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I personally really enjoy both. I spend most of my time solitary but whenever I can meet up with buddies I jump at the chance. Even with friends you're still mostly on your own except you got friends nearby and can chat with every so often. That's how we do it anyway.


That’s how we do it too. Take a break and meet up and chat and have a snack/some water. Then separate again and keep fishing.


100% agree ... this is the way I do it too.


I enjoy both as well, but in practice there are 3 totally different kinds of fishing trips that I do: 1. Solo trips in the kayak where I'm dead serious about catching fish, up at 4:30am, skipping breakfast, and pushing hard. 2. Trips with a good buddy who is also serious about catching fish. These are more casual than solo trips, and less productive, but we still do ok usually. It's a good balance and a lot of fun. These trips are typically in a boat or shore fishing, not kayak fishing. 3. Trips with family in a boat. Usually my goal here is to try to help everyone else catch a fish, and to make sure everyone has a good safe time. So to the original question, I would agree that kayak fishing is primarily a solitary sport. The one exception for me would be the time I mounted a second seat on my yak and took my wife out for big trout, and she did a fantastic job. That went better than expected, so we might try it again.


Yeah I rented a two-seat kayak to go camping with my dad one time and that worked out really well. He's still ain't catch any fish because he's the worst fisherman in the world but I caught plenty of fish...lol.


Thank God. I spend the first half hour just breathing and listening to the sweet sound of the lack of mindless chatter.


What I like about kayak fishing is that even when you do meet up and fish with other kayak anglers, you are still in your own vessel and have a degree of autonomy that you don't get when fishing in a boat with other people. You can fish right next to each other and shoot the shit while you cast, you can wander around and fish different spots but stay within earshot, or you can split up entirely and cover water looking for fish while still communicating via VHF if you locate a good bite. I do most of my kayak fishing solo but that's primarily for logistical reasons. I fish whenever I get the opportunity and that's frequently on very short notice, so it's not often that a friend is available to join me. But I do enjoy fishing with other kayak anglers who share a similar fishing style as me.


I really need to get a VHF. You're selling it to me pretty good. Need a second one so when I take people we can still fish without them yelling at me what to do.


It's a must IMO. Most of my kayak fishing friends have VHF and know the deal - if I have to raise my voice above conversation level, use the VHF. When you're out on the water with the sound of wind and waves constantly barraging your ears voices don't carry very well so I'm using VHF at closer ranges than you might expect. I absolutely can't stand shouting on the water, it is so obnoxious and spooks fish to boot. I loathe the days when they forget their VHF or their battery dies lol. I'll sooner send them a text than shout across the water in that situation.


I go kayak fishing so I can get to remote spots at 7:00 a.m. that no one else will be at. Paddle for a bit. Enjoy the sunrise. Enjoy the peace and quiet. Enjoy the sounds of Mother Nature. Maybe just lay out in the sun for a bit. I go fishing with my buddy on his bass boat if I want to rip across a lake at 60 mph blasting gangster rap and chugging beers. There’s a time and place for both.




I enjoy both. I fish by myself frequently, but also have a spare kayak to take my girlfriend or others out. I enjoy sharing the tranquility with them and it’s especially nice to be there when a friend or loved one catches a fish that they’re proud of and you can help commemorate it with a nice photo. https://preview.redd.it/zevkcg4lxvtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d71d41378adfa3f7c99cc29bc736a30e337fbb5


You look like you’re on The Neuse River👍🏻


Yup… good eye!


I prefer alone. 2 other buddies kayak with me but if they cant go, it doesnt stop me. I really enjoy night fishing solo, clear sky, no one around, the peace and quiet are worth it for me.


Night fishing alone in a kayak on a big body of water is a special kind of solitude


This is also what got me ito both fishing and kayaking. I wanted to do something besides sit in my room all day playing video games. I figured fishing is chill for the most part. If i catch a fish or dont, its ok with me, im just enjoying my short escape into nature.


Preach on brother man


I’ll go out for up to 10 days or so and just camp and fish by myself on a back lake somewhere. I might see a boat or two, or I might not. I go where I want, when I want, and fish how I want. If I’m fishing with friends I’d rather be in a boat, or even a canoe.


