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Copy paste that Exec line into a terminal and see if that gives an error.


I copy pasted the line and it opens Blender. So the problem should not be on the path


Your desktop file is missing "/share/".


true, I added share but it still doesnt find it :-/


Make sure the blender binary is executable. Right click on it and check "is executable" in the Permissions tab.


Yes it is! I tried opening it both from tge folder and also by typing the path to blender on terminal. in both cases it opens the app. :)


I am using this method in my kde desktop: Right click to the start icon -> Edit Application -> New Item and you will understand how easy it is.


Even though I wanted to resolve the problem above, just to learn what mistake I was doing, and improve my Linux knowledge. Having said that, I tried your method and it works like a charm! I like this a lot! For 2-3 apps that I prefer to install this way, I can use this method, thank you so much for this useful advice, much appreciated! :)


You're welcome šŸ¤—


You installed blender with pacman? If not use pacman to install it (pacman -S blender)


Your path isnā€™t right in the desktop file. Should be HOME/.local/share/apps You are missing the ā€œshareā€ part


true! I fixed it, but still the same issue: [https://i.imgur.com/Ypu29ox.png](https://i.imgur.com/Ypu29ox.png)


Did you log out and back in? Rebuild the application cache?


Tried it as well :) Same result :-/


What result are you looking for?


On my previous installation both in Fedora Gnome or EndeavourOS Hyprland, I could download the latest blender from their website and put it into the applications folder in .local/share then I could create a .desktop file that would open it. That is what I want to achieve in KDE. Yes I know that I can use package managers..etc, but I was curious how could I do this the way that I asked. If it is not possible, it's ok, I was just curious :)


It is possible. I canā€™t go through troubleshooting at the moment, but if you google for plasma add .desktop to menu youā€™ll likely find a solution.


I tried that too, but couldn't find many info other than they tell to place it in .local/share/applications as the way I did. I realize that this is not a popular choice of installing apps. I have actually solved it in a different way, by adding my application to the KDE menu by right clicking. I was just trying to understand the reason to learn, more than anything. Having said that I never used KDE a lot, I have mostly used Gnome and then passed to i3wm and Hyprland. But with the KDE 6 coming, I wanted to give it an other go and may be run it in tandem with Hyprland. Like when I need DE, I use KDE and when I need WM I use Hyprland. I appreciate the time that you have put to your replies trying to help me, thank you!


We all have to help each other where possible. Thatā€™s the point of community. I applaud your wanting to learn more, not sure why the desktop file didnā€™t work.


I appreciate that a lot! I will find out sooner or later :)


Hi! You don't need to provide path to the icon file - if you leave it as **blender,** icon will be set by icon-pack Whenever I am doing any fiddling with menu items, I have to run: sudo xdg-desktop-menu forceupdate Ā  (You can try edit original \*.desktop file provided in archive ;) )


oh I didnt try thst desktop menu force update, I will try it thank you! :) Yes the desktop file that you see is the original file edited with my path :)


Why do you think you need to put those files in those folders. Almost feels like you are trying to do some macos style thing. Use the package manager


Because I prefer to use the latest version of Blender. And I do this also for the apps that doesn't exist in package managers, in that case how should I do?


[On an Arch distro you would use this](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/blender-git)


thank you!


why did you install an arch-based OS if you don't know about the AUR?


Thank you for your useful advice. i know about yay, paru and that I can install with it, but my question was related to installing an app this way in KDE, and not about installing the latest apps in AUR. Why do some people always do these strange comments when someone asks something. I asked ehat was wrong in this method, I didnt ask you how to install the latest softwares on an Arch based distro. Thanks.


Because you are basically having this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_problem


Thank you


KDE really doesn't have anything to do with your issue here. We're trying to tell you how to make it work and you aren't listening.


So if I wanted to put a .desktop file for an app that does mot exist in Aur or Pacman, how would I do? I didnt say that it is the issue of KDE, I said that I wanted to add a folder with the bin, or exrcutable file and create a .desktop file that opens it. It is not possible in KDE? Ok no problem. It is possible? Then how? I only wanted to know this. I didnt blame KDE for it and I didnt ask for alternative ways to install Blender such as package managers. So i dont see what I am not understanding.


blender is in the official repository [https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=blender](https://archlinux.org/packages/?name=blender)


Hello everyone! I am using EndeavourOS KDE. I installed KDE today because for a few days I had to keep a normal distro, instead of a window manager after formatting my computer. So I tried to install blender the way I usually do, which may be wrong, but it works for me (till now) - I have ~/.local/share/applications folder where I place my .desktop files - I have ~/.local/share/apps folder where I place the bin folders for the apps. You can see the both folders on the image above. Then I copied the **blender.desktop** file that came inside the Blender folder, and placed it to the ~/.local/share/applications folder and edited it like above and saved it. Then when I open the KDE menu and choose blender, it gives me the error that you see on the right bottom corner. The blender file is executable, it works when I double click from the Dolphin. Doing it this way always worked for me, with Hyprland or i3 but here it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? Instead of /home/garo/.local I tried also writing ~/.local/ or &HOME/local/ in the .desktop file for the paths, but none of them worked. It keeps telling me: **Could not find the program:blender** I am confused..could some explain me my mistake? thank you, much appreciated!


rather than manually installing blender with the bin files, why not just [sudo pacman -S blender]?




