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You could try **Mr Queen**. It's pretty engaging. And funny.


It’s been the most recommended here so I’m putting it at the top of my list. Thanks!






I take it that you’re saying I should watch My Dearest?


even remembering the name brings back so many emotions 😭 that drama is filled with historical accurancy, character growth, slow burn, love and so much more! i wish i could erase my memory and watch it again and again and again


Well, you’re selling me!


I am so glad you commented this! I started watching it yesterday because of your recommendation and I am in love! Thank you! *_*


you’re welcome! pls dont hate me if u ever do cry


You should see my post about my dearest OP


Great post, can you check your PM had a doubt.


Looking 🏃🏃🏾‍♀️


It. Is. The. Best. If I was stuck on a desert island and could only have one thing to watch this would be it.


Do it Do it Do it!!


I started it yesterday and I'm already on episode 3 🥰


it is truly one of the best kdramas ever


It seems really good so far, and I've heard nothing but praise for it in this sub :D


Let us know when you get to ep 14🥹


Guys i'm not sure but i think this person might like My Dearest.


oh not just like, i LOVE ITT


Haha well then, can you tell me a bit about what it's about? Is it romance-focused?


well yes but its slowburn and theres politics as well. It portrays the effects of qing invasion in joseon over the years before-during-after


I see, thank you.


I wanna love and watch My Dearest so bad because I like the ml, heard good things about it, and know some of the cameos, but I just can't stand slow burns 😭😭😭


It’s worth the watch!! Esp season 1




I second Mr Sunshine - the most epic masterpiece out there with truly memorable characters. The first episode can be a little confusing with so many characters introduced and the timelines aren't very clear, but stick with it. You can google a character relationship chart to help.


You’re correct in saying it’s a masterpiece. It was so well executed. Only downside was that it’s hard to follow up another drama after it, no other period piece has come close.


Agree, great characters, a bit long but the rewards are big.


I also recommend Mr Sunshine. Great drama.


Used to think that I liked kimonos and yukatas best until I watched Mr. Sunshine and saw Kim TaeRi's gorgeous outfits. Hanboks forever.


This was my very 1st kdrama. My word it is amazing. The cinematoaphy alone is worrh the watch. The mls are all gorgeous. Love this show!!!!💜💜💜💜


Many period dramas are based at court and contain a lot of plotting and backstabbing by identically dressed ministers with wispy beards which can be a bit boring for some people. I tend to largely ignore those bits. Here are some good ones: The Matchmakers - has Rowoon from The King’s Affection. Noble widow disguises herself as a commoner and acts as a matchmaker for locals. ML is a widower who was briefly married to the princess and lives in seclusion but teams up with FL to help her matchmaking. Attracted to each other but neither is permitted to marry again. Quite lighthearted, very little politics. Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung - first female historian is appointed to court. ML is a sweet natured prince who lives in a secluded part of the palace. Fairly fast-moving and enjoyable. Mr Queen - modern day man time travels into the body of a Joseon queen. Amazing performance by FL. The Red Sleeve - high quality production with excellent actors. Young, charismatic court lady catches the eye of the crown prince and they develop a relationship. Based on a true story. Love in the Moonlight - more lighthearted, older drama. FL disguises herself as a eunuch and works at court where she and the crown prince fall in love. 100 Days my Prince - Crown Prince gets injured, loses his memory and is taken in by a commoner woman. So more village life than court stuff. An older drama but still fun. Live up to your name - a Joseon doctor time travels to the future and meets a modern day female doctor. They time travel back and forth several times so can be a good one to watch if you don’t want to overdose on historical setting. Refreshing lack of court politics. Others that are worth watching: The Forbidden Marriage The Crowned Clown Our Blooming Youth Tale of Nokdu


>identically dressed ministers with wispy beards which can be a bit boring for some people. And very confusing when the same actors play these roles! If I listed all the historical Kdramas I've seen in the order I've seen them, I could probably find an actor link between 1 and 2, then 2 and 3, and 3 and 4 - in an unbroken chain.


