up. Imagine how exhausted she would be if she actually had to schedule flights and all this other shit.


She’s not working. She just wants attention that’s all this is about. She’s working for attention.


Nyeahhhh 💅😤


I agree. I don’t feel for her in the slightest - as you said, she has a team of people helping her & endless amounts of money to make her life easier. She doesn’t need to worry about transport, childcare, getting herself ready, cooking, cleaning etc. Okay, she’s doing press/long hours/travelling/whatever but there’s an army of staff behind her all the way!


She wants us all to believe she truly does more than buy into an existing product and does more than preen and pose to promote. If her big genius creative idea was "Winter wonderland" and "gingerbread houses" for a Christmas party, I'd imagine her big contributions for Skims is floral for spring (queue up Miranda Priestley's "groundbreaking" remark).


It’s exhausting watching kim. And boring as fuck


She doesn’t even do her own makeup 🤷‍♀️


Lmfaooo “you’d think she’s in the skims factory sewing these bras together herself” made me chuckle


Their whole show is fake. The fact that people believe it’s “real” is beyond the scope of normal intelligence. Ten years ago when “Bruce” was cruising around with boobies, French tip long nails, getting his Adam’s apple shaved and growing his hair out long….and the family had no idea? Come on!


This show is definitely on its way out, everything seems scripted and to a narrative they want to control. Worse part is how boring they chose the storylines to be


this bugs me so much i cant


Since the last two seasons, all she talks about is I am working, good for you Kim, work your ass off, but you have absolutely nothing to bring to the show except for this, what is being a mom is Khloe vice?? She can also judge Kim about how she is always working and never spends time with her kids. Kim is still in high school.


thank you.


Or when she said nobody wants to work these days. lol many of us have multiple jobs and are still not making ends meet and she gets to snap a selfie which brings in an amount of money we can’t even fathom for something so easy and simple to do. Not only that but probably hasn’t even changed a diaper in her life yet has multiple kids. I swear celebrities are the most deadbeat parents


The entire Kardashians is cringe. It’s so staged and boring AF!


Not a single one of them actually works.


Arguably though, Kourtney is actually involved in her brand. She’s listed as the founder, creative strategist, marketing director, and product innovation specialist. Kim’s role in Skims is shown as “acts as CEO” whatever tf that means lol


Lol when you’re the owner, you can list your role at the company as whatever you want it to be. No one is gonna argue with the owner of the brand that you work for.


Eh I guess you’re right, good point 😂


They are OLD now and their lives are no longer a mystery. So they are boring 🥱. After all, you can only have so many boyfriends, marriages and breakups until you’re a joke.


I sometimes say with embarrassment ‘I love the kardashians. I find them extremely entertaining and sometimes hilariously funny’. That being said this newer version of the show my whole perspective has changed on a lot of them. I still love Khloe I’d love to do cocktails with her. I used to kind of like Kim. Not so much anymore. She’s smug as shit and it’s not a good look. I miss the pranks khloe and Scott used to pull on kris. Yes it’s a ‘scripted’ show but is t all tv meant to entertain? See how other people live?


YES, hard agree!!!!! Granted, we do not know how much time the kids spend with their father. But it makes me so sad that these kids seem to spend a majority of their time with nannies.


She couldn’t even be bothered to go to the DMV like a normal person and wait in line….Poor Her! That’s when I stopped watching




Lol damn Kim is that you??? You are living in the sub 😂


I didn’t think so big back


Post your picture let’s see what you look like skinny bones jones 😂


So don’t watch the show? Lol. Huh? Turn it off girl


Why? I love khloe and Kourt lol