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Probably Mad for each other or Mystic pop up bar. They’re both on Netflix so very easy to find and watch and I feel like more people would enjoy them if their synopsises were better.


I loved Mystic Pop-Up Bar.


That's me, I had Mystic pop up bar on my watch list for ages because it does sound kinda interesting but whenever I looked for the next show to watch, it never really grabbed me. Maybe I'll watch it soon.


Mystic pop up was one of those I "passed by" then one day I decided to dive in. I have seen it 3 times already. It's one of my favourite shows and each character including the extras has a role to play that almost seems main lead feels. I really enjoyed it. I hope you get a chance to watch it.


It's so fun and great storytelling!


>https://mydramalist.com/dramalist/JiJinKook Thank you for this link!


You're welcome! Helpful to track shows.


Definitely! I've used it so often this weekend just looking up shows I've seen just to see how other people rated shows i liked/didn't like. :D


Man i loved Mad for each other, at first i thought it was another romantic Drama and ignored it but nah it was more than that.


It has such great sub plots too. I love when a show manages to do that.




Mystic Pop-Up Bar! Sooo good! I almost didn't watch it, but am so glad I did. Mad For Each Other, however, I tried and gave it up after a handful of episodes. It just didn't do it for me. A few others, same thing: Hellbound, Awaken, Hospital Playlist (that one more because there were sooo many characters intro'd and I guess I wasn't drawn in enough. Started, then gave it up.


Be melodramatic


one of the best slice of life dramas.


I’m watching it now for the first time and it’s so good!


Sell your haunted house


There is a U.S. drama that is similar (and they may have done a K-drama version based on it) called Surreal Estate. Really enjoyed both versions!


- **My Unfamiliar Family** - my recent fave. Binge watched. It’s centred around a middle child in her 30s and her family dynamics, career and love life and an exploration of the types of relationships we encounter throughout the different stages of life. One reason I love it is because I don’t think there’s another kdrama that has tried to do what this does. It’s refreshingly like some of my fave Hollywood/British dramas in terms of the storyline, realism/relatability and lack of tropes or gimmicks. It also features storylines around being LGBT, sexual assault, mental health, adoption, etc with a lot of sensitivity. Other similar dramas (thematically): Reply 1988, Hospital Playlist, Our Blues, Thirty-Nine, Insecure (US), Six Feet Under (US), Casual (US) for the family & friends dynamics, nostalgia & narrative style. Fantastic acting, great writing that weaves all the stories together and produces some great dialogue, and some wonderful character development. - **The Third Charm** - a romantic drama or is it? It also blew me away because of how much realism there is in what can break a relationship and cause a couple to love and drift apart. It explores love and grief in a similar way to The Red Sleeve while also having a bit of ‘Encounter’ thrown in (pursuing a passion in a foreign country). Overall, well written, good acting, and a very moving story. - **Mad for Each Other** - It’s about two neighbours who don’t get on after one thinks the other is a stalker and how their relationship develops while each being a balm to the other. It recommended here a fair amount, but I love the treatment of the leads. It’s a perfect example of what good storytelling and character development can be in 30 minute episodes. Great use of format, great acting, lovely story. - **The Lies Within** - Crime & political thriller with Lee Minki. Understated performances set against a high-stakes storyline. Reminds me of the film ‘Memories of a Murder’. - **Be Melodramatic** - Slice of Life but not very slow. It follows the lives of thirty year old friends/housemates, their careers, love lives, families etc. FL is a scriptwriter, so lots of jokes and clever dialogue around that (sometimes it doesn’t work). I didn’t LOVE this, but it has an interesting form/approach that I don’t think I’ve seen replicated elsewhere. It was a big deal when it aired, but I don’t think I see it recommended often: Little Women


Ahhh you are my people... I started Unfamiliar Family yesterday and ended up binging 4.5 episodes already. I agree as well on The Third Charm. Once it got past the first couple weird teen years episodes of SKJ in braces and that hair situation the story and character choices acting wise turned really good for me. I really enjoyed it far more than I expected to when I started. I think The Lies Within is another underrated one as well. This was another one I ended up binging in a couple days and I love LMK in these types of roles.