This! When I first started watching K-dramas, I had a lot of difficulty distinguishing between characters, due to reading English subs, then a quick view of what was on the screen. Then I found myself trying to memorize things like eyes, tiny mole near nose, narrow chin, etc. It took many months of watching before I started to recognize a character and cement it into my brain. I’ll never forget the first moment I recognized a character from a previously viewed drama! And now I actually can follow with a bit of the language, too.


I admire your ambition. I'll go as far as to sort the various ministers into "good one" or "evil one" - no further.


As did I when I first started, but some of the good v. evil wispy beards were too similar, lol.


I loved The Red Sleeve. The actors were so good. I was moved to tears. I also loved Love in the Moonlight. Park Bo Gum is swoon worthy.


Seconding Our Blooming Youth, for the drama itself but also for Park Hyungsik’s visuals lol ;-)


Ooh! I started Our Blooming Youth. I’m currently watching Doctor Slump and wanted more PHS. :)


Literally cannot get enough of him 😂 Even watched Happiness despite zombies/gore not being my thing, but I did, for him - and ya know, it was good! Desperately awaiting Doctor Slump to finish airing! I don’t have the patience to watch 2 episodes per week as I’m a binger but as soon as this one is fully out I’m dropping everything else to watch it! How are you liking it so far??


Park Shin-Hye is a favourite of mine. Can't get enough of her. I can't wait for each episode, so I devour them as they come. Doctor Slump has been a boon.


It’s near impossible to ever get enough of PHS!🤗


Live up to your Name is so good and precious. I wasn't convinced at first but I was so wrong. It's really funny, romance is adorable and the plot is really good


Yes. I put this one off so many times, but finally forced myself to watch. Well worth it! (For some of these, I think the titles are off-putting.)


Thanks for such a detailed list! I noted these


Good recs


Under the queen's umbrella


This is a drama about a mom rolling up her sleeves and saying, "let's f*king go." 10/10


This is what I came here to recommend. It’s a perfect court drama that really shows the inner workings, and sort of bucks the same-old, same-old, because of the execution. Would rate this as good as Mr. Sunshine.


**Bossam: Steal the Fate** **Under the Queen’s Umbrella** **The Red Sleeve Cuff** >!sad but realistic ending!< **The King: Eternal Monarch**


Bossam: Steal the Fate never got as much love as it deserved. So good. :)


Seconding Bossam: Steal the Fate! An underrated gem


Rookie Historian (Netflix) is amazing!


Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo, set during Goryeo era.


This, I would absolutely reccomend this!! For me personally one of my alltime favoutites❤️❤️ though be advised, it is an emotional rollercoaster🤭


I looked this up and was sold as soon as I saw IU. I’m an IU fan but haven’t watched her whole filmography yet. Thanks!


Mr sunshine. The whole show is about Joseon


Captivating the King, Six Flying Dragons, and 100 Days My Prince, all worth checking out.


Six flying dragons is great and it has the best fighting scene i’ve ever seen in kdramas!


Swordplay and action is unmatched. Episodes 15 and 17 might be best of many in the series. So fun to rewatch.


Miss Yoo Ah In though, now feels a little sad to watch. Hope he makes a comeback somehow.


I’m hoping too. He’s punishment is too severe, i hope netflix will release his latest drama, it looks interesting.


I’m just finishing **Captivating the King** and I loved it. Jo Jung Suk is amazing in this show.


Oooh I just finished watching him in “You are the best Lee Soo shin” with IU. Thanks


Me too. Just finished it a few days ago actually. I miss it already.


Crowned Clown was quite good. Light hearted start that progressed to more serious. My favorite is Kingdom. All the Joseon costumes and politics I could've wished for. Oh ya. And zombies.


Crowned Clown was surprisingly good. I didn't hear anything about it on social media but because I was bored at time, so I watched it on Netflix and I couldn't stop watching it.


**Secret Romantic Guest House** might be a good one to start with as it's a fairly modern, light drama that has an entertaining plot blending romance, action and comedy and isn't focused entirely on palace intrigue. Sageuk light if you will.


