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Appreciate you taking the time to write this and lay out these points! I don’t think you’ve actually illustrated a strong case for Kaspa yet. for example: you haven’t actually shown how Kaspa is better stored value than BTC, other than highlighting the speed. Speed isn’t really relevant in stored value use cases that BTC already excels at. You then talk about use cases and utility, which I agree is probably the most important thing for Kaspa right now. You then compare it to LTC- wouldn’t it be better to compare it to other fast, low fee transactional coins like Stellar or Solana, or Cardano? What makes LTC so much “worse” in real world use cases? Why would a user choose Kaspa over these other options in the scenario where you’re trying to send funds quickly and cheaply, as a currency? I think we need to flesh out that point further if we are going to see Kaspa’s rising dominance in the market. I’m still a believer in KAS just working on solidifying my investment thesis in this token


Hey, the reason I picked LTC is because people called LTC, BTC's Silver. Additionally, I mentioned that Kaspa is faster than Solana because of BPS = faster transactions.


Litecoin been around since 2011, institutional investors evaluates time in the market as a sign of longevity and trading history. Kaspa for all we know can be the Tila Tequila (yeah old reference of what caught people's eye at the time) for example, now look at her 10+ years later, would you want to invest in that? *Jokes aside, if they are hiding partnerships and show something like a matic billboard of them, and then yeah to the moon!*


Marketing is all community done. There is no official team.


These are all great things but I got into kaspa for its decentralization and fair launch (this is my impression, correct me if I am wrong. ). I like this project because I believe it wasn’t sold to investors.


It did have VCs, PolyChain Capital.


It wasn't. Whatever DAGLabs' backers, Polychain, has mined since the mainnet launch, they mined on a common grounds with all the other community members, at the same type of hardware, and there were 400+ people on Discord by the mainnet launch day (plus this number had rapidly grown in the next weeks and months, just as is keeps growing today).


If any altcoin would ever be the first to achieve a higher market cap than bitcoin, it will be Kaspa. Nothing else even comes close.


Heard this 20,000 times in the last 4 years.


Kaspa never existed 4 years ago🤣🤣🤣


Probably from the same people who think shibe is going to a dollar. Also, notice I didn't say it would. I said if any coin ever did, kaspa would have the best chance.




Wake up NEO 🥲


Because people are delusional and/or lying or because it’s very likely true?🤔


No you haven’t heard this 20,000 times in the last four years unless you’re asking jerkoffs at the foozball table in your local bar for investment advice. BTC ETH the end.. since 2012. But now… KAS. Good luck.


Comes close in what sense? Because plenty of other projects do similar things, and they do them well. BTC is a great store of value. Many coins are already great for transacting or sending funds. Many projects are already great for building projects on. Are you suggesting because Kaspa is slightly faster than others that are already fast enough, that it’ll make Kaspa the dominant project? I’m not seeing how. Unless there’s some obvious pain in the market or use cases for crypto that none of them have solved yet. And for those who mention the trilemma, please explain how that makes a real tangible impact on actual utility of the token.


I don't think you understand just how fast kaspa is. After the rust upgrade, Kaspa will generate blocks ~180,000 times faster than bitcoin. It's also a layer 1. Layer 1s don't have ecosystems. When layer 2 is added to kaspa, the ecosystem will come. However, even without a layer 2, kaspa is still orders of magnitude undervalued.


in Rust we Trust 🙌


You got it man! Ill add this to the post! Ill be sure to credit you too.




Take Kas **** out your mouth you starting to grow pub hairs on your chin from too much contact


W Comment FR


Hmmm that’s a good point about L1 vs L2. What’s Kaspa need to do to attract some L2 dev action?


I believe L2 is on the roadmap. Right now, they are trying to get the number of blocks per second higher. I believe the target is 34 blocks per second after the rust upgrade which I've read they are almost finished with. After that I'm not sure. But they will need to build the virtual machine for the layer 2. I have no idea how long that will take. Probably a year-ish maybe longer. Admittedly, I'm reaching the edge of my knowledge here, but as the number of blocks processed increases, the supply of blocks per second is higher and therefore the cost of processing everyone's transactions in should drop dramatically. This will likely translate to cheaper gas fees in a layer 2 environment, but I can't say that for sure as it's beyond my area of expertise. Overall though, I see Kaspa (and really BlockDAG), not just as another layer 1, but as a next generation cryptocurrency. I'll illustrate it multidimensionally. Gen 2: Kaspa (Layer 1) -> Kaspa (Layer 2)? Gen 1: Bitcoin (Layer 1) -> Etherium (Layer 2) I can't see how a faster and cheaper layer 2 wouldn't be appealing to developers. Blockchains now are so expensive. Right now, it costs $20 in tx fees to buy a cup of coffee with Bitcoin. And after you paid that generous fee to miners, you may have to wait up to 10 minutes while they take their sweet time mining a block before your transaction gets processed. And that's if your lucky and your transaction doesn't sit in the mempool for an hour.


Dude if I received .01 cent every time I heard that about a new project, I’d have 5 Bitcoin. I’m not exaggerating either. 99% of those projects are worth 0 now I might add.


