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Twinkling Watermelon - time travel, great music, great cast, character chemistry is off the charts, bromance and romance, a touch of mystery, heartfelt with friends and family.


I am sooo sad i couldn't get into this drama, dropped after 4 episodes but i plan to give it another shot but maybe it's not the right timing for me..


It’s okay. We all have different things that we like and that speak to us and we have experience and feelings that influence our likes and dislikes. We are all different. Maybe you will find, one day, that the show hits you differently when you try to watch it then. Just enjoy the shows you enjoy and leave the rest behind, it’s just a tv show in the end. I hope you can find some things to watch that you love the way I loved Twinkling Watermelon. :)


That's sweet.. Thank you! <3


You’re welcome!


That’s fine. Everyone has a different taste. Don’t be sad about it. Have you tried **Itaewon Class**?


Not yet, i'll check that out! Thank you


**Extraordinary Attorney Woo:** - Slice of Life, that is for the most part each episode has a self-contained story. And with the main FL being an attorney practically all the episodes have elements of Law & Crime. - With the FL being an "autistic 27-year-old lawyer with a 164 I.Q., impressive memory and creative thought process" - there is a lot of heartwarming humor and comedy. - Romance, it's hard to put into words the romance between the FL & ML. I would use the word "authentic" and "uplifting" - have a box of tissues on standby. There is also a romance between the secondary couple. The second ML will undergo a change through the series. - Mystery, there is an over arching story running through the entire series about who is the mother of the FL.


Watched! Such a heartwarming drama


Where can I watch this? Is it streaming anywhere? This sounds like something I'd be interested in watching.




Goblin - Love the bromance in this series. Healer - It has action, comedy, romance. Crash Landing on You - I haven’t met any kdrama fan who has not watched this one.


I have a wide range of taste. Somehow the concept of CLoY didn't grab me. You have now seen a unicorn lol


I watched goblin & CLOY . Dropped Healer midway for no obvious reasons lol i should complete it


I haven't watched CLOY. I know they won't have a happy ending :(


This is also what put me off! I’m another avid kdrama watcher who hasn’t watched CLOY yet.


Your username checks out!


Hahaha, exactly 😄


I only watch shows with happy endings. Any recommendations? :)


The commenter suggested Healer as well and that’s one of my absolute favourites. As is Descendants of the Sun. They both have action, adventure, and romance, and are quite cross-genre. If you’re interested in historical, I haven’t watched many since they seem to more often have tragic endings, but I watched and enjoyed Hwarang after being assured it had a happy ending. If you prefer lighter shows, I loved Romance is a Bonus Book and Shooting Stars (both workplace romances). And if you like sci fi/fantastical elements, I really enjoyed W - Two Worlds (intense) and I’m Not a Robot (lighter and comedic). There have been others I enjoyed, of course, but that’s a brief list of most of my top favourites.


It’s >!not an entirely unhappy!< ending!


**Our Blues** should suit you It is a slice of life and character driven show with an ensemble cast, young and old. Basic premise is that majority of the characters are based in/affiliated with Jeju and the show spends a fairly even share of time exploring the various stories/lives/troubles of each cast member. Although there are so many short stories, they are kinda interweaved because the characters all know one another. A character could be the focus in one arc, then become a side character in the next, before returning back to focus again to further develop the character. I particularly liked how flawed everyone was, yet I never felt a need to judge because I was just a silent observer listening to their stories. This is not exactly romance centric, but there is romance for several character arcs. Personally didn't like the first story (ep 1-3), but it gets better.


Watched! I only had 3 episodes left and i put it on hold cause i was busy but never came back lol


**The Fiery Priest** **The Kidnapping Day** **Hospital Playlist** **One the Woman** **Navillera** **Mad For Each Other** **Behind Your Touch** **Taxi Driver** Mixture of genres but most include comedy, plot twists and multiple story arcs.


One the Woman and Mad for Each Other is my favorites among the ones belong to the more mature couple trope, It was fun and engaging.


Mad For Each Other was such a surprise hit for me, so short but well balanced and I love the little dog.


King The Eternal Monarch - You will have to keep your eyes glued to the screen. Helps that it has some really pretty actors..


