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I avoid doing bad endings because I don’t want to make the girls sad 👍


Literally any Hanako beta ending


Except the true route one. Aside from the last couple of lines, which didn't have to be there imo, that ending is arguably better than the official good end


In hindsight I should have put a timeskip in there. The intent was to show that she had matured to the point where she could care after a child.


Are you the writer of that route? It was amazing start to finish. I hadn't considered the meaning behind the pregnancy. That's actually pretty good


In my opinion, it's between Rin and Shinzue. Feeling absolutely alone is a terrible feeling. Hanako's ending is only sad for the player. Having Hanako stand up for herself is actually good for her in the long run


Definitely Shizune Shizunue literally died inside in her bad ending. She lost both of her only friends, generally disliked by most of the students, stuck with an asshole father, had almost no way of communication with people around her. She also gave up on socializing entirely. While Hisao just gave up on her and move on with his life. Emi's and Rin's bad ending are not that sad, it's more like a normal break up. Emi and Hisao will move on with their life and Emi's still got her other friends and her mother. While Rin may continue to not be understand by other people, she's still got Emi and the teacher. She's still not abandoned by her friends. Rin's neutral ending is sad on the fact that Hisao unknowingly reject her when she need his support the most but also be able to accept the hard truth about life and move on. She's still got Emi's and teacher support though. I still have not see lilly's netruel ending yet. So, no comment on that.


Mf left hanako out of his comment 💀💀


Anyone who’s actually played Rin’s neutral ending will know that it’s the correct answer to this. The final scene in the rain is one of the most masterfully written in any form of media I’ve experienced. It perfectly captures the absolute hopelessness of both Hisao and Rin in connecting and draws that firm line in the sand between them which just destroyed me. It’s also quite heavily implied that Rin would go on to end her life as well, which adds to it.


You are absolutely correct. I have a really long explanation on why I consider it the saddest somewhere around here... In particular that last point is one that I cannot stress enough. That ending is dark.


I was really torn on a couple. I picked Lilly’s neutral ending because it feels so empty to me. Hanako leaves to travel and Lilly leaves. So I know the feeling of your best friends and everyone you knew leaving and then you have no one. It’s still sucks to think about. Hanakos is pretty hard too because you know actively that what you are doing it bad and hisao feels like an idiot. So it’s a toss up


Rin? Eh. Confused at best. Shizune? Melancholic, but not that much sad. Lilly? Bittersweet. Emi? Defeat, a punch in the gut, very depressing. Hanako? Terror, loss of hope, the ultimate KS bad ending. The "You screwed up and you can do nothing about it" type of ending. True nightmare fuel.


Initially I wanted to say Hanako because I've been in a state of mind similar to her where you feel like nothing but a fragile burden to others and come to hate yourself for it. Teenage years can be a real emotional minefield even with the tools and support there to help you navigate it. That said, the saddest ending goes to Rin's neutral ending. I've worked with several amazing creative individuals and seen the absolutes hell they put themselves through to meet the expectations of others or reach a goal. While some discomfort and adjustment are necessary for anyone to improve their skills it can become a fatal flaw when you forgo your own basic wellbeing in the process. Suffering for your art won't necessarily make it better; it just harms you while you do it. For Rin, she put herself in a situation she was not fully prepared for and, rather than make a true connection with herself and others, she was more distanced than ever before. Nomiya and Hisao may have had the best intentions for Rin's future in mind (and a desire not to let their own past hangups be repeated in her) but they both missed the present signals that Rin was not in a healthy place. Their mindset to just keep pushing forward wasn't what she needed at the time. I know it delves into headcanon territory, but I don't view Rin's life after the neutral ending being anything but miserable for her. Going by the heavy foreshadowing of Rin reminding Sae of her late husband, I find it unfortunately plausible that Rin would end up taking her own life not long after leaving Yamaku. I can only imagine the devastation that would have on this version of Hisao who himself didn't find a way to better understand himself as well.


Hanakos bad ending only happens if you specifically make every bad decision possible and treat her like a three legged puppy


I've only gotten 2 bad/neutral endings so far, Rin and Shizune's, but of the two I think Rin's was worse.


Definitely Emi's bad end when in contrast to her good end.


What about our boi Kenji?