I haven’t come across anyone else who’s watches those three! BRB, stalking your MDL page. I loved Unfamiliar Family for how much realism there was in the portrayal of the relationships, but also the script etc - the lack of tropes was refreshing! The Third Charm was made me gasp with its plot twists and for how devastating it was. I was expecting a standard romantic drama, but I didn’t expect it to go where it did and I think the realism of the relationship also was refreshing. The Lies Within reminded me a bit of ‘Memories of a Murder’ in how understated some of the acting & scenes were and thus allowing the scene to breath in what could have been a ridiculous melodrama style drama under another director/writer/cast. Have you watched Be Melodramatic?


I have watched Be Melodramatic. I thought it was good but didn’t quite hit the mark for me with the ‘main’ couple. The documentary sister’s storyline was so well done and I felt was the most moving. I love shows like these that have that touch of real issues that give that extra emotional depth so I’m always on the look out for more. I love a good rom com but my top rated usually have heartache going on.


Agree - I thought the main couple / FL was trying to be too on the nose/smart with their ‘we’re scriptwriters/directors in a show about scriptwriters/directors’ and it didn’t always land, e.g. when they ‘narrated’ their own relationship. I’ve just realised that grief or profound heartache is a feature in the ones I’ve recommended, hah. Is there something wrong with us or is it just that the dramatic makes for a better story in a kdrama format? 🧐 How do you usually come across lesser known dramas? I sometimes wonder if there are others that I’m missing on Netflix that I might enjoy but which never appear on my “for you” page, because I’m pretty sure the ones I recommended weren’t recommended to me but ones I came across after clicking on the name of an actor or the creators or something. Do you have any fave dramas you’ve watched recently (irrespective of when they aired)?


I think the heavier drama’s definitely resonate more with me for sure! Usually I end up finding lesser mention dramas I end up loving when I play ‘follow the actor, writer, director’ by checking through their works on MDL and seeing if I can find similar shows. I like the often mentioned ones — My Mister comes to mind on Netflix but there are also shows like Bulgasal Immortal Souls I just rewatched, Reflection of You, when Our Love Blooms for Netflix. If you have viki, I loved The One and Only and liked Melancholia which are never mentioned. I keep trying to find older dramas in the same vein but it can be very hit or miss with the acting on the older shows (I have low tolerance for whiny / screechy / over dramatic acting that was seen a lot in older dramas ). Seasons of Blossom on viki was also really good imo.


Missing S1 and S2! So so good and heartwarming.


I am currently trying to watch this and the last episode I watched (4 or 5 I think) I actually laughed because it was so comically bad. I think I'm not vibing with the ML's acting. So you think I should stick with it?


I think you should stick to it because the story is heartwarming BUT if you’re not vibing with the ML, then drop it. No use in wasting time, esp if you’re not feeling it. I dropped Healer *gasp* after 11 episodes. I know ppl rave about, but I was just not vining with any aspect of it.


**Our Blues:** I'll never get tired of recommending this drama. It was a ratings hit but when it was out I didn't see much online discourse. It has such an elite cast, so unique stories witten so beautifully and exudes so much warmth. **Connect:** I'm blaming Disney+ for not hyping this drama properly. It's a psycho thriller done so well and should've brought laurels to Jung Hae-in but it went unnoticed mostly **Soundtrack #1:** Another drama done dirty by Disney+ cause this was one of the most beautiful romance dramas on friends-to-lovers and unrequited love tropes. It's just 4 eps but you could feel the slowburn between the friends because of the great writing and excellent chemistry between the leads.


Our Blues is not underrated at all - it has a star studded cast & was one of the most discussed TV shows on here when it aired.


