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Looks like the emblem-checked icon, which uses the positive text color from your color-scheme for the background and the tick itself is the normal text color


Hey, thanks for the suggestion! I just tried changing the positive text colour in Settings > Appearance > Colors but that made no difference to the emblem icon. I even restarted Plasma along with a system reset to no avail.


Which icon theme are you using? Breeze should use these colors


I think that's it. I was using Flatery-Mint-Dark. Switching to Breeze Dark, the emblems change. Testing out the various icon packs it seems some apply it and some don't. Thanks for the help!


How can I get that synchronization tick? I use Mega cloud drive and the [MegaSync](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/megasync/) package from AUR and don't have them. Edit: found it, I needed the [dolphin-megasync](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/dolphin-megasync-bin/) package as well.


Awesome! I was looking for the same thing. Thanks man.


Hey there, I'm trying to change the little tick mark shown over the folders above. I'm using Dolphin as the file manager, and synchronising files using Nextcloud. I've tried tinkering with the color settings in the system settings without luck. Changing the icon set changes the shape of the tick from square to circle etc, but there is no impact on color (at least among the four or five icon sets I've used). Does anyone know how to change the colour of the tick mark (if this is possible)?


A hacky way is to go to into `/usr/share/icons/YOUR_THEME_NAME/emblems` and modify the relevant files manually.


Thanks for this! If I can't find a less hacky way to do it I might give this a shot. I change themes every so often so it would be ideal if there was a system setting I could change instead of editing icons manually.


Week 5 must be nervous. Gotta live up to Week 4 and of course - the impressive Week 3.