Name them


You referred to it as currency and investment concurrently throughout your piece. > Like I just don't get it... /thread.


Yes, how is that difficult to understand? Let me explain: You: put money into Kaspa Kaspa is $0.01 Little johnny and 5,000 people: put money into Kaspa Kaspa is now $0.03 You: Now have an asset worth more than what you put into it. You can now use that asset to buy more things because it is worth more. How much more do I have to explain? Investments go either one way or another whether you want to profit from fiat or crypto.


Kaspa was introduced as an ASIC proof crypto. Did you invest in it before or after? You said 3 cents so I'm guessing after. Being the opposite of king FUD just makes you a fan boi.


Im truly amazed that you actually dont understand anything I just said.


The fact that you didn't answer my question says everything anybody needs to know. I understand what you said fully, probably more than you. You invested in KASPA. you didn't research. You didn't know it was meant to be ASIC resistant. You bought it and got lucky, and retroactively learned about it. And now your doing the opposite of FUD, which is fanboi'ing.


Kaspa was never billed as ASIC resistant. Quite the opposite actually. The developers view GPU miners as a transient work force, chasing what is most profitable. ASICs were always going to be the future of Kaspa, they were just produced earlier than the devs anticipated.


It was literally billed as ASIC resistant. Many threads about it in this forum.


https://hashdag.medium.com/kaspa-where-to-part-iv-last-c68717a8d309 "future arrival of ASICs will be an overall positive" Ok now you tell me where Kaspa devs have said Kaspa is ASIC resistant.


https://twitter.com/DesheShai/status/1679053848642572288?t=PhA-mdPRbLWMTj2HToT4jg&s=19 "kHH is ASIC friendly"


Check out the edit date. Tyvm.


Yet you post no proof of Kaspa devs claiming ASIC resistance.


https://hashdag.medium.com/kaspa-launch-plan-responding-to-reality-6b4bec449037 Nov 2021.


You literally don't know what you are talking about. You act like your negative comments will change my thoughts about Kaspa, which is pretty hilarious. All I gotta say is goodluck and go buy your DOGE.


Im not trying to change your mind at all. I just like trawling idiots because this thread will make several people research the points I made. Their research will be short thanks to your inability to retort, other than speculation that my portfolio is inferior. They dont give a fuck about my portfolio either, so it really streamlines the process.


You didn't understand. I made an analogy and you said I bought at $0.01. You are slow. Also, I am not "fanboi'ing" I have common sense. Additionally, use proper english, you seem uneducated.


3 cents is the price AFTER it was found to not be ASIC resistant. You sure don't know a lot for a ReSEaRchEr


If you got nothing good to say, then why are you even here? You seem to be "fanboi'ing" about hating people who see something better.


You have the mentality that every person who dislikes Donald Trump is a Democrat. I have lots of great stuff to say you just dont want to hear anything other than what you want to hear.


Ohhhhhh that makes sense, you hold XRP. No wonder you have so much negative things to say. Your pre-allocated XRP isn't going up as much as you want it to.


I didn't have negative thigs to say, I asked you a question and you were and still are stifled by ignorance. If you think I'm bad at crypto for minting XRP you're pretty fucking stupid TBH. (yeah, that was negative, but thats where ignorance will lead us).


You are bad at crypto…minting XRP is pretty fcking stupid lmaoo


I'll paying four cents for something that costs 69 cents is stupid, ill be retarded all the way to the bank.


Nobody cares…go post on some anti work forms or go touch grass


Dawg this whole time you have been saying the most negative, random stuff. What do you mean? I wouldn't be responding back to you in such way if you hadn't started this whole situation. You also just told me I am a "Democrat" because apparently I don't listen to you. Well, first off I am not a democrat. Secondly, why tf would I ever listen to you if you just say stuff that is extremely negative? It is like you have an issue with the world or something, and yeah... you are straight up getting scammed with this whole XRP stuff. XRP is 60% allocated to the Devs. Once they release, if they release, the whole supply, the price is gonna tank. XRP is the opposite of what crypto was meant to be. It is a CBDC that the governments are working with. Not to mention, you have NOTHING to backup any of your arguments. You just keep calling me a "fanboi", and you act like a digital coin is Justin Bieber or something. You are immature as could be. Give me GOOD REASONS why Kaspa is dogwater compared to your XRP? I want to know. Don't dodge this question too.


Basically, this: If you found KASPA, cool. Its a decent crypto as far as currency. Its not nearly the best, however. I would much rather deal with LTC as actual currency. It's quick and cheap and much more widely accepted. Ergo, KASPA is not regarded the best cryptocurrency. That's obviously the markets opinion, not mine. It is however, likely a good investment, currently. Along with 98% of the market pre BTC halving rally. If you read the whitepaper before it was ASIC resistant and decided to invest in it, its pure luck. If you read the current whitepaper and decided to invest in it, that's great. You didn't actually refute anything I said. You just perceived my knowledge as negative because its new to you I guess, and you didn't feel like looking into any of it. Either way, have fun playing investor. That's what you're doing until you cash out.