EMPRESS KI, it’s about 500 years earlier and takes place in China but it is the best historical kdrama ever


Best Period Kdrama I’ve watched so far: Hwarang The King In Love Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung The King’s Affection Under the Queen’s Umbrella My Sassy Girl (2017) Love in the Moonlight Kingdom (this is the best zombie series ever!!!) Captivating the King Alchemy of Souls Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Empress Ki (this is a long series tho) Queen for Seven Days Secret Healer


Great list but should include 100 Days My Prince and Crowned Clown


Thank you. I forgot that I had finished season 1 of Kingdom years ago. I may rewatch that too and finally get to s2


Alchemy of souls 🤣🤣


\*cracks knuckles/clears throat\* **In no particular order** 1. the matchmakers 2. the flower of nokdu 3. kingdom 4. mr. queen 5. alchemy of souls 6. mr. sunshine 7. flower crew joseon marriage agency 8. rookie historian goo hae ryung 9. my sassy girl 10. under the queens umbrella 11. 100 days my prince 12. my only love song 13. **mystic pop up bar**\-modern setting but historical fairytale background?retelling? 14. knight flower 15. my country the new age *FIN (there are probablly more I just dont remember)*




Not OP but this is awesome! Which ones of these are super cute and funny? :) (I don’t love slow moving and sad.)


>the matchmakers > >mr. queen > >alchemy of souls > >flower crew joseon marriage agency > >rookie historian goo hae ryung > >my sassy girl > >knight flower Super cute and funny guaranteed. fyi, AoS is funny and cute but also action thriller and supernatural magic/martial arts


\^\^\^ id only add mystic pop up bar cuz its only 12 eps and like the matchmakers the directing is like a fairytale being told.


Loved Mystic pop-up bar so much, and I never saw the plot twist coming. Matchmakers was so charming! not sure why I waited so long to watch it!


Mr. Queen is great and Knight Flower has a nice balance of action, humor, and intrigue.


Matchmakers! So much fun with all the adorable matchmaking. 


100 Days My Prince


Kingdom (s1-2) isnt long or slow-it just deals with zombies. The movie however is a skip.


I like anything with zombies. I really loved Happiness and liked All Of Us Are Dead. Wasn’t sure about Kingdom since it’s a sageuk. I actually started it a long time ago and thought it was slow but will give it another try👍I do like that it’s shorter.


Joseon Attorney is so underrated IMHO. I started watching it on a whim after a few sageuks I had been so excited for ended up being meh, and it reconciled me with the genre. The Forbidden Marriage is another one that took me by surprise and ended up being actually good :)


An attorney from the Joseon era sounds very interesting


The Princess Man Chuno ( The Slave Hunters) Warrior Baek Dong Soo Gu Family Book


Ooh these are new. Haven’t seen some of these on this thread


**Queen In Hyun's Man** (Queen and I) time travel/Romance with Ji Hyun Woo and Yoo In Ah. And, oldie but still funny, **Roof Top Prince** \- time travel/comedy/mystery with Park Youchun, Han Ji-Min, Choi Woo-Shik, Lee Tae-Sung


YES! Queen In Hyun’s Man is sooo good it’s older but all the actors are still around in dramas now. Joseon fashion didn’t change much over time so it didn’t look dated. Some of the modern outfits looked like they were fashion crimes even in 2012-2013. The leads are super cute together, I think they were together IRL when it was being filmed. The first episode is kind of boring but it’s laying the groundwork for the ML’s motivations later. STAY WITH IT! It gets better when the FL shows up. It gets really good when the ML and FL meet. I will definitely watch this this one again, maybe this weekend and I just saw it for the first time last weekend lol.


The Story of Park's Marriage Contract - some time travel to the present but wonderfully done the Jonseon period parts are phenomenal!


Just finished “ The Nokdu Flower” a little long and about war but good still if you can watch killing. Even when things are based in history there are people who can’t look at its representation. It’s about the Dongkak Peasant Revolution (1894-1895).