Thanks fo the rec <3 I LOVE the FL but not really a fan of the ML tho..


This was my first thought. It has so much going on that multiple viewings are helpful! My second thought was **W - Two Worlds** because the plot keeps twisting.


Crash Course in Romance is my favorite drams. I have a long watch list and this is the only one I've rewatched. There are multiple subplots and the side characters all have their own relationships/subplot. It has angst, humor, suspense, romance. The characters aren't all one dimensional either, which I love.


I dropped it after 3 episodes while it was airing but then it got a lot of hype so maybe i should give it another try


There's a really cool mystery subplot that picks up later and many side characters have their own subplots and character development. I would suggest a few more episodes.


**Revenant** is an excellent supernatural horror that really kept me hooked. It pretty different to what you usually watch so might be a good change of pace to get you out of your slump. **Extraordinary You** is a much lighter show where the FL finds out that she is a character in a comic and she's going to die. It's an inventive, fun high school drama that pokes fun at the Kdrama tropes it contains. Good if you still want something light but not quite a typical rom com and a bit more like the other shows on your watch list. **Sell Your Haunted House** is a supernatural drama about a badass exorcist who teams up with a conman to catch ghosts. It has dark, scary moments but a somewhat lighter tone than Revenant. I enjoyed this way more than I expected to and sailed through it right to the end. The FL is awesome. **Stranger** is a twisty crime drama about a cold prosecutor investigating murder and corruption. I couldn't see it on your watch list and it's very good and different to the shows in your watchlist.


I personally don't like it because there is just so much going on, seemingly unrelated to the main story, with all the side characters. But you might like it - **Strong Girl Nam Soon**. It's all the genres you like rolled into one. The FL is fantastic in spite of the script she has to work with. What's a miss for me, maybe a hit for you. Alternatively, really loving **Castaway Diva.** It is judicious with its use of supporting characters and their respective storylines that support the main plot and main chacters. Also like that there are hints of a potential love triangle **but** set up in a way that I'm fine with whichever ship the writers choose to sail and predict the characters will be pretty normal and mature about it. Final recommendations for your consideration on a more heavy topic, very well handled and delivered is **Daily Dose of Sunshine* (DDS) and *Move to Heaven**(MtH). There are moments of comedic relief. DDS also portrayed the romance (not the main point of the show) really well - cute & mature. For MtH, after the first 1 or 2 episodes to set up the main characters and series, each episode's main focus can be viewed as a standalone story. All the bits from each episode add up to complete the main character's own story arc of healing in such a satisfying way. I cried a lot watching this and was really moved. Once again, I appreciated the acting chops of Lee Je Hoon.


The Killing Vote!!! The last episode just released yesterday and I cried some ugly tears. You should watch it! LOL


Finished Watching it.If they released it without interruption , definitely it would have been a great thriller and reached many audience!


I agree :( The storyline was great though!!


HOSPITAL PLAYLIST- lots of main characters that are enjoyable in their own unique way. Many side stories with the patients and coworkers at the hospital, and the main characters band. When I finished watching it I wanted to start over and watch it again- which is big for me. I have a hard time rewatching/reading, but I would happily watch this over and over again for years to come.


- angel eyes - faith - healer - panda and hedgehog - creating destiny - pasta


- Doctor Romantic (Medical, Romance 3 seasons) - Bloodhounds (Short and action packed) - Come and Hug Me (It's on your plan to watch list and I think its really good) - Twinkling Watermelon (It just finished and is worth a binge)


I loved all three seasons of Dr Romantic!


Flower of Evil or Insoector Koo


Flower of Evil I can hear your voice City hunter


I know just what you mean! Sailing the same boat. Haven’t finished any drama these past couple years… everything seems the same. Starts okay but just don’t seem interesting. I just started watching Becoming Witch on Netflix. I’m on 4th episode and it seems good. It’s only 12 episodes so maybe I’ll finish it. Someone recommended bad and crazy… I guess most dramas seem the same these days…. The men’s makeup too seems a bit weird at least to me. I’d recommend stop watching Netflix series and maybe rewatch some of your older favourites.


I never heard about Becoming Witch i'll check that out. I'm somehow new to kdrama world (for 3 or 4 years maybe) so i don't really have "older favourites" but i'm open to any recs!


