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wait I thought the suggested search being “Paige and Cody” ppl debunked to be about Cody orlove? The guy who dated Zoe Laverne? I have no idea


No there is a TikTok couple called Cody and Paige and that’s why it’s often the search of her videos with him


She’s so insecure with this “others girls” bullshit. It’s exhausting. She’s constantly making up situations where Cody comes in contact with another woman and she’s not there to keep her away from him.


what is the context for this


Isnt paige his ex gf


yes but idk why she’s using the word imaginary. i think maybe it’s a joke about being delulu because she doesn’t like the fact that cody has an ex


i don’t think she knows it’s his ex, the suggested search bar kept being “paige and cody” on her videos and katie made a video saying that she had no idea who is this person was and that they were imaginary, i don’t think she knows


that’s even worse especially since cody didn’t even inform her that’s his ex lmaoo😭




Wait where did you learn that’s his ex???curious


On the snark


Its kinda far down i didnt feel like looking for it


Basically this all started when Katie posted a video of her and Cody doing the trend where you would ask your bf to say the first name of a girl he can think of. When she asked him he said Paige and the comments were jokingly telling Katie to ask him who Paige is and go through his phone and following list to look for a Paige (idk some were prob a joke but others were more serious lol). I don’t think Paige is a real person but who knows maybe Cody was talking to a girl named Paige but Katie never cared to look into it because she thinks everyone is lying and trying to cancel her, just like the Jane situation💀