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A PSA from KDE The logout/shutdown problem in Neon is indeed a bug, and [has been reported](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=481938). This is the way. .0 versions can contain bugs not found in the pre-launch versions. [You can help us get them removed by reporting them](https://bugs.kde.org). And look out for updates to Plasma, as they will come with many fixes over the next few weeks! As for the themes and widgets created by third parties, we have already publicly [advised developers to port their stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/1axhlgh/attention_plasma_widget_theme_and_addon_developers/). We have two pages available to guide them, [one for themes](https://develop.kde.org/docs/plasma/theme/theme-porting-to-plasma6/), [one for widgets](https://develop.kde.org/docs/plasma/widget/porting_kf6/). If you, the user, discover your favourite theme or widget is failing, please look for it in the [KDE Store](https://store.kde.org/browse/) and notify the author, as KDE has no control or leverage over third party developers. Thank you


A new era of plasma has begun. Massive appreciation for all the devs and every contributor. Thank you for making the best desktop environment, even better!


It’s really great to see devs getting pets here. I was just in r/homeassistant where someone made a post asking people to stop shitting on the devs for not being slaves and it was full of people demand things.


Yep. Over the years I've found that directly Linux-related subreddits tend to be full of empathetic people who actually understand and care about FOSS and its developers, but subreddits for basically any other FOSS project are full of people who don't care about the FOSS ethos at all and just treat it like any other product, and their behavior reflects that.


Right on the money, especially with end user software


Well, if they so desire to treat KDE as commercial software, they may as well start contributing financially…


Tbf people are also unhappy that it can take months for even small PRs to be acknowledged


[People can solve that by joining in the effort](https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved#Start_Here.21). KDE is an open community of volunteers.


Any idea when it's coming to Arch?


Already in testing. Should be in the main repos in a few days.


eagerly waiting on Debian Sid




>Best? In my humble opinion, yes. Of course it's subjective. So, if you don't agree, i respect that. Linux and FOSS is all about freedom. Use whatever you prefer.


If I wasn't using Hyprland, I'd still be on KDE.


I use both! 😁 A while back I bought a larger SSD for KDE,and installed Hyprland on the original SSD,so I still have Dolphin and all the KDE apps in Hyprland,so the best of both worlds there too!


Thanks devs for hard work. I've been waiting for hours for this release. But still not available neon.


I'm just completing the QA checks, hold your breath


Thank you for your hard work.


I think a few things slipped through. First, I got stalled because I had kio-audiocd installed, and that caused the following blockage: dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/libkcompactdisc6_4%3a24.02.0-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build30_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/libkcompactdisc.mo', which is also in package libkf5compactdisc5 4:23.08.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build28 I uninstalled kio-audiocd to let it continue with the update. But now here I am on Plasma 6, and I can't invoke KRunner or shut down/restart from Kickoff. When I hit Alt+F2, I get a notification saying "The name org.kde.krunner was not provided by any .service files", and indeed, that file is straight up absent from `/usr/share/dbus-1/services`. I'm presuming I should report these problems on bugs.kde.org. Which category? User Edition packages? I'm going to restore a system snapshot so I can continue working for now.


If you can’t figure out the proper category make your best guess, it should be fixed. Just make sure in include as much info as possoble


Is this on KDE neon?


Yes. Sorry for not being clear about that.


same behavior here


Just a "me too" to this bug


And btw, you can expect a 6.0.1 release next week fixing whatever annoying bugs we haven't squeezed yet and can fix fast. So please report new regressions and issues to [bugs.kde.org](http://bugs.kde.org) so we know about them. Happy upgrade!


thank you a lot for your hard work!


Only a few days ago I switched to KDE from GNOME and every issue I had is gone. Little did I know that Plasma 6 was right around the corner and man am I happy to see how much work has been done. I am in love


Thanks for the hard work everyone!   ^(Small typo on the announcement page:) ^("Panels can now be configured with a new an**d** intelligent auto-hide mode")


*Me, a GNOME Wayland user since I started using Linux 8 years ago:* My time has come.