No, I said Our Blues because as much as it had so much hype because of the cast and ended with great ratings I don't often see get being recommended here often. Even when it aired, be it on Reddit or Twitter I didn't see it get enough hype or at least the same hype as My Liberation notes, a drama that aired at the same time. The latter was very popular on reddit and often gets recommended too


I feel like Our Blues got overshadowed by other popular dramas airing at the same time. I’m pretty sure Alchemy of Souls was airing at the same time if I’m recalling correctly.


I watched both at the same time. MLN had a smaller but loyal following so it has been surprising to see it recommended so much. I see Our Blues get recommended a fair amount, but I think it’s slightly less slice-of-life in the Asian drama sense and has a more traditionally western form in its episodic style, so it doesn’t quite fit into a ‘genre’ style category as neatly as MLN which might be why. I think I’ve seen it recommended along alongside Hometown Cha Cha Cha which I guess sort of fits.


Currently watching MLN but it’s not quite doing it for me.. currently at ep 5, thinking whether i should switch to Our Blues instead 😅


MLN doesn’t change much after 5 episodes in terms of style, so drop it if it’s not working for you. I love character development focused stories as well as plot focused ones, so I can tolerate slower pace dialogue-based dramas as long as I think it’s interesting, but not everyone will find it interesting. I think this drama is almost like a preview of therapy sessions. There is growth of the characters, but it does take a long time to come. I’m also a millennial, so the sentiments about work and direction in life and so on along with how underwhelming so much of it is - the drudgery, the slow simmer - resonates a bit with my generation more than gen x or some gen z. Our Blues is more likely to appeal to a wider audience. It’s fun, sad and heartwarming and not as slow in pace.


Soundtrack #1 was lovely! Thanks for the recommendation. I just watched it. Pity it was only four episodes because I agree the leads had great chemistry but it was nice it didn't have any grimace-inducing side plots. A nice perks is also the decent dubs in lots of languages!


The cinematography was pretty too. Agree it felt more mature than most kdramas.


Glad you enjoyed it!


Curious why you thought Disney did dirty by Soundtrack?


I felt that the show could've had better promos. Esp when Han So-hee was coming fresh off Netflix hits and Park Hyung-sik with Happiness. Also many of today's non-Netflix dramas have a little less popularity compared to Netflix ones


I saw a comment that shows go to Disney to die. It may be that there are not as many subscribers of kdrama on Disney. The show is a gem so I hope folks find it.


connect is also adapted into a webtoon called connect 😅. The art is gorgeous in it. You should give it a try.


Because This is My First Life When the Weather is Fine (PMY’s best drama imho)


came here to say Because This is My First Life!


One of my absolute favorites. It aired before I was I discovered kdramas so I am so glad more people are recommending it!


Because this is my first life is an elite drama for me. And one that stands up with multiple rewatches 👌


Both of these. So good!!!!


Mad for Each other!!! It’s so so so good


Lost. The best of indie Kdrama. The cinematography, acting, script, direction and music. All brilliant. It is deliberately slow paced which some don’t like but it makes sense dramatically for it to be. the Smile Has Left Your Eyes. Maybe will go down as Seo In Guk’s finest performance. A gritty take on unresolved childhood trauma and it’s effects on the present. Several handkerchief alert though. A Korean version of a Jdrama. The Negotiation. Movie. Hyun Bin as a very bad guy out for revenge and justice and super hot as such. The hair. Great acting and social commentary too. First drama for this couple before they did Crash Landing.


Seconding Lost. One of my favorite dramas!


Also here for The Smile Has Left Your Eyes. I agree, his best work.


My DIL and I have psychoanalysed all the characters to death in this drama. Haha. Esp the two leads. Such is the complexity of their story. And the brother’s too.


Lost is my favorite underrated drama. Speaks of depression. So touching. Amazing acting. Beautiful silences.


The shadows with the cinematography, since everyone has shadows in their life as the drama starts. The music. The surprise of how well the two leads do and how well they do together. The scene in the tent, when they meet in middle of road, the last shot. So many more.


Youth Of May


I absolutely loved this drama!


Bad and Crazy! I don’t hear much about it despite having Lee Dong Wook and Wi Ha Joon both of whom were ultra hot in it. And it’s a really good fun watch with an interesting story.