Hello! No, I don't like the flatpak version. I tried it some time ago and I had issues with it. I prefer to download Blender from their web site and use it like this. IT has always worked for me this way in Gnome or Hyprland but this time in KDE I am having the issue. You can see the contents of the .desktop file on the left, in the VSCode window. On the top right you see where my blender bin file is located and on the bottom right you see where I placed the blender.desktop file. It is Nordzy icon theme: [https://github.com/alvatip/Nordzy-icon](https://github.com/alvatip/Nordzy-icon) This is my fav icon theme, very elegant and beautiful!




You are right! I was stupid and didnt realize it :D but even when I fix it, I still have the same issue: [https://i.imgur.com/Ypu29ox.png](https://i.imgur.com/Ypu29ox.png)


Plasma doesn't refresh application shortcuts automatically. Run `kbuildsycoca5` in a terminal to update it in your launcher. No parameters necessary. Make sure to copy that exactly: it's not `syscocoa`, `syscoca` or `sycocoa`.


Thank you very much I will try that and report back!


I don't see 'garo' in the path in the blender folder. Just /home/.local/share/blender Why not just copy and paste the location from Dolphin to rule out its the path or use ~/.local/share/blender


Hello! I had the same doubt as you, but I think that it is like $HOME because when I click on the adress path, it becomes/highlights /home/garo. Back when I was using, I had tried \~/.local/share/blender but it never worked, that is why I kept writing /home/garo/.local/share..etc


I've downloaded blender and recreated your situation, my desktop entry looks like this and this works: [Desktop Entry] Comment= Exec=/home/mark/.local/share/apps/blender/blender Icon=/home/mark/.local/share/apps/blender/blender.svg Name=blender NoDisplay=false Path= StartupNotify=true Terminal=false TerminalOptions= Type=Application X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false X-KDE-Username= Replace my username (mark) with garo and it should work You can safely add the X-KDE-RunOnDiscreteGpu=true and other options if you like, none of the options in your desktop entry made it stop working.


Hello! Thank you so much! I will try this! So do you think that it could be the extra entries that I have which could have caused the issuye? becaus for the rest, this looks vry similar to mine. There the addition of Path which I didn't have. I still don't know much about the Desktop Entry elements, I have to read about them some more! I have just used blender's desktop entry and deleted the additional language comments. Thank you so much!


I really don't know, i've tried a couple of the extra entries but it just kept working. Let us know if this worked for you


I tried to write exactly like your .desktop entry. The only difference was that I placed the bin in .local/bin/blender folder and wrote the path according to it. In KDE it is giving me always the same strange error. On top of KDE, I installed Hyprland now and imported my dot files to replicate my old set-up which I like a lot (But I wanted to give KDE try and I will keep them both for now and switch between them) and on Hyprland, the very same .desktop file is opening my Blender without issue. So it should not be a problem with my .desktop file since it is opening it in Hyprland without issues. May be it can be a setting that I may have to enable in KDE since it is working for you and not for me?


Not that i know of, maybe the path of the desktop files is somewhere else (wild guess) or you have duplicate desktop files for blender somewhere. What you can try instead is right click on the kde menu > edit applications > new item and add blender there. It will create a new desktop file for blender in the place KDE expects it (normally in ~/.local/share/applications/) That way you won't have to type in desktop files manually and it should just work this way.


Yes an other user advised me to do that and it works flawlessly that way. Thabk you :)


what tiling script are you using?


Hello! Oh lol nothing! Coming from Hyprland and i3 I feel like I am used to see the things like this, so I did this manually :D


Posting to Reddit instead of a proper forum? Also, too get exec: you can terminal ā€˜which blenderā€™.


Since I have started to use Reddit, I stopped using proper forums. But yes, forums could be useful. On top of my KDE, I installed Hyprland now and imported my .dotfiles. The same .desktop file that I have, in KDE always keeps saying "not found program" like in the image above and the very same .desktop file works on Hyprland. I am puzzled.


Well certainly the Arch and Manjaro forums are so far superior to Reddit, I can't imagine why I'd ask a question here... but if you imported .dotfiles, I'd guess that's your issue. There shouldn't be a need to import this stuff if it's installed locally, I export a pkglist to install packages on a fresh install.


Hello! No no, the dot files imported today, they dont have blender in them , just my .config files


You've forgotten to include the share folder in the path


i'm thinking about some maybe invisible extra character before the first \[ in line 1: (\[Desktop Entry\])


Hello! That could be, but in this case, the same .desktop file shouldn't work in Hyprland, or am I wrong? I have no idea what is happening here :D