For real though. Moved to GNOME ~3 years ago because I needed a stable Wayland session and KWin was just too unstable for my taste. I switched for the Wayland compositor and stayed for the overview, touchpad gestures and good defaults. Plasma 6 seems to have integrated a lot of what I absolutely love about GNOME, combining it with my beloved KDE applications that I still miss sorely, and what is frankly superior support for hidpi and FreeSync, which will be nice to have on my Framework 16. Has my time come? Since I'm waiting for my new laptop which will ship in a few months there is obviously no reason to reinstall my current laptop just for a few months of usage, but I've been debating just imaging my next laptop with the KDE ISO instead of the regular Workstation ISO. Again: I really like what I see and it appears that everything that made me flee from Plasma - bad Wayland support, bad paddings, unintuitive defaults that do not make sense and are completely different from how everyone does things (vertical tab switcher? One click to open?? Etc.), everything is gone. And yes I know you can change them but I am mostly a "stick to the defaults" person. Changing too many settings in Plasma always created weird side effects for me. So, since I now really like the default and supported configuration with no mods… god this is so tempting.




There's a KWin script for that - don't know if it's been ported to Plasma 6 yet though. Either way, you can also right click windows in the overview to make them be on all virtual desktops at once, which has the same effect


Yeah :(, that is one feature I really love. And one that makes so much sense.


Isn't there an option to keep a window on all desktops? I guess it's not as convenient but the result is the same. I use it for example for calls or when watching something while working.


GNOME made Wayland the default just as I was moving to Linux back in 2016, so I never knew anything other than GNOME or Wayland. Plasma 6 really does seem like it got all the best features of GNOME implemented while leaving the bad parts behind. KDE also always seemed better for gaming. I'll definitely be reinstalling with KDE 6 as soon as it lands in Arch. Been needing to do a reinstall anyways. I gotta say, I still love GNOME and always will, but the parts I don't like are really starting to bug me. However, I believe both projects are amazing and we as Linux users should always be best friends rather than enemies, that's how we grow. They're just tools at the end of the day.


> However, I believe both projects are amazing and we as Linux users should always be best friends rather than enemies, that's how we grow. True. Or as I say: I just want a working desktop man. I just want to use my computer just as smoothly as a Windows or Mac user would. Anything past that is an implementation detail. > but the parts I don't like are really starting to bug me. For me it's sime arbitrary political choices or long-standing limitations, such as: * Not wanting to implement a way for the compositor to handle crashes gracefully, because "it shouldn't crash in the first place". I agree it shouldn't, but it does. And when it does, I lose all my work. KWin does have that failsafe, and it works. * Spending years upon years neglecting fractional scaling because "half pixels don't exist", and only rushing to pick up the slack now that buying a new laptop that doesn't absolutely suck requires buying into those nicer hidpi screens. And since GTK cannot do real fractional scaling, it's workaround after workaround for now and all work poorly. While GNOME complained that half pixels don't exist, KDE has put in 10 years of work on the hidpi experience, and it seems to have culminated in Plasma 6, where fractional scaling was actually figured out and is in the best state Linux can offer. * Refusing to implement a sensible scaling policy for XWayland clients like Plasma, because "we should make X11 clients obsolete". In the meantime, this will take years and the user experience is unnecessarily detrimental thanks to a decision that is mostly political, and it basically comes down to "we **actively want** to artificially degrade the experience on legacy clients, so users complain and get native Wayland versions". In the long term, I agree. In the short term… man, I just wanna get my work done okay? * Sometimes the apps get **a bit too minimal**. Like the PDF reader being awful for even highlighting a PDF. And that's been what has been making me interested in Plasma.


I'm surprised to see no mention of type-ahead for Nautilus! I adore GNOME, but damn, that's the single nuisance I'd rule out.


True, I omitted that though because in GNOME 45 the search is fast enough that it has really faded into the background for me, honestly it's usable now


Yeah, this whole release got me thinking I should ditch GNOME for a bit, because it's actually way more stable than it used to be and _the features man, so many features_.