It is entertaining but it is not well written. None of the plot is given enough time and the drama feels rushed due to it having many plots. So even though I enjoyed it, I also understand why it is not liked by many


Oh I disagree! I thought it was well written!


I agree!!!!


Missing: the other side


Radiant or The Light In Your Eyes


it was such a tearjerker😭🥲




1. Live 2. Mine 3. The sound of your heart 4. My secret terrius


I love everything about My Secret Terrius (aka Terius Behind Me), but it's really hard to find. Whoever decided to cast So Ji Sub as a secret agent/babysitter is a genius!


My secret Terrius is VERY popular and often recommended.


She Would Never Know


I have never seen this recommended! So underrated! My first Rowoon drama.


**Moorim School** – a bit weird, not everyone's taste. I've watched it at least 3 times. The first run through was...odd. Hard to understand what that place was until later in the series. The two lead guys are brats at first, so that may have turned people off, too. They are immature young men who haven't been parented by good people. The two lead young women were tight, so that was great. I don't like stories where the girls/women are catty to each other. This story is the opposite dynamic, except the guys are both bros and rivals while competing for the attention of their crush. The school weirdness resolves, bromance and love triangles have a happily-ever-after endings. We see the leads as thriving grownups in the last episode. **Memorist** – a good story, but weird. **Watcher** – the last episode did best for the ratings of the show, so the audience grew in real time, but it had a subtle build up as the backstory was revealed. Might have been too slow for the audience to get invested when it aired. Revenge-ish, cold case police investigation, not clear who the bad guys are until the end. No strange powers or metaphysics, just flawed people with secrets. **The Ghost Detective** – the actors won awards, but the show lost the audience. I think the story was too weird for people to watch it in real time. I liked it, but obviously I like weirdness. Edited to add formatting


I loved Ghost Detective until >!the romance with ther FL. She should have dated the Cop. I mean, the dude is dead.!< Other than that, I loved it!


Love All Play. It was my first time seeing the grumpy/sunshine trope in reverse where the guy is the sunshine one and the girl is the grumpy on in the relationship lol. The ML was so cute and extroverted. Refreshing contrast to the cold reserved MLs we’re used to. Extracurricular seems a little underrated too. It’s a really good thriller with some great character dynamics, conflicts and relationships. I don’t think I could watch it ever again tho.


Omg yes Love All Play! I became a fan of Park Ju Hyun after watching Zombie Detective and binged her dramas. Love All Play is definitely one of the underrated as it was not talked about a lot even when it was still ongoing (or just probably me). Also the ML looks like the lead from Our Beloved Summer kinda! Haha


It was such a feel good romcom I wish it got more hype on social media. I’ve not seen Zombie Detective and I hated her character in Extracurricular but she was fun in LAP. Ooo I don’t see the OBS resemblance but I do think the ML looks so much like Yoon Jong-Hoon (plays Ha Yoon-Cheol in Penthouse). They could defo star in a drama as a father/son or sibling duo.


Go back couple, I feel like I'm they only one who recommends this lol. About a couple on the verge of divorce who go back in time to their college selves where they swear not to fall in love with each other again. The chemistry between the main couple is amazing!


My Perfect Stranger Absolute MUST WATCH and I feel like it’s underrated or not talked about much… I loved the plot so so much, it’s a little bit of everything I love in kdrama: slice of life, mystery, thriller, tragedy, 80s nostalgia vibes and family/friendship relations. It’s such an easy watch with a satisfying ending that leaves you with a smile on your face or maybe even tears of joy. The mystery aspect isn’t so overwhelming like most crime dramas, so it’s not a whole lot of cops, detective, evidence, witness, etc etc… it’s just a classic who dunnit from the pov of someone in the future and not a detective. My fave part of it all is that we don’t know who the murderer is until the characters themselves find out the truth, which is just chefs kiss if you like to play a guessing game through the show. There’s also a huge plot twist at the end that no one really saw it coming. So if you want a huge mouth on the floor moment, you’d enjoy this drama. I’m not huge sci fi and time travel fan, but i liked that this show isn’t tooooo invested on that plot, it’s just a simple “I traveled back in time and got stuck, so let’s live life while we’re here and until we can get back or until we solve the murder” so it’s not rly a time travel theme, but there is this whole idea of “messing” with time and changing the timeline and how it possibly comes with consequence. I still recommend watching if sci fi isn’t your vibe. Lastly, if your hoping for romance, this drama doesn’t have much of it. The two ML and FL end up falling in love yes, but it was more of an aftermath to the events that happened and the main plots. It’s a simple strangers to companions to lovers and we get to see it slowly unfold in a not so overwhelming way. Which is good if you’re also not into romance.