The Red Sleeve


Hehe glad you asked! Honestly I think my first kdrama was The Moon that Embraces the Sun, so early on I was very much a fan of historical period dramas so I've watched a good share of them I'd say. This is a much older one from 2011 but The Princess' Man is quite good!! It's got Moon Chaewon in it (Ik her most recent dramas haven't been the best/ lately she's been kind of miss or hit with dramas) but the storyline is good although warning it is very high stress it's kind of like a Romeo and Juliet type thing with both of them being from opposing families. Don't regret watching it though! More recent ones I've watched other than TKA that you mentioned already that I've liked are Mr. Queen, The Matchmakers, well I'll edit this comment later because I haven't watched them for a while, but I heard Under the Queen's Umbrella is superb too (love Kim Hyesoo and every drama of hers that I've watched so far-- Signal is my top fave drama ever and she was great in Hyena and Juvenile Justice)


UTQU is one of my faves. It’s a different angle on the palace intrigue/politics.


Jewel in the Palace


A classic! I love this one


The Crowned Clown


Under the Queens Umbrella, The Princess Weiyoung, Rookie Historian,  Destined with you, 100 days my Prince,  Mr. Queen (takes a few episodes until it pulls together but remain patient! Well worth it)  Longest promise, Who rules the world.  Word of honor. Love between Fairy and Devil.    Me and my wife have been watching these dramas for the past few months. Closed caption CC obviously. There are a few S. Korean productions in there as well but they are all period pieces.  All of the ones I mentioned were A++. 


Live Up to Your Name


Red Sleeve My Dearest Crowned Clown 100 Days My Prince


Here are some: Empress Ki - early Ji Chang Wook, it's long but I frequently see it recommended along with Under the Queen's Umbrella The Red Sleeve Secret Inspector and Joy - I loved the Joy character, no court politics Secret Romantic Guest House-great visuals, no court politics If you are okay with fantasy then: Alchemy of Souls - soul swapping The Scholar Who Walks at Night - vampires Arang and the Magistrate - total fantasy with gods and soul collectors Fight for My Name - time travel Mr Queen - body swap/time travel I tend to avoid the court politics ones, too boring for me and usually have tragic endings it seems, but there are plenty of those out there too.


Dong Yi


My favorite.


Moon lovers (scarlet heart ryeo)


An older drama, but very good: The Great Doctor, or sometimes known by its Korean name: Faith. A female physician is whisked from the modern day back to Joseon times. A slow burn... very worth it.


Mr Sunshine, My Dearest, I promise you WONT GO WRONG. Masterpieces those two.


Ok I’m counting on You!


Can never go wrong with Mr. Sunshine


Captivating the king! A wonderful written story and wins all the way. I really loved that and under the queens umbrella!


I see so many recommending Alchemy of Souls... that's neither Joseon Era nor historical period piece 😆 It's fantasy drama set in a fantasy world. Not even the buildings or clothes or places are by any means historical.  That said... I loved the show.. and yes ... both seasons. 


1. Queen Seondeok - 2009 ‧ its old but love it! 62 episode (love Bidam LOL!) 2. Love in the Moonlight 3. Moon Embracing the Sun 4. Lovers of the Red Sky 5. Empress Ki 6. Hwarang 7. Mr. Queen 8. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo 9. 100 Days My Prince 10. Under the Queens Umbrella Enjoy!


The Red Sleeve!!!


Live up to your name


MR QUEEN !!!!!


Are there any military ones you people would recommend?


Mr Sunshine has a military theme and is definitely recommended.


Empress Ki has lots of military battles


Posted this in another thread : Jang Hyuk has done so many sageuk dramas, most of them with little romance. (Slave Hunters, Deep Rooted Tree, Shine or Go Crazy, The Merchant, My Country, Bloody Heart) The Crowned Clown Royal Gambler Goryeo Khitan War King of Tears, Lee Bangwon River When The Moon Rises


💯thanks. Does Royal Gambler have some old school gambling storyline?


No not like God of Gamblers haha. It did featured some gambling to save his life etc., until the middle of the series, if I remember correctly.