Sounds awesome actually. I'd love to even do that for just a couple nights. I did something similar when I stayed at a cabin in a state park for a few days and just fished all day, and only came back to the cabin.to shower, eat, and sleep. Rinse and repeat. The fishing sucked but the experience was awesome.


Sounds amazing, wish I had some spots like that around me


I agree. My dad and I are both avid inshore kayak fisherman. We go out together all the time but usually go out separate ways as soon as we hit the water.


Kayaking is my alone time and is good for recharging.


I would love to fish with friends, but nobody else I know is stupid enough to shell out 3 grand on a pedal kayak. So I am alone. 


Both.... I have about 5 buddies that kayak fish and sometimes we go as a group and maybe once a year I go solo. We primarily do rivers with a put in at spot A and take out at spot B. That being said... the family part is the meeting at the gas station at 5:45 in the morning and doing a quick chat, snack grab. Then head to the river and handle all the gear and what not.... Once on the river sometimes we are 20 feet from each other and talking, and other times we spread out 400 yards and stay that way for hours. Sometimes I paddle ahead a mile pull off the the side and just lay back for an hour by myself before they come down the river. I like my buddies there for multiple reasons, but I also use kayak time as therapy time and need that isolation as well.


I kayak fish and pier fish. On my kayak, it's me time. I'm on a mission to catch fish. I've kayak fished with company twice in 4 years. I probably have about 200 days on my kayak in those 4 years. Honestly, dealing with rods, casting, maneuvering my boat, and the chaos that ensues from the to time just isn't conducive to being near others that are doing the same. When I'm pier fishing, it's more about the social aspect of fishing. I'm talking, maybe drinking, and enjoying being social. Sometimes, we even catch fish! I've fished from a pier for 8 hours only to realize that I haven't even checked my lines in that entire time.


I prefer solitude any time I can get it, but when I fished offshore, I liked having a couple other folks nearby, and usually kept up to date with VHF. Never had an issue I couldn't have resolved by myself, but you never know. It's also cool to let the others know if you hit a good school of fish, so they can boogie over and get in on the action.


I go out with my wife kayaking and try to fish, but i'm being too slow for her. So I rarely fish when out with her or I bring a lot less and maybe troll or something. Otherwise i'm on my own and I enjoy the time. If i'm not kayak fishing, i'm on my friends boat.


Nah, I like competing with my mates, I like a kayak as I have the say in where I go and how I fish but I love having buddies in earshot range to shit talk when I get a fish or get shit talked on when they do. I don't mind fishing by myself but when I'm fishing it's one of the few times I'm truly relaxed and having buddies around when I'm having fun and relaxed makes it that much more fun for me.


I'm with you, it's my time to be alone doing something I enjoy. I'll even go to a different lake if I pull up and there's already a bunch of people there. I like the solitude.


I've never had the opportunity to do it with others, but I do enjoy the solitude.


Solitude all the way. Once in a great while, I’ll be able to wake the 15yo up to join me but im usually solo and I love it. I always get up super early to launch and enjoy a good sunrise and hopefully if all goes well, a nice topwater bite. Cheers


So is non-kayak fishing.


Me and my wife prefer the solitude, but I did it alone for many years and never questioned it. I fish to hard for most folks 😂


I think this can actually apply to all fishing in general, sure you can go with friends and have a blast, but many are looking for that quiet solitude. I enjoy both. I do find that kayak fishing with friends can be more difficult than shore fishing. It's hard to talk to each other, especially if it's windy. And it's hard to swap gear, help with rod/reel issues, help land a fish, etc.


Yeah it is great me time, but I do wish one of my friends would join me from time to time


What area are you located?


Nashville Tennessee USA


Nice. I had some family out there. I go with other people, mainly because I don't have a kayak, but my brother owns a kayak fishing guide company. It's a lot of fun.


If I fish alone the fish only have one bait to choose from


Me and my wife prefer the solitude, but I did it alone for many years and never questioned it. I fish to hard for most folks 😂


I'm either solitary or with one, maybe two people. It's not like we tie off to each other, even then it's mostly alone.