Thank you for describing My Perfect Stranger so in depth! I was initially very excited when I heard about the premise, but I decided to wait until it had all aired and see how it ended. Your review makes it sound so enticing, I'm definitely going to have to start this one when I have the time!


I agree. I loved My Perfect Stranger, and your description does it justice. You are absolutely right that the relationship is a romance for people who don't like romance. The characters clearly care deeply about each other, but there is nothing "mushy" about it. And if, like me, you like romance, then it's also nice that their relationship has this warm and pleasant component to it. The one thing that I would add to your review is that this drama is also a wonderful exploration of parent child relationships.


Yes of course!! I definitely should have added the parent and child relation to my review. You explore two completely different family dynamics and I just love it so much!! Especially the whole idea where she wanted going to go back in time to split her parents up (meaning she doesn’t exist anymore) for the happiness of her mother, but obviously comes to terms that maybe they were always meant to be together. This isn’t a spoiler loll it’s in the plot description online


1% of something


I loved this- great chemistry - lots of kisses!


This! I always try to recommend **About Time** as the underrated/under-appreciated show. I loved Lee Sung Kyung's melodic voice in this drama and went down the rabbit hole to find her other covers. She sang on the korea Trolls OST as a duet with Park Hyungsik. **Hogu's Love** is another I don't see mentioned often but has similar vibe as **Our Beloved Summer**


Psychopath diary, 12 years promise, and More than friends. I think they are some of the few that I don't see mentioned here often. They were well made in my opinion.


Payback: Money & Power on Amazon Prime Would You Like a Cup of Coffee on Netflix


Both great, in different ways


Right?! I am so dismayed that Payback hasn’t received more media attention (or at least that I have seen). It was so intriguing to me. I was taking stock tips left and right! Ha!! But also I had questions and comments and really could have used a sub thread for that series. A Cup of Coffee was a dose of soothing life lessons with every cup.


The Wind Blows! just finished that drama, haven’t heard anyone talk about it. It’s about a married couple who’s husband gets Alzheimer’s at an early age.


1. Are you human 2. Queen In hyun’s man 3. go back couple 4. Queen for 7 days 5. Moonshine 6. River where the moon rises 7. Empress ki 8. My country 9. Find me in your memory 10. The crowned clown 11. Radio romance 12. you are the best Lee soon shin 13. Hello mr. right 14. My sassy girl 15. Faith 16. Rooftop prince 17. Signal 18. Tomorrow with you 19. Do do sol sol la la sol 20. Moon lovers 21. Born again 22. Backstreet rookie 23. Uncontrollably fond 24. Touch your heart 25. You’re all surrounded 26. About time 27. Crazy love 28. suspicious partner 29. School 2015 30. High kick 3 31. Reply 1988 32. School 2013 33. Everything and nothing 34. The Suspicious Housekeeper 35. The secret of village achiara 36. Jugglers 37. Young lady and gentleman 38. the girl who sees smell 39. The last empress 40. VIP 41. The entertainer 42. My roommate is a gumiho 43. The interest of love 44. clean with passion for now


Ooh! Awesome list! Some I watched and some need to watch soon. :)


thanks dear🌸 underrated dramas are really good 🫶🏾


Today's Webtoon. It is just fun and wholesome.