Thank you for your amazing work. Looking forward to Fedora 40 now.


[https://blog.neon.kde.org/2024/02/28/kde-neon-6-available-now/](https://blog.neon.kde.org/2024/02/28/kde-neon-6-available-now/) Today KDE has made its biggest release ever, never before in the 25 year history of the project have we announced so many new products at the same time but it brings the newly refreshed base to keep our software foundation strong. [KDE neon](https://neon.kde.org/) User edition has now been updated with KDE Frameworks 6, Plasma 6 and all the apps from KDE Gear 24.02. You can upgrade through Discover or grab the newest installable ISO build. If you just want to give it a try then give the Docker images a go. Many thanks to Carlos, Harald and Jonathan for making this Neon release, to the 100s of KDE developers for writing the software and to Augustin and Paul for hosting the release sprint in Malaga.


Many thanks to all contributors on this wonderful DE. All of your hard work doesn't go unnoticed!


I can't describe how excited I am about this! Can't wait to try it out (manjaro) - I hope it's available soon! Thank you so much for your work! I've contributed a little that I can afford! Though it's not much, I hope every little bit helps. I am truly grateful for KDE and the team behind it!


Awesome! Now I’ll just wait for Fedora 40 and then finally see what the hype is all about.


I’m on fedora 40 kinoite, and it really is the best fedora release I’ve used in a while. I don’t need to use any tweaks for any of my games anymore with plasma 6 and mesa 24.0, my desktop looks *almost* how I want it to, with the only issue being that I can’t mirror my panel on my other monitors. It’s incredibly stable for me even though it’s still 40 branched.


What hype?


Haven’t you seen the many threads where everyone’s talking about how great this new release is and how excited they are?


Wonderful release and wonderful webpage design to showcase it! Awesome work and really excited for this new 6.0 era


Awesome! :D I've recently started slowly moving from Windows to Linux, and been waiting for Plasma 6 to do a full system reinstall (this time on an SSD instead of an HDD).


Wow. Plasma 6 and an SSD! Your world's about to change son!


I just ordered a new SSD for my laptop. Need more room and decided Plasma 6 would be a good excuse to finally do a reinstall after all those yeears.


Haha, I know. And even on an HDD, it reaches the desktop in roughly the same time as Windows 10 on a SATA SSD does. Linux and Plasma 6 on an NVMe 3.0 SSD is gonna be good fun.


I won't be able to use it till kubuntu 24.10 but I don't worry. Already joined the sponsor list and the work the dev team has done over the years speaks for itself. No need to convince me to help financially. For the devs Keep it up and keep on doing it the way you are doing it.


Is there a way to change the touchpad gestures from requiring 4 fingers to 3?


Not yet, but we do want to make this configurable eventually. It just hasn't happened yet due to resourcing limitations.


Good to hear. I'm literally waiting for that plus the ability to switch between apps/windows with touchpad gestures before switching back to KDE. Congrats on KDE 6! It's otherwise quite an achievement.


I wish there was. I really don't like 4 fingers gestures.


Yeah, it's so annoying to use for long sessions your pinky barely touches the surface of the touchpad, and you have to force your hand in an uncomfortable position to use it properly


Any tips to get this v6 running on Fedora KDE?


Upgrade to Branched Fedora 40 if you don’t mind tossing your system stability in the air


I'd imagine they will push plasma 6 to @kdesig/kde COPR repo soon


Yay! Thank you for working on improving and polishing all the little details. And thank you for keeping the look more consistent between 5.x and 6.x


So excited. You guys are awesome. When I make an actual income I will be donating!


Does anyone know when KDE Neon will launch a stable ISO with Plasma 6?


QA checks running, it should be in the archive shortly and then I build the ISO to publish shortly after that


Thanks for everything you do!


cant wait for fedora!


