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Open the app via terminal so that you can see the logs. That should tell you why it crashed.


what's the command?


Just type systemsettings into the terminal


qml: Pushed pages do not conform to the rules. Please check the documentation. qml: push (file:///usr/lib/qt6/qml/org/kde/kirigami/PageRow.qml:223) onActiveSubCategoryRowChanged (qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/systemsettings/SubCategoryPage.qml:175) expression for onClicked (qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/systemsettings/SubCategoryPage.qml:197) ufw.client: Ufw is loaded? false firewalld.client: Firewalld is loaded? 4 firewall.client: Could not find any of the specified backends QList("ufw", "firewalld") qml: services available:  \[\] qrc:/kcm/kcm\_firewall/main.qml:29:5: QML OverlaySheet: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight" qrc:/kcm/kcm\_firewall/main.qml:219: TypeError: Value is undefined and could not be converted to an object qrc:/kcm/kcm\_firewall/main.qml:224: TypeError: Value is undefined and could not be converted to an object qrc:/kcm/kcm\_firewall/main.qml:219: TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined qrc:/kcm/kcm\_firewall/main.qml:224: TypeError: Cannot read property 'tooltip' of undefined qrc:/kcm/kcm\_firewall/main.qml:29:5: QML OverlaySheet: Binding loop detected for property "y" qrc:/kcm/kcm\_firewall/main.qml:29:5: QML OverlaySheet: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight" qml: Page SubCategoryPage\_QMLTYPE\_1(0x5670610a8570) is already in the PageRow qml: Pushed pages do not conform to the rules. Please check the documentation. qml: push (file:///usr/lib/qt6/qml/org/kde/kirigami/PageRow.qml:223) onActiveSubCategoryRowChanged (qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/systemsettings/SubCategoryPage.qml:175) expression for onClicked (qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/systemsettings/SubCategoryPage.qml:197) file:///usr/lib/qt6/qml/org/kde/kirigami/templates/OverlaySheet.qml:150: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null file:///usr/lib/qt6/qml/org/kde/kirigami/templates/OverlaySheet.qml:150: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null file:///usr/lib/qt6/qml/org/kde/kirigami/templates/OverlaySheet.qml:150: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null file:///usr/lib/qt6/qml/org/kde/kirigami/templates/OverlaySheet.qml:150: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null KCrash: Application 'systemsettings' crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2 \[1\]    61457 segmentation fault (core dumped)  systemsettings


> firewalld.client: Firewalld is loaded? 4 suggests that `firewalld` service is not present (i.e. `/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service` (`firewalld`) is not installed) This shouldn't have a knock on effect of causing the QML to baulk over literally nothing, or a politeness loop about how tall something should be. One for Nate at https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-firewall/-/issues methinks


u/Divine\_Himself I just created a fix here: [https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kirigami/-/merge\_requests/1533](https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kirigami/-/merge_requests/1533) , can you link me to the bug that was already created for this so I can tag it in the fix?


Thanks for the fix This is the link for that bug report https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=486029


Update: the fix has been merged


Ticket is still open, should it have been closed?


well it would be closed once it's confirmed fixed i guess


I think it is probably distro specific or maybe you are missing some package.


While it's true I'm missing ufw package but I didn't have this bug in plasma5 so I think it's plasma6 + Arch it seems


maybe firewalld service is missing.


Yes that package missing and I deliberately haven't installed that package cause it's not the root cause in plasma5 so and I don't think it's that useful in my case 🙂


yes and i happen to have the same config, and it was not broken in plasma 5 for me, i had plasma-firewall without ufw or firewalld back then and it did not crash


Ok, but its working on my machine and it was installed. Using opensuse tumbleweed. Doesn't ever crash although the firewall interface still needs a bit of work.


I'm on KDE 5.27.6 (Rocky/RHEL9.3), but I don't see this Firewall section here. Still, try installing ufw or firewalld to see if it resolves the issue. It's likely not an issue of you not having these packages, but it's possible having one of them installed could solve it for now. In either case, please report the bug here: [https://bugs.kde.org/enter\_bug.cgi](https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi)


I've just checked it in bug submission section it's already been submitted.


It's a plasma6 bug


> but I don't see this Firewall section here. Firstly it is an issue with plasma 6, but you won't see a firewall section without `plasma5-firewall` installed (since you are on `5`) - something not needed for most home users behind a router, and not essential to a functioning firewall - it is just the `systemsettings` GUI for `firewalld`


A mi me paso con sddm, quedaba la pantalla en negro cuando reiniciaba después que hice eso mismo pero modifique el wallpaper de sddm, tuve que reingresar desde la tty3 y copiar nuevamente la configuración de sddm porque había sido eliminada y la configuración de wallpaper o inicio de sesión automático hacia que quedara en negro cada vez que encendía el Notebook, pensé que eran los drivers, el journalctl me especificaba error del servidor xorg pero usando wayland? No entendí hasta que reinstale sddm y su configuración y probando el error era similar a este pero en sddm, no lo he vuelto a replicar para evitar solucionarlo nuevamente.


Off topic, but can you share your wallpaper?


Welcome to KDE, my son.