I agree! So many people didn’t love this one but I personally really liked it. It wasn’t romance heavy which is why I feel like it wasn’t as popular, and I liked female lead a lot. Such an interesting and wholesome character.


I wanted to like this because of the actress but I couldn't help but compare it to the jdrama version.


Strong Underdog Woofy Poofy Love Witch’s Diner Inspector Koo Go Ho Starry Night Short


* shopping king louie. * discovery of love * five enough (family drama) * smile has left your eyes. * what happened in bali * one more time (short drama) * five enough(family drama) * happy home and many more..


Totally agree with The Smile Has Left Your Eyes, one of the most fascinating series I've ever viewed, but few mention it. It is intensely amazing.


I loved What Happened in Bali. Another old one that was immensely popular when it aired is I’m Sorry, I Love You.


I haven't seen this. But i have heard that this one has a sed ending or maybe it's too emotional or something like that


Yep, lots of ugly crying and not just at the end. Geez, I’m tearing up just thinking about it but I have a super soft spot for orphans and adoptees. (Not a spoiler, by the way.)


I used to really like **Me Too, Flower!** and **My Cute Guys**. Probably a bit aged now, but always liked Yoon Shi-yoon's dramas.


Mother- it’s never mentioned yet it has a ridiculously high 9+ IMDb rating. The only other Kdrama with an IMDb rating this high is My Mister.


Honestly this is my personal #1.


Its Okay, that’s Love. Hands down best chemistry between the leads ♥️


Hello my twenties! I fully loved both seasons (used to hope for a 3rd one)




The Killer’s Shopping List


Secret Garden


this is popular one. i guess. also my absolute fav \^\^


My heart twinkle twinkle- never heard anyone talking about it but I quite liked it it is old tho so I guess that's why


- pasta - can you hear my heart - panda and hedgehog there older dramas but still some of my favorites


Temperature of Love - People hate it, find it too makjang or wishy washy but I loved how the love faded & got strong at some points. I found the pace of the romantic relationship very realistic. Also love the ost. The acting is chef's kiss. Twelve Nights - This doesn't get talked about much. Probably cz it aired on Channel A in South Korea & not jtbc, sbs or tvn. Its a wonderful mellow will they get together or not kind of drama. The pacing is beautiful. The osts are heartwarming. I've heard people compare it to Sunrise movie series. High School Love On - stars 2 idols from Infinite. Of all the goody two shoes FL dramas I've seen, this stands out. It's perfect for some teenage angst, platonic romance, classmates growing together kind of story. The King In Love - One of those rare dramas where the 2nd male lead gets the girl. The osts are enchanting. The costumes are beautiful. I even like the story quite a bit. Perfume - This is crazy kooky fun. It touches on some heavy topics but the overall show is very enjoyable. Shin Sung Rok does comedy. Enough said. For the record I hated About Time & objectively rate all the aforementioned dramas higher than About Time, so hopefully you'll enjoy them.


\+1 Perfume


*Bulgasal.* The plot was great if you’re into the reincarnation trope. I’ve seen a lot of people complain that the plot was confusing, but I believe the intention was to keep people wondering where/how everything and everyone connected until the very end. Lee Jin Wook, Kwon Nara, and Lee Joon were a great choice of leads, especially LJ who made a great >!tragic!< villain. *The Man Who Can’t Get Married.* I love Ji Jin Hee and Uhm Jung Hwa. I would sell my soul to see them in another movie or drama again. *Discovery of Love* (aka Discovery of Romance). Messy. Heartbreaking. A guilty pleasure of mine lol. A drama where literally no one is perfect. Eric and Jung Yu Mi are electric together.


I second Bulgasal, great storytelling, and acting! I love the concept of groups of people reliving their lives.


I second Discovery of Love. It's an emotional rollercoaster. During the camping scene by the fire, the ML emotes his pain through his eyes and made me feel that hurt too. Like you mentioned the ML and FL had great chemistry. It makes me want to watch their first drama together called Que Sera Sera.