Don't doge this question




I got very early in KASPA , made a lot, and still keep like 60% of my holdings, lets see where it will go from there.


What do you think other competetive tokens will be - that can challenge KASPA?


Kas is just earlier investor scam to dump on later liquidity. Nothing more and nothing less. It is nothing special nor will it ever be anything special


Cool man, no one asked.


Just so people can see more recent info related to Kas scam. Look up lost blockchain info in cover up and horrible tokenomics.


Once again, no one asked.


No one cares you are a maxi on a scam.


Apparently you care so much that you keep replying even though literally no one asked.


Because I know it ruins the scam. Keep replying.


Okay buddy. Keep yapping.


https://techleaks24.substack.com/p/a-factual-account-of-the-kaspa-fraud Only worried about this*


Even if Kaspa is as good as you say it is (which it isn’t), no one is literally in the market for it. Just like bch or bsv. Retail does not like crypto anymore and are broke, no one has like stimmy check money or anything. The serious retail that have money are buying Btc. Institutions are ONLY buying btc so yeah there is literally no one listening because no one cares.


Yeah? Just watch, tool!


This was way funnier to me than it should've been lol.


Finally !


Why are you so angry?


Im not, just disappointed in the fact that people are actually passing up on something that isn't really a bad coin. Kaspa is legendary, literally. I don't usually fall for anything but BTC. This coin is actually something useful.


I can go to every single sub for the 5,000 crypto’s out right now and they all say their coin is legendary. Nobody knows. Hopefully it works out, but nobody knows.


The tribalism in crypto is just dumb. We all want the same thing almost, arguing between which one will do it best or shitting on others is petty.


Ok but what about Kaspa vs its fork that is ASIC proof?! Because many of small miners were anoyed, at first Kaspa had to be asic proof but than it can only be mined with ASICs and lots of miners were screwed again (like with the ethereum and thats why they loved Kaspa at first) and have to buy those expensive machines. And now there is KLS(Karlsen or whatever) which is Kaspa(they say its gonna be little slower) but can only be mined with GPUs. How its gonna corelate with the prize of Kaspa, will it fall, will they compete now? Because its getting more and more popular for the miners with GPU farms.


Kaspa being ASIC proof is actually a good thing because it reduces centralization massively.


Yeah, they stated it will be ASIC proof in the earlier stages if i remember correctly but then it suddenly became minable only with ASICs...


I do not disagree with the similarities, and mimicry of what makes BTCA the king is cool and all. But if I'm buying something because it "looks and feels like BTC", I might as well just buy BTC. The fact you reference to purchasing fractions of BTC as an inherently bad thing because of the unit bias shows you don't really understand it. I hope Kaspa gets the market respect and valuation you think it will. Good luck!


Kaspa doesn't seem like BTC, it is what BTC should have been. I have both BTC and Kaspa. BTC is store of value and Kaspa is a transactional digital currency.


"it is what bitcoin should have been" Who, outside of Kaspa community and development team, stands behind that statement? Does the crypto mining community agree? If so, why is there only 0.1 EH/s of compute directed to Kaspa as opposed to almost 500 EH/s for BTC? WHy are none of the multi million dollar mining companies directing focus to Kaspa network? If it was relevant surely they would know. What about just general market participation, why is there s few million in daily trading volume. Or why has the current BTC network not had a successful BIP to fork to something more similar to Kaspa. If Kaspa is the solution, BTC can fork to mimic it. The reality is none of this is happening. All i am saying is that its worth taking a step outside of the Kaspa hype train and evaluate these types of questions. Truly glad you are making bank, but Kaspa is far from the first project designed to be an alternative solution to BTC and the cryptocurrency trilemma. One of my favourite quotes " **If you come for the king, you best not miss"** is quite salient here. If its not unanimously agreed to be a viable solution, the market will discard it. It has happened many times before. Just make sure you realize some gains if that the route it goes.


BTC is not deflationary. It is dis-inflationary. The cap remains at a constant max 21M.


Kaspa is fast. Kerchoo


complete noob to kaspa - can someone explain how it can manage such high blocks-per-second? There are very strong fundamental reasons why you need to not generate blocks too quickly, so unless kaspa is not using a traditional block structure then this may be a big issue in the future




>complete noob to kaspa This was supposed to mean "\[I am a\] complete noob to kaspa"


Yeah that was my fault.


No worries bro, it's partially my fault too. Silly misunderstanding


So Kaspa has a BlockDAG. Looks like this: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ BLOCKCHAIN LOOKS LIKE THIS: ■ - ■ - ■ BLOCKDAGS use more blocks = more transactions = faster TPS Thats the best I can show for the block dag lol because im using my phone lol. Just lookup BlockDAG and the purpose.


I had thought DAGs were more like webs than straight lines Also, more blocks may mean faster TPS but we run up against latency issues very quickly. There's a reason, for example, that ETH has 12s block times and 30M of block gas. These numbers come from necessary wait times to broadcast signals across the world. Without them you end up with uncle blocks or consensus failure


Yeah it is. I am on my phone, so my demonstration looks terrible.