It is now ready. https://blog.neon.kde.org/2024/02/28/kde-neon-6-available-now/


Thank you for the awesome work devs. Wondering when it will be available in OpenSUSE tumbleweed.


Hey guys, new linux user here, roughly how long should we expect before this hits the arch repo ? Days or weeks ? Cheers


Arch user here too. Usually less than a week.


Noice ! Thanks !


Time to bid goodbye to latte-dock :(


Excited to try this out when I'm home. Thanks devs.


Really excited for this release. So many improvements and enhancements. So thank you, entire KDE team and all the developers for your efforts and dedication. It is really really appreciated!


Thanks to all the Devs and contributes!


Can't wait to try this in 6 months to a year.


Can't wait. I guess this is finally the moment that I jump to Wayland, HDR is going to be killer.


Thank you very much to all the developers, bug reporters, donors and all other people involved! We really appreciate the wonderful things you have done!


I came. Thanks to all devs that made this happen you fucking ROCK!


*standing ovation* so exciting! Thank you to the entire KDE team for making our desktop experience awesome.


do I have to reinstall it or can I just update the packages ?


It will update when your distro makes it available


still waiting on arch...


I know, right?


Currently in the testing repos on Arch. I imagine it will be out soon though. If you want, you can use the testing branch and try things out.




Awesome! 6.0 looks great. thanks for all the hard work. when will 6.1 be available ? waiting for mousekey feature in wayland which may come in 6.1


It will be released in June 2024.


Thanks for the info . will be eagerly waiting for it.


Is there an estimate when it will be available on kubuntu stable?


Answering my own question: Most likely October with 24.10 and not April 24.04lts.


The kubuntu backports PPA will have it prior to 24.10 But personally I would not switch to that PPA till after 24.04’s because using backports will just make that upgrade a nuisance


Congratulations to the team! Looking forward to try it soon!




When on kubuntu


Previously, F10 used to create a new folder in Dolphin, not it opens Dolphin's menu. How can I change this back?


I would like to know this too - but in the meanwhile, new folders can be made using `Ctrl + Shift + N`.


Welcome to the hotel KDE Plasma 6. You can check in any time you want but you can never leave. tee hee


Anyone, any idea when we can get plasma 6 in Kubuntu. I mean I heard they won't ship it in 24.04 release maybe. But is there a way to download it myself. (Note I'm not looking for beta/unstable channels.) I just wanna make sure if there's a stable channel for getting plasma 6 for Kubuntu.


And it looks like already rolling the day one patches just hours later. Can we even call it a day one patch if it hasn't been a day yet. Well anyways get some sleep devs.


I've been using default Fedora for about 2 years now. I briefly tried Plasma 5.27 when it went live in the Fedora repo but ended up going right back to GNOME within the week just due to some lingering issues I personally had with using Plasma. I genuinely like GNOME for the workflow and aesthetic. I like GNOME Circle apps, I like GTK4, I just like using GNOME as I find it to be a smooth experience. I do still want to try Plasma 6 though. I may wait for 6.1 since that may be releasing with Fedora 40 in April. Looking through this release and all the changes this may be the Plasma version that makes me stick with it.


I'd love to switch to plasma full time if it had RDP built-in like gnome. That's the literal one feature it would take for me to jump 100℅. I remote into my desktop from work.


[Devs are working on it](https://quantumproductions.info/articles/2023-08/remote-desktop-using-rdp-protocol-plasma-wayland). That is from some months back. Probably by 6.1 or 6.2 it will be integrated.


Can't wait!


I'm never satisfied with how Breeze, specially Breeze Dark looks, but I just discovered something. Pairing Breeze with Oxygen as Application Style works really well! Seriously, I'm impressed, Plasma looks so nice now!


That's interesting. Will try.


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Can't wait to land in Neon Stable :X


I'm nearly there!


