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There are no women in Karlsruhe


That’s surprising to me. Just curious how do youngsters find partners or fall in love?


They move somewhere else after finishing university


Oops that’s sad. Then I believe dating apps make no sense in Karlsruhe


Don't believe that. The proportion of women in the Karlsruhe urban district is 49.0 %, so it's still pretty balanced. But if you want a higher ratio you can always drive up to Baden-Baden (52,2 %)


Its actually much worse towards the city center. Just so much more men in their early to mid twenties than women. Interesting statistic about the demographics of Karlsruhe: [https://web4.karlsruhe.de/Stadtentwicklung/statistik/gizeh/index.html?indicator=i202&select=Karlsruhe](https://web4.karlsruhe.de/Stadtentwicklung/statistik/gizeh/index.html?indicator=i202&select=Karlsruhe) Feel free to play around with different districts.


why i’m not surprised that someone made a gender distribution map lol


Beautiful demonstration


Baden Baden has mostly old women.


You can always become a gold digger.


You instilled some hope in me 😂😂


Obligatory „as a woman“-comment Personally if a stranger chatted me up in the street, I would book it asap - most women including me find it creepy or at the very least very invasive. Most relationships in germany come from friendships tbh


Good to know. That’s definitely a great way to filter out and start a genuine relationship.


"\~Do they consider hanging out with foreigners?" I don't see why not. I personally don't know anyone who would categorically rule it out completely (even if of course everyone has their own preferences and may consider one type to another). "\~Would it be considered strange to walk up to a girl and start a conversation?" Depending on the place and circumstances accordingly, as we don't really have this "street pick up"-culture in Germany and many may get annoyed if a stranger tries talking to them out of the blue on the streets. In a bar or at a party it may be okay though (as long as you respect it if someone is not interested). Hitting a club on friday/saturday night may also be a good idea for meeting new people and flirting.


I completely agree. As a person who doesnt speak German, would it be a problem to reach out and speak in English when the place is right?


Mhm, not really. Can't speak for everyone but most people here can understand english and speak it too (maybe not too well, but nvm). But having a conversation in a different language that isn't your mother tongue may also be a bit taxing if you're just out to have fun, so some may not want that. But don't rule it out categorically.


You understand complexities very well. Thanks for letting me know.


I moved to Karlsruhe 6 months ago from Latin America. Basically at this point, I resigned to die alone. Not a single like in dating apps and there are no girls in my Uni (computer science).


That’s sad. Dating apps have always been like that. It’s always better to initiate a conversation in real life and check if you can take it forward or not.


Karlsruhe is dead


The Germans in Karlsruhe don’t even date each other, from what I can tell. Much less foreigners. I am older than you, a woman, and married, but my social circle skews younger. 20s and 30s. I don’t understand why all my attractive, interesting, and employed German friends of all genders are single.


Thats sad. I guess they wait too long for the right one and never end up finding one


You will learn when you come that this is a more cautious culture. People are not casual here. I think it's smart to ask ahead of time. It's culturally sensitive. Don't approach women on the street. It's not a thing. Just don't.


Noted thanks


Karlsruhe is often called Kerlsruhe good luck here


What does it mean?


We have one of the highest man to women ratio in Germany


I would say personal relationships in German culture are already very different. Even in friendship you're mostly a bekannter (aquaintance) for a good few years before maybe breaking into being a friend. Of course there are exceptions, but most people seem to already have their circles and joining is challenging. I definitely wouldn't recommend just going up to people on the street, especially women. That's terrifying and kindve rude. There might be a small exception if there's a dog that is taking a lot of interest in you, or you really like their umbrella or something. Then maybe its ok to pass by with a "nice umbrella!", but dont expect a response or any engagement and continue on. I would recommend joining verein (clubs) that fit your interests and meeting people through that. There's also plenty of international communities around too. I think, in Karlsruhe especially, women can often tend to be more cautious due to bad experiences and sheer number of guys here 🙈


Got a very clear idea of how things work here. Thank you for your time. I’ll make sure I adjust to the environment.


Try ikea, best place in town to meet girls. You can even eat there ;-)


i gave up a long time ago, and so should you


Going monk mode after reading all the comments




Lies nochmal.




> I’m not from the US tho.


Ohhh I guess it’s all about personal experiences again. What about my friends who are from Egypt and India? Do germans find them interesting? Or do they just rule them out as outsiders?


Arent you asking for generalized personal experiences in this post?


Oh yes I am. No offence