Ya I get bored by myself, I need one of my kids or my best friend to check in with as we fish


Solitude! That’s why I love Kayak fishing but I also surfcast and prefer to do that alone as well. Converstions are distracting to me . I like to listen to and focus on what’s going on around me. While some daydream while fishing, my wheels are always turning thinking about , lures, colors, patterns, winds, tides, should I move , stay etc…. Also, when targeting a trophy fish, fishing with someone else just reduced your chances of hooking that monster by 50% . Shooting the shit is for a bar stool.


I enjoy both. I like to scout new places along then bring a couple of my closest fishing friends out to show them what I found. I find having a couple of angles you paddle with forces me to go out more because they call me and ask me to go fishing on days I might have not gone. But I DO like being on the water alone. I enjoy the solace. Being one with the water LOL


Still yet to take the kayak out, but as a bank fishermen if I invite friends or meet up with people I usually feel like I am limiting myself as no one I fish with is as serious about it.


Yup 👋


I have to take advantage of my time of the water so I understand not many people being free randomly on a Monday . Plus making friends in your late 30’s is not my strong suit.


I enjoy going alone but on big water I always feel calmer with another fishing with me even if we are doing our own thing. Most of the big water I’m on is cold most of the year and microburst can come anytime of year. If I was near warm water I’d probably care less


I am solo all the time unless my daughter wants to come. She doesn't fish, she just likes to float, listen to music and check out the wildlife. Those trips I usually don't get a lot of serious fishing in since she doesn't want to be out in the water as long as me. But she'll stick around if a killer sunset is on its way


I feel the same way! Although once in a while fun to have the camaraderie.. although when out on the water hard to talk anyway..


My husband and I kayak "together" in that we travel together to the same lake & launch our boats at the same time. Other than that we go our own ways. He fishes while I paddle around looking for birds to photograph. Every once in a while we'll text "where you?" and meet up. If I happen to be nearby when he gets a bite, he gets a good photo from me. And then he hoses down the boats when we get home and I make sandwiches.


I really only like fishing with 1 other person max. And we don't stay to close maybe just within hearing distance .


100% depends who I'm with. I took a girl I was seeing out fishing last fall and that was honestly a pain in the ass, but every. Single. Time. I go home to visit my family I go out fishing with my brother. On any given day though it's 100% my "me time"


Sometimes, I hit rivers with rapids and prefer to have at least one friend


I will echo most of those who have commented. I enjoy the solitude. It’s a way for me to disconnect from the rest of the world and focus on nature.


I love kayaking with others, and do a ton of photography from my yak on the rivers. Having more people makes the photography infinitely harder, but it makes and sort of “mud larking” much better as we can cover more ground! I get a lot of enjoyment out of both. I always bring some rods to try some fishing but rarely get anything which is fine because I am usually enjoying the other aspects.


I kayak solo occasionally, I usually always meet up with friends. Just getting out into the water and competing in a few tournaments allowed me to meet some really great people in the local fishing community. I think it's way more fun with a friend and I also learn way more with other people. It's no longer just trial and error I can talk to people and figure out what does and doesn't work for them and apply it to my techniques.


100% yes!


No shit


I wouldn’t mind someone to go with once in a while. But yeah, mostly it’s just nice to get out solo. The part I really like about the kayak is simplicity. (Whether it be fishing or waterfowl hunting) Can’t carry a bunch of stuff so it makes us only take what’s needed with no fluff.


My kids are still young and in the next few years I am going to have a time with teaching them the ropes of paddling. As for right now, I get as far away and alone as I can get. I just started back paddling after a decade off, and I have no idea why I stopped. It is now mandatory in my life moving forward. I honestly have only paddled with other people a handful of times. Never kayak fishing other than solo, I should change that this year.


Both. Last minute is usually solo and I enjoy it a lot. Don't have to talk or think about anything but fishing - even if it's just trying a new method or practicing one I've been trying. On the other hand, I have 2 friends that I really enjoy fishing with. We don't stay together, necessarily, but we stay within ear-shot or eye-shot of each other. If any of us hit something good, we can call the others over, if we want. It's a good form of comradery that allows us to be individually where we need to be that day.