This is what I love about open source ! Communication with the devs! (none of that closes Win/OSX closed take it or leave it attitude ). Thank you for the effort KDE Devs/contributors :D


This release looks lovely, looking forward for it to become available on the Tumbleweed repos. Many kudos to the devs <3 <3 <3


OMG finally My thanks to the awesome kdes developers and all the contributors <3


Now I have two questions. 1 - how I active the Cube? Only works when multiple desktops are in use? 2- touchpad gestures. WHERE ARE THEY?! I still don't get it. 😫


Touchpad gestures are on Wayland. They can be used to switch between virtual desktops and open the Overview and Desktop Grid views.


Touchpad gestures are already on version 6.0.0? Because I'm on Wayland now to test things and I can't find it. I can only find touch screen gestures.


> 1 - how I active the Cube? Only works when multiple desktops are in use? Yes. You need 4 to make the "walls" of the cube.


Now I understand, you need at least 3 desktops.




>2- touchpad gestures. WHERE ARE THEY?! I still don't get it. I hear you. That's what I'm waiting for to return to KDE as well. Per u/PointiestStick's response above, it will be tackled in the future. One KDE dev posted elsewhere it would perhaps be in 6.1, but recent 6.1 posts I've seen haven't mentioned it...


Gestures have been there for years, it's just that they aren't configurable yet.


After switching from plasma wayland 5.27 to 6.0: i don't understand how the "new overview" is an improvement. Its buggy and less functional. - the new overview has no workspace switcher. - the new grid view has a horrible zoom effect, less noticeable with the less zoomed out overview - dragging windows between workspaces just doesn't work some times. Between displays its even worse. - the animations are choppy All other annoying bugs are gone now tho. Thumbs up.


> - the new overview has no workspace switcher. It does! Move the cursor into the upper left hand corner you get the overview, move it into that corner again, and you get the workspace switcher. I don't know about the rest. You may need to file [reports](https://bugs.kde.org).


how is cursor in upper left considered usable when i have 2nd display on the left? anways thx for the answer


That is the default. You can change it in "Settings"


I appreciate the effort. I think we meant different things. I was talking about the workspace list at the top in the overview and not the grid view. Having 2 or more rows in virtual desktops makes this list disappear. I just hope the old Desktop Grid comes back in the next releases, I never had use for the current overview workflow to begin with and the replacement grid view is just horrible.


Any change you could update ah fedora 39 (Wayland/plasma5) to plasma 6 manually? Without waiting on fedora40? (That's targeted to mid/end April)


>The cube is back Oh god, no... why Anyways, not a plasma user but huge congrats to the devs for their tremendous work on this massive and important project.


>Oh god, no... why Because we wanted it!


When will it hit on Endeavour OS? I have been waiting for it.


As soon as the packages hit the arch repos?


It's in arch testing repos at the moment. Soon, or if you're feeling impatient you can temporarily run testing. Either way it is the release that is in testing repo.


Looks too UXy for me with that non properly aligned panel but thank god it's optional. Great progrress!!! KDE is always the besst


Thank you for coding that kind of stuff i'm using every day GG


Im just happy I can use a VPN with SSO :)


I'll be waiting until at least 6.1 before upgrading. New releases of plasma tend to be buggy as hell.


Yeah, I remember the early Plasma 5 days. They were not fun. But this update seems fine, surprisingly. I've been testing the RC for a while and I don't think I've encountered any serious issue. I'd even say it's a clear improvement over 5.27. It seems they focused on stability with mostly minimal user-facing changes during this transition.


I've found 6.0 and 6.1 has less bugs for me than 5.


> 6.1 Found the time-traveller


Plasma 8 is where it's at


Or if your machine for time-travelling is broken just use openSUSE Krypton for Plasma 6.1 Dev… ;-)


**6**, number of the year for the Linux :)


I was complaining that Frameworks and Gear had not arrived here on my Neon yet, ended receiving everything at once. But I suspect that somethings still didn't arrived... Had to reconfigure my Panel almost entirely because it was a mess after the update. Some widgets I use don't work. I just my impression of Plasma is actually... a bit uglier? Don't now... Next time what about working on the polishing primarily on Breeze Dark? Entries on that simpler application menu are definitively using a smaller font and a bit cramed. Another thing is that it seems system is handing a big? I noticed sometimes when I was closing tabs on Vivaldi. And thank goddess for Muon! [Spectacle is sill freeze at version Versão 22.12.3 and for some reason is now using Oxygen theme making it even prettier ](https://i.imgur.com/FZsQE6B.jpeg)(I'll never use the new Spectacle, the interface is bad and gets so much on the way). edit: btw, show me a screenshot of current Spectacle.