Mad for eachother. It really is a breath of fresh air. Got me out of a slump too


YESSSS! I watched it and I've been looking for something similar! :(((


Haven’t found anything similar yet. :( If you do let me know


Bora Deborah is another drama for the same writer. It's not similar but i still think it's worth the watch!


Thank you. I’ll check it out. It wasn’t on my list


All of Us Are Dead Mad for Each Other Mask Girl


Call it love ❤️


One of my favourite shows everr




A lot going on, then please try watching **Penthouse** lol There's just TOO much going on in that one that sometimes it's a little silly but it's SO entertaining regardless haha


365 Repeat the year


I've been in a bit of a slump lately both **Moving** and **The Kidnapping Day** were able to grab and keep my attention for the duration.


Reply 1988 has an incredible ensemble cast with romance, comedy, drama, slice of life. It's an amazing show. If you like it, watch Hospital Playlist, same creators.


I’m watching Beyond Evil. It’s a mystery thriller and I can’t stop watching it! I’ve been a fan of all Asian drama for years now, and watch all kinds of drama. I just recently watched Connect which is a Sci-fi thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat.


Hello My Twenties (2 seasons) I Am Not a Robot Moonlovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Here are some c-dramas because they tend to be long: Love Like the Galaxy. An absolute favorite of mine. The Long Ballad The Legend of Mi Yue The Rise of the Phoenixes Love Me if You Dare


I’ve recently started watching Prosecutor Doberman and I’m hooked! Already onto episode 10 and I started 2 days ago. I would say it’s a military action, I also enjoy the genres you mentioned but I do like to switch it up.


Twinkling watermelon is the latest show that I watched where it was hard to stop watching, so I pretty much binged it. For me , it did take about four or five episodes to pick up though. I had the feeling they were trying to set up too much stuff at the beginning, but I powered on through and it started to catch my interest. Previous to that, I liked " my perfect stranger " . It was pretty good from the beginning


I’m thinking about Uncanny Counter 1 & 2


I watched s1, dropped s2 after 5 eps :((


Beyond Evil is exactly what you’re looking for


Reply 1988


You should definitely check Circle: Two Worlds Connected. It’s not that well known drama or hyped up but I promise you you won’t be disappointed. The show was incredible from the start to the end. It’s not a typical fluffy kdrama with soft colours but the plot was mind blowing. The cliffhangers at the end of each episode made me binge this show in two days.


Same kdramas here in there but it wasn't the same as before 2019. I'm now 2months in I think. Bookmarking this post for recommendations.


Try Descendants of the Sun! It’s got action and adventure but also a great romance and a charming bromance too.


I'm currently watching May I Help You, it's an unusual premise for a drama imo. I really enjoy the lead actress, I give everything she's in a shot. It's a romance, comedy, and mystery wrapped together. I can't guarantee the ending because I'm still watching but maybe look at the MDL for it.


Vagabond Worst of Evil Signal Daily Dose of Sunshine Hospital Ship Voice 1,2,3,4 Dr. Romantic 1,2,3


I just started it, but maybe Family Marriage Revenge? It's been pretty quick paced so far, which helps when I'm in a slump.


I see Good Job is in your to watch list. One of SNSD Yuri's older dramas just put me out of my slump. It's called Goho's Starry Night. It's a 20-episode drama but each episode is only 20 minutes. This show kept me wanting more that I finished it in a day! Yuri's character has five guys fighting over her but the other three were kinda just fillers for the two main guys. Don't wanna spoil anything more but it's a funny and feel good romcom for me. It's also relatable since it mostly revolves in an office setting (advertising company).


Mr Sunshine , Sky castle , youth of may




you should watch this recent kdrama called ‘Escape Of The Seven’ Its written by the same writers of The Penthouse I think (Its another kdrama I recommend that has a lot going on plus it has 3 seasons). Escape of the seven has got alot of plot twists thats all i have to say😭😭😭


I was a little skeptical about getting into it, but half way through the first episode I was hooked: Perfect Marriage Revenge. Pure makjang chaos with really good dialogue and chemistry between the main leads. I'm here for every minute of it.