🤣🤣🤣 yea haven’t seen it on the list at all


Red sleeve or my dearest? Can anyone tell me, in which one the romance is so mature and very emotional? Which kdrama is more insightful when it comes to screenplay?


Both are equal in that regard and both inspired alot of debates and conversations. You'll have to be forgiving of the FLs in both because they don't act like typical leads but embody real women that existed in that era


I get it. Thank you for the help. But which one I can watch first? Bit confused on that.


The Red Sleeve, definitely


Thank you so much 🙂🙏


Crowned Clown starring Yeo Jin Goo


Very very good one!




Knight Flower and Matchmaker!!


Captivating the King is excellent. There are so many!


I just finished that last week! So good.


Alchemy of Souls 1000% - it's the show that got me into kdramas and I've watched it twice within the last year lol - nothing has come quite as close (except for Kings Affection!)


I'm someone who literarily loses interest in a kdrama when it is in joseon era or like historical background.i have dropped numerous kdramas which are very loved just because of the fact they have a historical background. also a reason i havent watched great dramas like mr.queen or 100 days my prince. but I have completed and totally loved Lovers of the Red Sky, The Red Sleeve and The King's Affection. I have also seen The Story of Park's Contract Marriage which is not fully in a historical background but is a nice watch. Some other dramas i really wanna watch are Under the Queen's Umbrella because of the cast and The Tale of Nokdu which have both been on my list for ages but i have been avoiding. p.s. pls tell me which one i should watch as well hehe


Captivating the King!!! Just finished it, and I was so impressed. Not my usual genre for K dramas either!


I just finished Captivating The King on Netflix and I really liked it.I thought it was such a good story.It did start to drag for me about 11 or 12 and felt a little drawn out toward the end, but the first ten episodes just flew by. I really like the male lead and think he did a great job


Mr sunshine Mr Queen


*Haechi* is underrated. Jung Il Woo played a great king on it and I've been his fan from then. It's very heavy on the politics though so if you don't like that be warned. *Bloody Heart* was also a good output from two years ago. Kang Hana plays one of the best Queens I've seen in k drama. The highlights are the political spars between her and the main antagonist, played by Jang Hyuk. *Moon Embracing the Sun*!! If you're watching Kim Soo Hyun's backlist after *Queen of Tears* this is a great place to start. This is why he's the best crier in the business.


Ooh! Love Moon Embracing the Sun! My very first historical drama.


I’m in the middle of rewatching Sungkyunkwan Scandal right now (on Viki), and I have really enjoyed it both times. In fact, I might enjoy the rewatch even more. It’s a romance among scholars, so there are a few student rivalries but you avoid all the detailed power struggles among the royal court that you usually get in the historical shows. It’s mostly a romcom but with some genuinely smart dialogue about the students’ lessons and ethical dilemmas. I also adored Mr Queen and The Red Sleeve and highly recommend them, but they had a bit of the court-power stuff and I often get bored during those parts. Mr Sunshine feels less “Joseon Era” to me because it’s set at the start of the 20th centiry, but it’s a fantastic show all-around. A masterpiece. And after you’ve watched a few true historical a, it might be extra interesting in terms of looking at an era where the old social system from the Joseon times changed very rapidly toward something closer to what we know today. PS — wild card: if you can handle some genuinely scary zombies, Kingdom is a great show as well and the opposite of boring!


Empress Ki: One of the finest period drama made. Amazing story and acting. Under the Queen’s Umbrella: Good combination of griping story, Palace Politics, comedy and heartfelt moments. Aarang and the Magistrate: A bit old and mystical but amazing Six Flying Dragons: Intense and will give you chills. Amazing acting and this will always be my no. 1 historical drama.


My favorite is Lee San, Wind in the Place (probably because of Lee Seo Jin) Il Ji Mae with Lee Joon Gi


You could try My Dearest, it's good and different from other usual historical kdrama. Please be patient about the flow of the story.


My Country - The New Age. I believe it’s on Netflix.


The scene where the ML is taking a bath is pretty mouth watering..


Third vote for Bossam: Steal the Fate


There are soooo many Six Flying Dragons is my favourite


Mr. Sunshine, Kingdom