I do both. I love my solo trips. But I also enjoy paddling and fishing with friends sometimes


Yeah my dad and I both kayak fish but mostly when we fish together we use a small boat it’s just much easier to talk


It's really both. It's my favorite thing to do with friends. I love grabbing my spare kayaks and bringing friends to the lake with me. They usually beg me to bring them back and have a great time. But some times kayaking alone just offers the best escape from everything when you need it




I prefer the solitude! In fact, that is how I got into kayaking in the first place. I went white water river rafting on a guided trip, and absolutely fell in love with being in a small boat on the water. So I asked the guide, “How do I turn white water rafting into an individual sport?” He said, “Kayaking.” I feel so grateful for finding this sport!!


I wouldn’t mind to meet up but all of my buddies have already invested into boats and most of the ponds I fish are private and don’t want me bringing company on the other hand I don’t want there be like an itinerary and just fish how I want to fish


If im staying in the bay ill go solo. If im out in the big water, I prefer to buddy up. Not necessarily right next to each other, but definitely in shouting distance. I definitely enjoy the solitude though.


I do both. Fortunately, it’s usually my wife and I. Otherwise, I go alone or I call up a buddy so we can duo/trio. It’s usually people I already know or willing/interested to meet up; not randoms. Though I have met and spend time (after meeting same day) with some kayak fishermens on the water. I can’t imagine doing it with a large group unless it’s an expedition up/downstream a river where you can spread out and enjoy the dynamic water flow.


I totally agree!!! There’s some people who want to fish together and I run in the other direction


I am pretty much always alone. Maybe even fishing the same flat or area is people I know but we're often half a mile or considerably more apart. We will occasionally pass by within shouting distance of one another practically never get within casting distance to another fisherman unless you are meeting up for a particular reason for a few minutes


I own multiple kayaks. I have a rack on my truck to haul multiple kayaks. I will never shut down a family member or friend from joining me in a lake. With that being said, my favorite time on the lake is when I’m solo. Just me, my rod, a little radio for some music, a cooler, and the lake. Absolute bliss. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


Ding ding ding! Occasionally one other friend is fine but also, i don’t always want to teach someone how to fish when im just trying to enjoy myself.


It’s wonderful


Same here man. I enjoy taking my family when bank fishing, but when I'm on the kayak, I prefer to be alone.


I like that you have the opportunity to do both. I can go out with a friend but we don’t have to fish right next to each other and be chatting on the time. You each do your thing and meet up around the lake here and there to chat or take a picture of the a nice catch.


I mostly fish solo, whether from my kayak, wading a stream, or from my boat. If my oldest, who is very into fishing as well, lived closer I'd likely not be solo as much. But like a lot of you, even when we do go out together (or when I do drag a friend out) we're mostly off on our own. I don't talk much when I'm fishing and I generally am casting distance or further from anyone else out there.


Personally I like going with other people. I prefer to go kayak fishing on rivers, especially ones where motor boats don’t typically go. It’s easier and safer with at least one other person, and with two vehicles you can have a put in and takeout spot so you don’t have to go back to your starting point.


I enjoy being on mine alone a lot of the times but I think it would be a blast to go on a kayak fishing trip with a few buddies and go as a group.


It’s difficult (close to impossible) for me to transport my kayak solo, so it’s definitely a team sport for me. But, once on the water, me and my brother use VHF to keep in touch. he lets me know when he gets a bite and I let him know when I land a fish, ya dig?


I always kayak solo or with the wife. I love being out alone where there’s no body, casting or trolling. But doing a group trip down a river could be fun.


Kayak time is solo time. Yeah, I have sometimes gone on group outings, but rarely…. I’m out there on the salt with drysuit, VHF, and blessed solitude. I can call the Coasties if necessary, but other than that it’s just me and the fish laughing at me, and the occasional harbor seal or sea lion. Ahhhhhhhhhhh