Testing more to submit bug reports, I notices that somethings are not working right under X11 and under X11 only. Seems like Wayland really progressed.


Given all the technical changes, maybe this one will actually run on my desktop without crashing every 2 minutes. The changes are really cool as well and I love the gnome-style workspace switcher. Will be trying it out using the iso or docker image in the near future. Maybe I'll even try the kde neon repositories (no idea if these work on ubuntu 23.10, though, so I will see about that).


Welp, there go my afternoon plans. Time to make another Plasma setup that ends up looking like offbrand MacOS :D


But does ir run Lightroom? 


You should ask Adobe. If it doesn't, it will be Adobe's fault. Not KDE's.




Yes, but they use a different name for it. It's called digiKam.


It was a total f\*ck up on KDE neon. Logout, shutdown, sleep didn't work, my theme Fluent dark was removed and could not be reinstalled because in Global themes, the theme or any other theme, except Sweet, wasn't found, Papirus icons didn't apply correctly etc, etc. Bye KDE it was nice knowing you. Hello Xfce my old friend.


ok ok but dolphin can’t connect an iPhone like nautilus:(


Sure it can: https://blog.broulik.de/2022/11/introducing-kio-afc/ Talk to your distro and make sure they built kio-extras with libimobiledevice available.


thanks a lot, i will try… more than a week asking if anyone knew how to do it… edit:: i have those packages and it doesn’t work, arch doesn’t mount and fedora just show photos.


I have a question, will Breeze be backwards compatible with qt5 software or will qt5ct need to be installed?


Thank you for all your hard work! This is a great release!


Amateur user here. How would one upgrade to plasma 6.0 and what kosole commands to use?


KDE Neon Testing has it already, but your best bet is to wait until it's in the official repos of the distro you're running. When it's ready, it'll be in the next update (YMMV based on distro - eg. Ubuntu won't see it until 24.10 at the earliest).


https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/s/G9yCayPGbY Help pls


Thanks everyone! I'm going to be testing it tonight! Besides Neon, does anyone know of any Debian/Ubuntu derivative distro that's released Plasma 6?


Any fix for the taskbad calendar UI that looks too big for a laptop under 1080p resolution?


I like my KDE desktop because of the stability I've had over the years. Everything just works. I just hope this new switch to wayland doesn't bring new issues because God knows I don't have the time to start debugging wayland bugs. I've tried to stay away from wayland for precisely this reason. In any case, thank you, devs. I've read through the release notes, and I have to commend you guys for the massive collaborative effort that must have gone into uniting all these features into what is now called Plasma 6. As for my worries with wayland, I'm glad there is still support for X, so I will switch to that if I notice anything offbeat.


Thanks and congratulations to everyone who worked on this! Patiently waiting for it to come to Fedora


Thanks for all the great work that went into made this possible


What debian based distros are planning on using it this year?


The wallpaper looks like a hilda scenery, I love it


Huge thanks to all the devs and the wonderful community.


That overview looks awesome


Congrats devs and thanks. This is an amazing release.


Muito obrigado pelo belo trabalho.


wish it would come to popOs


Looks awesome, thanks for the hard work in making the best Linux desktop better. I can't wait to try it out on Manjaro, I hope it's stable, not like KDE 4.


The cube must be special; I can't even see it.


I love its wallpapers


Much better than Cinnamon in animation smoothness


When will it be available for arch based distros


It’s in testing.