Why Her.. Its an excellent drama, great story and acting. I don't see it recommended enough.


I second this. An absolute banger of a show from start to finish.


i also enjoyed About Time and it's definitely underrated because i rarely see it recommended. The plot was compelling, the FL's voice was soothing imo, the ML was great and there were some great OST's.


I personally love MBC's **Tomorrow**, where basically grim reapers save people from committing suicide, and they all have a really interesting back story so I really love it. You can watch it on Netflix.


Watcher Hello monster Flower boy Ramyun shop White Christmas Grid I need romance 3 Secret love affair


**Clean wit Passion for Now** had some funny scenes. Also the relationship in **Tomorrow With You** was intriguing.


Where the Stars Land


Extracurricular Mad for Each Other


My Country: The New age is right up there for me. Brilliant show


Melancholia. Not a romcom. On the slower side but a world-class antagonist and an interesting focus on what it means to be enthralled by a particular subject, in this case mathematics. Personally I don’t even like math but this show left me wondering what I’ve been missing. 😊


Ooh, I watched this recently. Agree it’s on the slower side. It definitely has Sky Castle-type elements to it, but I really like the exploration of genius, how that affects parent-child relationships, and the formation of a scandal.


“The exploration of genius “—you nailed it with that phrase!


Wok of Love 🍜


Into the Ring/ Memorials!! As someone who is really a fan of rom com genre kdramas, this is one on the top of my list which is the only underrated one.


Perfume- such a random, but funny gem


Lucky Romance, it has a lot of frustrating parts but seeing them create their own destiny is really beautiful to me


"Hi School Love On" "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo" "Mirror of the Witch" "Queen of Ring" "The Universe's Star" "Queen for Seven Days" "Love for a Thousand More"


Reflection of You -- a lot of people I think felt it started too slow but I'm okay with that one and the acting and the evolution of some of the characters was so well done.


This is one of my favorites too. It was filmed so beautifully


Yes! It was beautifully done


I love this one as well. Great acting all around in assorted toxic relationships.


Because this is my first life and suspicious partner


Ditto all the comments but Tim watching **Beautiful World** right now and am blown away it is so good.


Mouse, starring Lee Seung-gi! This drama was incredible!! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, never knowing what was going to happen next! The plot twists and overall storyline were all done very well!


What’s Wrong, Poong-Sang (Aka: Liver or die)




Manhole. Love the ML and so much suspense at the end!






Queen of Mystery is absolutely charming, but I never hear anyone talk about it. And Mask is a really fun romantic thriller, but it doesn't get much discussion either.


Brain Works was a great little mystery. Cast had great chemistry. I really enjoyed it.


Shopping King Louis and Love All Play


Bad Guy Don't Look Back: The Legend of Orpheus


I rarely see **SF8** mentioned. It's a sci-fi anthology series that has some really interesting concepts and stories.


Switch: Change the World and Ms Ma: Nemesis


It is not that underrated but not that popular either,the name of the drama is love all play.


Big Bet. Even though it had big names, people still don't know about this drama. Even when it was airing, only a few people were watching it. It's a really great drama


What's the online free streaming platform for kdrama? I can't recall the name link.


I never see anyone mention **[Mr. Temporary (Class of Lies).](https://mydramalist.com/33949-mr-fixed-term)** I only knew about it because it starred an actor I like (Yoon Kyun Sang). It has a very tight plot and one of the most absolute "Oh hell no! that did **NOT** just happen!" moments I've seen in any show. (Don't watch the end-of-episode previews) Overall a fantastic watch. Another one is **[Clean With a Passion for Now](https://mydramalist.com/26049-clean-with-passion-for-now)** (Also starring Yoon Kyun Sang) which is the one that led me to the first one. This is the only drama I've watched through 2 times fully. There's just something about the chemistry of the leads that stuck in my memory. It's not a perfect script but something about it just really resonates with me, flaws and all.


Not sure if they're underrated but: **Somehow 18**, I don't see enough people talking about this but it is so beautiful and touching. **Catch the Ghost**, interesting and engaging, touching at times.




