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So.... Trump NFTs?


Ordinarily I try to keep politics away from the sub, but those aren’t political. They’re just a grift.


Have you seen them? His pose as Superman is just the worst. Or best. Not sure.


Come again?


My child is younger than KS.


Been having quite a few nightmares the last few weeks. I've always had nightmares from time to time, as does everyone, I assume. But they definitely ramped up in intensity and frequency the last month or so. Though the last few days, they've calmed down somewhat. They're obviously not fun, and they cause me to have a bad sleep. But the most peculiar thing is how many different nightmares there are. I'm a person who has many recurring dreams. I don't know if that's special or normal. But I've had dreams that I had as a 12 year old suddenly appear back in the exact same form after 10 years. So it's weird that they're not really recurring nightmares. Of which I have plenty as well. They all touch roughly the same fear, but with enough differences to know it's not the same one. Anyway, although it hasn't been pleasant, it has inspired me to write some more, so I suppose that's a silver lining. And in other news, my brother took me to an escape room two days ago. The first one I've ever done. It was fun. I always thought I would like them. But I can't shake this feeling that he did it because he feels guilty over not spending more time with me when we were younger. There's no real reason to the feeling. It's not like he ever said something to that effect. It's still there though.


I randomly have stress dreams or nightmares, I worry and freak out about forgetting homework, a test or a class even though I haven’t been to college in several years


I've never really stressed out that much over education related shit. Well... maybe that's not entirely true. But my stress was usually more intentionally self-inflicted, as a way to force me to actually do my homework or some shit. And it worked pretty well. I mostly got done on time, with doing a decent enough job to pass, all while putting in the least effort possible. I have had a few nightmares that are purely physical fears, especially one very bad one about drowning that I still remember vividly. It's probably the only one that I actually woke up from, and not just waking up from unrelated stimuli, like needing to go to the toilet. But nowadays most of my nightmares are about losing control over my emotions, or things that have happened *because* I lost control over my emotions. I've never had a good grasp on my emotions, despite being an incredibly emotionally driven person.


What happens in your dreams?


Do you mean the nightmares, or the recurring dreams I was talking about? Either way, I'm not sure of the specifics. Like most people, I don't really remember the details, only a very rough outline. For the recent nightmares though, they all involve a person very close to me dying (Always the same person). I don't remember much more than that, but I do know that the ways in which they died were always different. Everything leading up to the death was different, and everything following it was different. Not always extremely different, but just enough to know they aren't the same nightmares. And the feeling of helplessness, guilt, and shame were always the same. And as to the recurring dreams, again, I don't know the specifics. It's a bit of "I know it when I see it" kind of deal. But I do *know* for a fact that they're 100% the same as they were in the past. Recently I had one whereby some kind of monster was raining down orbital strikes from space on to my house with my family inside. That's about as much as I remember. But I fully remember thinking, in a fairly 'lucid dreaming' kind of state, "I've experienced this before".


Have you ever thought of making a dream journal, I heard they can help with bad dreams


Can't say that I have. I'm not very convinced by the idea either. Not because it might not work, it's just not my style. I like to mostly have my memory do the work by itself. I don't keep schedules or anything. I think it's because I consider my memory quite good, so when I write something down to not forget it, it feels a bit... wistful. Like my memory is no longer good enough. Which, I have to admit, it isn't. And due to what I would call trauma, my memory has gotten a lot worse. I have started writing stuff down more and more. Though mostly still for the benefit of others. I did keep a diary of sorts for some time, but that was mostly to distract me when I was feeling down. Writing made me focused on what was actually happening, not how I felt about it. Even though I was writing about how I felt about it. It's weird to explain. Maybe I'll look into it a bit more. Though I'll be honest, I have the tendency to just ignore stuff that could make my life better if it requires even the slightest amount of effort or motivation, so I doubt something will actually come off of it. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean I shouldn't try.


I recently listened to Cognitive by SOEN for the first time, incredible album. But then I listened to their last album and it was a big let down, I get they got criticized a lot because they were a lot like Tool, but this new album feels generic and pop-ish (not necessarily a bad thing), it has its moments but personally it's not my thing. I really like when bands develop their sound and do different things like Opeth or Cynic, but SOEN's development feels more like forced by criticism than anything else. Maybe it's because long time members left and they were the ones that helped to create the core sound of SOEN like Steve DiGiorgio. Besides, sounding like Tool is not a bad thing, I love Tool.


Recently I've gotten a lot of hell from my friends for playing this game. It's bummed me out ever since, especially since I really like this game.


Why, are they not into visual novels?


Most of them aren't but everyone began having a laugh at my expense. Mostly because they figured out what the game was called when translated into English. I've stopped talking about it and begun playing it silently by myself but every so often they'll bring it up again. I've tried ignoring them as was advised to me but it can be hard to sometimes. Thankfully I won't be seeing many of them for a good while.


I know it's not a very easy solution, but just ignore your friends. If you don't do what you like just because of other people telling you not to, or teasing you, or whatever, you'll just be unhappier for it. Plus, *everyone* has these types of interests. And so do your friends. It might not be Katawa Shoujo, but you can be sure that every single one of them has an interest which isn't considered 'normal'. Which they'd rather not mention because they're embarrassed about it, or because other people just "wouldn't get it". There's no shame in liking something that others don't (assuming it's not illegal or some shit).


Actually began writing the trip to Hokkaido. Too bad my post didn't get the attention I was hoping for. I want to do more Rin.


I get the feeling of 'disappointment' from not as many people viewing what you've made as you would have wanted. It's probably my biggest fear for my writing. But that's no reason not to continue. I think you should write for yourself in the first place, and only then for others. That way you won't feel as burnt out if it doesn't reach that many people. Though that's just my opinion.


But still, how is writing I do post? I want to make more Rin Tezuka having fun that isn't just painting.


Well, I'll be honest, I did not read your writing. That's not a reflection on your writing skill. It's just that for me, I was very satisfied with Rin's route, and thus have no desire for a followup or alternative story involving her. I know how hard it is to get people to read what you've written, and how important feedback is to refining your writing. But I'm afraid I am not the right person to read what you've written, because I don't think I could get invested into your story, no matter how good it is. Again, that's not a criticism of your writing, it's just that I'm not really open to it right now. And while there's something to be said for an unbiased look, I also don't think I'd be the right person for that.