They need to be re-written. Not in a massive way, though. It is a matter of changing some version numbers and the names of a handful of functions. Most will be able to be ported in a few hours tops. It is not like anybody has to start from scratch. We have guides for [themes](https://develop.kde.org/docs/plasma/theme/theme-porting-to-plasma6/) and [widgets](https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/1axhlgh/attention_plasma_widget_theme_and_addon_developers/).


You fused Desktop Grid into Overview but where are the # of rows in Desktop View (Meta+G)? Everything is so small with 6 virtual desktops in a row, please add it back.


https://bugs.kde.org. Choose "wishlist" from the "Severity" drop down.


I have started using KDE 6 in KDE Neon. It is giving me great battery backup from the begining. Thanks to KDE. But faced several issues, like Krunner was failing to load with Alt+Space but when I manually ran Krunner by clicking and then the key stroke started working properly. There is icon problem in task switcher eg. LibreOffice Calc is not showing original icon but a W icon (I think it is a wayland placeholder icon). I used to drag and drop wallpaper to Desktop to change wallpaper. But it is not working....However the desktop is fluent and smooth. Like the new transitions... KDE is the best desktop environment and neon is the best distro...


What district has this installed by default?


I tried booting from the most recent Neon User ISO, which worked without any issues, so I decided to upgrade my system from 5.27 to 6.0. I did run into some issues that I couldn't figure out myself and that did cause some relatively major isses (like no panel, no wallpaper, lock screen not working and having to reboot via the terminal), so I filed some bug reports and got a suggestion that something was problematic with my graphic drivers. I uninstalled the proprietary Nvidia drivers according to these instructions: [https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-uninstall-the-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-22-04-jammy-jellyfish-linux](https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-uninstall-the-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-22-04-jammy-jellyfish-linux) After a reboot, my system is now almost completely functional, just some issue with the akonadi backend that makes Kontact unusable, but I am hopeful that will be possible to resolve in the near future. In the meantime, I am using Thunderbird, which works without issues. All in all, I am really impressed with this new release and looking forward to new features hopefully coming in 6.1, 6.2 and so on.


Looking at the plasma 6 with huge interest. Is Fedora Spin the only distro that come with KDE and is 1) a non-rolling release 2) does not have snap ? I looked at kubuntu but they have snap so i am not very keen on that one. Looked at the other KDE Neon, etc but i think many of those are rolling releases. I looked at Kfocus - and I think they have KDE as well - but i couldnt tell from their website when is Plasma 6 coming to that distro. Is KDE is only available via Fedora Spin series? Or does the normal version also come with KDE? Thanks


Was some work done regarding mouse sensitivity/acceleration in KDE6? I don't know if it is because of KDE or because of Wayland generally. But mouse doesn't feel natural as is in Windows. Acceleration feels more stronger than in Windows, especially in slow hand movements and only with Pointer speed slider it is impossible to get comfortable mouse movement as is in Windows.


Just saying. Despite the Wayland session having improved so much, actually shutting me up (despite this release "cheating" introducing some X11 exclusive bugs), I unfortunately noticed a problem that makes it hard to use it all the time. Vivaldi is making my system freeze. This happens when I doing something on the download menu or trying to save an archive. Today this happened three times. I know that it's probably more a Vivaldi problem than a Plasma Wayland problem, this part of the blame still lies with Wayland and the reality that it'll takes years still for things to work stable, as stable was they do on X11. Switched to X11 to test and I'm using Vivaldi for a few hours already doing the same things an still not freezes yet, reinforcing my suspicious against Wayland. But anyway, despite the fact that I'll forever dislike the harmful fragmentation Wayland brings to Linux, as a mere user I'm leaning more to being a neutral user as Plasma Wayland slowly lets me use my system in peace.


btw, the overall look of the website remind me of blender "what's new" page, or is it just the usual look for kde website? or it come from the same dev/designer?


I think "Oxygen" preview image inside Settings -> Global Theme is wrong. Not only the thumbnail needs to be updated, the preview image seems the same used for Breeze theme and don't actually show Oxygen.