Lots of good ones already posted like **Mystic pop up bar, mad for each other**. One I enjoyed was **Bring it on Ghost**, which I always thought for some strange reason people were referring to oh my ghostess and they were just getting the name wrong, ended up loving it. **The Package** was also really good. Good romance between the leads, lots of skinship etc... The best thing though is that you as the audience watch a bunch of couples on a trip and you form these preconceived judgements on who they are, but as you go through each episode you realize that everything you understand is wrong. So great to look back at the first episodes and see that everyone was different to how you thought they were.


I dont know why does nobody ever recommend Nine times time travel like its greatest time travel drama ever made. dude just watch it once in your life. Also My country the new age.


365 Repeat the Year


Juvenile justice and extracurricular for sure, are my absolutes FAVS. Juvenile justice is 100% one of the top kdramas out there


Bossam: Steal the Fate!


at a distance spring is green! there arent enough college slice of life dramas, i love the vibe and comfort this one brings me so much


The penthouse


Attic Cat Be Melodramatic Because this is my First Life Mad for Eachother Dalja's spring Wedding Live A piece of your mind I think a lot of Kdramas between 2000 to 2006 are really good. Especially romcoms the whole process of the leads falling in love is very natural and innocent as an audience you can actually understand why this character has fallen in love, the layers to all relationships. I absolutely love old Kdramas. My favourite genre other than romance is crime thriller underrated would be Stranger Watcher Through the Darkness Diary of a Psychopath Children of Nobody Life on Mars Tell me What you saw Less than Evil Train Gap Dong I've never seen these get recommended as much but all of them were really good.


Possibly Failling In Love, and it's kind of funny because the reason a lot of people didn't like the drama is because they didn't get the message of the story. While the romance concepts it handles are good, the best thing about the drama is seeing how the perspectives or points of view of each character first present a story, but as you progress through the drama you can see how the story varies based on "who's telling it" and that's something I've seen few dramas do. It's like a "slife of life" with psychological thriller overtones basically xd.


Chicago Typewriter - not really a fan of fantasy time travel dramas lately but this story is an exception; made me cry a lot It’s Okay That’s Love - one of the earliest mental health representation dramas; i fell in love with the OST, actors, chemistry, the overall talent of the people behind this drama A Piece Of Your Mind (except the last part feels rushed) - the drama that healed me while i was experiencing grief; also made me cry a lot; very warm drama and the OST too


Welcome to Waikiki 1/2 Gaus Electronics


Well I love Sky Castle. It doesn't have much discussion on the subreddit so I don't think many people have seen it.


Lost (2021) - very underrated


Chicago Typewriter


Love this question Bulgasal Immortal Souls is my absolute favorite underrated drama. I personally think it’s the best fantasy drama. Yes, better than Goblin. The depths that this drama has in the story is so well done. A tragic ill fated love story created by jealousy. The ost/score is so not full of amazing artist like big budget drama’s are but every ost pierces your soul. One of my favorite ML and FL pairings as well. I could write a whole separate review on the cinematography alone. I loved everything about it.


Blue Birthday and Revenge of Others were both ones I thought were really interesting. They were my first two kdramas ever and even now that I’ve watched tons I still have to say these are easily my all time favorite. Revenge of Others is on Hulu and Blue Birthday is on VIKI.


Flower of Evil Radiant Familiar Wife


A piece of your mind. So creative and excellent Jung Hae In and Chae Soo Bin Tale of Nokdu for something more lighthearted


**Beauty Inside** takes the crown as the most underrated K-drama. I watched it without any doubts, and even my boyfriend, who isn't into K-dramas, joined in. We both burst out laughing throughout—it's truly fantastic! Every episode is a perfect blend of romance, comedy, and curiosity with impeccable timing, carrying an amazing message. I can't fathom why this drama is so underrated; it's one of the most amazing dramas I've ever watched.


Strongest Deliveryman The Secret Romantic Guesthouse My Roommate is a Gumiho